G.W. Bush: The Walking Smirk//
--Manchester Union Leader Editorial Shreds Bush 

Yesterday NewsHawk forwarded a brief article written by Justin Tribble
of the Columbine Research Task Force; on how Bill Bradley, by enabling
GORE's nomination, could well be serving to help ensure that G.W. Bush
will be the Republican Party nominee, as the only candidate strong
enough to beat the "Wooden One."

In our intro we wrote of Dubya that he was "an incompetent, airheaded
smirker and shirker who has no ability even to be dogcatcher of Dead
Stick, Texas (pop.- 0) let alone president of the U.S." And we MEANT it.
ESPECIALLY the part about the smirk.

Well, it appears we're not the only ones disgusted with the arrogant
(REALLY galling from such an airheaded IDIOT!) and condescending
attitudes displayed by the jerk whom  Justin Tribble so accurately
labeled a "braindead, coked-up frat boy."

New Hampshire's Manchester Union Leader, long considered a prominent
national conservative mouthpiece, roasted the smug twit, G.W. Bush,
BIGTIME in an editorial today, published four days before the New
Hampshire primary.

Just last month, the paper rightly dubbed Dubya, the governor of Texas,
"an empty suit." Today's editorial called Bush a "double-talking
Texan"; saying he had an "attitude of ill-disguised contempt" for even
having to bother debating his rivals and answering their questions.

The Union Leader noted Dubya's obnoxious attitude seemed to extend to
the people of New Hampshire as well, and ALSO made note of "the poor
track record" of father George Bush as our President. Well, I'LL SAY!!

We hope to God that this insufferable piece of trash G.W. Bush is dumped
in the landfill with the other garbage immediately--if not sooner.

NewsHawk® Inc.
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WIRE:01/28/2000 10:47:00 ET
Bush Derided for Smirk, Smug Attitude in

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Republican
front-runner George W. Bush was dubbed "Gov. Smirk" and derided for "his
smug attitude" by New Hampshire's biggest newspaper on Friday, four days
before the first primary of the 2000 campaign.

The blistering front-page editorial in the Manchester Union Leader,
which has endorsed Bush's rival Steve Forbes for the Republican
presidential nomination, was headed "Bush insults NH."

The newspaper, which called the Texas governor "an empty suit" last
month, said it had become clear why Bush's "handlers" had kept his
pre-primary appearances in New Hampshire "to a minimum."

"They were rightly concerned that his smug attitude and smart remarks
would not do him any good," the editorial said. "Some people say that
Gov. Smirk comes across that way on TV because he's really just nervous."

But the newspaper, long a major conservative voice in the state's
politics, concluded that after Wednesday's televised debate among the
five Republican contenders, "It is obvious that this is not nerves, it
is nervy."

The editorial called Bush a "double-talking Texan" and accused Bush of
harboring an "attitude of ill-disguised contempt" for even having to
appear with his four rivals and answer their questions.

It said that attitude seemed to extend to the people of New Hampshire,
recalling Bush had said he would only defend the state keeping its
first-in-the-nation primary if he wins on Feb. 1.

Bush and his staff have said he was joking, but the Union Leader wrote
that given "the poor track record" of his father, former President
George Bush, and "other mushy moderates" in New Hampshire, "it is easy
to believe he was dead serious."

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