-Caveat Lector-

At 03:30 PM 1-4-2000 -0600, Mack White wrote:
>The government didn't build those Y2K command posts for nothing.
>Something may yet happen, further down the line--something as bad,
>if not worse, than Y2K might have been.
>In less than 12 months, we will see the real turn-of-the-millennium.
>"Millennial madness" still has plenty of mileage left as a propaganda,
>or PsyOps, tool.  Terrorism, World War Three, or, at the very least,
>a revival of the Cold War are all possibilities.

 Inside Cover - Sunday August 29, 1999
 With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
 For the story behind the story...

 Bill Clinton's "Third Term"

 Sean David Morton is a futurologist.  He says he can predict the

 Morton, no doubt, has many friends in Hollywood that like such new
 age stuff.  A NewsMax reader sent us a copy of Morton's "The Delphi
 Associates Newsletter."  The following caught Inside Cover's eye:

 "I have now heard confirmation from three different sources who are
 very close to the Clintons that Bill has no intention of leaving
 the White House!  At first I thought it was just right-wing
 paranoia.  But a powerful woman friend of mine in entertainment
 (who must remain nameless!), who is a friend of Hillary's 'special
 friends,' was at the White House recently for a holiday.  She said
 that Clinton spoke openly about finding a way to circumvent the
 Congress and the Constitution and find a way to stay on for another
 term, or stay president indefinitely.  Incredulously, she asked how
 he was going to swing this feat of magic, and she said he got the
 most chilling, evil, demonic look in his eye that she had ever seen
 come from a human being, and he said, 'World War III.'"

 "This same story I heard from my lady friend, and another relation
 of the Clintons, was recently confirmed in an article by Ralph
 Forbes.  It seems Clinton has been running this scheme past a
 number of his inner circle, and is actively seeking ways to
 implement his goal."


 Does Clinton plan to stay?

 This is an excerpt from 'Cover Up: The Art and Science
 of Political Deception.' Reprinted with permission.

 By David M. Bresnahan
 Tuesday, February 02, 1999
 © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

 It is vital that we remember that President Clinton is
 extremely predictable.  Those who know him best have
 told us to examine his past to determine his future.
 Clinton's past is frightening, because he served as
 Governor of Arkansas longer than the Arkansas
 Constitution allowed.  He did so through an amendment to
 the state constitution which enabled him to run for
 another term.

 Watch Clinton carefully.  Does he look like a president
 on his way to retirement?  He has been spending a
 significant amount of time building relationships with
 foreign powers, and much more foreign travel is planned.
 Is it possible that Clinton is planning to run for
 president again?  Is it possible he could have the U.S.
 Constitution changed in time to permit that?  The answer
 is an absolute yes to both questions, but even more
 unnerving is the fact that he has been reported to have
 more than one plan under way to keep him in office.

 There has been a secret committee meeting in the White
 House on a weekly or more frequent basis with the
 assignment to come up with a plan of action for when the
 U.S. economy collapses, according to a source who does
 not wish to be named but who is in a position to know.
 That committee is not functioning on a basis of if the
 economy will go belly up, but when.  They are not
 considering ways to stop that from happening, since they
 consider it to be inevitable.  Underlying all this is
 their plan to keep Clinton in office because of the
 economic emergency.

 The committee is considering all possibilities for
 keeping their buddy as president.  Re-election for a
 third term is considered a very real possibility.  They
 believe the states would ratify a change to the U.S.
 Constitution within one to two months and have a bill
 already drafted and ready for passage under the right
 circumstances.  They are so confident this could be done
 that they have a Republican and a Democrat who have each
 prepared a bill to accomplish the change.

 Another possibility would be to have the president
 himself declare a state of national emergency and enact
 the terms of previously instituted presidential
 executive orders and directives which would suspend the
 Constitution during the emergency.  Once enacted, even
 Congress could not stop such an act by the president.
 Congress has foolishly permitted presidents to abuse the
 powers of executive orders time and time again.
 Presidents have taken advantage of this and Clinton has
 granted himself more and more power through executive
 orders that have gone unchallenged by Congress.  In fact,
 as I have called various members of Congress about
 specific executive orders their response has always been
 that they have not known anything about them.

 One of the latest such orders delayed the printing of
 this book.  Just as this book was about to go to press,
 Clinton staged his latest grab for power.  He did it
 quietly and without notice from the press while he was
 in Birmingham, England, on May 14, 1998.  When he signed
 Executive Order 13083 it was posted on the White House
 Internet site unnumbered and titled as "Federalism" for
 all the world to see.  If you go to that site now you
 will not find it listed.  The effects of this act of
 dictatorship are so far-reaching that I stopped the
 publication of this book in order to include the text
 for all to see.

 It is so very craftily written that you must read
 carefully.  It appears to be quite innocent at first
 glance, apparently reaffirming concepts on the
 limitations of power by the federal government over the
 states, and it seems to support the 10th Amendment.
 One word stands out very clearly throwing up a red flag
 about two thirds of the way through.  The first part of
 the order tells all the reasons the federal government
 can't take power from the states nor enact mandates upon
 the states, and then comes the magic word "UNLESS."
 What follows are nine different reasons the federal
 government can do anything it wants to do at any time it
 wishes, and the states have no say.  Those nine reasons
 for federal action give Clinton the ability to do
 anything he wants any time he wants.  In an apparent
 effort to head off criticisms, the order states the
 federal government will "permit elected officials and
 other representatives of State and local government to
 provide meaningful and timely input in the development
 of regulatory policies."  Input means nothing.  All that
 means is that government will still do just exactly what
 it pleases.

 Presidential Decision Directive 63 is an example of an
 additional grab for power.  It is so vague that it is
 difficult to determine the full implication, but it
 seems to establish a new federal bureaucracy designed to
 deal with the inevitable consequences of a computer
 disaster by the year 2000.  PDD 63 does not mention the
 year 2000 computer bug causing chaos for the nation, but
 it seems to point to that.  The 15-page document seems
 to call for a plan to insure the public safety in the
 event of a massive computer and communications breakdown
 by the year 2000.  Plans begin with the Defense
 Department, but then at the end of this fiscal year the
 Commerce Department takes over.  A new bureaucracy is
 created called the National Infrastructure Protection
 Center, and in the event of an emergency the NIPC "may
 be placed in a direct support role to either DOD (Dept.
 of Defense) or the Intelligence Community."

 Recently Sen. Robert Bennett, R-UT, held a meeting of
 the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology
 Problem, of which he is the chairman.  Deputy Defense
 Secretary John Hamre met with the committee and Bennett
 asked a surprising question.  "In the event of a
 Y2K-induced breakdown of community services that might
 call for martial law," will the military be ready?

 "We've got fundamental issues to deal with that go
 beyond just the year 2000 contingency planning, and I
 think you're right to bring that up," answered Hamre.
 Both men seemed to expect a crisis so large there would
 be civil unrest.

 Bennett then went on to predict that even if the U.S.
 government and private industries solve the problem
 here, the unsolved problem in the rest of the world
 could bring the U.S. to a grinding halt anyway.  He then
 added that a "major worldwide recession with absolutely
 devastating consequences" would be the result.

 It would seem that PDD 63 has created an organization
 which has been given license to develop a plan to enact
 martial law, or any other remedy it deems appropriate
 for a computer or other emergency, real or imagined.
 Bennett and Hamre seem to expect a disaster that would
 require martial law.  If the computer problem, or some
 other problem, creates a national disaster, do we want
 some bureaucrat appointed by Clinton to establish the
 way the problem will be dealt with?  Do we want such a
 government agency as the NIPC to have the powers and
 authority it has been granted?  Do we want the federal
 government to have total power over the states as
 granted in EO 13083?

 The executive orders are not over.  Clinton promised
 that he would be issuing many more.  The attitude seems
 to have changed from "let's see what we can get away
 with," to "the time has come to do exactly what we like
 since we have never been challenged."

 The secret committee planning ways to deal with a
 financial crisis has expanded to include any national
 emergency, perceived or real.  Under such an emergency
 the president could enact the Federal Emergency
 Management Agency on a national basis rather than on a
 local basis.  Normally FEMA goes to work in a local area
 after a natural disaster.  Clinton changed the functions
 of FEMA, by executive order, and it can now function on
 a national basis completely taking over all functions of
 government on a local and national level.

 Naturally, if FEMA were to be enacted in such a crisis,
 the U.S. Constitution could be suspended and the
 president would continue in office in the "interest of
 national security."  It is interesting to note that
 Clinton loyalist Buddy Young (former head of Governor's
 Security) is purposely in the number two position in
 FEMA.  Some time ago there were rumblings that there
 were differences of opinion between Clinton and FEMA
 head James Lee Witt.  Young was quickly moved from his
 regional office to a new office just down the hall from
 Witt, reportedly so he would be prepared to take Witt's
 place at a moment's notice.  You can do your own
 research and discover for yourself that FEMA has been
 granted immense power and authority by going to
 http://www.fema.gov as well as http://www.whitehouse.gov
 where you should click on "The Virtual Library" for
 access to most (but not all) executive orders.

 All of this seems absurd to the casual observer until
 you look into the executive orders and presidential
 directives.  There are so many it is impossible to list
 them all or print them all here, but a partial index of
 the majority of them can be found in the appendix.  You
 can get a copy (free) using the government's fax on
 demand system.  See for yourself, and be sure to read
 with the eyes of a lawyer.  Often the legal meaning of
 words used in these cleverly written documents will be
 something far different than the words mean to the
 common man.

 Could Clinton be preparing for absolute power?  Is he
 planning to stay in office beyond the end of his second
 term as president?  Maybe.  One thing is for certain.
 It appears that he is putting his ducks in a row to
 maintain power through several different means.  In fact,
 if he continues to get away with one scandal and
 criminal accusation after another he will ultimately
 become untouchable.  The public perception will be that
 Clinton's enemies have manufactured all these crimes and
 that Clinton is a victim, not a perpetrator.  Sooner or
 later we will reach a point where no one will dare
 challenge him and he can and will do anything he wants.

 Evil takes its form in many ways.  Clinton is a very
 crafty, subtle liar.  We will never know the full extent
 of his deceptions, but we can at least learn his tactics
 and not allow ourselves to be deceived any longer.  Once
 we have been warned, we must warn our neighbor.

 The vast number of members of the House and Senate are
 silent on the various Clinton scandals.  They are silent
 out of fear.  They fear the polls that tell them Clinton
 has a strong approval rating.  We must flood every member
 of congress with letters, e-mail, faxes, and phone calls
 to give them the courage to support what is right, not
 what is politically easy.  Encourage, do not be critical.
 Use positive reinforcement whenever your elected
 representatives respond favorably.

 Make it a daily task to write, call, e-mail, or fax at
 least one of your elected leaders.  Educate and inform,
 but keep it brief and to the point.  Lengthy letters
 have less impact than short ones.  Keep each
 communication limited to one topic.  Point out the
 deceptions you see and help them to understand that you
 expect them to take action.  Always request a response
 in writing detailing their personal stand on the issue.

 Whenever possible, get your friends, neighbors, and
 family to do the same.  Elected leaders are hearing from
 lobbyists, bureaucrats, and corrupt elected officials.
 The squeaky wheel gets the grease so if you want some
 action become the squeaky wheel.

 Do not wait until the next election.  If you want to
 change the path America is on you must act now.  There
 is still time to save this great nation, but time is
 slipping away.  There is no other priority with greater
 importance than to reverse the level of dishonesty
 currently in our government.  We are as accountable for
 our actions as for our inactions, and one day we will
 all be held accountable.  By working together in a
 united way we can make a difference.  Let's get to work.

 David M. Bresnahan, a contributing editor for
 WorldNetDaily.com, is the author of "Cover Up: The Art
 and Science of Political Deception," and offers a
 monthly newsletter "Talk USA Investigative Reports."
 He may be reached through email and also maintains a

 © 1999 Western Journalism Center


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