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Out of the pan and into the fire?

Electronic Telegraph-Thursday 27 January 2000

U-turn from Gore to make most of Clinton success

By Toby Harnden in Washington

VICE-PRESIDENT Al Gore has abandoned his strategy of constantly
distancing himself from Bill Clinton's character failings and is
now championing the President's policy successes and vowing to
build on his legacy.

 The abrupt shift was made after campaign aides argued that
although "Clinton fatigue" was an electoral factor there was
broad support for the administration's record and only by
capitalising on this could Mr Gore hope to win the White House
race. There was a powerful sign that the new strategy could be
paying off when Mr Gore swept to victory in Monday's Iowa

 A Reuters poll yesterday found the Vice-President held a
nine-point lead over his rival Bill Bradley in New Hampshire. A
Gore win in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary would effectively end
Mr Bradley's challenge.

 Tonight, what the Washington Post described as "Gore's new
comfort with the President" will be displayed during Mr Clinton's
final State of the Union address. The Vice-President will be seen
on prime-time television applauding as Mr Clinton trumpets the
administration's achievements.

 A few months ago, the Gore team would have considered this image
damaging to their candidate. Mr Bradley was riding high in the
polls and gaining support for his argument that a break with the
past was needed. Now, the view is that tonight's event will
enable Mr Gore to bask in the reflected glory of a booming
economy and public approval of Mr Clinton's policy performance.

 Al From, president of the Democratic Leadership Council and a
supporter of the Vice-President, said: "The State of the Union
will help highlight Gore's greatest strength, which is the
Clinton-Gore record." The address would "emphasise the good
direction of the country, and that helps Gore".

 Mr Clinton is likely to praise Mr Gore in tonight's speech,
highlighting his environmental protection and job training
initiatives. Neither Dwight Eisenhower nor Ronald Reagan
mentioned their vice-presidents, Richard Nixon and George Bush
Snr, in their final addresses even though they were running for
the White House.

 Whereas Mr Gore would formerly go out of his way to outline how
disappointed he was with Mr Clinton's sexual misconduct with
Monica Lewinsky, he now feels this is a dying issue among
Democrats and he no longer has to justify his unstinting support
for the President.

 An Iowa voter asked Mr Gore last week: "I'm concerned your
ability to win the election is reduced by your association with
the Clinton scandal . . . Why don't you just say, 'I wouldn't
have done that'." Mr Gore replied: "I wouldn't have done that."

 Mr Gore is helped by the popularity of his wife, Tipper, and the
fact there has never been any suggestion he has been unfaithful
to her. The couple were childhood sweethearts and frequently kiss
at public events.

 When Mr Bradley challenged Mr Gore recently to demand that Mr
Clinton ban racial profiling, or analysis of racial voting
patterns, the Vice-President shot back: "I don't think that
President Bill Clinton needs a lecture from Bill Bradley about
how to stand up and fight for African Americans and Latinos in
this country."

 But the danger Mr Gore faces is that while Democrats may feel
positive about Mr Clinton, most Republicans and many independents
take a different view. The Republican presidential nominee is
likely to exploit ruthlessly Mr Gore's close links with Mr
Clinton if, as expected, the Vice-President defeats Mr Bradley.

*Orrin Hatch, 65, who finished sixth and last in the Republican
Iowa caucuses, ended his bid for the nomination yesterday.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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