From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's another story with a Communist spin......

Jan. 21, 2000

Drug traffickers
               move on Panama
               'The big people are going
               to start coming,now that the
               Americans have moved out'

               By Julie Foster
               (C) 2000

               Just three weeks after the official
               transfer of the Panama Canal,
               Colombian drug traffickers are setting
               up shop again in Panama after a
               decade-long expulsion that began with
               the U.S. ousting of Gen. Manuel Noriega
               for his drug cartel involvement there.

               The absence of U.S. military forces has
               left the door wide open for the return of
               drug traffickers who were expelled a
               decade ago, and at least one
               Panamanian intelligence officer has
               admitted publicly that Americans have
               good reasons to fear what may be in
               Panama's future.

               The discovery of mid-level traffickers'
               move back to Panama began early last
               year when the Panamanian coast guard
               stopped a speedboat, launching an
               investigation that uncovered a drug
               operation stretching from Colombia to
               the United States.

               By tapping telephone numbers retrieved
               from cellular and satellite phones found
               on board, law enforcement officials
               traced one-ton shipments of cocaine
               from the Colombian port of Cartagena
               through Haiti and the Dominican
               Republic to the U.S.

                             Headquarters of the
                             operation? Panama. In
                             fact, Colombian drug
                             dealers have been
                             moving their families
                             to isolated outskirts of
                             Panama City in recent
                             years, and have
                             become very difficult
               to detect.

               Heriberto Coneo, the suspect arrested
               this month as a result of the speedboat
               investigation, is one example of
               low-profile traffickers returning to
               Panama, according to a report in the Los
               Angeles Times. Coneo kept an
               apartment in the prestigious Pacific
               Hills, a development of three
               condominium towers in Panama City,
               and a house in Sarmeno, about an hour
               outside the city. The unpretentious
               three-bedroom house sits on a hill,
               barely visible from the road. The home
               has been described as the drug dealer's

               The barely-literate Coneo sent his
               children to Panama's best private
               schools, and because he is from
               Colombia's Caribbean coast, he easily
               blended into Panamanian society, which
               is similar in culture and ethnic mixture.

               In fact, law enforcement authorities
               acknowledge that they likely would
               never have noticed him if not for the
               coast guard's routine stop of the
               speedboat last year. Early arrests in that
               case alerted Coneo, who then moved his
               family back to Colombia where he was
               found on Jan. 8.

               "They drive Toyotas," a source close to
               the narcotics business told the Times in
               reference to Panama's elusive new
               resident smugglers. "They don't go to
               nightclubs and sit with 20 showgirls.
               They don't go to nightclubs at all."

               "They were too obvious in the
               [high-rise] buildings," he said. "They are
               well-dressed and [well-groomed], but
               the people who visit them are not, so
               they are easy to spot."

               Law enforcement authorities said they
               are keeping tabs on other suspected
               drug traffickers, several of whom have
               moved their wives or mistresses to
               Panama while sending their children to
               boarding school or college in the United
               States or Europe. The suspects are
               detected only when they travel for

               Foreign-born traffickers, however, allow
               police even fewer opportunities to detect
               them, said a Panamanian intelligence
               officer who attributes their elusiveness
               to weak immigration regulations.

               "They get on a plane from Colombia,
               buy a $5 tourist visa and, when they
               arrive, they disappear," said another
               source close to drug traffickers.
               Panama's extensive financial services
               sector offers them the opportunity to
               invest, and technological advances have
               allowed them to run their operations

               Panama's banking services have been
               an important conduit for laundering
               money, a practice that many believe has
               continued during Noriega's absence.
               Stricter banking laws enacted in 1998
               may have put a damper on the
               laundering activities.

               Those laws, as well as U.S. anti-drug
               activities in Panama, have kept major
               Colombian drug-runners out of Panama
               until now.

               But Panamanian law enforcement
               officials fear that once big-money
               dealers see the relatively easy life being
               lived by mid-level dealers in Panama,
               larger traffickers will move in.

               "The big people are going to start
               coming, now that the Americans have
               moved out," said the Panamanian
               intelligence officer.

               "[Drug traffickers] set up camp here,
               they have safe houses here," said one
               source who has been arrested but not
               convicted on money laundering charges.
               The drug traffickers have taken a hint
               from rich Colombians who have moved
               their families to Panama over the last
               five years to avoid violence in their
               homeland, the source said.

               A Panamanian law enforcement official
               agreed, saying, "They have found a safe
               place to live in Panama."

               "This has happened for three reasons:
               neglect, neglect and neglect," said a
               former U.S. Drug Enforcement
               Administration agent to the Times.
               "When Colombians realize that their
               own country is unstable, it is impossible
               for them not to notice the dollarized
               economy of Panama," which in effect
               uses the U.S. currency as a secure
               alternative for their investments.

               As the U.S. has paid more attention to
               other foreign policy issues and
               Colombian drug production has grown,
               he said, Panama must inevitably feel the

               However, some Panamanian authorities
               argue that the presence of narcotics
               traffickers is not something to worry
               about. They contend that drug lords
               will treat Panama as a sanctuary, and
               that the Colombian dealers' residence
               there is the best guarantee that the
               nation will not be used as a major
               transit route.

               "Panama has always been a refuge,"
               said a high-ranking Panamanian official
               who requested anonymity, according to
               the Times report. "Drug dealers are no
               worse than [former Haitian dictator]
               Raoul Cedras," who moved to Panama
               just before U.S. troops occupied his
               country in 1994.

               WorldNetDaily has published repeated
               warnings by authorities that drug
               crimes would increase upon the transfer
               of the Panama Canal and the
               withdrawal of U.S. troops from the

               Last month, congressional investigator
               Al Santoli, who serves as national
               security advisor to Rep. Dana
               Rohrabacher, R-Calif., told
               WorldNetDaily the greatest danger in
               the region is likely to be a "dirty" war
               which the Communist Chinese will
               wage in the region -- by supporting
               mercenaries, drug cartels, crime lords
               and hard-core revolutionaries
               throughout Central America.

               Santoli's delegation of congressional
               investigators made a special trip to
               Panama last May, and found evidence
               of both Chinese and Russian organized
               crime there.

               "Chinese organized crime operations are
               active in drugs, guns and illegal alien
               smuggling in Panama, and the Russian
               Mafia is known to be supplying
               weapons to Colombian narco-terrorist
               forces," the congressional investigators
               said in their report. "The war in
               neighboring Colombia against
               well-armed narco-terrorist forces, with a
               history of ties to Cuba, is escalating and
               threatens to spread throughout the

               The report also exposes Chinese
               intelligence officers' practice of buying
               off corrupt officials and eager business

               "The Panamanian government has an
               ongoing reputation for corruption and
               mismanagement," states the report,
               which also notes that the Chinese came
               to control the vital waterway through
               crooked means.

               "By most accounts, an unfair and
               corrupt contractual bidding process,
               which was protested by the U.S.
               ambassador to Panama, enabled the
               Chinese Hutchison Whampoa company
               to outmaneuver American and Japanese
               companies for the long-term lease on the
               Canal ports," according to the
               congressional report.

               Said the Panamanian intelligence
               officer: "The Americans have got to be
               really worried, and I don't blame them."

               Julie Foster is a staff reporter for

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