Wow!! Talk About GovtMedia:

  The Washington Post, 1/14/2000, page A1

  White House Cut Anti-Drug Deal With TV

  The White House, in quiet collaboration with the six major
  broadcast television networks, has reviewed the scripts of
  such popular shows as "ER," "Chicago Hope" and "Beverly Hills,
  90210" and made suggestions on at least two dozen programs
  to help them convey an aggressively anti-drug message.

  In exchange for their cooperation, a White House official
  confirmed yesterday, the networks were freed from obligations
  to provide $22 million in public-service advertising over the
  past two years, allowing them to sell the lucrative time to
  corporate advertisers.

  Alan Levitt, who runs the program in the White House drug
  czar's office, said his office reviews television scripts
  "to see if they're on strategy or not" by portraying youth
  drug use in a negative light. If so, the networks are given
  credits that enable them to sell more air time to commercial
  advertisers rather than donating it for anti-drug and other

  Full Washington Post Report:

  IAN: It's a good example of how control is gained by federal
  regulations, in this case regulation requiring that networks
  provide public-service advertising. When the federal government
  regulates a given system, it will gain control of that system.

  At the same time the government becomes hysterical about kids
  using illicit drugs (which are often safer than prescription
  drugs) and will eliminate any human right to prevent such use,
  the government also tries to get children on psychiatric drugs
  (, which
  include amphetamine-class drugs that are linked to brain damage
  ( Freedom is being
  systemically eliminated to fight a War on Drugs, the primary
  pretext for which is to keep kids off drugs, and yet the same
  folks who claim to care about keeping kids off drugs are eager
  to put them on equally or more harmful mind-altering drugs. It
  therefore follows that the pretext for the Drug War is a hoax.


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