-Caveat Lector-

Rising tide of allopathic iatrogenesis-
"surgery required" to cure pyloric stenosis CAUSED by giving antibiotic
Erythromycin  to newborns as whooping cough therapy.
Iatrogenesis (doctor &/or  pharmaceutical CREATED illness) is now the 4th
leading cause of death in the U.S., Canada, & U.K - probably elsewhere in
proportion to the dominance of the allopathic cut, burn, & poison (surgery,
radiation, anti-biotic & other antipathetic pharmaceuticals) deadly "modern
medicine" ..

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 10:22 AM

 December 17, 1999 The New York Times

 Study Links Antibiotic to a Disorder in Newborns
 ATLANTA, Dec. 16 -- A common antibiotic used to treat whooping cough in
newborns caused a severe stomach disorder in seven babies at a Tennessee
hospital, the government said today in a report that stunned pediatricians.
 Doctors said the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
was the first to strongly link the antibiotic erythromycin to pyloric
stenosis, an illness among newborns that blocks digestion and causes
projectile vomiting. The illness must be treated with surgery.

 "Wow!" said Dr. William Kanto, director of the children's hospital at the
Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. "I think it's going to make everybody
pause whenever they decide to give erythromycin to a newborn."

 The disease control centers said doctors and parents needed to be aware of
the potentially serious side effect of the antibiotic. But the agency said
it  was still recommending erythromycin as the treatment of choice for
newborns  with whooping cough, which puts most infected babies in the
hospital and can be fatal.

 A 1994-96 study found an average of about 1,900 cases of whooping cough a
year among infants in the United States.

 The centers said a hospital in Knoxville, Tenn., prescribed erythromycin to
200 babies born there in February after they were exposed to whooping cough
by a hospital worker.

 Seven of the newborns became ill with pyloric stenosis, in which a muscle
at  the bottom of the stomach enlarges, blocking food from passing to the
small intestine. All of the babies recovered.

 It is rare for a large number of infants to be prescribed erythromycin at
the  same place and time, but that is what enabled the centers to make the
connection between the antibiotic and pyloric stenosis. The side effect is
too rare for doctors to see the link in isolated cases.

-----Original Message-----
From: Morgan Family [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 4:12 PM
To: Alan Phillips
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Fw: [Fwd: FYI]]

Check this out,My daughter and son both got whooping cough(without the
vaccine's help),and my daughter was treated with Erythromycin antibiotic! My
son got whooping cough 3 weeks after my daughter did.She was 2,he was 5. She
would vomit,and it would practically shoot accross the room! It was so
extensive and nerve-wracking,when the doctors who prescribed it for my
daughter found out I had a son who would probably get it,they said I should
get me,my husband,and our son on the anti-biotics too,before we get it.They
said we should all come in for testing. I told them to stick it in their
The Health Dept.called twice to urge us to come in. I said we're dealing
this ourselves! My husband and I never got ill. We never went in. And my
vomiting was not nearly as bad as my daughter's. I now attribute my
daughter's projectile vomiting ,to the antibiotic Erythromycin! Share this
with others if you'd like,Smiles,Kat

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