Interesting material......Carol Valentines material and question
remains....why Delta, NATO, FBI, BATF, and who knows who
all....why.......what does water have to do with this......some think
something wonderful in water, but I think fluoride and Manhattan project
and toxic waste the put the Indians now in places where
live bombs had to be removed, or now swine farms when there is fatal
disease going around....

Anyway FYI.....think someone is trying to sabotage the Waco Case in
favor of government......

By their fruits will you know them?


Title: Waco Suits for Waco Suckers
Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy

Waco Suits for Waco Suckers


They Couldn't Even Get the Names Right!

by Carol A. Valentine
Judge Charlie McCarthy presiding ...

Hey, Wow!  They're finally doing something about Waco! That video showed how the government shot the Davidians as they were trying to escape the fire, and tough Davidian lawyers are suing the government because of what they did!

The judge is the same judge who was real mean to the Davidians back in 1994 and sent them to prison for 40 years, but don't worry, he is nice now--he had a change of heart!  Now he's going after the government, not the Davidians!

The FBI has admitted it lied about stuff.  Janet Reno and Louis Freeh are real ANGRY!  There are Congressional investigations, too, complete with turf battles!

The nation is coming together!  Folks are feeling sorry about what happened, and are helping the Davidians rebuild their church!  They've even had a ground breaking ceremony, with the American flag fluttering in the breeze! It was very nice!

Truth!  Justice!  The American Way!  Yes, indeed, it's all just around the corner!

*   *   *

Do you believe all this?  THEN YOU ARE A SUCKER.

The lawsuits and attendant media hoopla are part of a tawdry, choreographed vaudeville show designed to cover up the Waco Holocaust yet again.  The bad actors include Kirk Lyons, Ramsey Clark, Gordon Novel, Brigadier General Benton Partin, Michael Caddell, Michael McNulty, and Judge Walter Smith.

Before we get into details, allow us to pose a question. Imagine you are a surviving Branch Davidian or a family member of one of those killed.  Suppose you had voluminous, incontestable, publicly available evidence that members of your family and your friends were murdered with malice aforethought and their bodies desecrated in an attempt to cover up the crime.

Would you file a lawsuit claiming that your women folk and children (a) died by accident, (b) committed suicide, (c) were murdered by other Davidians?

Would you claim your dead friends and relatives set Mt. Carmel on fire?

Would you ask that Americans who had no part in the planning or performance of the murders pay millions of dollars to you while the murderers went free?

Would you take part in the falsification of history and consider your loved ones were in any way avenged?

Now you understand the Davidian civil suits.  They re-assert the government's most pernicious black propaganda against Davidians living and dead, make exotic claims against the US that are completely unsupported or supported by weak and contested evidence, and ignore the most powerful and convincing evidence against the US.

Copyright December, 1999, Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Published by Public Action, Inc., a news and news analysis service
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes.

Have you seen the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum?
See what they did to the mothers and children--

"In an age of  universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell

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