-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


By Judith ABR



    This article is prompted by a scenario I witnessed occur from 1991 - 1993
in northern New Jersey.  The names used here are real.  The people are real.
The situations I describe here I witnessed first-hand.  None of these victims
however have identified themselves as victims of "mind control"
organizations, cults or crime syndicates, thus what is described here is what
this author witnessed concerning these people's lives and conclusions she has
drawn from these situations.  All of these people, this author now believes,
were brutalized by crime syndicates using the most heinous of weaponry –
implants and electronic frequency weapons and all lived on this one
particular floor of this exclusive apartment building.  This is one account,
among probably many many thousands in the United States, which probably
occurred during this time period and remains unaccounted for in the annals of

Judith ABR

    In September of 1990 I moved from a studio apartment in lower Manhattan
to a small, quaint, hip and wealthy New Jersey city not far away.  My salary
had doubled that year, I was a published author and administrator working 9
to5 in a well known national arts institution.  I wanted a much nicer
personal apartment space than the one room apartment I had in Little Italy
and I found one.  This was a super top floor duplex with a small real
fireplace and a nice second floor balcony overlooking a distant view of
Manhattan's skyline.  I was only 30 minutes from Wall Street via subway and
it was pricey.  The apartment building was one of the nicest in the area too
and expensive because it had a 24 hour doorman.  But, as I moved in I also
noticed a lot of apartments being vacated, the place had a large turn-around
rate and it was very big – something like 400 apartments in the huge entire
block building.

    What began to occur next was a lot of superficial details.  But later
they added up.  And I later began to realize that this building was haunted
by a crime syndicate which was really doing some bad damage to residents
there.  And among others I too was being used by syndicates.  It wasn't until
I left the apartment building that I realized how much.

    MARY  When I first moved into the apartment I met a Jewish single girl
named Mary L.  She was having problems – always agitated, she complained of
all this white powder accumulating for unknown reasons in her apartment
daily.  Mary was having personal problems, so was her small Jewish brother
living in a totally blackened studio apartment in Manhattan.  Mary moved to
another town, moved into a run-down apartment and tried to adopt three kids.
Mary was a bright journalist with a budding career – writing for well know
publications but living on her own.   Mary had constant problems after
leaving this apartment building and wound up giving up the kids I believe.
She bought for a time a house but I believe it never quite worked out.  I
don't know what happened to her.

    JEREMY  The residents around me used in these vicious games included a
late 30-something English guy named Jeremy – married to a very beautiful
Phillipino woman a few years his younger.  Jeremy was a highly successful
woman's clothing designer affiliated with a very well known national mail
order catalog.  Jeremy traveled to Europe twice a year for fashion/design
shows and made a salary nearly in the six figures.  At the time this was very
high and he was at the height of his career as one of only two designers with
the firm.  Jeremy came from San Francisco and had somehow run into some
problem there.  He said he had an intestinal condition which would not clear
up, they wound up calling it Crones' disease and he had had an operation or
two prior to coming to NJ for it.  In late 1992, suddenly Jeremy became worse
and had to have another operation for this.  He was embittered, he was angry,
his body too was sort of electric/magnetic.  He didn't seem to like women,
but he was dating a Black girl and this was ending his marriage.  His wife,
meantime, was dating a Black guy, a well known jazz piano player with a known
jazz group which traveled frequently to Europe.

    I remember Jeremy taking great interest and pleasure in my antique fine
condition 60s Volvo – it was a pretty car and one which he admired.  Jeremy
warned me to be careful of doctors and "not get into surgery" – "especially
you," he said.  This was just as he was going into surgery.  The surgery
didn't go well – only 38 years old – the guy was deteriorating – and more
electric.  My take now is that he was further getting implanted and being
used in wares games syndicate stories.  The crime elements weren't stopping.
They may have chased him into NJ from CA, but they weren't gone.  In 1995 I
heard Jeremy was yet into a fourth surgery to remove this thing intestinally
which was bothering him.  They still hadn't gotten it out.  This time he
wound up moving in with his mother in Ohio and was living horizontally for a
year or more, nearly dead, institutionalized.  In 1999 I finally caught up
with him and found out he had moved out to the SW and had a new girlfriend
there with his own design business.  He was still implanted and still had
problems.  The four operations hadn't done it yet.

    JIM He lived on the same floor – Jim was a highly successful Oriental
financial expert working with Merrill Lynch on their mergers teams in
Manhattan.  He was young in about 1991 when I met him, about 32 or so.  He
was dating a woman named Ruth (she may have been Jewish) but this broke up
when she moved to DC.  In the summer of 1992 I made a rooftop dinner with him
in the summer, he was frantic pacing back and forth on the rooftop, nearly
screaming at me, for reasons unknown.  The dinner was nice, chicken nicely
done.  Jim was renting a very expensive apartment in the building by himself
– and obviously being assaulted, now that I think of it.  By the time I left
in late 1993, Jim had moved and I don't know where, he had hidden from view
and was dealing with I now believe an implant-electronic war.  I remember he
was very dissappointed with the Merrill Lynch settlement for a large merger
he worked on, expected to receive in the large six figures and only received
a far smaller sum.  He felt that someone was getting on him at the job for
all the good work he had done.  I realized later that Jim was probably
another apartment building hit – that he was targeted with implants, probably
being assaulted and driven out of his job by age 34.  Much later I tried to
reach him and could not.  I don't know where Jim is now but I liked him a
great deal as a person and am very sorry that he was victimized, and at the
time I didn't know it.

    PETER & SHEILA This early 30s something couple lived also with Sheila's
sister.  They were living in an apartment on this floor when Peter wound up
evidently sexually assaulted.  He also wound up with some special prostate
problem – which appeared at the time to be tragic, according to Sheila.
Peter lost in the assault part of a testicle and/or became sterile.  These
women seemed to know something unusual was happening in this apartment
building and that they too were dealing with problems from it from
conversations I had with them.

    MR. X.   This good looking fella was about 30 and worked in a financial
firm.  I spoke to him briefly about bringing in wood for his wood burning
fireplace.  He was frantic, said that suddenly and overnight his job was
falling apart, he was being forced to leave the building.  He had only moved
in three months beforehand.  Nice, good looking guy.   I can't remember his

    DEBBIE  I first met Debbie in the apartment building when she had had a
bug infestation.  She was living down the hall a ways from me with a guy she
knew.  Debbie was a sweet person, not married, attractive blonde, in her
mid-30s.  She was employed, I don't remember where.  I was having bug
infestations for unknown reasons too – especially on the deck overlooking the
city – and so we lamented the problems in the building.  When I left the
building in late 1993, Debbie seemed alright.  In 1994, after I was dealing
with syndicate assaults, I found her working, actually being a part-owner of
a small antique furniture business in this same small city.  I purchased a
couple of articles of furniture from her in fact.  I was glad to see she
looked good and was feeling good at the time, this business was owned by gay
men in the area who still had involvement with it.

    Then, suddenly and unexpected in December of 1998 in the same town in a
small Korean deli, I saw her I was taken back by her presence – her body was
electrified, her eyes wild, she came into the deli in a fury with this
muscle-bound guy who stood at the door some ten years her younger.  Debbie
had been implanted, obviously and last I knew she was still living in the
same apartment building I was.  It was hard to talk to her but she recognized
me right away.  Her body was small, shrivlen, fraile, her face drawn, thin,
far older than I remembered her five years before.  She said she was living
in TN now, traveled with flea market groups, had a
small furniture booth outside in Manhattan in the bitter cold.  Suddenly for
the first time I began to put together that a lot of people from that same
apartment building, same floor, were being assaulted and implanted – used
probably in the wares games in northern NJ.  Their lives were being shattered
and I was not alone.

    AUGIE   This small dark-skinned guy I worked with at my arts
administrative job, coincidentally he also lived in the same city I did in
NJ.  He was married to a strange woman actually, but I won't go into that
here.  She was very devoted to him and stayed with him everywhere.  A. wound
up after I left the arts job in trouble.  Suddenly he told me he had a brain
aneurism in 1995, he then wound up hospitalized for months.  He told me he
lost many of his lower organs in surgery the hospital performed.  He wasn't
able to eat normal foods afterwards.  This whole situation didn't seem to
make sense.  Augie was working in the bookkeeping department of a federal
agency in Manhattan and he had access to sensitive federal records there.
But, he also lived very near to me in this same NJ city and when I moved from
this city to the one nearby, Augie and his wife also moved nearby me.  They
seemed to follow me.

    CONCLUSION   I watched people come and go fast in this apartment building
– like lightning.  Especially single people who were successful.  I saw other
things happen there too – doormen who were also left fast and quick, who
possibly knew too much, who warned me, someone in the building was staging
assaults upon single, successful people and this meant also staging
implantations/wares game stories on innocent people – whomever they could
get.  It included rapes and assaults, many of which were never probably
reported.  And a great many break-ins to apartments and further problems for
innocent people.   Young people were being targeted there.  I still don't
know by whom.  I suspect a gay male couple there of being involved, possibly
staging some of this – but I am not sure as it could have been someone on a
different floor – who no one saw directly, it could have been the owner of
the building, which I sort of doubt now because he was living elsewhere and
running into societal problems such as traffic tickets and other problems.
And a paramiltary guy I knew from Canada might have been involved later who
had access to my keys and may have made contacts in the building in 1992.
I am not sure.  One thing I am sure of is that a great many young people, all
single mainly, were being assaulted physically by a force very actively
involved in criminal activities in this building...this is true, this I
believe...and I believe now that this NJ city was inundated with satanic cult
influence/Mafia cults which were targeting and using young people in wares
games in that area....this I do believe and a great many unsuspecting young
people wound up with their lives and careers shattered there from 1991 -
1995.   What is awful to me is that these single victims are still mostly not
talking – they are frightened by the violence they have endured, they are
scared to admit that they have been victims of these horrible satanic
wars...few people want to admit that they were dealing with poisonings and
EMF assaults, so hard to prove...


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