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PW : Well isn’t that good evolution for mankind?

AN : I believe thats a brilliant idea and if there’s a push from some
benevolent ET civilisation behind it, that might perhaps be a true sign that
these people are not the ogres and the little green men with the ray guns
that are depicted from Hollywood.

PW : Teresa in Tennessee

Teresa : Thankyou, hi Peter hi Alec. My question is when Alec when you were
abducted could you at any time touch these beings or could you see them, and
if so what did they look like, and how did you know when they contacted you
that they were there.

AN : Well after the first initial indoctrination or rebuilding of bodies
they were as physical as I could touch their bodies just like I could touch
you if you were in the same room as me. They were real and I knew they were
real and that made a difference to me.

PW : Joe in Vancouver BC

Joe : I wanted to relate some experiences that have been happening lately,
abductions, mine aren’t as heavy as Alecs are but I wanted to relate that
there is a war going on out there, an intergalactic war between good and
evil and that there may shortly be an event that might have something to do
with the Anti-Christ and that it is time that everyone as we prayer that we
pray globally and think of the global consciousness and the earth so that no
hard should come to us.

PW : What about this Alec, is that a intergalactic war going on between good
and evil?

AN : Your asking me Peter?

PW : I am Alec.

AN : I believe that there certainly is a war going on in our skies, in our
atmosphere. If you call if between good and evil I just wonder which is

PW : So you have no idea.

AN : Oh I believe there is a war going on alright - I was told there is and
I’ve seen reports I’ve seen NASA shots of particle beams weapons being shot
from Australia into the atmosphere at glowing disk shaped craft which are
not normal space craft. I’ve seen evidence from earth that there’s something
going on and I’ve been told from the other side there’s something going on,
I have to believe it Peter.

PW : Alec are you still in touch with these Aliens now?

AN : Not physically Peter, from 1989 the direct contact was cut, actually if
we get time to get back to it later, there was alot of childhood
interactions that I didn’t fully understand at that stage so it wasn’t new
to me I just didn’t put it in the right context early on in my life.

PW : So since that meeting some 10 years ago, you’ve had no further contact
with the Aliens?

AN : Not that I’m physically aware of or can remember Peter.

PW : Do you think telepathically?

AN : I have to believe they had to help me write the book because I’ve never
ever written anything than a letter home in my life and yet I sat down one
day that book just flowed out of me and I don’t fully believe it was all my
own work.

PW : You know this is a fascinating story, and in his book he talks about
how he was told that these people told him, or these aliens told him that
homosapiens and Cro-Magnon species were artifically engineered and that
these ET’s that artifically engineered us are trying to get back to earth
but that the world governments are trying to stop them. Alec are all of us
artificially engineered by these ET’s according to what your belief is?

AN : I can’t really say for the overall human race Peter, I just know of
particular bloodlines that were generated for particular purposes but in the
research I’ve done since my own experience, if you want to count what I’ve
found out since then, it would appear that more than one extraterrestrial
race has had a go at playing with human engineering and genetics. So we
could well be a universal mixing pot more so than we ever believed, I mean I
don’t know of anybody that can really explain all the different races on
this planet anyway... black, yellow, white... they seem to be all different
and yet in many aspects the same, so maybe I’m not really qualified to
answer that question.

PW : You talk about spending this time with Zeena, you write about it, and
she says that evolution is you understand it is a myth, changes are never
slow and that they are always planned and later I shall show you that
nothing in this universe, past, present and future, in your timescale is
left to chance. Is she saying that we are predetermined and programmed?

AN : What I gathered from that Peter, was that perhaps evolution is a
universal step that runs rampant through all of existence and everything has
it’s time and everything moves up a scale according to it’s turn and perhaps
doesn’t happen haphazardly as the Darwinian theory suggests but it happens
in large steps and stages and it may well account for why there are no
missing links and there are gaps and there are unexplained evolutionary
steps on this planet that and even now geologists and scientists can not
explain. You’d think with all our advances in science and technology we’d be
able to find the missing link. There just appears to be steps through
evolutionary series of stages which does not just happen by accident but
happens on a grander scale that we can comprehend.

PW : Back to the phone lines. Ron of Atlanta.

Ron : Yes I was wondering through his experience and the Beings he’s in
contact with ever mentioned the Anunnaki - they were called Anunnaki by the

AN : I’m fully versed with the Anunnaki as Zechariah Sitchin and Laurence
Gardner whom I mentioned before who has researched extensively in our past
ancient scripts and manuscripts that seem to have been left by most of our
modern day scholars alone as if they’re taboo. The Anunnaki would appear to
be one very advanced race of indeed genetic gene splicers. A group of people
that could manipulate entities and build a race of people it would seem from
the research I’ve done and Laurence Gardner’s done, the Anunnaki could well
be the ancient remnants of the group of people that I ran across. Hope that
helps you Ron.

PW : Right lets go to Scorpion in Idaho.

Scorpion : I just wanted to say to Alec, that you definitely have alot of
guts here coming out with these experiences, I’ve noticed alot of folks who
are starting to come out now with very similar experiences and the thing I
want to comment on, as far as the argument on evolution and so forth, I
think you’ll find that archaeological digs will just about prove at least to
some degree the statements that you’ve given as far as we not going through
the slow evolutionary process, because if you notice on alot of these digs
and so forth they find remains that show that there is not a continuous line
of procession over a long period of time. When like in the theory of
evolution it says it takes many thousands or millions of years to make minor
changes - where the evidence shows some of these changes for some reason are
major changes, probably not just in the human race but in many other races
on this planet. I would definitely comment that what you’ve given us seems
to be a very good descriptive picture and in at least some the archological
findings will even add some proof to that, at least a very strong argument.

PW : Right thanks for your call. Did you want to comment on that Alec.

AN : Just the fact that that was what I was told and I have to believe it
because I don’t think that earth science is able to disprove it.

PW : Did they not also say - did Zeena not also say about a dark force
having altered our DNA, or attempting to alter or DNA?

AN : Yes, and I can only sort of relate it back to that there is alot of new
age people around that are suggesting that the human race has 12 strands of
DNA when fully active and I believe we only have two now that are active, I’
m not quite up on that, but something happened that seemed to de-tune us in
our history at some stage, perhaps we were a greater race at some earlier
stage than we are now. I don’t know what truly happened to the human race
many many thousands of years ago, but something certainly seemed to switch

PW : But what was this force? Was it a force of darkness?

AH: Well that would be a way to describe a negative force. Interestingly
enough in the same voice, in the same mood that she mentioned that they
altered our life and whether it’s negative or positive it’s part of creation
and you must respect it and to try and eliminate it because it’s a negative
force in human eyes you may well be fighting yourself, I think we’ve still
got alot to learn to life and recognise things that you don’t get along with
and things that you do, and perhaps when you recognise these forces they
loose their grip on you. In otherworlds don’t fear anything.

PW : Here’s Evelyn in Seattle - Welcome.

Evelyn : Hello, Hi Alec it’s good to talk with you, I just have a couple of
questions I’ll ask you then I’ll listen. Have they equipped you with any ear
or eye devices and if so does that cause you any irritation , and the other
question is are there any symbols or numbers that have strong meaning to

AN : No bugs, no implants that I know of ... hopefully. I have had x-rays of
my scull when I got beaten up by those couple of thugs, but there was no
implants in there that showed up on the x-rays. As the to next questions
about special meaning for numbers.... No. 12 possibly in the human resonance
scale because I believe thats when these people are coming back to this
planet, when the earth goes through a human resonsnone level of 12.

PW : When does that happen??

AN : It could happen any time in the next 100 years, I believe the human
resonance used to resonate between at 7.8 and had done for 100’s and 100’s
of years or since recorded history with that scale, and within the last 30
years it’s been moving up the scale possibly to around about 11 now I
believe. We could be looking at something happening in the next 100 years.

PW : Jack welcome to Coast to Coast

Jack : Don’t these aliens look like locusts depicted in Revelation. I mean
if Revelation is true then this is actually going to take place.

AN : I’m not if the entities described in Revelations Jack. These ones weren
’t Insecoids, for sure they had cats eyes and they had white skin and they
were warm blooded just like you and I so, they were not Insecoids sorry

PW : Bud

Bud : Good morning everyone worldwide, it’s very nice to listen to the
broadcast. I wanted to make two comments, ask Alec a question and then pose
a question. The WTO (World Tyrant Organization) wake up people! Second
comment - Mars, I don’t believe that we could blunder so bad. And the
question I want to ask Alec - why do you think you targeted you and how to
you think you’re being tracked now? And do you believe that they are of
religion origin or ET.

AW : No. 1 23 out of 31 Mars probes failed - thats less than a 30% strike
rate. You’ve got to worry about the technical side of NASA. Anyway, why me?
Very simple really, when I look back at my own health Peter and Bud I’ve
never had chicken pox, measles I’ve hardly ever had a sick day in my life,
it’s very strange, I’ve obviously got a very very super strong immune
system, I’ve vertically never even had a common cold, so something in my
genetic makeup which has made me quite a healthy individual just through
luck of birth obviously. That could be the key there in answer to that

PW : Right in your book you talk about being abducted and taken to this
planet. Is the Planet pronounced Haven?

AN : Thats correct, although I should admit that people shouldn’t be sort of
confused by the name of anything thats written in the book because they don’
t have words that would relate to earthly words and what I’ve done is just
used an appromation to something that is rather a resonance or a colour.

PW : Sounds alot like Heaven doesn’t it? It’s just one letter off Heaven isn
’t it?

AN : Well Haven is related to a “safe haven” home, territory or homeland. So
Haven is a very apt description to what was to them their home base.

PW : Well describe to us just what that planet was like?

AN : Very briefly Peter. It seemed to be about the size of our moon, I
couldn’t see any stars in the sky at night and yet the sky at night was
black both day and night. There seemed to be some sort of a force field or
some sort of a network or grid in the atmosphere that seemed to pulse, so
maybe I wasn’t able to see directly out into space, but I could see what was
pretty obviously a sun - the sun was reddish in colour, very very potent -
in fact we had to wear very shopficitaced anti-radiation suits if we ever
went outside which were a sort of a yellow-gold reflective skin suit really,
nothing more than a skin suit but these were very very high tech, so it was
a hostile environment - like being in the middle of a desert.

PW : No vegetation?

AN : Very little, very stumpy, stunted growth - nothing that we’d call trees
and nothing that you’d say was green. All the vegetation of what I saw was
in-house or under cover.

PW : Any animals or insects?

AN : No other life whatsoever Peter. It was very strange because there was
no sound, wherever I was there was no sound and of course they didn’t
communicate by sound. We were discussing telepath tic which was really a
colour resonance harmonic... is the word.

PW : Any children?

AN : Yes, there were younger Beings, or younger entities - they were small
anyway, the statue of this race would be about 5 foot tall. That would be
the tallest.

PW : Right we’ll take some more calls, Tony welcome to Coast to Coast am.

Tony: You say that these entities were from past and future correct?

AN : They were time travellers Tony so yes that is correct.

Tony: Did they mention to you on what is going to happen from then and to
wherever they’d at now. And did they tell you what is going to happen with
your future.

AN : They certainly explained what I could expect on an evolutionary step,
we did touch a little on that earlier on, on evolution, and that is one of
the reasons I incorporated that name into the Book was because definitely
the earth is going to go through some sort of phase change, that would be
the best way to describe it and I was mentioning before about the human
resonsense of the planet. The planet beats to a pulse, it has a resonsense
and that resonsense was on a 7.8, it’s now I believe near 11. And I believe
their planet pulsed a rate of around about 12. Now this is on a arch scale
of nature, the next step up from 8 would be 13 and I’m calling 7.8, the
human resonse close enough to 8, and I do believe we’re moving up to the
next sequence which is 13. And we’re going to pass through 12 on the way up,
now this is. Now this is another evolutionary phase change where we could
well see a different group of life form on this planet. Whether we can take
that step up ourselves or whether we become eliminated or waste products
along the way I do not know. These people seemed to suggest that the human
race would survive the next phase change. And we would have a planet at a
different frequency, different density and so would we be, thats a pretty
exciting sort of step and the key to it is it’s in the next 100 years so
there is a good chance alot of us alive now are going to see this happen.

PW : When the Government agents came after you in New Zealand, and you said
they continually harassed you, and you weren’t cooperating. Were you ever
concerned that they might try to get you certified as insane and commit you.

AN : Well when they finally locked me up Peter, and sent me to jail, I didn’
t think I was going to come out. I did think that was just an excuse to get
me away somewhere, away from the public eye. I mean accidents can happen in
Jail very easily, fights, knives whatever and I thought I’d been set up. But
in actual fact they interrogated me while I was in jail quite severely. I
even met a gentleman from S.A, well he had a SA Accent and he was sent to
integorate me and it’s interesting to note that many years later when I was
researching UFO events, there was a major UFO scare in SA in 1989, the same
year, in which a craft was believed to have been shot down by a SA air force
plane which crashed in the desert there in SA. And they were believed to
have recovered some ET bodies and a craft from that and were shipped to
America. And it’s strange that the markings that were shown to be by this
gentleman with a SA accent were very very similar to what I’d seen myself -
and if they expected me to be able to read and identify these markings for
them, they seemed to think I’d know where they came from and what they

PW : Lets to to CJ, Welcome to Coast to Coast AM

CJ : Hi Peter, I just wanted to comment you as a guest host you’ve done
great! My question is to Alec, is he familiar with the Philly Experiment.

AN : Yes I am.

CJ: Is there anything familiar in that to what he experienced in his life?

AN : No, not to any great degree.

CJ: Have you read the book?

AN : The Philly Experiment?

CJ : Yes.

AN : Yes I’m familiar with that. I just realise that time travel is not so
far away from the human race as what we’ve been led to believe in fact I
think it’s all a crock that we’ve been fed about the state of our technology
and I think HG Wells probably had it far more on the nose than alot of
modern science.

PW : Sorry we’ll have to let it go there CJ. Right Alec whats the one thing
you want to get across to people, whats the big thing.

AN : I don’t think we’re getting a fair deal Peter, I don’t think the powers
that be are letting all out that they know, I think we’re being controlled
by Big Business for big money, and I think we’re kept dumber than dumb for
reasons best known to them, we’re being milked like cows quite honestly and
I think it’s about time the human race took back the planet from the people
that are running it and I think give back the power to the people Peter, the
consumer always has the last say and I’d like people to think about that.
You get what you pay for and if you stop buying it they’ll stop giving it to
you, so maybe we should just wake up!!

PW : Well thats pretty earthly what you’ve just said. But the reason you
wrote the book was because you have contact with ET’s. So what are they
saying, what is the message they wanted you to bring back to earth.

AN : They’re coming back, they want to interact, the people that are running
this country don’t want them here. I think that the people who are running
the country hasn’t been asked... I mean the people that live in the
countries, you and I, haven’t been asked because we don’t know. We’re not
being told and you’re got to wonder why we’re not being told.

PW : Wouldn’t it be difficult to cover-up such a big story though?

AN : Oh I don’t know Peter, I think the technology we’ve got on this planet
could run everything from a kitchen sink full of water and they’ve kept that
pretty quiet, they’re pretty cleaver these people, alot cleaver than the
average guy in the street - I just don’t think we give them enough credit
for it, they can keep things quiet when they really want to and they’re
keeping this one very quiet.

PW : Now you would welcome these ET’s back, you want them back here on earth

AN : I’ve had an interaction with them Peter and I can only go on what I
know and I hope they were up front with me - I mean maybe I’m not cleaver
enough to see through a lie.... well I’ve seen through the earth lies from
earth governments, but maybe they’re to cleaver for me. But if they’re
honest and genuine surely something in the universe is honest and genuine
Peter and if they are I would have no fear from them whatsoever, I fear my
own Government more than I fear them and I can absolutely guarantee you

PW : So what do you think they would bring.

AN : They would bring a life style that would maybe clear us out of this
muck, but it’s still up to us to use it, they don’t seem to want to control
us or run us, they would offer us a gift, a gift to live a clean and healthy
life. I mean too many children are dying Peter, to many people are dying on
this planet for reasons on contamination and chemical poisoning that doesn’t
need to be there, it’s just money. Money speaks and I think we need to look
at life style before money. It’s a shame that people won’t but maybe we have
to take a step back before we can take a step forward.

PW : So these Aliens would be able to help us deal with our pollution? AN :
Well they’ve already given us technology to do that Peter. But the people
they gave it too weren’t trustworthy enough and goodness knows where it’s
lying now in some cave in the Nevada desert somewhere in Area 51 or
something like that. It’s either been stockpiled away or it’s being used for
miliary purposes - it’s use could be turned around and used for something
evil no doubt, use it as military controllers would do, use it to destroy
human race instead keeping it alive.

PW : The Book is called Co-Evolution, published by Adventures Unlimited.
Alec thank you so much for being with us today.

AN : It’s an honour Peter, thank you very very much for giving me the
opportunity say a few words.


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