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A Newsweek spokesman would only say the magazine is working on a
Turque excerpt to run "in the coming weeks."

New York Post-January 24, 2000



A longtime friend who says he supplied pot "regularly" to Al Gore
now charges that the Democratic presidential hopeful leaned on
him to "stonewall" the press about their alleged dope-smoking

John Wernecke, who worked with Gore at the Nashville Tennessean
newspaper, charges that during Gore's failed bid for the
Democratic presidential nomination in 1988, the candidate
pressured him to cover up how much he'd smoked pot in the past --
and how much he enjoyed it.

"He put the pressure on me to stonewall," Wernecke, 53, told the
online magazine Salon. "Al asked me not to tell the truth [to

And the former reporter and recovering alcoholic -- who says he's
now in a 12-step program -- hinted he can prove his story if the
Gore camp brands him a liar.

"If they make this a war of who is telling the truth, then I've
got things ... and I'll keep coming back with more and more
information," he said.

"He called me three times in one morning [during the 1988 race]
and he said, ‘Don't talk to the press at all about this,'"
Wernecke said. "That's a stonewall, and it's another form of

"The story I said was the opposite of truth. Because he and I
smoked pot every day for I don't know how long," Wernecke said.
"And he loved it."

In an earlier interview with the Web site stopthedrugwar.org,
Wernecke said, "I was [Gore's] regular supplier. I didn't deal
dope, I just gave it to him."

Gore spokesman Chris Lehane told The Post the veep "doesn't
remember ever having a conversation like that."

Lehane also repeated Gore's statement that "since he made the
decision to enter public office, he's never used [marijuana]."

Wernecke -- the son of John Carl Wernecke, who designed President
Kennedy's grave site -- now says he toked up with Gore until
1976, the year the veep first ran for Congress.

"I smoked with him right before he ran, and if my memory is
correct I smoked with him one time during the campaign," Wernecke

Wernecke told Salon he's not speaking out because of a "vendetta"
against Gore.

"I've been living with this for years, and feeling horrible about
it," said Wernecke, who added, "I like Al. I'm going to vote for
him ... I think he's the best candidate of them all."

The dope imbroglio heated up on the eve of today's Iowa
presidential caucuses.

In 1987, Gore -- then a senator from Tennessee -- admitted
smoking pot on "infrequent and rare" occasions in the late 1960s
and early 1970s, and said he last smoked around 1972.

Wernecke's allegations surfaced in relation to a book about Gore
written by Newsweek reporter Bill Turque that reportedly features
the new pot claims. The magazine reportedly killed an excerpt
about the pot use.

A Newsweek spokesman would only say the magazine is working on a
Turque excerpt to run "in the coming weeks."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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