-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Forwarded without comment.
Any comments or questions should be taken up with  Todd Gastaldo

In a message dated 1/14/00 2:56:19 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<< Subj:     Erb's/Cerebral Palsy EASILY preventable some of the time?
 Date:  1/14/00 2:56:19 GMT Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Todd Gastaldo)

 ATTENTION parents of children with unexplained Erb's palsy, unexplained
 Cerebral Palsy, unexplained motor and sensory deficits, unexplained low
 APGARs, unexplained stillbirth, etc.  See my list of questions put to
 "Quackbuster" Fox toward the end of this post...

 Regarding the following four points, PLEASE read Point 4 carefully.

 1.  MDs indirectly ADMIT that the most common delivery positions (dorsal
 semisitting) jam mothers' sacral tips up to 4.0 cm into their pelvic
 (4.O cm is about 1.5 inches)...  See below.

 2.  MDs indirectly admit that dorsal and semisitting delivery positions
 cause up to 4.0 cm of fetal skull distortion... See below.

 3.  MDs claim that 0.5 to 1.0 cm of distortion can KILL... See below.

 4.  MDs DIRECTLY admit that, in semisitting delivery, after the fetal head
 is born (squashed up to 4 cm) - the shoulders can get stuck via the same
 mechanism - thereby causing SHOULDER DYSTOCIA...

 LITHOTOMY POSITION...the sacrum...[is] the main pressure point of the
 in the lithotomy position..."
 (emphasis added) [Smeltzer. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1986;29(2):299-308]

 British obstetrician Jason Gardosi, MD says in effect that the bizarre
 obstetric delivery method called semisitting causes "many" cases of
 "so-called" shoulder dystocia...

 Here is Dr. Gardosi informing thousands of obstetricians - to no avail...

 "The anterio-posterior [OUTLET] diameter is reduced in recumbent and
 lithotomy positions where the weight is taken on the sacrum. The sacrum is
 capable of rotational movement through an axis at the upper part of the
 sacro-iliac joint..." Jason Gardosi MD FRCS MRCOG Queen's Medical Centre,
 Nottingham NG7 2UH, U.K.

 Dr. Gardosi wrote further:

 "There have been several radiological studies suggesting that recumbent and
 lithotomy positions reduce the pelvic outlet. Ironically, this is the
 position in which many women end up for instrumental delivery due to failed
 progress - a particularly high risk situation for real shoulder dystocia!"
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ob/Gyn, Queen's Medical Centre University of
 Nottingham, UK

 And finally, Dr. Gardosi wrote:

 "Many so called 'shoulder dystocias' are just difficult deliveries caused
 a recumbent position. Apart from the sacrum being pushed upward, reducing
 the AP diameter, it is difficult to allow lateral flexion when the
 presenting shoulder abuts on the mattress...."
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ob/Gyn, Queen's Medical Centre University
 of Nottingham, UK

 Shoulder dystocia can be fatal.

 Shoulder dystocia can also cause Brachial Plexus Palsy crippling children
 temporarily - or for life.

 Shoulder dystocia is understandably the condition that obstetricians fear


 “MDs fear this/OBs on shoulder dystocia”…

 Incredibly, Dr. Gardosi, just mentioned, is said to think I am a "malicious
 nutcase" for protesting routine fetal skull squashing/shoulder trapping...

 British obstetrician Malcolm Griffiths, MD wrote:

 “I think it's clear that Jason & I consider this guy a malicious nutcase.”

 (Dr. Griffiths was referring to the fact that, in 1997, when I came onto
 OB-GYN-List to notify obstetricians of these facts, I was censored by
 OB-GYN-Listowner Geffrey Klein, MD - but not before two of my posts were
 automatically archived in the OB-GYN-List archive... I had pointed out that
 Dr. Griffiths had his biomechanics backwards.  See...
 http://forums.obgyn.net/forums/ob-gyn-l/OBGYNL.9707/0153.html )

 In response to my OB-GYN-List posts, Dr. Gardosi indicated he had made
 "corrections" of my "various misquotes and misinterpretations" back in 1990
 when we first corresponded:

 >Just for the record, I have responded to Mr Gestaldo's comments when he
 >first wrote to me several years ago, and have nothing to add here. I
 >failed to make any headway then, and am not likely to succeed now, in
 >correcting his various misquotes and misinterpretations.

 Dr. Griffiths replied:

 Thanks for this mail and the one to the list on the subject.
 He's mad !
 Malcolm <<<<

 Neither Gardosi nor Griffiths pointed out any misquotes or
 misinterpretations or corrections!

 I *am* mad!

 But who *wouldn't* be mad - angry about MDs telling lies and perpetuating a
 bizarre obstetric practice they they ADMIT can kill???!!!!

 Why aren't "quackbusters" angry?

 More about "quackbusters" - specifically "Quackbuster" Aaron A. Fox, Phd -


 In the early 90s, I found a MAJOR "dorsal widens" lie which first appeared
 in Williams Obstetrics in the 70s...

 (Dorsal delivery is where the mother is on her back - resting on her

 I confronted Williams Obstetrics about its 70s "dorsal widens" bald lie.

 I asked that Williams Obstetrics publish the extremely relevant
 biomechanical (fetal skull squashing/shoulder trapping) TRUTH about dorsal
 lithotomy (and semisitting) delivery...

 In 1993 (and again in 1997), Williams Obstetrics KEPT the 70s "dorsal
 widens" bald lie - but published the
 extremely relevant biomechanical truth...

 Williams Obstetrics now says:

 "It should be noted...that the increase in the diameter of the pelvic
 occurs *only* if the sacrum is allowed to rotate posteriorly, that is, only
 if the sacrum is not forced anteriorly by the weight of the maternal pelvis
 against the delivery table or bed." [Cunningham, MacDonald, Leveno, Gant
 Gilstrap, Williams Obstetrics Appleton-Lange 1993:285, original italics]

 THE SACRUM.  The sacrum is the last bone in the spine.  It is a rather long
 curved bone - part of the birth canal - and it is *supposed* to move back
 let the baby pass - but it *can't* move back if the mother is sitting or
 lying on it - as in semisitting and dorsal delivery.

 How far does the sacral tip move?

 How much fetal skull squashing occurs?

 Please read the following quotes, keeping in mind that the authors of
 Williams Obstetrics claim that 0.5 to 1.0 cm of fetal skull distortion can

 In 1911, Johns Hopkins obstetrician J. Whitridge Williams, MD (original
 author of Williams Obstetrics) clinically documented 4 cm of sacral tip
 excursion. (Herbert Thoms, MD, also of Johns Hopkins, later documented 3.5
 cm of sacral tip excursion.  In 1957, Williams' and Thoms' average sacral
 tip excursion was documented radiographically by Borell and Fernstrom)...

 In 1913, Harvard obstetrician/anthropologist Arthur Emmons, MD noted:

 "[M]oving backward of the tip of the sacrum...enlarges the available space
 not merely directly in proportion to the distance backward, but more nearly
 by the square of that distance." [Emmons, AB. A study of the variations in
 the female pelvis, based on observations made on 217 specimens of the
 American Indian squaw. Biometrika 1913; 9:34-47.]


 "The sacrum...[is]...the main pressure point of the pelvis in the lithotomy
 position" [Smeltzer JS. Prevention and management of shoulder dystocia.
 Obstet Gynecol (Jun)1986;29(2):306]

 NOTE:  Semisitting delivery jams the sacral tip into the pelvic outlet with
 more force than dorsal lithotomy - i.e.,  in semisitting MORE FORCE
 the fetal skull up to 4 cm. [Gastaldo. Letter. BIRTH. 1992;19:230]



 (I include the just cited PubMed URLs for my letters to BIRTH to underscore
 the FACT that this information is in the medical literature.  Actually, it
 was there before I discovered it and made it part of my life's work to
 disseminate it.)

 Brains *are* being pinched.

 And, when shoulders are trapped, nerves *are* being stretched...

 Babies are being crippled and sometimes killed - unnecessarily.

 Parents, PLEASE ask yourselves - why *ARE* most MD-obstetricians routinely
 narrowing the pelvic outlet?

 Why are MDs routinely squashing fetal skulls/trapping fetal shoulders - and
 THEN offering mothers and babies maximal pelvic outlet diameter?

 When the shoulders get stuck, MDs use the "McRoberts maneuver" - rolling
 woman off her sacrum.

 Some MDs now use the "Gaskin maneuver" - placing the woman on her hands and

 WHY do MDs let fetal skulls get squashed and shoulders stuck before getting
 women off their sacra?

 Again, dorsal and semisitting delivery place women on their sacra. ("Sacra"
 is the plural of sacrum.)

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