-Caveat Lector-

There is also a thing on fluoride on this site, but it was lifted from one
of my favorite sites, so I'm sending it separately, with original site link.

Dave Hartley

Aspartame (+MSG)
Also called "L-Aspartyl L-phenylalanine metyl ester." This poison consists
of three chemicals : Aspartic acid, Phenylalanine and methanol. Previously
on Pentagon's list of BioWarfare agents!
1. ASPARTIC ACID (40% of Aspartame) : Free excitatory amino acids like
glutamic acid and aspartic acid cause chronic neurological disorders and a
myriad of acute symtoms. How does this cause damage ?

Here is a summary : Aspartate and glutamate (i.e. MSG) act as
neurotransmitters in the brain, faciliating the transfer of information from
neuron to neuron. Too much aspartate or glutamate in the brain kills certain
neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium into the cells. This
influx triggers excessive amounts of free radicals which kill the cells. The
neural cell damage that can be caused by excessive aspartate and glutamate
is why they are called excitotoxins. They "excite" or stimulate the neural
cells to death.

The Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) which normally protects the brain from excess
glutamate and aspartate - as well as toxins is not fully developed during
childhood, does not fully protect all areas of the brain, is damaged by
numerous chronic and acute situations, allows some seepage into the brain
even when fully intact.

2. PHENYLALANINE  (50% of Aspartame) : Phenylalanine is an amino acid
normally found in the brain. Persons with PKU (phenylketonuria) cannot
metabolize phenylalanine. This lead to dangerously high levels of this amino
acid in the brain, sometimes lethal. - Ingestion of aspartame, especially
along with carbohydrates, can lead to excess level of phenylalanine in the
brain even in persons who don't have PKU. This not just a theory, is widely
documented. Excessive levels of phenylalanine can cause the levels of
seratonin to decrease, leading to emotional disorders like depression, wide
mood swings and violent rages, schizophrenia and susceptibility to seizures.

3. METHANOL (10% of Aspartame) : Methanol is a deadly poison. Methanol si
gradually released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame
encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin. The absorption of methanol is
considerably sped up when free methanol is ingested, wich is formed from
aspartame when heated above 86 Farenheit / 30 Centigrade. This would occour
when an aspartame containing product is improperly stored, og heated as part
of a 'food'-product such as Jello.

Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body.
Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment states that methanol
"is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it
is absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic
acid; both of these metaboites are toxic."
They recommend a limit of consumption of 7.8 mg/day. One liter aspartame
sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of
aspartame containing products consume as much as 250 mg/day - 32 times the
EPA limit!

Symptoms from methanol poisoning : Headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness,
nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, weakness, vertige, chills, memory
lapses - erosion of shor-term memory, numbness and shooting pains in the
extremities, behavioural distubances, neuritis, severe vision problems
(blindness) and retinal damage.
Formaldehyde is a know carcinogen, causes retinal damage, interferes with
DNA replication and causes birth defects.
Brain cancer and epilepsy can be traced back to aspartame consumption.

DIKETOPIPERAZINE (DKP) is a by-product of aspartame metabolism. It has been
implicated in the occourance of brain tumors.

Back to main page...

Aluminum in the Human Diet

Aluminum: Contamination of Human Neurophysiology and Behavior

KEYWORDS:Aluminum in cookware, antacids, adjuvants in vaccines,toothpaste
tubes,drink cans, cooking foil, baking powder,food containers,foods,


The majority of the human population in the industrialized nations ingest a
minimum of 30 to 50 milligrams of aluminum metal per day. An examination of
labels on consumer products will reveal that many of them contain the metal.
Most foods contain aluminum products. Beverage cans, aluminum foil in
contact with food, aluminum pots and pans and aluminum in drugs (including
most antacids) insure that the cumulative load of aluminum in the human body
eventually reaches critical level.

Aluminum in consumer drugs is a big problem. Aspirin is commonly buffered
with aluminum hydroxide, aluminum glycinate and other aluminum compounds.
Vaginal douches contain potassium aluminum sulfate, ammonium aluminum
sulfate, and alum. Antacids contain aluminum hydroxide, magaldrate,
dihydroxyaluminum, and aluminum oxide. Antidiarrheal drugs contain aluminum
magnesium silicate and kaolin, an aluminum salt. Cake mixes, self-rising
flour, processed cheese, baking powder, food starch modifiers, pickling
salts and anti-caking agents provide additional aluminum in the form of
sodium aluminum, sodium aluminum sulfate, aluminum ammounium sulfate, and
sodium aluminum silicate. Aluminum contaminates drinking water, milk and
other products.

The Problem of Aluminum Cookware

One wonders why aluminum cookware, as opposed to stainless steel, was
introduced in the United States in the first place. Along with aluminum
foil, cookware made of aluminum is a significant source of excess aluminum
in the diet. Boiling water in aluminum containers, especially water
containing acidic substances, causes aluminum to leach into the water and
food. Water containing fluorides encourages the leaching process from
aluminum cookware.

Water containing 1ppm fluoride[The usual level of fluoride in public water
supplies.], boiled for ten minutes in an aluminum pot, will increase the
concentration of aluminum to 200 ppm. Prolonged boiling can increase the
concentration to 600 ppm.[Tennakone et al., "Aluminum leaching from cooking
utensils" Nature, Vol 325, January 15-21, 1987.] Add acidic food (tomato
sauce, for example) and it even goes higher. In addition, as we see in the
chapter in fluorides, the presence of aluminum increases the negative
effects of fluorides (which is why fluoride toothpaste comes in aluminum
tubes). Since the scientific data has been around for some time on all these
issues, it cannot be anything but intentional. Aluminum cookware has been
around since the late 1920's.

The Effect of Aluminum on the Human Brain

In order to prove that all of this is intentional, we have to prove that it
was known early enough that aluminum causes a problem. One would assume that
indications of negative effect would preclude introduction of aluminum
cookware. Not in the United States. German experiments done in 1897 , where
aluminum was analyzed for pathological reaction in animals, showed that
aluminum is a selective neurotoxin and a nerve cell poison of specific
affinity for the brain.[ Doellken, P. "Ueber die wirkung des aluminum mit
sonder beruecksichtigung der durch das aluminum verursachten lasionen im
zentralnervensystem" Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Exper Path Pharmakol
40:58-120, 1897.] Exposure of the central nervous system to aluminum salts
produces a progressive encephalopathy.[ Munoz-Garcia et al, "An
immunocytochemical comparison of cytoskeletal proteins in aluminum-induced
and Alzheimer-type neurofibrillary tangles." Acta Neuropathology Vol 70,
1986, p.243-248. Now we see that aluminum deposition produces
encephalopathy, vaccines produce encephalopathy, fluorides and mercury
amalgams produce encephalopathy, and they knew about all of it early on.
Someone or some group in high position, more than 70 years ago,
intentionally planned to use the United States as a testing ground for all
of this, ultimately resulting in a sociopathic society pleading for
totalitarian control. They knew about the effect of mercury and vaccines in
1926. It's in the medical literature. All of this is not an accident. Are
you going to stand by and not take responsibility for your health and the
health of those you love? The government isn't, because it's a conflict of

Earlier we mentioned the fact that a great number of cases of degenerative
brain diseases in Guam drew the curiousity of researchers. Ten percent of
the total population of native Guamanians die of brain disease. Fifteen
percent of the natives in the Mariana Islands die of neurodegenerative
disease. Why? Part of the answer is that there are high levels of aluminum
in the drinking water. There are also high levels of aluminum in the
food.[Perl, D., et al., "The association of aluminum, Alzheimer's disease,
and neurofibrillary tangles" Journal of Neural Transmutation, Vol 24, 1987,
pp.205-211; Dalton et al, "Aluminium and calcium in soil and food from Guam,
Palau and Jamaica: implications for ALD and Parkinsonism-dementia syndromes
of Guam", Brain, Vol 112, 1989, p. 45-53.]

Aluminum Interaction With Brain Chemicals

Aluminum is a potent inhibitor of the uptake of choline and
opamine.[ Banks, W., et al., "Aluminum increases permeability of blood-brain
barrier to labelled DSIP and beta-endorphin: possible implications for
senile and dialysis dementias" Lancet Vol 26, Hov 1983, p.1227 ; Guest, J.,
et al., "The effects of aluminum on sodium-potassium-activated adenosine
triphosphatase activity and choline uptake in rat brain synaptosomes"
Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol 29, 1980, p.141; Davison, A., et al.,
"Differences in the inhibitory effect of aluminum 3+ on the uptake of
dopamine by synaptosomes from forebrain and from striatum of the rat",
Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol 30, 1981, p.3123-3125.] Both are vital
chemicals released during nerve inpulse transmission, as well as nerve
impulse conduction to muscles and various glands. As a result, the presence
of aluminum ions in the brain has an adverse impact on thought and reasoning
processes, as well as short-term memory. Furthermore, there is significant
evidence that aluminum ions alter enzymes involved with acetylcholine
metabolism,[ Wong, P.C., et al., "The effects of aluminum on the methylation
of phospolipids in the rat brain synaptosomal membrane", Biochemical
Pharmacology, Vol 30, 1981, p.1704; Simpson, J., et al, "Cholinergic enzymes
in neurofibrillary degeneration produced by aluminum", Brain Research, Vol
197, 1980, p. 269-274. affecting interplay between thought processes and
motor coordination, resulting in ataxia and other serious problems so
obvious in those with Alzheimer syndrome and other "senile" degenerative

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Electromagnetic Impact

Leading Edge Research Group presents a disturbing document:

The document on this page is retyped exactly from the poor quality original
received here at Leading Edge Research Group in August 1997. The original
document had a fax annotation of August 6, 1996 and was stamped
"Confidential", with a handwritten annotation at the bottom which read,"We
understand the New Jersey prison system is presently using". The original
fax was four pages in length. The document came into our possession
synchronistically at the same time the correctional system of the U.S. is
coming under scrutiny for draconian methodology. Are these guys a bunch of
Nazis, or what? The parts colored in red have been done so in order to
stress certain sentences and passages.

Our analysis of this alleged "whopper" indicates that in all probability
such an implant would directly intefere with the function of the
hippocampus, which is interesting because a lot of the ongoing interest in
neuroscience has been with just that organ.

Interestingly, according to the Chinese scientific report on the effect of
fluorides on the intelligence of children, it is also this same organ that
is affected. The effect on the limbic system is to halt resistance to both
authority and adaptation to novel changes in situation. A perfect
tranquilizer device. Note that most sedative drugs are fluorinated

Implants and bleeding from the ears and nose...now who's doing a lot of
those abductions and blaming all of them on alien factions....

The IBM 2020 Neural Chip Implant

A Security Division of IBM
1200 Progress Way
Armonk, New York 11204
October 20, 1995




...The control of crime will be a paramount concern in the 21st century. We
must be ready with our security products when the demand for them becomes
popular. Our Research and Development Division has been in contact with the
Federal Bureau of Prisons, the California Department of Corrections, the
Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Massachusetts Department of
Correction to run limited trials of the 2020 neural chip implant. We have
established representatives of our interests in both management and
institutional level positions within these departments.

Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but
we have entered into contractual agreements with privatized health care
professionals and specified correctional personnal to do limited testing of
our products. We have also had major successes with privately owned
sanitariums with implant technology. We need, however, to expand our testing
to research how effective the 2020 neural chip implant performs in those
identified as the most aggressive in our society. Limited testing has
produced a number of results.

In California, several prisoners were identified as members of the security
threat group EME, or Mexican Mafia. They were brought to the health services
unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by
our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories. The implant procedure takes 60-90
minutes, depending upon the experience of the technician. We are working on
a device which will reduce that time by as much as 60% [30 min].

The results of implants on eight prisoners yielded the following results:

Implants served as surveillance devices to monitor threat group activity.

Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff.

Universal side effects in all eight subjects revealed that when the implant
was set to 166 Mhz, all subjects became lethagic and slept on an average of
18-22 hours per day.

All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 166 Mhz test

Seven out of eight subjects did not exercise, in the cell or out of the
cell, and five out of eight of the subjects refused showers up to three days
at a time.

Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period
and the findings are conclusive that seven out of eight subjects exhibited
no aggression, even when provoked.

Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours
after the implant due to initial adjustment.

Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each
implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment.

It should be noted that the test period was for less than two months.
However, during the period substantial data was gathered by our research and
development team, which suggests that the implants exceeds expected results.
One of the major concerns of Security and the R&D team was that the test
subject would discover the chemical imbalance during the initial adjustment
period and the test would have to be scrubbed. However, due to advanced
technological development in the sedatives administered, the 48-hour
adjustment period can be attributed to prescription medication given to the
test subjects after the implant procedure.

One of the concerns raised by R&D was the cause of the bleeding and how to
eliminate that problem. Unexplained bleeding might cause the subject to
inquire further about his "routine" visit to the infirmary or other health
care facility.

The security windfall from the brief test period was enormous. Security
officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate
the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into correctional facilities.
One intelligence officer remarked that while they cannot use the information
they have in a court of law, they now know who to watch and what outside
"connections" they have. The prison at Solidad is now considering
transferring three subjects to Vacaville where we have our ongoing implant
research. Our technicians have promised that they can do three 2020 neural
chip implants in less than an hour. Solidad officials hope to collect
information from the trio to bring a 14-month investigation into drug
trafficking by correctional officers to a close.

Essentially the implants make the unsuspecting prisoner a walking-talking
recorder of everyone he comes into contact with. There are only five
intelligence officers and the commissioner of Corrections who actually know
the full scope of the implant testing.

In Massachusetts, the Department of Correction has already entered into
high-level discussions about releasing certain offenders into the community
with the 2020 neural chip implants. Our people are not altogether against
the idea, however, attorneys for Intelli-Connection have advised against
implant technology outside strict control settings. Under the present
governmental structure, our liability would be enormous. While we have a
strong lobby in Congress and in various state legislatures favoring our
product, we must proceed with the utmost caution on uncontrolled use of the
2020 neural chip. If the chip were discovered in use not authorized by law
and the procedure tracted to us we could not endure for long the resulting
publicity and liability payments.

Massachusetts' officials have developed an intelligence branch from their
Fugitive Task Force Squad that would do limited test runs under tight
controls with pre-release subjects. Corrections officials have dubbed these
potential test subjects "the insurance group" (the name derives from the
concept that the 2020 implant insure compliance with the law and allows
officials to detect misconduct or violations without question).

A retired police detective from Charlestown, Massachusetts, now with the
intelligence unit, has asked us to consider using the 2020 neural chip on
hard core felons suspected of bank and armored car robbery. He stated,
"Charlestown would never be the same; we'd finally know what was happening
before they knew what was happening."

We will continue to explore community uses of the 2020 chip, but our company
rep will be attached to all law enforcement operations with an extraction
crew that can be on-site in two hours from anywhere, at anytime.

We have an Intell-Connection discussion group who is meeting with the
Director of Security at Florence, Colorado's federal super maximum security
unit. The initial discussions with the Director have been promising and we
hope to have an R&D unit at this important facility within the next six
months. Florence, Colorado has replaced Marion, Illinois as the federal
prison system's ultra maximum security unit. Legislative and executive
branch efforts continue to legalize the implant technology. (See
Intelli-Connection Internal Memorandum No.15).

End communication ... 10/20/95

Distribution: Eyes Only: Project Group 7A.

ADVISORY: Operation/Use of Computer VDTs and Internet Use, July 1996

Additional electromagnetic tactical measures are being implemented via
Computer VDT from multiplexed frequencies over the national power grid, and
sub-sonic/optophotonic/optophonic protocols over the Internet in order to
affect the cyberspace population on an ongoing basis. The following are our
suggestions: (Take advice or ignore, up to you). If you don't care, or think
this appears "silly", keep on doing what you are doing. You have been
advised, and our ethical responsibility ends here.

Curtail or limit your time watching TELEVISION or using COMPUTER VDT
Monitors. Use of battery-powered crystal displays not so affected.

UNPLUG your computers and televisions from the wall outlet when not in use.

Curtail or limit your time in cyberspace and the Internet. Contrary to
popular notions, Intelligence agencies and technocratic manipulatory
structures have no interest in curtailing the appearance of " freedom " on
the Internet. The idea is to get more and more people to use it, depend on
it, and become subject to influences thereon. If you do not understand what
we are talking about, or just think we are blowing smoke where there appears
to be no fire, fine. Do what you wish.

Creatively determine ways to interact WITHOUT techno-toys, and work with
consciousness development instead.

Get rid of CELLULAR TELEPHONES, which operate at or near skull resonance
frequencies, and also function as locator beacons.

WASHINGTON STATE and possibly other areas. Minimize use of standard
telephones. In order to preclude voice-pattern entry into the
grid-monitoring system, if you receive a phone call and say hello, and no
one is on the other end, hang up immediately, dial outside your exchange and
let the phone ring 2x and hang up. A way around this is when you pick up the
receiver, say nothing, and if there is no response, hang up to preclude
voice-print recording. This process has begun in June/July 1996.

Keep an eye on the activities of Microsoft and Bill Gates/NSA . According to
a MS employee, the CIA has a field office there. What they do in the
marketplace is indicative, in a superficial way, of plans and programs.
Current MERGERS between Baby-Bell communications companies, entertainment
industries, major networks (and their owners, like GE, Raytheon -- those
with the access to classified technology and ties to the intelligence
community), etc.

All of the above is simply practical advice, and suggestions gained from
experiential observation and research.


P.W. Franch, M.Dollellan, and J.A.G. Holt
Centre for Immunology, St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia
Microwave Therapy Centre, Perth, WA 6005, Australia.

" Effects of exposure of a mobile phone microwave frequency, 835 MHz, were
examined using three cell lines, a mast cell analogue (RBL 2H3), a human
glioblastoma, and primary endothelial cells. Cells were expsoed for 20
minutes, 3 times a day, for 7 days at a power density of 9.6 mW/cm2. For
mast cells, it was observed that the rate of DNA Synthesis and cell
replication increased, that actin distribution and cell morphology became
altered, and the amount of B-hexosaminidase (a marker of granule secretion)
released in response to a calcium ionophore was significantly enhanced, in
comparison to unexposed cultures. In glioblastoma cells, the rate of DNA
synthesis decreased markedly from controls, and cell morphology was altered.
Endothelial cells showed no alteration in rate of DNA synthesis, but a
marked alteration in morphology. It is postulated that exposure to 835 Mhz
may alter signal transduction events in these cells via effects on the cell

Note 1: The fact that the effect increases with low dosage simply reflects
the fact that biological systems operate in a non-linear manner. See
Non-Linear Effects in Biological Systems

Note 2: Cellular telephones operate in the 800 to 900+ MHz band using FM or
digital modulation. The higher frequency range is also very close to the
resonant frequency of human DNA, and as well as the resonant frequency of
the human skull case.

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 Dispelling the Vaccination Myths
When my son began his routine vaccination series at age 2 months, I did not
know there were any risks associated with immunizations. But the clinic's
literature contained a contradiction: the chances of an adverse reaction to
the DPT vaccine were 1 in 1750, while his chances of dying from pertussis
each year were one in several million. When I pointed this out to the
physician, he angrily disagreed, and stormed out of the room mumbling, "I
guess I should read that sometime..." Soon thereafter I learned of a child
who had been permanently disabled by a vaccine, so I decided to investigate
for myself. My findings have so alarmed me that I feel compelled to share
them; hence, this report.

Health authorities credit vaccines for disease declines, and assure us of
their safety and effectiveness. Yet these seemingly rock-solid assumptions
are directly contradicted by health statistics, medical studies, Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports, and
reputable research scientists from around the world. In fact, infectious
diseases steadily declined for decades prior to vaccinations, U.S. doctors
report thousands of vaccine reactions each year including hundreds of deaths
and permanent disabilities, many fully vaccinated populations have
experienced epidemics, and researchers attribute dozens of chronic
immunological and neurological conditions to mass immunization programs.


 =  MYTH

"Vaccines are completely safe..."

"Vaccination causes significant death and disability at an astounding
personal and financial cost  to families and taxpayers."

"Vaccines are very effective..."

"Evidence suggests that vaccination is an unreliable means of preventing

"Vaccines are the main reason for low disease rates in the U.S. today..."

"It is unclear what impact vaccines had on infectious disease declines which
occurred throughout this century."

"Vaccination is based on sound immunization theory and practice..."

"Many of the assumptions upon which immunization theory and practice are
based have been proven false in their application."

"Childhood diseases are extremely dangerous..."

"Dangers of childhood diseases are greatly exaggerated in order to scare
parents into compliance with a questionable but profitable procedure."

"Polio was one of the clearly great vaccination success stories..."

"Vaccines caused substantial increases in polio after years of steady
declines, and they are the sole cause of polio in the U.S. today."

"My child had no short-term reaction to vaccination, so there is nothing to
worry about..."

"The long term adverse effects of vaccinations have been virtually ignored,
in spite of strong correlations with many chronic conditions."

"Vaccines are the only disease prevention option available..."

"Documented safe and effective alternatives to vaccination have been
available for decades but suppressed by the medical establishment."

"Vaccinations are legally mandated, and thus unavoidable..."

"Legal exemptions from vaccinations are obtainable for most - but not all -
U.S. citizens."

"Public health officials always place health above all other concerns..."

Vaccination history is riddled with documented instances of deceit designed
to portray vaccines as mighty disease conquerors, when in fact many times
they have actually delayed and even reversed disease declines. The United
Kingdom's Department of Health admitted that vaccination status determined
the diagnosis of subsequent diseases:


In the December 1994 Medical Post, Canadian author of the best-seller
Medical Mafia, Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. stated, "The medical authorities keep
lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system. It actually
causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through
vaccination...10 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against
humanity was vaccines." After an extensive study of the medical literature
on vaccination, Dr. Viera Scheibner concluded that "there is no evidence
whatsoever of the ability of vaccines to prevent any diseases. To the
contrary, there is a great wealth of evidence that they cause serious side
effects." These would seem to be radical positions, but they are not
unfounded. The continued denial of the evidence against vaccines only
perpetuates the "Myths" and their negative consequences on our children and
society. Aggressive and comprehensive scientific investigation is clearly
warranted, yet immunization programs continue to expand in the absence of
such research. Manufacturer profits are guaranteed, while accountability for
the negative effects is conspicuously absent. This is especially sad given
the readily available safe and effective alternatives.

Meanwhile, the race is on. According to the NVIC, there are over 250 new
vaccines being developed for everything from earaches to birth control to
diarrhea, with about 100 of these already in clinical trials. Researchers
are working on vaccine delivery through nasal sprays, mosquitoes (yes,
mosquitoes), and the fruits of "transgenic" plants in which vaccine viruses
are grown. With every child (and adult, for that matter) on the planet a
potential required recipient of multiple doses, and every healthcare system
and government a potential buyer, it is little wonder that countless
millions of dollars are spent nurturing the growing multi-billion dollar
vaccine industry. Without public outcry, we will see more and more new
vaccines required of us and our children. And while profits are readily
calculable, the real human costs are being ignored.

Whatever your personal vaccination decision, make it an informed one; you
have that right and responsibility. It is a difficult issue, but there is
more than enough at stake to justify whatever time and energy it takes.

Do not use this report alone to make your vaccination decision:


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