-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Andrew, How observant you are!  I have never laughed so much...thanks for
the endorphins. Christian Right HAHA
You have to be extraordinary lucky to even find a Christian in England. The
Christian (prob many Freemason too) leaders are all sitting at the debating
tables with committees working out the best way not to offend the gay
congregations (if they can even get in as most of the churches are locked
because of thieves) and clergy. During my entire 7 year sentence in London I
never came across one Christian the entire time. They have interfaith
services now in England with the Dali Lama giving services in Anglican and
Catholic cathedrals under the peace and tolerance theme.

I listen to the Christian music station here in NZ and up till last year
(when they actually managed to find a Christian English band finally), the
sole contribution from England was Cliff Richard for 5 years. Either that or
English oldies singing hymns. The vast majority of American Christian music
comes from Tennesee from people with Scots, Irish and Welsh names. I heard
on the radio that the churche numbers were dwindling in England so badly
that they had to put on rock concerts to get people back. I go to the
library and look in the Christian section and nearly all the new books there
coming from England are telling people Jesus never died on the cross and
Christians have been conned the whole time and He went to France or
somewhere. Not like there was much faith to lose but really English
intellectuals have decided to destroy the tradional beliefs by saying it
is/has been all lies and now THIS (Holy Grail or whatever fad they are
promoting, etc) is truth.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Hennessey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 28 January 2000 14:12
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Gay Times in Britlandia

-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>The Labour government's proposal to repeal the anti-gay "Section 28" of the
>Local Government Act has triggered a noisy, homophobic campaign by the
>Conservative Party and Christian right.

c'mon guys, there isn't a christian right in the uk

its a nice bit of observation to note that it may have been intended to
catch out the commies etc ... but ...

you miss the point entirely here.

The campaign to halt the repeal is not really about suppressing gay values -
simply stated the law as it stands is sufficient to halt prejudice and
bigotry against gender minorities at this time without any change.
repeal of section 28 however will simply give a loud and vocal minority the
opportunity to impose their minority agenda on a sensitive and confused
agegroup largely comprised of a majority who would probably appreciate the
freedom to discover their own sexual identity apart from the aggressive
caricatures of heterosexuality that appear in soaps and magazines.
The law is fine as it is for everyone.

This is one case where the establishment has it exactly right -
remove clause 28 and we could be tampering with the seventh seal in the uk



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