-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://rumormillnews.com/pattern.htm">RMNews - Are The
School Killings following A Pa…</A>

Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,
In September, 1999, Rumor Mill News received a short piece of information
that sounded more like a segment from the X-Files than something that could
be true. The information, which is inserted below, stated that the school
shootings and other mass murders, have occurred along map lines.

We have recently been given permission to share the entire story with you.
Evidently, there is a pattern to the mass killings that are occurring at
schools, churches and other places across the country.
After you read the following short piece, which is still archived on the
RuMills Onelist Archive page, please click on the link which will take you to
the Cutting Edge Webpage.
>From Digest # 65 from the RuMills One List Archives
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:51:58 EDT
Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

The New World Order uses all sorts of symbols, sites and dates to plan and
map their agenda. They broadcast their moves using an "insiders" code.

If the following is accurate, then:

Is there a way for the "sheeple" to determine where the next mass murder will
occur? And is there a way to prevent it?

This truly sounds like a segment for the X-Files. Someone should quickly
write this up as a script and get it to the producers. Many times the truth
is leaked out in movies like "Conspiracy Theory".
1150 AM PST

In regards to the recent Ft. Worth killings, Fox News just stated: "If only
we could warn the public about gunman the way we warn them about hurricanes?"

Maybe FOX already knows about "the lines" on which all these killings are
taking place. The X-Files is a FOX creation. (Did you really think Mulder's
first name was FOX by accident?)
Subject: alert! it happened again -- right on the line !!!!

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:55:09 -0400

(Sent by a Rumor Mill News Reader) Several weeks I alerted you to a pair of
lines along which many childrens' deaths have occurred.....

My original:

The first line goes from Bethel, Alaska through Jackson, Mississippi and to
the Atlantic Ocean. Along that line will be the destruction and high school
shootings in:

1. Bethel, Alaska (high school)
2. Springfield, OR (high school)
3. Littleton, CO (high school)
4. Oklahoma City (Murrah Bldg)
5. Jackson (Pearl), MS (high school)

(The 420 Poem from Eric Harris (Columbine) specifically refers to a line
along which his deeds will be performed.)

The next line goes from Edinboro, Pennsylvania through Jonesboro, Arkansas
and down through to the Gulf of Mexico. Along that line will be:

1. Edinboro, PA (high school)
2. Paducah, KY (high school)
3. Jonesboro, AR (high school)

The two lines intersect in Hope, AR (home of Bill Clinton)?

The next major cities along the Bethel-Jackson line are Tampa and Orlando.
The next major city along the Edinboro-Jonesboro line is the Dallas - Ft.
Worth area. Note from RMNews: Since this list was received by RMNews there
have been mass murders in Tampa, and Ft Worth.
Orlando was the take off point for the Learjet that held golfer, Payne
Stewart and the men who were on board the jet with him. All perished when the
Learjet ran out of fuel and crashed. Causes for the crash have not been
determined. People suspect that something caused all aboard to lose

>From Rumor Mill News: Shortly after the Columbine School shootings, Rumor
Mill News published an article on mind control, Operation Open Eyes. In the
article we showed how the school shootings are part of an organized plan,
using Hegel's Dialectic method of changing society through managed/created
events that bring about desired results. The pattern of school shootings is a
Hegelian modified plan that will disarm American so that it can be taken over
by the New World Order.

Operation Open Eyes

In Operation Open Eyes, a brief reference was made to Satanism and satanic
cults. It was noted that several of the young boys who were school shooters
had also attended a satanic circle.
One of the pieces of information that RMNews wanted to include in the article
on Mind Control was a history tracing Satanism from Hitler's Germany to the
United States Intelligence community, however, our information was too

Briefly, what we know is that several occult leaders from Hitler's inner
circle, names unknown, came to Texas after the war and started centers for
controlling human behavior through mind control, hypnosis, drugs, behavior
modification, including torture and child abuse, and occult practices.

RMNews was told that the men who brought this knowledge to the United States,
returned to Europe in the early 50's. It is probable that these men not only
believed in the power of the occult and black magick but they could have been
practicing satanists.

However, the United States military officers who took over the project
concentrated more on the drugs and hypnosis aspect. They did not deny the
occult or the satanic influence. However, because they did not understand it,
they could not fully use its power.

What some of these government programmers did was hide their government
connections behind a "facade" of satanism. The men who chose to hide their
government mind control projects inside satanic cults denied the existence of
satan to themselves, but their "underlings" certainly didn't. deny Satan.

It was well known to mind control programmers that early childhood abuse
could fracture the personality and create a person with multiple or multiple
"partial" personalities. A person with multiple personalities makes an ideal
candidate for mind control.

The dominant personality would have no knowledge of things that were done by
recessive personalities.

Satanic cults became a tool for the creation of children with multiple
personalities. These children then became tools for the United States
intelligence community.

Shortly after RMNews published the article on mind control, we received an
email with information on the Satanic connection and the map lines on which
the shootings occurred. There was not enough information contained in the
first email for us to fully understand all the hidden or occult messages that
are contained in the school shootings.

Over the holidays RMNews received a link to a Cutting Edge Ministries article
on mind control. It explained the "map lines" on which the shootings had
occurred. I could not access the article because I was not a member. I was
graciously given a password.

The information contained on this page is vital in order to have a full
understanding of what these school shootings are all about, as well as having
a deeper understanding of the occult background of the New World Order.

RMNews readers are an eccletic group. Many are not Christian. Some don't even
believe in God. Some proclaim their paganism (meaning something very
different from what Christians think it means.)

Other Rumor Mill News Readers state they are Druids, Goddess worshippers,
Wiccans, and followers of other ancient religions. Some are Bhuddist, Hindu,
Spiritualist, and many other beliefs too lengthy to list.

The common thread that all RMNews readers share is a desire to protect the
freedom each person now has to worship and/or believe... or not believe,
whatever they choose, without an all powerful big-brother state interfering.

Most RMNews readers understand the occult origins of the New World Order.
Because of this, it doesn't matter what religious background our readers come
from, they know that their common enemy practices occult magick.

If an enemy has a weapon you don't understand, no matter what it is... it
does not behoove you to hide your head in the sand and ignore it.

With a few exceptions, all of America's media outlets, including many from
the alternative press, have ignored the satanic aspect of the New World
Order. The only people who have published information on the connection betwee
n satanism and the New World Order are Christian organizations and a few New
Age publications.

Unfortunately, most Americans have been thoroughly indoctrinated by the
controlled media. Most Americans think the New World Order is an invention of
the "the vast right wing conspiracy". Most Americans think satanism and
occult practices are fantasies that came out of Hollywood.
While it is true that the worldwide awareness of satanism and the occult came
out of Hollywood, satanism and the occult... are most definitely NOT fantasy.

For those of you who are pre-prejudiced against reading anything from a
Christian ministry, just remember the RMNews article about divide and
conquer. Ask yourself if your feelings about Christians are your own, or if
you acquired them from the controlled media and/or the controlled education
system in the United States.

The New World Order knows they cannot conquer a united America, that is why
there has been a centuries long effort to divide us from each other. In this
way, we conquer each other and in turn, will be conquered by the New World

David Bay, who wrote the article on Mind Control and the "map lines", and
created the Cutting Edge Ministries (www. uttingedge.org) is ex-Army
intelligence. He has graciously placed the article on the "map lines" and the
"school shootings" on a webpage that is FREE to Rumor Mill News readers.
After you read this article, please take the time to visit the entire Cutting
Edge Ministries webpage.
* * * * *
From: David Bay, Director Cutting Edge Ministries
To: Rumor Mill News

We would appreciate it if you can write a little about this ministry and
encourage your readers to visit our site, our Home Page is http://www.cuttinge
dge.org The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So
Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.
Most of the articles are free; in fact, over 80% of all articles are free. We
only charge for Headline News, and only $15 per year. As God has blessed this
ministry, we have seen donations not keep pace with the increased need for

The Cutting Edge Ministries is a Fundamental, Baptist ministry that has
specialized in an understanding of the occult, both White Magic and Black

We continuously are able to point to instances where the Plan to produce the
New World Order fulfills Bible prophecy written over 2,500 years ago, and now
just coming to pass, as a complete body. As more and more people lose faith
in God, God is giving mankind more reasons than ever to believe in Him.

Once a person knows the occult beliefs and mindset, many things that are
occurring just pop out at you. We encourage you to visit The Clinton's Fatal
Leadership section; the link is on the Home Page with the hot link at the top
left, above the first button.

Comment from Rumor Mill:

This is the link to the subscribers section, which is normally $15.00 a year.
Cutting Edge Ministries has graciously placed this article on a free webpage
so Rumor Mill News readers can read it without paying the $15.00. After you
read it, please take the time to visit their main webpage.

Click here to read the article on mind control and the "map lines on which
the school shootings have taken place: SCHOOL SHOOTINGS HAVE A PATTERN THAT
Cutting Edge Ministries main web page The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights
Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same
Way Again.

When you send in the $15.00 a year so you can read their headlines, please
let them know that you heard about them from Rumor Mill News.

The Many Meanings of "Occult", "Pagan" and "Heathen"

Words mean different things to different people.

In a world that is puposely kept divided, the differences in the meanings and
use of words, tends to cause misunderstandings, which in turn, divide us even
more. There is a group of people, who stay in power, by dividing the people's
of the world. When a group of people is divided, it becomes weak. The
powerful, behind the scenes rulers of the world, would not be able to hang
onto their power, if the divided peoples of the world joined together and
stood up to them.

One of the ways of dividing people is by changing the use and meanings of
words. This is not a new phenomenon. It has been practiced for almost a
thousand years. It has simply been refined to a fine art in the 20th century.

To Christians the word "occult" means satanic. To esoteric scholars and
metphysicians, the word "occult" only means hidden.

Esoteric scholars believe that occult knowledge was kept hidden, because it
was so powerful that it could pervert normal people and cause them to use the
occult knowledge for evil. Esoteric scholars felt that the occult knowledge
was neutral until humans came in contact with it. Depending on the
"spiritual" purity of the human, he could use the occult, or hidden knowledge
for good or for evil.

Similar polarized definitons exist for the words, "pagan" and "heathen".

Today's Christians equate "pagan" with satanism and witchcraft. Heathens are
Godless people. The modern usage of the words did not arrive until the early
middle ages. Today, there are many people who are trying to return the use of
the words to their "pre middleages" meaning... i.e. "country dwellers."

The root of the word "occult" is the Latin, "occultus" which means "to hide",
"to make or keep secret". In today's Christian vocabulary, "Occult" means
hidden information that is used for negative purposes. In this usage, the
world "occult" is always connected to "evil" or Satanic.
Many Christian ministers fail to mention is that the world "occult" only
means hidden. The Satanic overtones of the word came during the dark ages
when Catholic Priests could not allow 'anything' to be hidden for fear of
rebellion or attack by hostile enemies.

In other words, to stay in power, the early Catholic church used any means
available to them to keep informed of the under currents in the

To keep informed in all areas, the Catholic church created the concept of
"confession". To insure that the peasants kept no secrets from the village
priest, it became a sin not to reveal all secrets.
During the dark ages, the Catholic priests, who at that time were the only
legitimate representatives of Christianity, had to make people believe that
anything that was hidden, or kept secret from them, was evil. The Catholic
church communicated in Latin. The Latin word, "Occultus" means "to hide" or
"to keep secret". Occult came to mean evil or satanic.
The early Catholic Church saw enemies behind every rock; therefore, to stay
in power, it was necessary for them to know everything that was going on in
their "empire". To achieve this end, anything that was kept secret from the
Catholic Church was labeled evil, or of the devil. To the early Catholics,
anything that was secret was probably "bad" for them. To insure that peasants
kept no secrets, the word "secret" became synonymous with evil..... i.e.
"occultus" means secret in Latin, but "occult" now means "evil" in modern day

During and after the middle ages, the Latin derived word "occult" took on the
meaning of evil. All things that the early Church feared could erode their
power base or take their converts from them, such as Pagans, Heathens and
Wiccans, were labeled "occult", i.e., evil.
The words pagan and heathen came into modern usage in the 12th and 14th
centuries. The meaning of the words took on the "evil" i.e. satanic, devil
worshipper, witch; connotation around the time of the inquisitions. Up until
then, the words were relatively "neutral".

>From the Merriam Webster Dictionary: [Middle English, from Late Latin
paganus, from Latin, country dweller, from pagus country district; First
appeared 14th Century
The word "pagan" means "a person who dwells in the country". At the time that
the Catholic Church was spreading Christianity to all of Europe, the "country
dwellers" worshipped "the Goddess" who represented the earth mother, or
Mother Nature. Nature spirits, i.e. devas, were also worshipped. The religion
of the pagans came from the Gods and Goddesses of Rome and Greece. Country
dwellers who were not Christians, Jews or Moslems, were called "Pagans."
The 1945 edition of "An Encyclopedia of Religion" defines pagan as: Derived
from the Latin "paganus", a "countryman". The term was applied to those who
clung to Greek and Roman faiths. Since Christianity first spread in the
cities, this was true more of the rural than urban population. It has also
been held that the term was adopted because of the contrast between the
regular soldier and the raw rustic. Pagans were civilians, in contrast to the
"soldiers of Christ. The term "pagan" is now applied to one who does not
belong to one of the great monotheistic faiths. In contrast to "heathen" it
implies a disinterested rather than a hostle point of view."
>From the Oxford Dictionary:

—ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin paganus 'villager, rustic', from
pagus 'country district'. Latin paganus also meant 'civilian', becoming, in
Christian Latin, 'heathen' (i.e. one not enrolled in the army of Christ).

>From the Mirriam Webster Dictionary--
First appeared before 12th Century
1 : an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the
God of the Bible

2 : an uncivilized or irreligious person

>From the Oxford Dictionary:


noun --chiefly derogatory --a person who does not belong to a widely held
religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded
by those who do: bringing Christianity to the heathens. A follower of a
polytheistic religion; a pagan. n [MASS NOUN] (the heathen) heathen people
collectively, especially (in biblical use) those who did not worship the God
of Israel. n informal an unenlightened person; a person regarded as lacking
culture or moral principles.

—ORIGIN Old English hæthen, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heiden and
German Heide; generally regarded as a specifically Christian use of a
Germanic adjective meaning 'inhabiting open country', from the base of HEATH.

noun 1 chiefly Brit. an area of open uncultivated land, typically on acid
sandy soil, with characteristic vegetation of heather, gorse, and coarse

2 a dwarf shrub with small leathery leaves and small pink or purple
bell-shaped flowers, characteristic of heathland and moorland.

Several species in the family Geometridae, including the common heath
(Ematurga atomaria).
—ORIGIN Old English hæth, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heide and
German Heide.

Heide m. n. pagan, heathen
Heide f. n. heath

One etymological scholar believes that the origin and popular use of the word
"heathen".... meaning "wild man" or "uncivilized" came from the fact the the
Romans could never conquer the Scots, who lived in the "Heaths" and fought
like "wildmen".


noun [MASS NOUN] the religious cult of modern witchcraft, especially an
initiatory tradition founded in England in the mid 20th century and claiming
its origins in pre-Christian pagan religions.

ORIGIN representing Old English wicca 'witch'.

Skeat's Etymological Dictionary derived "witch" from medieval English wicche,
formerly Anglo-Saxon wicca, masculine, or wicce feminine: a corruption of
witga, short form of witega, a seer or diviner; from Anglo Saxon witan, to
see, to know. Similarly, Icelandic vitki, a witch, came from vita, to know;
or vizkr, clever or knowing one. Wizard came from Norman French wichard, Old
French guicart, sagacious one. The surname Whitaker came from Witakarlege, a
wizard or a witch. The words wise and wisdom came from the same roots.

The above information is presented to let the reader know that people think
about these words in different ways. If you are sure of your audience, it is
probably not necessary to explain the way you are using the word. But if you
are speaking to an audience which is made up of religious and irreligious
people, it would be best to define how you are using the word, to avoid
misunderstandings and separation.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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