-Caveat Lector-


 'Disney' at the Pyramids upsets Egyptians

 By Caroline Hawley
 01 January 2000

 At the pyramids of Giza, the last remaining wonder of
 the ancient world, the new millennium was ushered in
 with an technological extravaganza of sound and laser
 light -- composed and choreographed by the French
 musician, Jean Michel Jarre.

 The Pyramids Plateau was transformed for the event,
 with new roads, a parking area for 4,000 buses, as well
 as exclusive tents for those paying as much as £250 for
 the night's entertainment. "It damages the site and it
 makes Walt Disney of a necropolis," complained one

 Egypt was the only Muslim country to lay on
 celebrations on such a scale; the government, which
 spent £5.9m on the project, saw the millennium as a
 chance to use the pyramids to promote Egypt abroad.
 Tourism here went into a nosedive after Islamic
 militants massacred nearly 60 tourists outside a temple
 in Luxor in 1997.

 This time, the authorities were taking no chances.
 Soldiers were out in massive force to guard an
 estimated 50,000 guests. Metal detectors were installed
 in the desert, and for days in advance hundreds of
 military police and soldiers practised security drills.

 Controversy has surrounded the celebrations, partly
 because they fell in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
 Many Egyptians felt they were an extravagance in a
 country where only a tiny minority could afford the
 price of the cheapest, £10, ticket. Until last year,
 few Egyptians had heard of Jean Michel Jarre. "It is a
 provocation, an attempt to Westernise the Islamic
 identity of the Egyptian people," said Islamist Mamdouh

 Sensitive to the criticisms, Jean Michel Jarre decided
 to incorporate the Muslim call to prayer into his
 performance. The government also banned the sale of
 alcohol, although it is usually served to foreigners
 during Ramadan. Meanwhile, a storm of protest forced
 the authorities to cancel the planned climax of the
 event -- the lowering of a golden cap onto the biggest
 of the pyramids at midnight. Some MPs and
 archaeologists argued it could damage the pyramid.

 © 1999 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd.


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