-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Roosevelt's New Deal began the era of entitlements which are with us

     Two points must be made here:

     1) The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified. This has been
proven in court. Two of the 36 states that had
     allegedly ratified the amendment were California and Kentucky -
There is no record of California's vote, and
     Kentucky legislators voted against it 22-9. This violates the
amendment procedure of our Constitution, Article V.

     2) The 16th Amendment has Marxist roots. Plank 2 of the Communist
Manifesto calls for:

          "a heavy progressive or graduated income tax".

     Thus, the conspirators, through financial influence and brilliant
deception, had established the mechanisms to:

       1.run up the debt;
       2.collect the debt;
       3.for themselves, to avoid the taxes necessary to pay the
interest on the debt.

     The pillage of America began in earnest during the Depression. The
Fed deflated (reduced) the money supply,
     forcing thousands into bankruptcy and foreclosure. The following
was intended for leading financiers only, and
     appeared in the Civil Servants' Year Book, "The Organizer", Jan.

"Capital must protect itself in every way...Debts must be
          collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as
          When through a process of law the common people have lost
          homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by
          the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of
          financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their
          leaders. This is well known among our principal men now
          in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world."

     Plank no.1 of the Communist Manifesto is "abolition of private

     The conspirators knew that the American people had to somehow be
convinced into paying for the government
     borrowing that began during the Depression, Their opportunity came
during W.W.II with the victory Tax Act of 1942
     (56 Stat, Ch. 619, pg. 884; October 21, 1942). This was a voluntary
and temporary measure to help finance the war
     effort. Why was it voluntary? Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 and
Article I, Section 9, Clause 4 of the
     Constitution forbids direct taxation unless apportioned.
Apportionment means to divide equally among the
     population (census). The last time direct taxes were laid upon the
American people by apportionment was during
     the Civil War.

     The Victory Tax Act of 1942 was repealed on May 29, 1944 (58 Stat,
Ch. 210, pg. 234). With American patriotism
     high and D-Day a week away, who would notice that this voluntary
unapportioned direct tax had been repealed? The
     clauses of the Constitution regarding direct taxation are still
law. The 16th Amendment gave Congress "no new
     powers of taxation" (Stanton vs. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103).
The "...incomes...without apportionment..." in
     the 16th Amendment places it in the category of an indirect
(excise) tax (Brushaber vs. Union Pacific RR Co., 240
     U.S. 1). Simply stated, it is a profits tax.

     How would the government operate without personal income tax
revenues? With imposts, duties, and excises (Article
     I, Section 8, Clause I). Can you see why NAFTA and GATT is
promoted? The 1984 Grace Commission, Report to the
     President, pg. 4 reveals where personal income taxes go:

"100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the
          Federal Debt and by Federal transfer payments. In other words,
          all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel
          spent on the services taxpayers expect from their government."

     Can you begin to see why there have been 195 tax increases since

     Today, three quarters of the Federal budget is unconstitutional,
according to Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 2-18.
     Why do our elected representatives allow this?

     Remember, the third item on Col. House's agenda was to control both
political parties of the U.S.

     "Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time" (by Carroll
Quigley, 1966, The MacMillan Co., N.Y.;
     available from Angriff Press, Box 2726, Hollywood, California
90028) was written by Georgetown University
     Professor Carroll Quigley.

     It was intended as a text for aspiring globalists, and gives a 1300
page account of the history, mechanisms, and
     goals through which a ruling financial dynasty would control a
global economy. On page 52, the author writes that
     the international bankers were:

          "...devoted to secrecy and the secret use of financial
          in political life."

     There are two organizations formed by and intimately associated
with the international bankers:

       1.The Council on Foreign Relations
       2.The Tri Lateral Commission

     Let's examine briefly their background and their stated goals.

Because America refused to join the League of Nations following WWI,
representatives from the American financial
     dynasties met with their British counterparts in Paris on May 19,

     The American contingent was led by Col. House and became known as
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It was
     founded on July 29, 1921, backed by Rockefeller and Carnegie
Foundation money.

     It included many of the same people who established the Federal
Reserve. Its quarterly journal, Foreign Affairs,
     has called for world government as far back as December, 1922.

     CFR member James Warburg (whose father Paul Warburg merged his
Manhattan Bank with Rockefeller's Chase Bank), a
     former aide to FDR, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
this on Feb. 17, 1950:

          "You shall have world government, whether or not you like it,
          conquest or consent.

     On Nov. 25th, 1959, the CFR published Study NO.7, which spells out
their goal:

          "...building a new international order (which) must be
          to world aspirations for peace (and) for social and economic
          change... an international order...including states labeling
          themselves as Socialist."

     In the 50th anniversary issue of "Foreign Affairs", a leading
article was written by CFR member Kingman Brewster,
     Jr., entitled "Reflections on Our National Purpose". In this
article, he stated that our national purpose should
     be to abolish our nationality.

     In a 1974 article in "Foreign Affairs", entitled "The Hard Road to
World Order", CFR member Richard Gardner wrote
     that the house of world order would have to be built through:

"...an end run around our national sovereignty, eroding it piece
          by piece.

     As of June 1992, the CFR has 2905 members in the U.S. (1992 Annual
Report, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
     Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th St., N.Y., N.Y.10021

     The second organization, The Tri Lateral Commission, was formed in
1973 by David Rockefeller (grandson of John D.
     Rockefeller). David Rockefeller has also been a director of the CFR
since 1949.

     The Tri Lat was the brainchild of Columbia University professor
Zbigriew Bzrezinski, who, in his book "Between
     Two Ages", advocated an economic alliance among the western
industrialized nations.

     Rockefeller hired Bzrezinski, made him the executive director, and
established a tri-lateral alliance
     encompassing Japan, North America, and western Europe. Its first
meeting was held in Tokyo Oct. 21, 1973.

     In Bzrezinski's book, the author states:

     on page 198 - America is in obsolescence; on page 260 - he
advocates central (Marxist) planning; on page 296 - he
     wants to develop limitations on sovereignty; on page 308 of his 309
page book, he finally states his goal: a
     world government.

     Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful and influential members
of the Tri Lat (also CFR). He was interviewed
     by columnist Paul Scott, who said that it is Kissinger's belief
that by controlling energy, especially oil, one
     can control nations and their financial systems.

     By placing food, oil, and the world's monetary system under
international control, Kissinger is convinced that a
     world government can become a reality. As of April, 1992, the Tri
Lateral Commission has 320 members divided up
     among Japan, North America, and Western Europe. (The Tri Lateral
Commission, 345 East 46th Street, N.Y., N.Y.
     10017 or call 212-661-1180)

The Tri Lat's goal is a world government, the same as that of the CFR.
The first 35 members of the Tri Lat were
     also members of the CFR. They both have as members some of the most
elite names in finance, industry, media,
     labor, academic circles, and government. Their rosters read like a
who's who in these areas.

     What's the difference between the CFR and the Tri Lat?

     The CFR has been around since 1921, the Tri Lat, since 1973. The
only difference is the fact that the Tri Lat is
     an elite group, who's been chosen to speed up the process of a
one-world government through the control of food,
     energy, and an international monetary system.

     Keep in mind that economic union always precedes political union.

     Let's examine the CFR and Tri Lat influence in government.

     CFR control in government actually began in earnest in 1939 by
establishing within the U.S. State Department a
     "Committee on Post-War Problems", the group (staffed and funded by
the CFR) which designed the United Nations.
     (the story of which is contained in State Dept. Publication
2349-"Report To The President On The Results of the
     San Francisco Conference").

     Since WWII, the CFR has filled key positions in virtually every
administration since then. Furthermore, since
     Eisenhower, every man who has won the nomination for either party
(except Goldwater in 1964 and Reagan in 1980)
     has been a member of the CFR:


       1.John W. Davis(1924)
       2.Adlai Stevenson (1952,56)
       3.John F. Kennedy (196b)
       4.Hubert Humphrey (1968)
       5.George McGovern (1972)
       6.Jimmy Carter (1976,80)
       7.Walter Mondale (1984)
       8.Michael Dukakis (1988)
       9.Bill Clinton (1992)


       1.Herbert Hoover (1928,32)
       2.Wendell Wilkie (1940)
       3.Thomas Dewey (1944,48)
       4.Dwight Eisenhower (1952,56)
       5.Richard Nixon (1960,68,72)
       6.Gerald Ford (1976)
       7.George Bush (1988,92) (who was also a director of the CFR

     An important point must be stressed: By controlling the candidates
we vote for, the CFR is assured their goal of
     world government.

     Why? Because CFR presidents fill key positions with CFR members by
APPOINTMENT. (List of 110 Nixon appts. can be
     found in "None Dare Call it Conspiracy, by Gary Allen, 1972;
available from General Birch Services, P.O. Box
     8040, Appleton, Wis. 54913)


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