-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

"Of course, there will be no mention of Chinese Defense Minister Chi
Haotian's recent prediction that "war with the United States is inevitable,"
as reported by Hong Kong's Cheng Ming newspaper earlier this month."

Of course not.  US citizens may actually want to beef up our military if
that bit of news was broadcasted.


Monday January 24, 2000; 10:22 AM

Gore, Bradley and Beijing's Nuclear Blackmailer

New York Times columnist William Safire has some profound advice for
Democratic challenger Bill Bradley. If the former New Jersey senator wants
to stay in the race after his expected loss to Vice President Al Gore in
Monday night's Iowa caucuses, it's time he considered going "upbeat

Safire says there's one topic that's guaranteed to worry even the most
committed Gore supporters.

"In going upbeat negative, don't dredge up ancient history about Gore's
first use of Willie Horton. In this week's debate, be realistic about the
great danger to Democrats in the fall campaign: Gore's shameful record in
abetting Clinton's 1996 political money corruption."

And there's no more shameful aspect of that corruption than the millions in
Chinese campaign cash the Clinton-Gore team raked in as Beijing's agents ran
roughshod over US national security.

If Bradley were to take Safire's advice seriously, he might begin right away
by complaining about the event scheduled to take place in D.C. at the same
time Iowans are deciding for whom they'll vote.

As reported in this space exclusively two weeks ago, a senior Chinese
general who once threatened Los Angeles with nuclear annihilation will be
welcomed to Washington with open arms today by the Clinton-Gore

People's Liberation Army Lt. Gen Xiong Guangkai will meet with Defense
Secretary William Cohen and other senior American military officials to
repair ties in the wake of last year's bombing of the Chinese embassy in
Belgrade during US air attacks on Bosnia.

The diplomatic mission is something of a new role for Gen. Xiong. He wasn't
particularly interested in diplomacy four years ago when he delivered the
nuclear ultimatum to former US Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles
Freeman -- in the midst of Beijing's saber rattling over US ties to Taiwan.

"Taiwan is a matter of vital interest to us," warned Gen. Xiong. "In the
1950s, you three times threatened nuclear strikes on China, and you could do
that because we couldn't hit back. Now we can. So you are not going to
threaten us again because, in the end, you care a lot more about Los Angeles
than (Taiwan's capital) Taipei." (Washington Post, June 21, 1998)

Xiong's nuclear threat came on the heels of his deputy Gen. Ji Shengde's
promise of $300,000 in campaign cash to then-Clinton fundraiser Johnny
Chung. "We like your President," Ji told Chung. "We want to see him

During this week's visit, Beijing's nuclear blackmailer is expected to
criticize US plans to sell advanced weaponry to Taiwan and tell the Clinton
Pentagon that China opposes America's own missile defense efforts.

Administration spinmeisters will no doubt pretend Gen. Xiong's efforts to
derail US missile defense plans merely reflect China's desire to avoid a new
worldwide arms race. Of course, there will be no mention of Chinese Defense
Minister Chi Haotian's recent prediction that "war with the United States is
inevitable," as reported by Hong Kong's Cheng Ming newspaper earlier this

If Bill Bradley wants to stop Gore cold, he could start by explaining to
Iowans the significance of Gen. Xiong's visit and Minister Chi's comments,
as he shakes their hands during a final round of campaigning.

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