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The Expansion of the Faith
With the rapid expansion of the Persian Empire, the worship of Mithras spread
eastward through northern India into the western provinces of China. In
Chinese mythology, Mithras came to be known as 'The Friend'. To this day,
Mithras is represented as a military General in Chinese statues, and is
considered to be the friend of man in this life and his protector against
evil in the next.

In India, Mithras was recognized as 'God of Heavenly Light' and an ally of
Indra, King of Heaven. Mithras was often prayed to and invoked along with
Varuna, the Hindu god of moral law and true speech. Jointly known as
'Mitra-Varuna', it was believed that together they would uphold order in the
world while travelling in a shining chariot and living in a golden mansion
with a thousand pillars and a thousands doors. Mithras was also praised in
the Vedic hymns. Just as in the Zoroastrian Avesta, the Hindu scriptures
recognized Mithras as 'God of Light', 'Protector of Truth', and 'Enemy of

The worship of Mithras also extended westward through what is now Turkey to
the borders of the Aegean Sea. A bilingual dedication to Mithras, written in
Greek and Aramaic, was found engraved upon a rock in a wild pass near Farasha
in the Turkish province of Cappadocia. Mithras was also the only Iranian god
whose name was known in ancient Greece. A grotto located near the Greek town
of Tetapezus was dedicated to Mithras, before it was transformed into a
church. However, Mithraism never made many converts in Greece or in the
Hellenized countries. That country never extended the hand of hospitality to
the god of its ancient enemies.

According to the Greek historian Plutarch (46-125 A.D.), Mithras was first
introduced into Italy by pirates from Cilicia (south-east Turkey) who
initiated the Romans into the secrets of the religion. These pirates
performed strange sacrifices on Mount Olympus and practiced Mithraic rituals,
which according to Plutarch "exist to the present day and were first taught
by them". However, there were many foreign cults in Italy at that time, and
these early Mithraists did not attract much attention.

It is one of the great of ironies of history that Romans ended up worshipping
the god of their chief political enemy, the Persians. The Roman historian
Quintius Rufus recorded in his book History of Alexander that before going
into battle against the 'anti-Mithraean country' of Rome, the Persian
soldiers would pray to Mithras for victory. However, after the two enemy
civilizations had been in contact for more than a thousand years, the worship
of Mithras finally spread from the Persians through the Phrygians of Turkey
to the Romans.

The Romans viewed Persia as a land of wisdom and mystery, and Persian
religious teachings appealed to those Romans who found the established state
religion uninspiring - just as during the Cold War era of the 1960's many
American university students rejected western religious values and sought
enlightenment in the established spirituality of Communist east-Asian "enemy


Mithras in the Roman Empire
"Let us suppose that in modern Europe the faithful had deserted the Christian
churches to worship Allah or Brahma, to follow the precepts of Confucius or
Buddha, or to adopt the maxims of the Shinto; let us imagine a great
confusion of all the races of the world in which Arabian mullahs, Chinese
scholars, Japanese bonzes, Tibetan lamas and Hindu pundits should all be
preaching fatalism and predestination, ancestor-worship and devotion to a
deified sovereign, pessimism and deliverance through annihilation - a
confusion in which all those priests should erect temples of exotic
architecture in our cities and celebrate their disparate rites therein. Such
a dream, which the future may perhaps realize, would offer a pretty accurate
picture of the religious chaos in which the ancient world was struggling
before the reign of Constantine."

Franz Cumont
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism

At a time when Christianity was only one of several dozen foreign Eastern
cults struggling for recognition in Rome, the religious dualism and dogmatic
moral teaching of Mithraism set it apart from other sects, creating a
stability previously unknown in Roman paganism. Early Roman worshippers
imagined themselves to be keepers of ancient wisdom from the far east, and
invincible heroes of the faith, ceaselessly fighting the powers of
corruption. Mithraism quickly gained prominence and remained the most
important pagan religion until the end of the fourth century, spreading
Zoroastrian dualism throughout every province of the empire for three hundred

In those days, it was imperial policy to remove troops as far as possible
from their country of origin in order to prevent local uprisings. A Roman
soldier who, after several years of service in his native country had been
promoted to the rank of centurion, was transferred to a foreign station where
he was later assigned to a new garrison. This way, the entire body of
centurions of any one legion constituted a microcosm of the empire. The vast
extent of the Roman colonies formed links between Persia and the
Mediterranean and caused the diffusion of the Mithraic religion into the
Roman world.

Mithraism became a military religion under the Romans. The many dangers to
which the Roman soldiers were exposed caused them to seek the protection of
the gods of their foreign comrades in order to obtain success in battle or a
happier life through death. The soldiers adopted the Mithraic faith for its
emphasis on victory, strength, and security in the next world. Temples and
shrines were dedicated to Mithras across the empire. In 67 B.C., the first
congregation of Mithras-worshipping soldiers existed in Rome under the
command of General Pompey.

>From 67 to 70 A.D.,the legio XV Appolinaris, or Fifteenth Appolonian Legion,
took part in suppressing the uprising of the Jews in Palestine. After sacking
and burning the Second Temple in Jerusalem and capturing the infamous Ark of
the Covenant, this legion accompanied Emperor Titus to Alexandria, where they
were joined by new recruits from Cappadocia (Turkey) to replace casualties
suffered in their victorious campaigns. After their transportation to the
Danube with the veteran legionnaires, they offered sacrifices to Mithras in a
semicircular grotto that they consecrated to him on the banks of the river.

Soon, this first temple was no longer adequate and a second one was built
adjoining a temple of Jupiter. As a municipality developed alongside the camp
and the conversions to Mithraism continued to multiply, a third and much
larger Mithraeum was erected towards the beginning of the second century.
This temple was later enlarged by Diocletian, Emperor from 284-305 A.D.
Diocletian rededicated this sanctuary to Mithras, giving him the title "The
Protector of the Empire".

Five Mithraeums were found in Great Britain, where only three Roman legions
were stationed. Remains were discovered in London near St. Paul's Cathedral
(a site which I visited in July 1992), in Segontium in Wales, and three were
found along Hadrian's Wall in Northern England. Mithraism also reached
Northern Africa by Roman military recruits from abroad.

By the second century, the worship of Mithras had spread throughout Germany
due to the powerful army that defended this territory. The greatest number of
Mithraeums in the western world were discovered in Germany. An inscription
has been found of a centurion's dedication to Mithras dating back to the year
148 A.D. One of the most famous Mithraic bas-reliefs, showing twelve scenes
from the life of the god, was discovered in Neuenheim, Germany in 1838.

When Commodus (Emperor from 180-192 A.D.) was initiated into the Mithraic
religion, there began an era of strong support of Mithraism that included
emperors such as Aurelian, Diocletian, and Julian the Apostate, who called
Mithras "the guide of the souls". All of these emperors took the Mithraic
titles of 'Pius', 'Felix', and 'Invictus' (devout, blessed, and invincible).
>From this point on, Roman authority legitimized their rule by divine right,
as opposed to heredity or vote of the Senate.

The Babylonian astrological influence within Mithraism established a solar
henotheism as the leading religion at Rome. In 218 the Roman Emperor
Heliogabalus (placed upon the throne at age 14) attempted to elevate his god,
the Baal of Emesa to the rank of supreme divinity of the empire by
subordinating the entire ancient pantheon. Heliogabalus was soon assassinated
for his aspiration of a solar henotheism, but half a century later his
attempt inspired emperor Aurelian to initiate the worship of the Sol

Worshipped in an elaborate temple, magnificent plays were held in honour of
this deity every fourth year. Sol invictus was also elevated to the supreme
rank in the divine hierarchy, and became the special protector of the
emperors and the empire. Many Mithraic reliefs showed scenes of Mithras and
Sol sharing a banquet over a table draped with the skin of the bull.

Soon after, the title of Sol invictus was transferred to Mithras. The Roman
emperors formally announced their alliance with the sun and emphasized their
likeness to Mithras, god of its divine light. Mithras was also unified with
the sun-god Helios, and became known as 'The Great God Helios-Mithras'.
Emperor Nero adopted the radiating crown as the symbol of his sovereignty to
exemplify the splendour of the rays of the sun, and to show that he was an
incarnation of Mithras. He was initiated into the Mithraic religion by the
Persian Magi brought to Rome by the King of Armenia. Emperors from that time
onwards proclaimed themselves destined to the throne by virtue of having been
born with the divine ruling power of the sun.


The Rites of Mithraic Initiation
Upon enlistment, the first act of a Roman soldier was to pledge obedience and
devotion to the emperor. Absolute loyalty to authority and to fellow soldiers
was the cardinal virtue, and the Mithraic religion became the ultimate
vehicle for this fraternal obedience. The Mithras worshippers compared the
practice of their religion to their military service. All of the initiates
considered themselves sons of the same father owing to one another a
brother's affection. Mithras was a chaste god, and his worshippers were
taught reverence for celibacy (a convenient trait for soldiers to maintain).
The spirit of camaraderie (and celibacy) was to be continued in the Roman
Empire by the Christian belief in neighborly love and universal charity.

However, the worshippers of Mithras did not lose themselves in a
contemplative mysticism like the followers of other near-eastern sects. Their
morality particularly encouraged action, and during a period of war and
confusion, they found stimulation, comfort and support in its tenets. In
their eyes of the Roman soldiers, resistance to evil deeds and immoral
actions became just as valued as victory in glorious military exploits. They
would fight the powers of evil in accordance with the ideals of Zoroastrian
dualism, in which life was conceived as a struggle against evil spirits.

By supplying a new conception of the world, Mithraism gave new meaning to
life by determining the worshipper's beliefs concerning life after death. The
struggle between good and evil was extended into the afterworld, where
Mithras ensured the protection of his followers from the powers of darkness.
It was believed that Mithras would judge the souls of the dead and lead the
righteous into the heavenly regions where Ahura-Mazda reigned in eternal
light. Mithraism brought the assurance that reverence would berewarded with

Mithraism was an archetypal mystery cult and secret society. Like the rites
of Demeter, Orpheus, and Dionysus, the Mithraic rituals admitted candidates
by secret ceremonies, the meaning of which was known only to the initiated.
Like all other institutionalized initiation rites of the past and present,
this mystery cult allowed the initiates to be controlled and put under the
command of their leaders. Preceding initiation into the Mithraic fold, the
neophyte had to prove his courage and devotion by swimming across a rough
river, descending a sharp cliff, or jumping through flames with his hands
bound and eyes blindfolded. The initiate was also taught the secret Mithraic
password, which he was to use to identify himself to other members, and which
he was to repeat to himself frequently as a personal mantra.

Mithraic worshippers believed that the human soul descended into the world at
birth. The goal of their religious quest was to achieve the soul's ascent out
of the world again by gaining passage through seven heavenly gates,
corresponding to seven grades of initiation. Therefore, being promoted to a
higher rank in the religion was believed to correspond to a heavenly journey
of the soul. Promotion was obtained through submission to religious authority
(kneeling), casting off the old life (nakedness), and liberation from bondage
through the mysteries.

The process of Mithraic initiation required the symbolic climbing of a
ceremonial ladder with seven rungs, each made of a different metal to
symbolize the seven known celestial bodies. By symbolically ascending this
ceremonial ladder through successive initiations, the neophyte could proceed
through the seven levels of heaven. The seven grades of Mithraism, were:
Corax (Raven), Nymphus (Male Bride), Miles (Soldier), Leo (Lion), Peres
(Persian), Heliodromus (Sun-Runner), and Pater (Father); each respective
grade protected by Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Moon, the Sun, and

The lowest degree of initiation into the grade of Corax symbolized the death
of a new member, from which he would arise reborn as a new man. This
represented the end of his life as an unbeliever, and cancelled previous
allegiances to the other unacceptable beliefs. The title Corax (Raven)
originated with the Zoroastrian custom of exposing the dead on funeral towers
to be eaten by carrion birds, a custom continued today by the Parsis of
India, the descendants of the Persian followers of Zarathustra.

Further initiation involved the clashing of symbols, beating of drums, and
the unveiling of a statue of Mithras. The initiate drank wine from the cymbal
to recognize it as the source of ritual ecstasy. Next, he ate a small morsel
of bread placed on a drum, to signify his acceptance of Mithras as the source
of his food. This bread had been exposed to the rays of the sun, so by eating
the bread the worshipper was partaking of the divine essence of the sun
itself. The initiate would also offer a loaf of bread and cup of water to the
statue of Mithras.

When a neophyte reached the degree of Miles (soldier), he was offered a
crown, which he had to reject with the saying "Only Mithras is my crown". The
indelible mark of a cross, symbol of the sun, was then branded on his
forehead with a hot iron to symbolize his ownership by the deity, and he
would renounce the social custom of wearing a wreath. From then on, the
neophyte belonged to the sacred militia of 'The Invincible God Mithras'. All
family ties were severed and only fellow initiates were to be considered

Worshippers used caves and grottos as temples wherever possible, or at least
gave temples the internal appearance of caves or of being subterranean by
building steps leading down to the entrance. They took part in masquerading
as animals, such as ravens and lions, and inserted passages into their ritual
chants that were devoid of any literal meaning. All of these rites that
characterized Roman Mithraism originated in ancient prehistoric ceremonies.

During the rituals, the evolution of the universe and the destiny of mankind
was explained. The service consisted chiefly of contemplating the Mithraic
symbolism, praying while knelt before benches, and chanting hymns to the
accompaniment of flutes. Hymns were sung describing the voyage of Mithras'
horse-drawn chariot across the sky. Invokers and worshippers of Mithras
prayed, "Abide with me in my soul. Leave me not [so] that I may be initiated
and that the Holy Spirit may breathe within me." Animal sacrifices, mostly of
birds, were also conducted in the Mithraeums.

The Mithraic clergy's duty was to maintain the perpetual holy fire on the
altar, invoke the planet of the day, offer the sacrifices for the disciples,
and preside at initiations. The Mithraic priests were known as Patres
Sacrorum, or Fathers of the Sacred Mysteries. They were mystically designated
with the titles Leo and Heirocorax, and presided over the priestly festivals
of Leontica (the festival of lions), Coracica (the festival of ravens), and
Heirocoracica (the festival of sacred ravens).

The great festival of the Mithraic calendar was held on December the 25th,
and the 16th of every month was kept holy to Mithras. The first day of the
week was dedicated to the sun, to whom prayers were recited in the morning,
noon, and evening. Services were held on Sundays, in which bells were sounded
and praises were offered to Mithras. On great occasions, the 'soldiers of
Mithras' took part in the sacrament of bread and wine as sacred bulls were

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