This is just a fabulous article.  Please forward it to everyone you can.
May Diane Feinstein, Rosy O'Donnell, Hillary Clinton and all other
politico-celebrity types who work so sanctimoniously to disarm the average
American, while they themselves maintain their armed guards, one day find
themselves permanently ensconced in that special place in hell reserved for
the hypocritical, self-serving elitists who denigrate personal self-defense
while they hire others to do their wet work for them.


Just another day with Gun Control, January 16, 2000

by Jim Houck

The movie I went to see today, at the request of my film managers, was
Hurricane starring Denzel Washington. I write feature films. I write TV ads
for the largest advertising agencies on earth for clients like Toyota, Ford,
Sony and Coke. I am the "Hollywood crowd" that the liberal press lies about
so often.

I arrived early at the Torrance, California AMC 20 Theaters, so I bought my
ticket and sat on a bench just outside the front lobby under a palm tree for
about half an hour, enjoying the many different faces, the playing kids, the

A flood of Californians streamed out suddenly. A young girl had been
attacked by a criminal who had just shot her.

"Is the shooter stopped?" I asked, reaching for my Heckler & Koch USP .45,
running for the lobby with the intent to kill the criminal before he could
injure or kill more of We the People.

"No, nobody can do anything! He's just walking around like he owns the
place!" a California woman cried, trembling like a mouse before the lion.
And indeed, the criminal did.

I ripped up my leather jacket and found my holster missing. I didn't have my
.45 with me today. I'd opted not to take it just this one time at the advice
of the local Californians, avoid the hassle of the California cops if they
discover it, I thought, save the massive court
costs of exercising my right. "Don't get caught, the street officers will
hook you and book you and let the judges sort it out," a friend and local
California police officer had told me repeatedly. Besides, it was three in
the afternoon next door to Palos Verdes Estates, one
of the most affluent and lowest crime areas in the United States.

My decision to leave my self defense at home very likely cost the young man
who would be shot next his life. I have extensive, combat firearms training.
I've been in three gun battles with criminals in New Orleans and Miami in
the defense of myself twice and a Miami police officer once, and I've never
missed nor have I lost. The criminals did.

Of course the criminal didn't know these things. He didn't know he was in a
"low crime" area and he didn't seem to care that it was three in the
afternoon on a Sunday. All he knew was that he was operating in Senator
Diane Feinsteinšs wet dream, a theater of perfect Gun
Control. Not one citizen in the large crowd of moms, dads, young men or
young women had a firearm with which to defend themselves. So they ran. But
the funny thing is, they didn't run very fast and the certainly didn't run
very far, in fact, many basically hurried and the
stood around and complained about not being able to finish their show. You
see, criminals being in full control is nothing new in California. It's not
news. It didn't excite these folks.

I stopped outside the lobby doors. No gun. No way to fight this criminal, I

The shooter fired again, dropping a young man next. Well, the California
people voted this idiocy through, they repeatedly elect servants like Diane
Feinstein and Barbara Boxer as state senators, people who take away their
rights to self defense and the defense of
their families, I thought, let them deal with the consequences of their
decisions. Of course the criminal walked out the back of the AMC 20 Theaters
and vanished long before the local police could wade through the Sunday
traffic and do the paperwork. At least they were
nice enough to come. They didn't have to. They responded as a "courtesy"
according to the Supreme Court. They have no legal duty to protect the
individual from criminal assault or murder. Something surprisingly few
people know, especially in California.

I looked at the downed young man. He would die, judging from my own personal
experiences as a shooter of over 20 years and where the criminal had injured
him. The girl, barring very unusual circumstances, she would live, judging
from where the criminal had
injured her and her loss of blood.

The police put pressure on the injuries to try and reduce the bleeding from
the criminal attack. Another courtesy service.

I sat back down on the bench and watched the Californians as they angrily
demanded their ticket money be refunded, the victims of the criminal lying
ten yards from them, moaning, dying.

A man with his wife in the line of angry movie patrons turned to me and
growled, "I'm surprised Feinstein isn't here already. And the liberal
mainstream press. You know, we carry our guns anyway and we didn't bring
them today because it's such a hassle to have to hide
them all the time from the local cops. What a bunch of shit. Just look at
that guy. He's probably going to die."

Thanks, Senator Feinstein. As a resident of Florida, in Los Angeles working
on feature film scripts with my L.A. based managers, it's interesting to see
how your Prohibition on self defense, "Gun Control" works. Of course, had
you been there to see The Hurricane, your armed bodyguards would have used
their semi-automatic, high capacity "assault weapons" to stop the criminal
dead in his tracks, which is what the bastard richly deserved. Funny, Diane,
with all your SB 23s and SB 15s and Prohibition on self defense, the
criminal still badly hurt and perhaps killed two young kids who just went to
see a movie on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Why call it "gun control?" Why not
rename it "defenseless sheep" or the "citizen massacre laws?" Or maybe just
simple "bullshit."

Wish you could have been there Diane to see how your idiotic laws work in
real life. It was memorable.

Jim Houck is the Creative Director of Citizens of America

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