I'd like to respond:
Ask yourself this: How come only Xians have this fetish with Freemasonry and
=======  Because their beliefs are offensive primarily to, perhaps only to, Christians.
I'm a right-wing pagan and I don't see pagans et al (of all persuasions) babbling and gibbering about these so-called "conspiracies" CONSTANTLY.
======= Like all cultural, political, sociological and other issues, some scream louder and more frequently than others.
Could it be Christians, as members of a vast CULT mindset and an actual conspiracy to control people's minds, don't like what they perceive as *competition*?
======= What do you refer to when you allege Christians are engaged in an actual conspiracy to control people's minds?  Also, I don't think Christians see anybody or anything as real competition to the Lord Jesus Christ.
They are control freaks and view the Freemasons and Illuminati as an all-powerful and all-controlling phenomena.
======= I am not a control freak.  I view them as fluff compared to the power of Jesus Christ but I do not discount their power in the worldly realm, just as I do not discount the power of Satan in the evil realm.
They want to reestablish their control over society and are singing the blues because
their dead, discredited, religion's power has waned considerably for the
last 100 years. Boooo hoooo hoooo!
======= Yes, Christians would like to establish Christian principles in society.  As would Moslems who maintain to kill a Christian (infidel) will gain them more points with Allah when they get to the next life.  Christians know that Christianity won't be established until Revelations says so.  They know that tribulation must precede it.  Again, some are more antsy than others when it comes to persecution.  We aren't used to it like they are in Sudan, Iran, Indonesia, China and elsewhere.


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