-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

According to Mike, the attempted murder yesterday of former CIA director
Adm. Stansfield Turner figures directly into the case below.

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----  [Embargoed until 1/11/00]
From: Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 2:20 PM
To: CIA Drugs list
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson
* CIA Memo Could Have Major Impact on Tyree Case - Bush, Shackley exposed

Federal Prosecutors Knowingly Used Perjured CIA Affidavit To Secure '82
Convictions of CIA Agent Edwin Wilson
Cream of the Current U.S. Judicial/Justice System Guilty of Perjury,
Subornation and Conspiracy According to CIA and Justice Department Memos

Michael C. Ruppert
>From The Wilderness
(c) 1999, From The Wilderness Publications www.copvcia.com

No less than seven of the most powerful and prominent names in the U.S.
legal/judicial system stand exposed of perjury and subornation of perjury
according to CIA and Department of Justice documents in the possession of
former CIA agent Edwin Wilson and his Houston attorney. The documents also
indicate that Department of Justice officials knowingly concealed
exculpatory materials from Wilson's defense before his 1983 conviction and
sentencing on weapons charges. These documents have led to the filing of a
motion by Wilson's court appointed attorney, David Adler, asking the court
to vacate Wilson's 1982 conviction on charges of selling plastic explosives
to Libya in the period from 1976 to 1978. The Government is scheduled to
respond to the motion in mid-January and may well have a tough time doing so
in a way that avoids deep embarrassment, professional sanctions and/or
criminal exposure for a lot of very important people.
Wilson, 71, serving a total of 52 years on three separate convictions was,
according to Adler, convicted on the basis of a perjured affidavit from the
CIA to the Department of Justice denying that Wilson had any "direct or
indirect" affiliation or association with the Agency during the period of
time in which he was selling plastic explosives to Libya's Moammar Qaddaffi
and other groups. That the affidavit was perjured was confirmed by the
release, under the Freedom of Information Act of an uncontested CIA
follow-up Memorandum addressed to then Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Mark Richard entitled, "Duty To Disclose False Testimony." That document,
buttressed by additional papers, located over the last two and half years by
Mr. Adler, indicates clearly that the Central Intelligence Agency committed
perjury when it provided an affidavit from the Agency's then number three
man, Executive Director Charles Briggs, to prosecutors trying Wilson's case.
That affidavit, according to Adler, emphatically asserted that, "After a
particular date in 1971 'Wilson was not asked or requested, directly or
indirectly, to perform or provide any services, directly or indirectly for
the CIA.'"
Adler's additional research, after traveling repeatedly from Houston to
Washington to review close to 300,000 pages of documents, some released
under the Freedom of Information Act, has produced additional memoranda from
the Department of Justice (DoJ) indicating clearly that DoJ prosecutors and
their supervisors, understanding that the CIA memorandum was perjured,
decided to use it anyway.
"There is a handwritten notation," Adler told FTW, "at the top of the
Memorandum stating, 'Plain meaning of affidavit,' then there is an arrow off
to the side where the writing continues, "the affidavit is inaccurate."
Adler, a retired CIA officer, now an attorney in private practice in
Houston, was appointed to represent Wilson by U.S. District Court Judge Lynn
Hughes in mid 1997 after Hughes received a copy of the memorandum directly
from Wilson. Adler began a search through the FOIA documents stored in the
warehouse of attorney Bernard Fensterwald who had been assisting Wilson with
his FOIA appeals over a period of years. That cumbersome process, which
involved repeated trips between Houston and Washington, turned up additional
Justice Department records which, said Adler, "In my opinion, indicate that
the prosecutors were aware that the affidavit was false." One of those
documents, a classified memorandum which has subsequently been summarized
for public release, is  particularly incriminating.  "What that document
says," said Adler, "is that right before that document [the perjured CIA
affidavit]  was put into evidence at Wilson's trial, the CIA's lawyers spoke
to the prosecutors from Justice and told them, 'Don't use the affidavit.'
The prosecutors (Ted Greenberg and Lawrence Barcella) in the case said,
'We're going to use it.' [CIA General Counsel Stanley] Sporkin himself said,
'At least take out the word indirectly as far as indirectly provided
services,' and the prosecutor [Greenberg] probably said something like,
'Hell No. We're gonna just go ahead and do it.' "In my opinion the document
was used in court even though the DoJ lawyers knew full well that it was a
What makes the case so compelling is the fact that the jury, while
deliberating Wilson's fate, the last piece of evidence the jury asked to be
reread to them was the perjured affidavit denying that Wilson had any
continuing connections to the Agency. Within minutes of hearing the
affidavit reread by the trial judge, the jury emerged with a guilty verdict.
These motions, documents and exhibits, totaling four volumes and more than
900 pages [which FTW is in the process of obtaining for a complete review]
indicate that some of the then most influential and powerful lawyers in the
country, who have since become even more powerful Judges, attorneys and
government officials, knowingly suborned perjury by the CIA and violated one
of the keystone principles of Constitutional law . That principle states
that whenever a prosecutor becomes aware of exculpatory evidence it must be
immediately disclosed to the defense. Failure to do so is grounds for an
immediate dismissal of the case.  Such actions also deprive defendants of
Due Process right under the Constitution. These offenses are also grounds
for disbarment or, in the case of federal Judges, impeachment and removal
from office. This is particularly significant since three individuals
involved in the Wilson case now sit on the Federal Bench and one is a
Justice on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  And, since Wilson's
questionable operations trace directly back to 1976 when Wilson, Shackley,
Albert Hakim, Tom Clines and Richard Secord became involved together, they
indicate that retired CIA Associate Deputy Director of Operations (ADDO) Ted
Shackley and then CIA Director George Bush are likely guilty of perjury or
providing false information to investigators.  Since both denied any Agency
connection to Wilson they are certainly guilty of obstruction of justice.
They both denied repeatedly, and emphatically, to criminal and Congressional
investigators in the late seventies and early eighties that Wilson was
acting in any official role for the CIA after 1971.

The Magnificent Seven

According to Adler, there were seven legal powerhouses involved with the
case and who knew of the perjured CIA memorandum and its use to secure
Wilson's conviction. Although FTW is continuing to investigate their exact
roles in the case, it is apparent, based upon interviews with Adler, that
all knew that a perjured document had been introduced into evidence and that
some of them argued for it and some argued against it. One thing is certain,
not one of them came forward and said ANYTHING about it after Wilson was
convicted. Under the canon of legal ethics that, in itself, is a serious
violation. The seven key figures are:
1.      Stanley Sporkin - Retired CIA General Counsel and current United States
District Court Judge in Washington, D.C. From that position Sporkin rules on
some of the most critical cases involving government operations and he is in
a position to block or advance key cases involving corruption. During the
Contra era, as CIA General Counsel, Sporkin routinely communicated with
National Security Council staffer Oliver North via e-mail on issues related
to the illegal resupply of the Contras. Although Sporkin argued for a change
in the CIA memorandum before it became evidence, he said nothing when others
involved in the case submitted the perjured memorandum as it was.
2.      Lawrence Barcella - now a partner in the Washington law firm of Hastings,
Janofsky & Walker. Barcella was one of the lead prosecutors in two of the
Wilson cases and also part of the team connected to the investigation of
EATSCO owned by Wilson and four other CIA/military officials including Ted
Shackley, Richard Secord, Tom Clines and Eric von Marbod. Although Barcella
was not a prosecutor in the case where the perjured affidavit was submitted
he was, according to legal and news sources, aware of the perjured
memorandum and its subsequent use. FTW expects the motions filed in Wilson's
behalf to confirm this. Barcella was also a primary legal counsel for BCCI,
a huge international bank connected to bank fraud, drug trafficking, money
laundering and illegal intelligence operations. In 1996 Barcella was Bill
Clinton's unsuccessful nominee to investigate money laundering for the
Department of Justice. Barcella was also a major player in Iran-Contra and
very close to key members of the Reagan/Bush foreign policy team.
3.      Ted Greenberg -  The aggressive lead prosecutor in Wilson's Houston case
rose to high positions in the Justice Department before serving, most
recently, as the Deputy Independent Counsel investigation former Clinton
Labor Secretary, Mike Espy.
4.      Carol Bruce - Also worked on the Wilson prosecution team from the vantage
point of being an Assistant to Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark
Richard. Most recently she served as independent counsel in the
investigation of gambling charges connected to former Interior Secretary
Bruce Babbitt. She has also participated international investigations of war
crimes in Yugoslavia
5.      Mark Richard - A supremely powerful and influential Washington powerhouse
who served, until very recently as a pillar at the Department of Justice.
Richard, who was the DoJ's point man at Waco, has, in his career, been in
charge of the most sensitive components of DoJ including the Office of
International Affairs, Internal Security, Terrorism and Violent Crime and
the Office of Special Investigation charged with tracking Nazi war criminals
and their loot. Richard also is referenced in Vol. II of the 1998 CIA
Inspector General's report as having participated in the 1981-2 negotiations
which permitted the CIA to NOT report drug trafficking. While researching
this article, FTW learned that Richard has been transferred very suddenly,
according to a DoJ spokesperson, "to another country." According to a
trusted source, that country is Belgium, home to NATO. DoJ spokespersons
refused to discuss any other information concerning Richard. As reported by
AP and The New York Post, one document indicates that Richard argued for a
disclosure to the Judge or Wilson's defense counsel that the CIA memo was
perjured. That disclosure was never made. Richard, apparently, also held his
tongue afterward.
6.      D. Lowell Jensen - Currently a sitting United States District Court Judge
in Oakland California. Originally a part of the "Meese Mafia" from the DA's
office in Alameda County, California, Jensen, who was an Assistant Attorney
General to Meese, was one of the pivotal legal players throughout the
Iran-Contra scandal. According to a number of scholarly works and hearing
records, he intervened personally to stop prosecution of a number of figures
heavily involved in drug trafficking and other serious crimes including
Honduran strongman Jose Bueso-Rosa. In addition, according to Bill Hamilton,
founder of Inslaw, Jensen was one of two or three central players in
covering up the Department of Justice's theft of the legendary PROMIS
7. Steven Trott - Also an Assistant Attorney General in the Reagan years,
Steven Trott was also up to his gavel in Iran-Contra. Not only did Trott,
intervene in some major cases connected to drug trafficking in South
Florida, he was also charged with personally containing the investigation of
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts into drug trafficking by the CIA and
Contra supporters. Trott is now an Associate Justice on the Ninth U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals.

Regular FTW readers who have been following the case of former U.S. Army
Special Forces Troop William Tyree will recall that affidavits and other
documents already filed in other court cases indicate that, in the mid
seventies, Edwin Wilson was involved in a series of missions known as
Watchtower. Those documents, including the so-called Cutolo Affidavit"
specifically name Wilson as orchestrating a series of missions in which
Special Forces troops participated in missions to plant radio beacons inside
Colombia so that cocaine flights for the Agency could land undetected in
Hard CIA sources have told FTW that many of the weapons shipped by Wilson
overseas to Qaddaffi and other destinations in Central America were the
product, in some cases, of burglaries committed at National Guard Armories
by members of U.S. Army Special Forces. In the 1977-9 time period, Tyree was
a member of the 10th Special Forces Group at Fort Devens, Massachusetts and
connected to a series of thefts of military hardware.  In January, 1979, at
the same time that Wilson's operations were being investigated and Wilson
became a suspect, Tyree's wife Elaine, also in the Army, was murdered.
Tyree, who was framed for the murder, has been serving a life sentence
since. He has also filed a number of legal actions in recent years, one of
which [see related story this issue] connects back to the Wilson case.
Critics of Tyree's case have long contended that Wilson was a rogue
operative and that Tyree's claims of government involvement were unfounded.
The documents filed by Wilson now make the government's position weaker on a
number of fronts and across the board.
FROM THE WILDERNESS will be paying extremely close attention to this case
and will have a detailed analysis of the Court filings in the January, 2000
(c) Copyright 1999, From The Wilderness Publications. www.copvcia.com   ALL
SOURCING. Contact FTW at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 818-788-8791.

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