-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I went to the website referred to in your post and pulled up the article
which follows.  A few years ago I became precinct chairman of the largest
precinct in Harris County (which is the largest county in Texas) when I
received 3 write-in votes in the Democratic primary.  It turns out, of
course, that this precinct was about 88% Republican, but was located within
the jurisdiction of a Democratic county commissioner, who always chose
Democratic precinct chairs to run the elections in each voting precinct
within his area.  So I ran a couple of elections and participated in local
Democratic politics.

I remain a Democrat because of the ideals of the Party--the populism, the
belief in the individual, the compassion and acceptance of every person.
That knee-jerk attitude has come to be ridiculed since LBJ's "war on
poverty," with good reason.  The main reason is that a great many people
have to be strongly motivated to work, to learn and to improve their lives.
If it's easy, they aren't motivated.  But you can't talk about that aspect
of human personality any more; it's politically incorrect in the Democratic
Party.  But that's another story.

When I first read on this website that votes are not counted by hand
anywhere in 49 states, I thought that was totally untrue.  I worked from 7
p.m. when the polls closed until almost midnight getting our ballots ready
to take to the central location in Houston.  It took us that long just to
remove the ballots and separate the ones with write-ins from others.  We
tallied the ballots to make sure it matched the exact numbers of the voters
who signed the list.  That's all we did.  The ballots themselves were
punched computer cards and were taken to the location where the cards were
run through the computer by county employees working for the County Clerk.

I'm not sure what Condit's thesis is about voter fraud, but I really doubt
it was acting in Harris County while I was observing it firsthand.  I
believe the figures which were returned were accurate and untampered with.

The reason I'm including the article below is to encourage all readers to
get involved.  The easiest way to do so is to attend the precinct convention
of your voting precinct the day the primary in your state is held.  In Texas
this occurs as soon as the polls end at the location of where the voting
takes place for the party primary.  Since the last election, my family has
moved to a smaller county, and again I am in a precinct that is
overwhelmingly Republican.  I have already met the existing Democratic
precinct chair who is tired of doing that job.  After indicating willingness
to take over, my name has been placed on the ballot.  I will be guaranteed
to be a delegate to the county Democratic convention and probably to the
State Democratic convention. I will be able to go and see people I met while
I was in Houston.

At the last state convention, as precinct chair of the largest Harris County
precinct, I was able to get selected by our County chairman as a member of
the credentials committee.  I knew from my friendship with people in the
LaRouche group in Houston that they planned to contest the fact that several
of their delegates has been dumped because of a proclamation issued by the
national party chairman, Don Fowler, who had declared that no LaRouche
delegates were to be seated at any State party convention.  This was a fiat
order, which had not been voted on at any national Democratic convention.
It had simply been approved by the national executive committee.

When I got to my credentials committee meeting, I felt like a spy.  But I
also believed in what I was doing.  The appointed committee chairman
indicated that there were five delegates elected as delegates in their
precinct in Harris County in accordance with the party rules approved by the
national party, but then stated they were not to be seated because they
indicated their choice of president was LaRouche whose name was on the
ballot as a Democrat.   She said this was in conflict with Don Fowler's
fiat.  I stood up and asked by what authority the order had been made by Mr.
Fowler.  Were we following State Party rules or National Party rules?  What
happened in the event of a conflict?  I said I had examined the State rules
and there was no provision for the national party chairman to make
declarations about the seating of delegates who had been duly elected in

They were a bit stirred up.  It was easy to see they had their orders, and
they were not going to do anything to upset their friends in higher office
who had given them their agendas.  But my naive and questioning approach had
stirred up some of the others on the committee who started thinking.  I said
something to the effect that "before 1972 these rules had been enacted
because for so many years the party was able to keep out people they didn't
want in.  Now it appears we can just throw out the rules with an order from
Washington.  Everyone may think LaRouche is crazy, but who is to say who the
next group will be?  The entire democratic process is at issue here."
Several other people, minorities mostly, made statements based on personal
experience and a belief in openness of the process.

But it was clear we would lose.  Those who didn't really understand what the
whole issue was about were only interested in getting back to the floor
because Hillary Clinton was scheduled to start speaking any minute.  They
didn't want to miss any of her speech.  I asked, "What's more important
here--the democratic process or a speech about democracy.  Obviously, it was
not the process.  The vote was taken.  The LaRouche delegates were unseated,
and the members rushed to the floor where Hillary was standing at the

But I will be forever grateful for my experience and the opportunity I had
to examine the process firsthand.  I think the same thing happens in the
Republican Party.  The system is sabotaged by the people at the top--being
the fundraisers.  For that is really what the national chairman is.  He or
she is appointed because of the ability to raise big money for the party.
That is the bottom line which controls everything else related to politics.
Understanding that, I could at least try to observe the process objectively
and to create questions in the minds of other participants.  I don't think
it will ever change.  But then, I don't think it ever has.  It's always been
this way.  The technology has not made it worse.  Before the technology,
there was the machine, evidenced by the vote-counting in South Texas that
got Lyndon Johnson elected to Congress.

Linda Minor


The Most Powerful Office in the Land
by Rick Herron

(Rick Herron wrote this article in 1988 to go into the public domain for the
benefit of the average voter in America who did not understand how our
system works. Mr. Herron has not been consulted on the posting of this
public domain article on our website, nor should any endorsement of other
items on this website by Mr. Herron be understood or implied by the posting
of his article here.)

In 1986 Rick and Debbie Herron attended conferences put on by the FREEDOM
COUNCIL. At this meeting the "nuts and bolts" of politics in the United
States were explained. Rick Herron explains that the first time through he
did not fully appreciate what he had heard.

When Mr. Herron's explanation was first transcribed into print in 1988, 321
pro-life candidates for Precinct Executive were already on the ballot in the
Republican primary in Hamilton County the county which houses Cincinnati,
Ohio. Everyone was now looking forward to the primary in May which would
then be followed by the Hamilton County Republican convention in June, 1988.
The pro-life faction had adopted the name "Platform Republicans" to indicate
that they wished the local party to begin nominating only candidates who
strictly adhered to the pro-life, pro-family planks of the 1980 and 1984
National Republican Platforms.

Articles had already appeared in the Cincinnati Post, and the Cincinnati
Enquirer; the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Ohio's pre-eminent newspaper, had
devoted front page coverage to the movement. Why all the excitement? The
Herron article explains why hundreds of Cincinnatians had been persuaded to
run for the office of Precinct Executive. - Jim Condit, Jr.

The Four Laws of Civics

"Why are we running for Precinct Executive? The main thing to keep in mind
is our goal. What do we want to accomplish by this? We believe this project
will actually get the law changed. (Note: Herron is here referring to the
law permitting the killing of unborn children by abortion and the need to
change the law to protect the right to life of these babies.)

"First of all, I would like to make clear that we don't believe this
struggle between the forces of life and the forces of death is some kind of
a debate. If this were a debate, we would have won a long time ago because
all of the facts, all the logic, is on the side of life. Obviously, it's not
a debate. We pro-lifers have been studying for debate while the enemies of
life have been studying war. So guess who is winning the war? Whether we
know it or not, whether we like it or not, we are in a state of war with the
enemies of life. And don't kid yourself, you are their enemy.

This war, this struggle, is being fought in the courts, and in the
legislatures. Battles won and lost in this war are measured by government
policy. Policy is the prize. And, right now, killing children is a policy of
the United States. So our goal is to change the policy. So if policy is to
change we must know how policy changes. This is where the four laws of
civics come into play.

"The First Law of Civics

is that People Are Policy. And what that means is if you want to change the
law, if you want to change the policy you have to change the people that
make the policy. And if you doubt that, try writing a letter to Howard
Metzenbaum sometime.

"So how does the law change? Well, these Senators or Congressman up there
they make a decision, they pass a bill the law changes. That's basically all
there is to it. If during a vote there are more of THEM, then THEY make the
policy. If on the other hand there are more of US, then WE make policy.
Personally I would like it better if we made policy. So how do legislators
get in there where they're in a position to change the policy?

"Well, they're elected in the November General Election in accordance with

The Second Law of Civics

which is: If Your Name Is Not On The Ballot, You're Not Going To Win. So in
order for our friends to win the November General Election so they can
change the policy we have to get their names on the ballot.

"Well, how do we get their names on the ballot in November? Well, we get
their names on the November ballot by ensuring that they win the Party
Primary election in May. So people who want to be Senators and Congressmen
have to run in the primary and then if they win, they get their name on the
ballot in November.

"So if we want to change the people who change the policy, it becomes our
job to make sure that our friends win the primary. So how do we ensure that
our friends win the primary in May? Victory in May is based on

The Third Law of Civics:

Only Candidates Endorsed By The Party Win The Primary. It's just that
simple. There might be six Republicans wanting to be Congressmen in the
First or Second Congressional District. And they're all running in the
primary. Only one of them is going to win and that's invariably the one
that's endorsed by the Party. And there's a very good reason for that. Most
voters are just like myself. They don't have time to study all the issues or

Election day comes up on them just like it does on me oh my goodness, it's
election day already. They go down to vote, and someone outside the polling
place hands them a sample ballot that was published by their Party. They
take the sample ballot in, they take a stylus in their hand they look at the
sample ballot and they start punching holes. They're trusting their Party to
have made the correct decision in endorsing these people.

"So if we are going to change the people who change the policy we must
ensure that our friends are endorsed by the Party so their names get on the
sample ballot.

"So, where do these Party endorsements come from? Who is the party? For all
practical purposes the party is made up of members of the Executive
Committee. And it is the Executive Committee that hands out the Party's

Every County has their own Democratic Executive Committee and Republican
Executive Committee and we have ours in this county. These Committees decide
who's name will go on the sample ballots which are distributed outside the
polls at the primaries. The endorsed candidates win, they invariably do.

After winning the primary they move on to the November General Election. The
winner there goes on to Columbus (Ohio) or Washington and changes the
policy. So it turns out these endorsements are very important. Because if
our candidate doesn't get endorsed for the "May Primary" he doesn't go any
further in the process. That's the end for us. It is important that we
understand that in order to get to Columbus or Washington to change the
policy, we have to succeed at each one of those steps. If we miss any one of
them, the whole thing fails.

"So, if we are going to change the policy, it becomes our job to get as many
of our friends as possible onto the Executive Committee, so that we can
ensure that our friends get the Party's endorsement at the "May Primary"
step. "So what is the Executive Committee that passes out these

Wouldn't you agree with me that these are pretty important people, even more
important than the people they endorse? Do you know any members of your
Party's Executive Committee? Where do they come from? Who are they? How do
you get to be on the Executive Committee? Do they run recruiting
advertisements in the paper? Do you go down to the unemployment office and
tell them you want to be on the Executive Committee? No. To ensure that our
friends have a majority on the Executive Committee so that we can ultimately
change the policy we must help them get elected to the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee of the Party is elected every two years by the
members of the Party's Central Committee.

"So what is this Central Committee that elects the members of the Executive
Committee? Wouldn't you agree with me that these are pretty important
people, even more important that the executive committee that they elect?
Where do they come from? Do you know anybody on the Central Committee? Did
you ever hear of the Central Committee? Well, what is it?

The Central Committee is made up of one person from each precinct in the
County. (Note: your precinct consists of about five or six streets around
your house.) Our County has 984 precincts, so there are 984 members on the
Hamilton County Republican Central Committee. And each one of those members
is called a Precinct Executive. The terms "Precinct Executive" and "Member
of the Central Committee" are synonymous. This very important Committee
meets at a very important meeting once every two years where the Executive
Committee is elected.

"So if we want to change the people that make the policy it becomes our job
to ensure that our friends have a majority on the Party's Central Committee,
so that our friends are elected to the Executive Committee, so that our
friends receive the party endorsement, so that our friends win the primary,
so that our friends can get on the ballot in the November General Election,
so we can help them win there, so they can go on to Columbus or Washington
and change the policy.

"The bottom line is that membership in your Party's Central Committee is the
Highest Office in the land. The reason that this is so is because the
Central Committee decides who all of the policy makers are going to be. "So
if we want to change the policy it becomes our job to become members of our
Party's Central Committee. And that's why we're asking you to run for
Precinct Executive: so that you will become a member of the Central
Committee; so that then you will decide who becomes a member of your Party's
Executive Committee; so that next a pro-life majority on the Executive
Committee will endorse an all pro-life slate of candidates for the Party
Primary Election; so that only our pro-life friends are on the ballot for
the November General Election; and then, finally a pro-life majority in the
state and federal legislatures will change the policy and keep it changed.

"Because there can be only one member of the Central Committee from each of
the 984 precincts in Hamilton County, it is imperative that we locate, and
encourage to join with us, at least one pro-lifer from each precinct. That
is why if each of us would do this in our own precinct then we will succeed.
And so we conclude with

The Fourth Law of Civics:

"The Precinct Executive turns out to be THE MOST POWERFUL OFFICE IN THE
LAND. And that's why we are doing what we're doing."

-----Original Message-----
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2000 4:15 AM
Subject: [CTRL] [N.A.] Establishment Whistleblowers

>-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
></A> -Cui Bono?-
>Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
>From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [N.A.] Establishment Whistleblowers
>Date: Friday, January 14, 2000 6:02 AM
>"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
>Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
>There following are establishment whistleblowers who have paid varying
>prices. We list the whistleblowers and the price they paid.
>We will cover these whistleblowers in this newswire:
>1) Jerome Sauer, election official;
>2) Ron Cooper, candidate for Sheriff;
>3) Ronnie Dugger, author and reporter;
>4) Dan Rather, CBS anchorman;
>5) Howard J. Strauss, Professor at Princeton University;
>6) Lonnie Gates, former Cincinnati Bell repair man.
> -- Jerome Sauer: Louisiana election official who found out the Shoup
>machines (one of the early machine systems) could and were being rigged.
>According to our sources in the south, Sauer showed his boss (a public
>official) and Mr. Shoup his disturbing finding circa 1968.
>Price Paid: Jailed immediately after showing his boss his find, shortly
>before an election. Then fired. He ran for office the next election and,
>with no backing, faded into oblivion. We at Citizens for a Fair Vote
>Count have one of the pamphlets he used in his election bid on file.
> -- Ron Cooper, candidate for Sheriff, also Louisiana: Came to Houston,
>Texas in the mid-sixties to expose the Shoup machine used against him in
>his bid for Sheriff in Louisiana. Before the television cameras of
>Houston, with the able assistance of a courageous young Texan named Ron
>Keller and his brother, Cooper showed how the Shoup machine could be
>rigged. The reporters were all told to vote for "Johnson" and then the
>machine was opened to reveal that the winner was Goldwater. The place
>went wild and the evening TV news reported the story well. In the
>morning the paper, who had been there, carried nothing. The TV never did
>any follow up reports. (This is exactly what we found in Cincinnati in
>1985 when we exposed vote tweezing at the Hamilton County Board of
>Elections.) Cooper was doing similar demonstrations in various cities
>around Lousiana and Texas. Several months later, Ron Cooper, about 38
>years old, was found shot to death, leaving a wife several children.
>Those were the days when the votefraud syndicate could have been exposed
>and stopped with a little public awareness. In the Cooper case and in
>the Sauer case above, the main guilty culprit is the establishment
>3) Ronnie Dugger, author and reporter: Dugger was a reporter and author.
>He had written a book on Lyndon Johnson. He was the reporter who asked
>the Baptist minister the question which caused the Baptist convention to
>demand of John Kennedy that he address whether he would obey the Pope
>over his oath to the Constitution. Dugger wrote the landmark cover
>article in the November 7, 1988 New Yorker magazine: The Dangers of
>Computerized Voting. It's a thirty page article, and still is essential
>reading today. Dugger came to Cincinnati to view the wiretapper trial
>(see Gates below) in 1989. We got along quite famously and went to
>dinner a few times. Dugger has been mostly out of sight, and is
>allegedly going to publish a book on the whole votefraud mess. I hope he
>does because he is a very careful writer and prodigious researcher.
>That's all I know for now. We have a copy of the New Yorker article on
>hand at our office.
>4) Dan Rather, CBS anchorman. In response to the Dugger article in the
>New Yorker, ran an excellent 5 minute report on CBS Evening News on the
>Monday before the Bush-Dukakis election in early November 1988.
>Absolutely excellent and devastating report. Rather ended the report and
>the show by looking into the camera with majestic music rising, and
>said, "Something to think about." No follow up report was ever done.
>Rather has paid no price we know of. Historian and author Michael
>Hoffman has suggested that this report is the modern technique he refers
>to as "revelation of the method", which he says the Ruling Elite uses to
>inform the average citizen what they have done and how powerful they
>are. Another example would be when Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren
>announced shortly after the Kennedy assassination in 1963 that the files
>concerning the assassination would be sealed for 50 years. (The Rather
>spot is on videotape and is in the possession of our office and several
>other people to whom we have entrusted it.)
>5) Howard J. Strauss, Professor at Princeton University; Strauss was the
>main expert Rather interviewed on the November, 1988 CBS Evening News
>Report. Strauss has also written some excellent articles on this
>subject. I talked to Strauss once in 1998 to see if he would help a
>candidate for Governor. As far as we know, he is still teaching with no
>consequences. On the CBS Rather report, Strauss said, that our current
>computerized election systems are "not a door without locks, but a house
>without doors." See archives under votefraud, Greatest Cover up of All,
>at www.networkamerica.org
>6) Lonnie Gates, Cincinnati Bell Worker; Gates revealed that he had been
>part of wiretapping operation, including wiretapping the 1979 and 1981
>City Council elections. Gates had tried to go public many times, but
>only succeeded on our very own Cincinnatus Party City Council TV
>Commericals in 1987. Those three TV commercials on Channel 12, together
>with an excellent 5 minute report done by Nick Clooney, then the anchor,
>and reporter Mary Krutko -- led to the resignation of at least 5
>policemen over wiretapping prominent Cincinnatians, and about 200
>stories about wiretapping in Cincinnati, and a 15 minute segment on
>sixty minutes. Of course, only 3 of the local news stories dealt with
>the vote fraud issue, and these stories were done in such as way as to
>minimize the issue. The Sixty Minutes segment avoided the vote fraud
>issue altogther. Gates took some very bad advice, opted to separate form
>our game plan and go back to establishment advisors who had done nothing
>to bring his story to the public in the first place, and returned to
>obscurity where he remains today. He did give up a solid career at
>Cincinnati Bell and today is selling used cars and doing similar jobs,
>as far as I know.
>There are others, but above you find some of the incredible suppressed
>history of in the votefraud vs. honest elections battle that has been
>raging under the surface in our nation.
>Jim Condit Jr., Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
>To contact us e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000
Presidential Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World
Order Ruling Elite and restore honest elections with citizens checks and
balances, true Freedom and true Free Enterprise in America.
>Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the
newsmedia know that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless
paper ballots with citizen checks and balances are restored to the process
at the local precinct level.
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>not necessarily endorsed by:
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