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More To the JFK Jr. Crash?

Many readers were taken aback when The SPOTLIGHT, alone among the
media, dared to suggest in a special report published on Aug. 16,
1999, that the airplane accident which took the life of John F.
Kennedy Jr. might not have been an accident and that there was
much more to the story than the mainstream media had reported.

Independent populist journalist Pat Shannan has been looking into
the death of JFK Jr. His findings confirm not only what The
SPOTLIGHT already reported, but add shocking new data.

Shannan was the guest on the Nov. 28 broadcast of The SPOTLIGHT's
weekly call-in talk forum, Radio Free America, with host Tom

What follows is an edited broadcast of the interview,
supplemented with additional data that has come to the attention
of The SPOTLIGHT since Shannan's appearance on RFA. Valentine's
questions appear in boldface. Shannan's responses appear in
regular text.

Many people, myself included, assumed that John F. Kennedy Jr.'s
death was only an accident and really found it hard to believe
that he might have been murdered. You've been investigating the
matter further, though, and you've come up with some interesting

I was out of the country on July 16, the Friday night JFK Jr.'s
plane went down. I was in Australia, so I had only the benefit of
CNN and other nonsense news that we get. The first thing I did
was to send e-mails back here to the states to ask people if
there was any reason for us to believe that this was anything
other than an accident. At that time no one had any indication
that it was.

However, by the time I got home in August, there were all sorts
of questions flying, the major ones being that Ken nedy had
indeed radioed that night (he was 13 miles out) and we know that
he did because it was reported. We even have the videotapes of
the local Boston television station talking about it on the
morning of Saturday, July 17. The UPI reports mentioned it in the
Saturday papers and a local Boston radio station reported this

These reports said that John Jr. talked to the Martha's Vineyard
Tower at 9:39 p.m. He was casual. There was no "mayday"
whatsoever. He said that he was 13 miles out, which put him 10
miles over the water (since the airport is three miles into the
island). He actually had the airport in sight. He was going to
drop off a passenger (as we know now, his sister-in-law, Lauren
Bessette) and he was going to hang around the airport for a short
while before taking off for the short jaunt over to Hyannisport
around 11:00 o'clock. Those were his plans at 9:39 p.m. One
minute later his plane was plummeting off the radar scope.

Yes, The SPOTLIGHT reported this. The SPOTLIGHT has since
learned, based on research by John Quinn, the Internet
"Newshawk," that Kennedy did not contact the Martha's Vineyard
Airport, but that he actually was in radio contact with the
Federal Aviation Adminis tration installation at Otis Air Force
Base on Cape Cod. This was before Kennedy would have contacted
the airport for final landing clearance.

The initial confusion in the early media reports (that Kennedy
had contacted the airport rather than the FAA installation) is
what helped muddy the waters and make it possible for the
mainstream media to later claim (factually) that young Kennedy
had never been in touch with the Martha's Vineyard airport.

We also have another news piece that was suppressed and thus
makes it so suspicious. As I have said time and again, if you
suspect there is a news media "spin" coming across after the
fact, you need to look at the first half-day's original news
reports in the mainstream press. It takes about a half day for
the reporters in the street to stop digging on their own and
start taking the "holy message" that comes from above. After
that, they strictly follow the wire stories and what comes from
the "great one" above.

For example, take a look at what Victor Pribanic told the press
right after the plane went down. Pribanic is an attorney from
western Pennsylvania who owns a fishing cottage at Martha's
Vineyard. He was there that weekend and was fishing late. He
heard an explosion and he termed it to be South and West of his
position, toward what they call No Man's Land island.

The SPOTLIGHT's special report on the JFK Jr. tragedy referenced
Pribanic's early report (published in a local paper) that
otherwise never received any national press notice at the time.

If indeed a plane blew up there (where Pribanic heard the blast)
and went down in that location, then you would have luggage, such
as Lauren's overnight bag, and a wheel from the landing gear and
some papers from the plane, wash up on the beach exactly where
they did. But the following Wednesday when the plane was pulled
up from the waterand they claim the plane was pulled up seven
miles north of that locationit would have almost been impossible
for the debris to have washed up where it did. At best the debris
would have come in on the northwest end of Martha's Vineyard
instead of the southwest end where it did. It would have been far
more likely to have washed up in the Elizabeth islands or even on
the mainland coast of Massachusetts.

Obviously, then, people will have to assume that there is
something wrong with the "official" reports. So how could they
hide the location of where they pulled up the plane?

One way was to keep the media away, which is what they did. No
photographs were allowed. Since I wrote my story on the tragedy,
published in Media Bypass, I have talked to one of the
investigators, whose name and agency I cannot mention. He tells
me that there were some agents of the FBI whom he knows
personally who are very upset with the pattern that these
investigative agencies have taken over the last few years, maybe
even decades. And he says he is not the only one who is willing
to tell the truth and leak these sorts of things to the media. Of
course, we know that there are Secret Service agents in the White
House, too, who have leaked things on Hillary Clinton.

At any rate, this investigator has told me that he was there when
they raised the plane. The tail was obviously blown out and the
inside of the fuselage was charred and blackened and so were the
bodies. He said there was no doubt about it that the plane was
blown up in the air and all of the people were dead before the
plane hit the water.

He also said the plane was raised from where it really went down
(that is, where the debris washed up, which would confirm Victor
Pribanic's report about hearing an explosion there). The plane
was not recovered seven miles northward as the officials claimed.

What is wrong with the families that they won't press for the

As you and the world knows, this sort of thing has been happening
to the Kennedy family for 35 years. This investigator told me
that he had personally talked with Caroline Kennedy Schloss berg
(John Jr.'s sister) and indeed she is well aware of what happened
to her brother. She knows that the "spin" is in and she is
terrified of being killed herself.

I've covered these kinds of things all the time and yet it still
amazes me. So I shouldn't be surprised. But I am. What about a
motive? Who was responsible?

The first one is that young John was planning to run for the
Senate from New York against Hillary Clinton. With the long wake
of bodies behind Bill and Hillary Clinton over the past few
years, that theory shouldn't surprise anyone. I don't know if
that would be reason to kill him, although I know that he,
indeed, would have swept Hillary under the rug.

The SPOTLIGHT noted that Jonathan Alter of Newsweek did say that
JFK Jr. had been quietly exploring a Senate bid early in 1999
before the media started trumpeting a Hillary for Senate
campaign. That had never been reported all during the time that
the media was talking about Hillary for the Senate. The SPOTLIGHT
speculated that perhaps the media's drumbeat for Hillary
throughout the year was for the very purpose of trying to
sideline John's possible Senate campaign.

There's also been talk, and I haven't been able to pin this down,
that, in addition, the July 26 edition of Newsweek was actually
about to announce young John's impending entry into the Senate
race, but that report was scrapped and never put in the issue
that was published. I would love to be able to prove that.

In George magazine, JFK Jr. published an expos on the role of Is
raeli intelligence in the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister
Yit zhak Rabin. Now Israeli journalist Barry Chamish, who has
been looking into the Rabin assassination, has said that "We
don't know what drove [JFK Jr.] to stand alone in seeking the
Rabin truth, but it may have had much to do with the information
contained within Final Judgment," the book by SPOTLIGHT
correspondent Michael Col lins Piper which alleges that Israel's
Mossad played a role in the assassination of young Kennedy's
father. (See related story, page 20.)

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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