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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: [bigchat] Re: Laetrile under fire


A correspondent sent me a piece of tendentious writing "proving" that
laetrile did not work.
Phillp Day offers the brilliant refutation below which is worthy of the
widest dissemination.

 Hi Geoff

 I have often refuted this piece.  The reason the federal B17 tests failed
 was because they refused to use laetrile in conjunction with pancreatic
 enzymes and emulsified Vitamin A.  Dr Harold Manner, professor at Loyola
 University, often said laetrile by itself was useless unless used in
 conjunction with the enzymes and Vit A.  Other researchers also found that
 the B17 the feds were using did not contain noticeable amounts of cyanide,
 fact published with full chemical analysis in the Cancer Control Journal.

 Don't you find it interesting that clinics around the world have been using
 B17 metabolic therapy to such effect and the Feds just can't seem to make
 work?  How convenient!  Would Oasis, Stella Maris, Manner, Silbersee and
 other clinics have used B17 for so long if it didn't work, and work
 conspicuously well?

 Here are some of the lies that have cost you your loved ones...

 Dr Schmidt, FDA Commissioner, in March 1974: "...Every study to date has
 found any evidence of efficacy [with laetrile and] if there was one shred
 evidence from animal or cell systems I would issue an IND."
 New Drug status that approves clinical testing in humans)

 "No evidence of anti-tumour activity has been found in any of the tests
 [with laetrile]."  Robert Wetherell, Acting Director, Office of Legislative
 Services, US Food & Drug Administration

 "All [laetrile] testing by the National Cancer Institute has found no
 evidence of activity against cancer."  Dr Robert Hadsell, Office of Cancer
 Communications, National Cancer Institute in a letter sent throughout the
 and abroad

 "[laetrile] has repeatedly been tested in animal tumour systems at the
 National Cancer Institute.  In no instance did laetrile have activity in
 animal tumour system.  There is no basis for the use of laetrile in man
 based on the data derived from experiments in animals."  Interoffice memo
 sent to department heads of the US Mayo Clinic, January 1974

 "Extensive animal tumour studies conducted independently at two outstanding
 cancer research centers, New York Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) and the
 Southern Research Institute, have shown this drug to be totally without
 evidence of anticancer activity."  Dr Charles Moertel, Mayo Clinic, in a
 letter published in the Rochester (MN) Post Bulletin, 21st January 1974

 NCI's Dr Dean Burk oversaw many of the details surrounding the testing of
 laetrile in the 1970s.  Burk states that positive, statistically highly
 significant, anti-cancer activity by laetrile in animal tumour systems has
 been observed in at least 5 independent institutions in 3 widely separated
 countries of the world, with a variety of animal cancers:

 1). Southern Research Institute (Birmingham Alabama), for the NCI, in a
 majority of 280 BDF1 mice bearing Lewis lung cancers, treated with up to
 mg Laetrile (Amygdalin MF) per kg body weight, with respect to increased
 median life span (3rd December 1973)

 2). Sloan Kettering (New York) with CD8 F1 mice bearing spontaneous mammary
 carcinomas, inhibition of formation of lung metastases, inhibition of
 of primary tumours, and greater health and appearance of animal hosts, upon
 treatment with 1-2 gm Laetrile/per kg body weight/day. (13th June 1973)

 3). Scind Laboratories, University of San Francisco, 400 rats bearing
 256 carcinoma (200 treated with Amygdalin, 200 controls), with 80% increase
 in life span at optimum dosage (500 mg Amygdalin/kg body weight). (Oct 10,

 NCI Director Carl Baker wrote to Congressman Edwin W Edwards on 26th
 1971: "The data provided by the McNaughton Foundation certainly indicates
 some activity in animal tumour systems." (our emphasis added)

 4). Pasteur Institute (Paris), with human cancer strain maintained in mice,
 treated at optimal dosage of 500 mg Amygdalin Marsan/kg body weight/day,
 increased life span and delayed tumour growth up to 100% (6th Dec 1971)

 5). Institute Von Ardenne (Dresden, Germany), H strain mice bearing Ehrlich
 ascites carcinoma treated with bitter almond amygdalin ad libitum in
 addition to regular chow diet, yielded increased life span and decreased
 rate of cancer growth, treatment beginning 15 days before cancer
 (arch. Geschwulstorsch. 42, 135-7 (1973))

 Dr Harold Manner, the Chicago cancer specialist, had himself verified the
 theoretical action of amygdalin with repeated experiments of his own.  Here
 is an excerpt of an interview with MOTHER associate editor Bruce Woods,
 reprinted in the Cancer Control Journal, Vol 6, Nos. 1-6:

 WOODS: Can you give us some background on your Laetrile research?  How did
 you proceed in the beginning?

 DR. MANNER: Well, as you know, Krebs suggested that Laetrile - when
 into the body - circulates through the system until it comes into contact
 with an enzyme capable of releasing the cyanide that the substance
 As the theory goes, that particular enzyme - beta-glucosidase - is abundant
 in tumor tissue. Of course, the cyanide which the tumor triggers the
 Laetrile into releasing could then escape into healthy tissue and be
 dangerous to the entire body, but there is another enzyme in all normal
 tissue called rhodanese.  And this enzyme neutralizes the cyanide... which
 is then excreted in the urine.

 That's the theory we wanted to evaluate.  So we checked out the enzymes
 first... to determine whether or not they were where Krebs said they'd be.
 And, in general, we found that the highest levels of the cyanide-unlocking
 enzymes were in the tumorous tissue.  At that point we had to find out if
 the Laetrile broke down as Krebs had predicted it would.  So we injected
 substance into mice and collected urine samples for 24 hours... to cheek
 the sodium thiocyanate and hippuric acid that are the non-toxic end
 of broken-down Laetrile.

 WOODS: And were these substances present in the urine?

 DR. MANNER: Yes, and we observed an increase in these compounds as we
 increased the Laetrile dosage. All of our results were reported in the
 scientific journals.

 What is one to make of such dissension in the ranks?  If the
 laetrile/vitamin/enzyme protocol were useless and the open-and-shut case we
 are led to believe, these and many other conflicting arguments made by
 professionals with the most to lose make no sense whatsoever.  Could the
 motive of laetrilists possibly be money?  Who's ever going to become rich
 peddling apricot seed extract and enzymes to a grateful public?

 "No iota of activity?  NO SHRED OF EVIDENCE?" an outraged Dr Burk thundered
 to the enemies of laetrile.  "It will be interesting to see if FDA
 Commissioner Schmidt will indeed soon back up his word about issuing a
 laetrile IND."

 Other leading doctors who have endorsed and used B17 metabolic therapy for
 DECADES include:

 West Germany: Dr Hans Nieper, former Director of the Department of Medicine
 at Silbersee Hospital in Hanover.  Pioneered cobalt therapy and the
 anti-cancer drug cyclophosphamide.  Former head of Aschaffenburg Hospital
 Laboratory.  Listed in Who's Who in World Science.  Former Director of the
 German Society for Medical Tumour Treatment.  During a visit to the United
 States in 1972, Dr Nieper told reporters: "After more than twenty years of
 such specialised work, I have found non-toxic nitrilosides - that is,
 laetrile - far superior to any other known cancer treatment or
 In my opinion, it is the only existing possibility for the ultimate control
 of cancer."

 Canada:  Dr N R Bouziane, former Director of Research Laboratories at St
 Jeanne D'Arc Hospital in Montreal.  Dean of the American Association of
 Bio-Analysts.  He also received a doctorate in science from the University
 of Montreal and St Joseph's University, an affiliate of Oxford University
 New Brunswick.  Dr Bouziane's repeated successes in treating cancers with
 laetrile were written up in the Cancer News Journal, Jan/April 1971, p.20
 under the article heading "The Laetrile Story".

 Philippines:  Dr Manuel Navarro, former Professor of Medicine and Surgery
 the University of Santo Tomas, Manila.  Associate Member of the National
 Research Council of the Philippines.  A Fellow of the Philippine College of
 Physicians, the Philippine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism.  A
 member of the Philippine Medical Association, the Philippine Cancer Society
 and many other medical groups.  Dr Navarro is an internationally recognised
 cancer researcher with over 100 major scientific papers to his credit, some
 read before the International Cancer Congress.  Dr Navarro has treated
 terminally ill cancer patients with laetrile for over 25 years.  He stated
 in the Cancer News Journal: "It is my carefully considered clinical
 judgement, as a practising oncologist and researcher in this field, that I
 have obtained most significant and encouraging results with the use of
 laetrile-amygdalin in the treatment of terminal cancer patients... "

 Mexico:  Dr Ernesto Contreras, one of Mexico's leading medical specialists,
 has operated the Oasis Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico for over 30 years,
 treating cancer patients with laetrile.  Many of his patients have
 from America where laetrile treatment is currently denied them by law.  Dr
 Contreras received post-graduate training at the Harvard Children's
 in Boston.  He has served as the chief pathologist at the Army Hospital in
 Mexico City and was Professor of Histology and Pathology at the Mexican
 Medical School.

 Dr Contreras remarks of B17-laetrile's action with extreme terminal cancer
 cases: "The palliative action [the ability of a substance to improve
 of patient] is in about 60% of the cases.  Frequently, enough to be
 significant, I see arrest of the disease or even regression in some 15% of
 the very advanced cases ."

 Italy: Professor Etore Guidetti of the University of Turin Medical School.
 Dr Guidetti addressed the Conference of the International Union Against
 Cancer held in Brazil in 1954 and announced startling results with laetrile
 in successfully combating many types of cancer, including cervix, breast,
 uterus and rectum.  After his speech, an American doctor rose in the
 audience, challenging the Italian professor that laetrile had been found to
 be worthless in the United States.  Dr Guidetti was abrupt and dismissive:
 "I care not what was determined in the United States.  I am merely
 what I saw in my own clinic ."

 Belgium: Professor Joseph H Maisin, Sr from the University of Louvain,
 Director of the Institute of Cancer.  Professor Maisin was also President
 Emeritus of the International League Against Cancer which holds the
 International Cancer Congress every four years.

 United States: Among the many, Dr Ernst T Krebs Jr, who developed laetrile.
 Dr Harold W Manner, professor of biology, Loyola University, Chicago.  Dr H
 Ray Evers, Dr Dan Dotson and Dr John A Richardson of Albany, California.
 John A Morrone of the Jersey City Medical Center.  60-year cancer
 Dr Kanematsu Sugiura of Memorial Sloan-Kettering, and Dr Dean Burk, a
 founding member of the American National Cancer Institute and head of its
 Cytochemistry Section.  Dr Burk was also recipient of the Gerhard Domagk
 Award for Cancer Research, the Hillebrand Award of the American Chemical
 Society, Fellow of the National Research Council at the University of
 London, of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology and also Harvard.  Dr
 Burk belonged to eleven scientific organisations, published over two
 scientific papers in the field of cell chemistry and authored three books
 cancer research.

 Yours sincerely

 Phillip Day
 Credence Publications

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