-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Twice (on two separate days during the first week of January) computer
problems developed with the East Coast air traffic control centers in Boston
and Dulles, delaying flights up and down the Eastern seaboard for more than
three hours and resulting (on 1/6/00) in one-third of flights being canceled.
The problems caused departure delays at Boston's Logan Airport, the three New
York area airports, in New Jersey, Philadelphia, the three Washington area
airports and Raleigh-Durham in North Carolina. As in most of the glitches,
problems, or failures described above, the FAA was quick to deny that the ATC
problems were Y2K-related.

As Fox News (1/6/2000) reported: "The towers at National (Airport) and Dulles
(Airport) requested all departures halt because of `FAA Washington Center
computer problems,' Tom Sullivan of the Metropolitan Washington Airports
Authority said. Jennifer Cassidy of the Maryland Aviation Administration said
a couple of flights from BWI had to take off `manually.'"

The problems were caused by the failure of the main computer at the FAA's
Washington Center at Leesburg, VA, one of two dozen such sights around the
U.S. The Washington Center coordinates flights from Richmond, VA north to New
York and west to West Virginia an area of 160,000 square miles of airspace.

On 1/3/2000, the Boston Center (the ATC center at Nashua, NH also controlling
160,000 square miles of airspace) went down. In both instances there were 50
to 100 planes in the air in the respective areas at the time. Air traffic in
Chicago, New York, JFK and Newark was delayed from one to three hours by the
Boston Center failures.

On Monday afternoon (1/3/2000) the Chicago radar display used to direct
traffic into O'Hare went down for two minutes with five aircraft in the air
and five on the ground at that time that were affected. MCI, which runs the
system that failed, blamed the outages on a power surge at an O'Hare

In addition to the ATC problems, the FAA is being severely criticized for
allowing serious security breaches in its Y2K remediation efforts. They did
not get security clearances on many of the people who repaired their systems
leaving open the possibility of trap doors or other vulnerabilities to viral
sabotage of the U.S. air traffic control system.

On 1/1/2000, Low-Level Windsheer Alert (LLWAS) systems failed at Tampa,
Denver, Atlanta, Orlando, Chicago O'Hare and St. Louis during the rollover.
They were rebooted and brought back up.

The above glitches (of course "none of them Y2K-related"), while not
threatening to the infrastructure, are an early indication of more glitches
or failures to come. And for every one we hear about (in spite of the press
blackout) there are probably 50 or 100 that we will never hear about. What
will be their cumulative effect over the next 6 to 12 months? Only time will
tell, but it appears to this writer that in spite of government/media
pronouncements to the contrary, Y2K is not yet over.

The big winner in Y2K to date has been the government and the Clinton
Administration. Bill Clinton and John Koskinen are the "heroes" who led us
through the crisis. And the machinery (legal, military, and law enforcement)
was completely set up and tested for a National State of Emergency and
Martial Law. FEMA was mobilized in all 10 regional centers; all 50 state
emergency organizations were mobilized; the military, National Guard and law
enforcement were all on standby and at their highest state of readiness or
alert in U.S. history; and all Bill Clinton had to do was give the order, and
America would have been an instant and total dictatorship.

During this countdown to Y2K, the government also built 40 or more large,
underground command bunkers at a total cost of almost $5 billion, stuffed
them with food, medical supplies and other forms of survival gear (while
telling individual Americans not to prepare); and on December 31, a number of
federal and state officials around the country descended into these bunkers.
They were clearly not built for Y2K. So what were they built for? Terrorist
attacks nuclear, chemical or biological? An all-out nuclear attack on
America? The question deserves an answer.

[ED. NOTE: During the countdown to Y2K, especially in the last month or so of
'99, the government and media warned continually about terrorist attacks and
cyber-attacks (i.e., 200,000 viruses were to be unleashed). They didn't
happen. Was this disinformation to distract attention from Y2K, or to blame
its consequences on terrorists if it turned out to be severe? Or do they
really expect large and deadly terrorist attacks on America? These questions
deserve answers.]

If we have a series of terrorist attacks in 2000 or beyond, the government
will declare Martial Law and a State of National Emergency, and suspend the
U.S. Constitution. They have just conducted history's largest ever peacetime
exercise for same. Remember the military exercises in Jacksonville, FL;
Anniston, AL; Port Aransas, TX; Monterrey, CA; and a dozen other cities over
the past year or so and ponder the government response to the WTO/Seattle
demonstrators. They were practicing for something! What was it? Were they
testing the responses of the public, local officials, local law enforcement
and the media as well as practicing their urban military techniques?

Under such a State of Emergency, it is likely that firearms would be forcibly
seized, politically incorrect dissidents jailed, human rights suspended, and
the population tightly controlled. Is this why the government and its media
partners lobbied so hard against personal preparations during Y2K (i.e.,
food, water, generators, water filters, firearms, etc.)? Prepared
self-sufficient people are far more independent and difficult to control.

The good news - the lack of sudden impact from Y2K in early January was
frankly disappointing to this writer in two respects: I didn't get to test my
backup energy systems under "real world" conditions. And, the American
people, who have grown fat, dumb, complacent and blinded by massive
prosperity and affluence, did not get a wake-up call that would bring them
back to their senses.

This writer had hoped that Y2K would be like a board, smacked upside the head
of a mule to get its attention to bring the public back to the basics, to
common sense, to traditional values, and even to the God of the Bible. It did
not happen. Americans' arrogance, pride, affluence, prosperity and greed is
now greater than ever. So is their blindness to the dangers they face.

But there are even greater crises than Y2K which are waiting in the wings, a
few of which will be discussed briefly below and in greater depth in the
months to come. The looming crises include: the rise in Russia of Communist
hard-liners who hate America; Red China's war preparations; the coming
terrorist attacks on America; the exploding U.S. financial bubble prelude to
hyperinflation and collapse; a State of National Emergency and Martial Law
precipitated during a terrorist or financial crisis; gun control; and
persecution of Christians and traditionalists in the midst of one or more of
the above crises.

Russia has just completed its sixth period of glasnost/perestroika in 80
years (i.e, #1 in the 1920s under Lenin; #2 in the 1930s under Stalin; #3 in
the 1940s, again under Stalin; #4 in the 1950s and early '60s under Kruschev;
#5 in the 1970s under Breshnev; and #6 in the 1980s and '90s under Gorbachev
and Yeltsin). Each of these periods was a time of strategic deception in
which the Russians pretended to be renouncing Communism with its brutality,
terror, imperialist expansion, and hatred of the West (and particularly the
U.S.), and in which they pretended to embrace western-style capitalism, free
markets, democracy, etc.

Each of these periods of feigned "openness, self-examination, and change" was
designed to get the Western powers (and particularly America) to send to
Russia massive financial, agricultural, and high technology aid.
Glasnost/perestroika #'s 4, 5, and 6 were designed to get the West (and
American in particular) to also massively disarm while Russia (or the
"former" Soviet Union) would quietly maintain or build its military strength.

- actually started in 1985 when Mikhail Gorbachev, a hard core
Marxist-Leninist and former brutal, high ranking KGB operative, was brought
to power, and was portrayed to the West as a democrat, a reformer, and the
man who would dismantle Communism in Russia and move the former Soviet Union
into Western-style capitalism and democracy.

The collapse of Communism, the destruction of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin
Wall, and the disintegration of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
(CPSU) were all a sham, a scam, a giant highly orchestrated geo-political
charade or strategic deception to convince America and the West that
Communism was dead, the Cold War was over, that peace had arrived, and that
America and the West (with no other major superpower enemy) could disarm and
send to Russia massive high tech and financial aid.

To make this giant strategic deception credible, a pseudo-coup was staged in
Russia in August, 1991, which brought another hard core Marxist/Leninist and
former KGB official, Boris Yeltsin, to power - posing as a democrat, free
market reformer, lover of America and the West, etc. Massive U.S./Western
high-tech aid to Russia followed and the U.S. cut its military strength in
the 1990s (under Bush and Clinton) by over 50% with its military now at its
weakest level since 1938 and its military morale under Bill Clinton at its
lowest ebb in U.S. history.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) went underground,
reorganized, and has ruled Russia from behind the scenes for the past decade,
with Boris Yeltsin and his reformers ruling as figureheads. The KGB has been
reorganized at least six times since 1985, is today stronger than it was
during the Cold War, and has infiltrated more agents into America and the
West (and into their governments) than even at the height of the Cold War.

It has agents of influence in the U.S. government (from the White House
down), in the British, French, and virtually all Western governments.
"Former" KGB agents dominate the Russian mafia and business as well.

Communists (now called "former" Communists) still rule in most of the former
Soviet bloc satellite nations and republics. The Russian military has been
streamlined while its arms (bombers, fighters, and other warplanes; ICBMs,
SLBMs, nuclear attack and missile submarines; tactical nuclear missiles;
tanks and other conventional weapons systems) have been dramatically upgraded
over the past decade. While America has shut down or downsized about 90% of
its defense industry, most of Russia's defense industry (with thousands of
defense plants) remains intact.

Russia has the world's largest arms industry, and despite its well-crafted
(by KGB disinformation) image as a poverty-stricken nation run by ham-handed
buffoons, Russia is the world's largest arms supplier and still maintains the
world's largest military machine with over 25,000 nuclear warheads; 12,000
ICBMs; the world's largest fleet of nuclear attack and missile submarines; a
three-fourths deployed anti-ballistic missile system to shield itself against
an American second strike nuclear retaliation; and more.

As former Reagan Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger wrote in his book The
Next War, Russia could destroy America with a surprise nuclear attack in one
afternoon. And the brutality of the Russian military is again being
demonstrated today in the brutal rape and destruction of the breakaway
republic, Chechnya.

Russia has portrayed itself over the past decade as the poverty stricken,
chaotic, former superpower - trying to reform itself and evolve into a free
market democracy, just like America. It has obtained huge amounts of Western
aid and loans (largely via the IMF) and much of that has gone into the
Russian military and its arms industry. The Russians have mastered Sun Tzu's
strategy of: "When weak, feign strength, and when strong, feign weakness."

No doubt, the Russian people are broke, poverty stricken, angry, frustrated
and are now, indeed ready to return to the "good old days" of Communism (or
super nationalism) wherein Russia had stability, respect from other nations
because of its military strength, and predictable authoritarian rule.
Russia's pseudo-experiment with capitalism and free markets was never
intended to succeed. It was intended to deceive the West into granting
massive financial/high-tech aid and was designed to prepare the Russian
people for a return to Communism, or at least authoritarian rule.

Most Russians now hate what they see as "imperialist America," because of its
1999 attack on Serbia and "liberation" of Kosovo. In hindsight, that
ill-conceived American/NATO aggression will be seen a decade or two from now
as the beginning of World War III.

Russia has now moved into a New Axis (or alliance) with Red China, North
Korea, Vietnam, the African Communist/socialist states, and the radical
Islamic states of the Middle East.
The New Axis (like the Germany/Italy/Japan axis of the 1930s and '40s) hates
the West and especially America; they fear that the New World Order countries
(i.e., America, Western Europe, Japan, and the Asian Tigers) threaten and
wish to dominate them; and they are actively and aggressively preparing for
war just as Germany and Japan did in the 1930s.

The world is now being divided into two major camps (or blocs or alliances)
which will ultimately face each other in World War III: The New World Order
states (with their military arm NATO) and the New Axis, with the present and
"former" Communist states plus radical Islam, and combined military power
(which is growing rapidly) which exceeds that of the West.

The resignation of Russian President Boris Yeltsin on New Year's Eve
represents the beginning of the end of the past 15 years of
glasnost/perestroika and the resurgence of hard-line Russia. They have milked
Glasnost/Perestroika #6 for about all it is worth. Vladimir Putin, a
long-time KGB leader and Marxist/Leninist, and a leader in the Communist
Party inner circle which has been running Russia from behind the scenes, is
the new interim president.

Putin is a hard-line Communist who hates America and wants to restore Mother
Russia to its former greatness. He is aware of the rapidly growing
anti-American sentiment among the Russian people and will harness same in the
upcoming March 26 presidential elections. It appears at this writing that the
CPSU inner circle will go with Putin, but, if not, it will be someone equally
dangerous to U.S. and Western interests.

It was both noteworthy and ominous that when the televised (CNN) ceremony for
Yeltsin's handover of power to Putin took place 12/31/99, that Yeltsin handed
the nuclear briefcase with Russia's nuclear codes and buttons to Putin right
in front of the TV cameras for all the world to see. This was a
well-calculated and ominous warning to the West.

IN SUMMARY, glasnost/perestroika #6 appears to be over and we appear to be
entering a dangerous new period of hostility toward the West, and in
particular toward the U.S. Russia's and Red China's present alliance and war
preparations are very troubling.

They know that they have a window of opportunity for one more year, until
Bill Clinton leaves office, and then, America's unprecedented military
decline (orchestrated by Clinton and other agents of Russian or Chinese
influence) may begin to reverse especially if a Republican becomes president.

Until that decline is reversed, and America deploys a real, viable
anti-missile defense system (i.e., three to four years to deployment) America
is very vulnerable to nuclear attack. Is that why the U.S. government just
built 40 underground command bunkers at a cost of almost $5 billion?

Red China is preparing for war, first with Taiwan, and then, in alliance with
Russia, North Korea, radical Islam, and other socialist/Communist nations,
against America and the other New World Order countries. America under George
Bush and Bill Clinton, via our insane trade policy with the PRC, has built
Red China into an economic superpower and a rapidly emerging military

America, via Bill Clinton and other agents of Chinese influence, has
transferred virtually all of our nuclear, our missile, our submarine and
other sensitive military technology to the PRC and its Peoples Liberation
Army. And what the Clinton team hasn't given to the Chinese, they have
stolen. Much of this technology in turn has been transferred directly to
Russia for use in its military/industrial complex.

Russia and China bring interesting contributions to their military alliance
table. Russia has the world's largest arms industry with thousands of weapons
plants and weapons subcontractors -but very little money. China has only a
medium sized (but rapidly growing) arms industry but massive sums of money
from their $50 billion a year trade surplus with America. Russia is therefore
now beginning to produce large quantities of arms for China - which China can
readily pay for with Western (mostly U.S.) sourced funds.

China can also share all of its U.S. obtained nuclear/military technology
with Russia and the other New Axis partners including the Islamic members of
the alliance. With the huge Russian arms industry, massive Chinese funding
(which will accelerate with the PRC's entrance into the WTO), and unlimited
U.S. military technology, the new Axis can build a formidable war machine
which can threaten America and the West in a very short time. And time is on
their side, for as their military strength continues to grow, America's and
the West's continues to shrink the recent showboat-televised wars in Kuwait
and Kosovo notwithstanding.

The Chinese have embarked on a major military buildup over the past year;
have moved into, and established a beachhead in Panama; have thousands of
intelligence agents throughout the U.S. as well as agents of influence inside
the U.S. government; and are actively preparing for the conquest of long-time
U.S. friend and ally, Taiwan.

The PRC currently has about 14 of its 18 ICBM nuclear missiles targeted on
the West Coast of the U.S. [ED. NOTE: Remember the January '96 threat of a
top Chinese official to nuke Los Angeles!]. Within a very short period, it
will have hundreds of such missiles, and then thousands. Some will be built
in China - some in Russia. Both countries are also helping North Korea to
become a credible nuclear missile power (as well as several Islamic states).

It is very possible that in the not-too-distant future, as Cap Weinberger
suggested in his book The Next War, that North Korea will invade South Korea
and China invade Taiwan simultaneously (i.e., on the same day). America's
military would be spread far too thin to respond in Korea, Taiwan, and
perhaps even to concurrent new wars in the Balkans and Middle East, which are
brewing at this writing.

On 1/6/2000 WorldNetDaily reported that China and Russia are preparing to
enter into a joint venture to co-produce a deadly, new supersonic cruise
missile, the Zvezda Kh-31P mod-2, designed specifically to attack U.S. Navy
Aegis warships and U.S. Army Patriot radar batteries.

On 1/3/2000, ChinaOnlineNews reported in an article entitled: "China to Buy
More Warplanes, Destroyers, and Subs From Russia:" "China is reportedly in
negotiations to purchase more fighter aircraft, destroyers and submarines
from Russia, according to the latest issue of Jane's Defense Weekly."

"Citing `diplomatic sources in Beijing,' JDW said China is seeking to buy 40
more Su-30MKK fighters, two or three upgraded Kilo-class submarines and two
or three more Sovremenny-class destroyers.

"`Such assets would considerably enhance China's area denial capabilities,'
JDW noted, `especially in the East China Sea where serious tensions exist
with Taiwan.'"

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