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Rich Liberals Hedge with Bets on McCain
January 27, 2000

Republican John McCain is talking campaign reform while walking with Wall
Street moguls and Hollywood liberals who are backing his Democratic rivals
for the presidency.
Also, the Arizona senator has for years been accepting major contributions
from the gambling industry, whose interests he supports in Congress.

Yet the mainstream news media have been characterizing McCain as the champion
of reforming campaign funding to eliminate just such influence.

And McCain is putting most of his campaign chips on the issue of campaign
reform in next Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, which he sees as his best
chance to derail the candidacy of Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

In a Thursday story, the Washington Times documents those seemingly
inconsistent contributions to McCain the reformer.

It concludes that well-heeled liberals contributing heavily to their
philosophical favorites – the two Democratic contenders, Vice President Al
Gore and New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley – are obviously hedging their bets by
giving money simultaneously to McCain but not to any of his GOP rivals.


Is it because they fear either Bradley or Gore can be defeated by a
Republican candidate in November and they don't want to be left without White
House influence?

If so, does that mean they think McCain is the most-likely GOP nominee.

Do they want McCain to have the GOP nomination because they see him as the
weakest candidate against either Gore or Bradley.

Or is it because they see in McCain a Republican candidate whose ideology
comes closest to the liberal dogma of their ultimate favorites, Gore and

Whatever their reasons, or emotions, McCain's acceptance of such
contributions doesn't appear compatible with his crusade to abolish
heavy-money influence on the political process.

His campaign spokesman, Howard Opinsky, said this only illustrates McCain's
"broad appeal among conservative Democrats and independents."

"That's why the leadership of the White House and Democratic Party fears our
candidacy the worst," Opinsky said.

"Like Ronald Reagan used to say, people contribute to our campaign because
they believe in John McCain's message, but Sen. McCain doesn't necessarily
support everything that his contributors do."

The Times article looks closely at those tea leaves, which are certain to be
a factor in the critical New Hampshire primary among Bush, McCain, Steve
Forbes, Alan Keyes and Gary Bauer:

• McCain has raised more than $500,000 in New York City, about a fifth of it
from traditional Democratic sources.

For example, McCain is the only GOP contender to receive maximum-limit
contributions from top executives of the Wall Street investment firm Goldman
Sachs & Co. who also gave the $1,000 limit to Gore, Bradley or both.

David A. Dechman, Goldman Sach's managing director in New York, is another
Democratic contributor to McCain.

• In Hollywood and related Los Angeles entertainment communities, McCain has
raised more than $250,000, more than a third of it from well-known liberal
Democratic supporters.

Among them are such familiar liberal-cause backers as Lew Wasserman of
Universal Studios and the wife of producer Norman Lear, founder of the
liberal group People for the American Way. They are giving as well to
Bradley, Gore and the Democratic Party.

Two other big McCain contributors, Haim and Cheryl Saban of Saban
Entertainment, also Gore backers, gave $100,000 to the Democratic National
Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee.

• In the past seven years, McCain has accepted more than $100,000 from
gambling interests.

Among McCain's top-limit contributors are billionaire Kirk Kerkorian, owner
of the MGM Grand and four other casinos in Reno, Nevada, and at least 38 Las
Vegas gambling tycoons and their wives, according to Federal Election
Commission reports.

In his book "The Buying of the President 2000," Charles Lewis of the Center
for Public Integrity cites McCain's relationship with the Las Vegas gambling

Lewis writes McCain battled in the Senate for tax breaks and other government
concessions to gambling interests in Nevada.

Noting the $100,000 McCain received from gambling interests since 1993, Lewis
says that "he's returned the financial favors in ways big and small."

• Wednesday, Democrats helped McCain get on the GOP primary ballot in New
York state, where Bush forces were threatening to keep him off by challenging
the validity of McCain petitions in congressional districts.

The two Republicans on the Board of Elections voted to uphold the challenges.
When the two Democrats abstained, that robbed the Bush supporters of the
third vote required to throw out McCain's petitions.

Bush's lawyers are in court, appealing that decision.

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