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"America needs a Monarch"

January 4, 2000

The above quotation is attributed to a nationally renowned
Christian televangelist. Some would argue that since the
election of Bill Clinton a monarchy is what we have already.
None the less, for any Christian minister to utter such a
statement demonstrates the height of ignorance. Christian
ministers like John Leland and John Witherspoon would turn over
in their graves if they could hear such nonsense.

The cornerstone of the founding of this republic is the belief
that Christians have no king but Jesus. It was commonly
understood that mankind has only one Sovereign: his Creator. As
such, all human governments are limited and submissive to the
Creator. This concept is clearly articulated in the Declaration
of Independence and codified in the US Constitution. To ascribe
to any government of man the status of a Monarchy is to make a
mockery of Christian doctrine and American history.

The American republic is predicated upon the principle of
limited government. The checks and balances enumerated in the
Constitution are the Founder’s attempt to ensure the
continuation of this principle within the United States.

Under the supreme law of our country, the federal government is
prevented from usurping the authority of the states. The
executive branch could not circumvent the authority of the
legislative branch. The judiciary was designed to be the
weakest branch of all and the entire political system was
charged with the responsibility of protecting the rights of the
individual. Furthermore, American political institutions were
strictly forbidden from meddling with church government.

All of this presupposes limited human government and its
ultimate accountability to God. If one accepts monarchial
authority such an idea unravels like a spool of thread in a

Then again, that is exactly what appears to be happening. Our
constitutional republic, which is predicated on a Christian
worldview, is fast unraveling. Unfortunately, the demise of our
nation is being assisted by those who should be working hardest
to resist it.


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