-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I've done before with this way out of date list that Bard got from some
website that hasn't updated its stuff for years. I'm gonna from the top of
my head put a ? mark beside each official that has been gone from the
Clinton admin. since, in some of the cases on this list, befor the end of
Clinton's first term as President. This sloppy research doesn't inspire much
confidence that other aspects of this run of the mill screed against the CFR
and the Trilats is worth much. I'd recommend instead, Holly Sklar book
published by South End Press in the early 80's called, I think, (and too
lazy right now to do a amazon.com)
, "The Trilateral Commission and Elite Plans For World Dominence." On CFR,
Larry Shoup, " Imperial Brain Trust, " Monthly Review Press, mid 1970's.
Shoup also authored a great book on Carter and the Trilats, "The Carter
Presidency And Beyond, " Ramparts Press.
Now for the question marks after the way out of date stuff. And I'll put a
?? after the non-govt. types like the figures in the media that are long
And on the Rockefellers check out the biography of the whole family and its
influence, "The Rockefellers, " Peter Collier and David Horowitz. And for
something specific on  one Rockefeller and Evangelical Christian BS there is
a book I'll find out the title of and report on Sunday after I pick up a
copy. (Again the title escapes me, I can see this picture of the cover in my
head, Ill do the report later on sunday or monday..)
                              Michael Pugliese
>      The following CFR members hold top positions in our current
> Administration:
> 1.President Bill Clinton
>        2.Vice President Al Gore
>        3.Secretary of State Warren Christopher ?
>        4.Deputy Secretary of State Clifton R. Wharton ?
>        5.CIA Director R. James Woolsey ?
>        6.National Security Advisor W. Anthony Lake ?
>        7.Deputy National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger, bumped up
>        8.Secretary of Defense Les Aspen, ? died of a heart attack around
'95 , replaced by James Deutsch, who was replaced by Cohen.
>        9.Chrmn., Intel. Adv. Bd. William J. Crowe
>       10.U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright, Halfbright Sec. of State
since she replacede Warren Christopher
>       11.Sec. H.& H.S. Donna E. Shalala
>       12.OMB Alice M. Rivlin , moved back to Brookings
>       13.Secretary H.U.D. Henry G. Cisneros, ?
how long since the Special Prosecutor for this adulterer who paid off his
>       14.Chrmn., Council Ec. Advisors Laura D. Tyson, moved back to a
think tank and academia
>       15.Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd M. Bentsen (former CFR), ?
Remeber all the years of Bob Rubin, replaced by Larry Summers who said in a
memo when he worked at the World Bank that poor third World countries were
"underpolluted" and should be grateful for the toxic waste of the rich,
imperialist North like The USA And the western European capitalist hegemons.
pay African countries a few dollars per ton of our waste. summers
presumabably thinks we should pay pennies!
>       16.Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt
>       17.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg
>      There are 370 others as well.
>      Have you ever wondered why, since WWII, U.S. foreign policy has
> allowed Communist expansion? Consider the roles
>      of the following CFR members since WWII:
> 1.George Marshall and Dean Acheson engineered the betrayal of Chiang
> Kai-shek, allowing communist takeover of
>           China;
>        2.Dean Acheson and Dean Rusk arranged the no-win undeclared war
> in Korea and the removal of General McArthur;
>        3.John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, under CFR President
> Eisenhower betrayed Hungarian freedom fighters and
>           knowingly brought Fidel Castro to power in Cuba;
>        4.McGeorge Bundy, Adlai Stevenson, and John J. McCloy saw to it
> that the Bay of Pigs invasion to oust Castro
>           failed;
>        5.Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, and Henry Cabot Lodge pushed the
> U.S. into Vietnam - and then drew up the rules
>           making victory impossible;
>        6.Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger continued these policies,
> which led to communist takeover of South
>           Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos;
>        7.Henry Kissinger, Ellsworth Bunker, and Sol Linowitz arranged
> for the Panama Canal giveaway - and gave $400
>           million dollars to that Marxist dictatorship to take it;
>        8.Under leadership of Zbigniew Bzrezinski, Cyrus Vance, and
> Warren Christopher, the Carter Administration
>           undermined U.S. allies in Iran and Nicaragua;
>        9.Under Reagan, George Schultz, William J. Casey, and Malcom
> Baldridge arranged U.S. foreign aid to communist
>           Romania, communist Poland, and the U.S.S.R.; they also impeded
> anti-Communists in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
>      Why? It is easier to control oppressive Marxist regimes than
> nations of free men - in a one-world socialist
>      government.
>      Yes, Col. House's agenda of controlling both political parties in
> the U.S. has been achieved, through, as Madison
>      warned, "silent and gradual encroachment." An excellent history of
> the CFR is found in "The Shadows of Power"
>      (James Perloff, 1988, Western Island Publishers, P.O. Box 8040,
> Appleton, Wis. 54913, 1-414-749-3783).

>      Just as Col. House led an American contingent to Paris in 1919,
> there are also powerful like-minded organizations
>      in Europe, through financial control, promoting a one-world
> government.
> The most prominent of these is the Bilderbergers (est. in 1954), and is
> largely responsible for the unification
>      of Europe through the Treaty of Rome (1957).
>      Regardless of where these groups are from, their goal is a world
> government, and the U.N.. which they
>      established, is the platform from which it will be launched.
>      "Global Tyranny...Step by Step"(by William Jasper, 1992, Western
> Islands Publishers, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton,
>      Wis. 54913) gives a well-documented examination of the past,
> present, and future role of the United Nations in
>      the emerging New World Order. The titles of a few of its chapters:
>           Chapter 1 The New World Army
>           Chapter 3 The U.N. Founders
>           Chapter 5 The Drive for World Government
>           Chapter 8 The U.N. Grab for Your Child
>           Chapter 10 The New World Money System
>      The author also presents ways we can reverse this encroachment
> against our liberty and freedom.
>      The Rockefellers play a key role in America's financial and
> political life. Currently, David Rockefeller is the
>      honorary chairman of both the CFR and the Tri Lateral Commission,
> as well as (through his Chase Manhattan Bank) a
>      top stockholder in the Federal Reserve.
>      The Rockefeller influence goes back to 1890, when John D.
> Rockefeller was refining nearly 90% of all crude oil in
>      the country, and frequently worked in concert with Wall Street
> banker J.P. Morgan. By the turn of the century,
>      John D. purchased the Chase Bank and brother William bought the
> National City Bank of New York, and in 1913,
>      became part of the Federal Reserve System.
>      The Rockefeller Foundation was also in full operation by that time,
> effectively nullifying the "tax on the
>      wealthy" as the proponents of 16th Amendment had sought.
> According to the Sept. 16, 1916 New York Times, the Rockefeller oil
> holdings alone were worth $500 million. By
>      1930, the 200 largest corporations, under Rockefeller and Morgan
> influence, held over 49% of the assets of all
>      40,000 corporations in the country.
>      AT&T (controlled by Morgan) had greater assets than the total
> wealth in 21 states.
>      The influence of the Rockefeller and Morgan groups was so great,
> they could affect the economic life of the
>      country to a large degree and almost control its political life on
> the Federal level.
>      The Rockefellers increased their leverage over the economy
> throughout the Depression years:
>      1) many of their competitors were hard-hit by the Stock Market
> Crash; 2) and, being a part of the Fed, the
>      Rockefellers benefited from massive government borrowing; 3) which,
> in turn, furthered their control of industry,
>      soon to be mobilized for war production.
>      America's entry into WWII enhanced all of the above, and their
> wealth continued to be funneled into the
>      tax-exempt foundations.
>      Following the War, the U.S. was in such bad economic condition,
> that in 1950, it declared bankruptcy a second
>      time and the Secretary of Treasury was appointed as "Receiver" in
> the Bankruptcy (Reorganization Plan No. 26,
>      Title 5 U.S.C.A 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, page
> 5967).
>      In 1953, Congressman Carroll Reese of Tennessee initiated a
> Congressional Committee to investigate the tremendous
>      influence of the huge tax-exempt foundations and their control over
> the economy.
>      Yet, even Congress had little influence in diminishing the
> tremendous influence and control the international
>      bankers exercised in the economy. The Rockefeller's wealth
> continued to expand - their foundations allows their
>      wealth to compound.
> Each year the Rockefellers can dump up to half of their income into
> their foundations and deduct these donations
>      from their income tax. Nelson Rockefeller admitted at his
> confirmation hearings (for V.P.):
>           "The foundation pays no capital gains tax and no income tax,
> so
>           those funds can continue to multiply."
>      And indeed they have. The following information on the
> Rockefeller's more current wealth is derived from
>      Congressman Patman's Report in the Congressional Record. What I am
> about the give you is direct ownership of
>      stock; pay particular attention to the oil companies.
>      In direct stock, they own: Exxon - 156.7 million; Rockefeller
> Center - 98 million; Standard of California - 85
>      million; IBM - 72.6 million; Chase Manhattan Bank - 18 million.
> Others that they have 10 million or more in are:
>      Mobil Oil, Eastman Kodak, General Electric, Texas Instruments,
> Minnesota Mining & Mfg., and they own significant
>      portions of about 50 other major American companies.
>      A look at their security holdings reveals: They control
> Chase-Manhattan Bank, City National Bank of New York, and
>      Chemical Bank, among others; these are in the top of the list.
>      The Chase Manhattan Bank deals in many foreign countries as well as
> corporations: well over 100 countries with
>      about 50,000 affiliated banks.
>      A look at the interlocking boards of directors in the insurance
> industry, at the time this data was compiled, the
>      Rockefellers controlled 3 of the 4 largest insurance companies in
> the world, that being Metropolitan Life,
>      Equitable Life, and New York Life.
>      The assets of these three at that time was $113 billion. They
> control others as well.
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