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WSWS : News & Analysis : North America
One hundred frame-ups admitted in widening Los Angeles police scandal
By John Andrews
28 January 2000
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For the past six months, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has been
wracked by a mushrooming scandal. A former officer, Raphael Perez, has revealed
details of widespread frame-ups and brutality as part of his own plea bargain
to escape punishment for stealing 8 pounds of cocaine from an LAPD evidence

On Tuesday a local judge overturned the convictions of 10 innocent people,
bringing the total number of admitted LAPD frame-ups to 23. But this apparently
only scratches the surface. Police Chief Bernard Parks announced Wednesday that
at least 99 people were framed by Perez and his associates, and proposed that
their criminal cases be dismissed “en masse.”

Most of the convictions involved charges of possession of drugs or firearms.
All arose from arrests made by Perez and his partner Nino Durden. They were
assigned to an anti-gang unit called "CRASH," operating out of the LAPD's
Rampart Division, which services a densely populated, largely immigrant working
class area west of downtown. According to Perez, the pair and their CRASH
cohorts regularly planted drugs and weapons and then lied on their reports and
in court to secure convictions. At least one victim was shot in the head by
officers and then left for dead.

For all but 3 of the 99 frame-up victims, the exposure came too late as they
had already served their sentences. Two of these three were ordered released
from custody Tuesday.

LAPD investigators have interviewed 52 of the victims. One is dead, and several
others have not been located. Many were deported to Central America as a result
of their false convictions.

Octavio P. Davalos, a 41-year-old upholstery worker who served 91 days in jail
on a drug charge, was present in court when his conviction for possession of
cocaine was ordered overturned. His case was typical. He pled guilty to a crime
he did not commit because under California's draconian sentencing law, he could
have been sent to state prison for eight to sixteen years if the officers' lies
had been believed by a jury.

Although the Rampart investigation remains largely shrouded in secrecy, there
have already been verified reports of shootings, beatings, drug dealing,
witness intimidation, planting of evidence, false arrest, perjury, and at least
one armed bank robbery tied directly to LAPD officers. Already 20 LAPD officers
have been terminated or relieved from duty in the scandal.

District Attorney Gil Garcetti announced that the review of another 30 to 40
cases is almost complete. Garcetti admitted that the volume of tainted cases is
so great that he is going to have to add prosecutors to the Rampart task force,
which already consists of seven lawyers, acknowledging that the corruption "is
not confined to Rampart."

Head Public Defender Michael Judge says that there may be as many as 4,000 more
cases affected by the scandal which still need to be reviewed. A Los Angeles
civil rights attorney, Stephen Yagman, obtained from the District Attorney's
office a list of 9,845 potentially tainted cases, which he plans to post on the

Perez was scheduled to be sentenced last month for his role in the cocaine
theft, but the hearing was delayed because he has so much information to
divulge about corruption in the LAPD.

Meanwhile, no more officers have been arrested or prosecuted for their criminal
activity, and only three are even being considered suspects. The double
standard is obvious. Given the staggering volume of evidence of criminal
conspiracies, if the suspects were anyone but police officers, they would have
been locked up long ago.

The LAPD Rampart corruption scandal exposes the corrupt relationships that
exist between police, prosecutors and judges. The most alarming aspect of this
affair is that virtually all the people falsely convicted pled guilty to crimes
they did not commit, rather than risk exercising their democratic right to a
jury trial. Only one of the twenty-three convictions reversed so far involved a
jury trial. In that case, according to the defense attorney, an LAPD sergeant
lied to cover up Perez's perjury.

Those familiar with the criminal justice system know that everyone involved,
especially the judges, prosecutors and police supervisors, tolerate widespread
lying and manipulation of evidence by street officers. Represented by
overworked public defenders and facing biased juries, criminal defendants face
overwhelming pressure to "cop pleas" in exchange for more lenient sentences.
The fraudulent convictions are then used to enhance the penalties available in
subsequent cases.

At the same time, reactionary appellate judges continue to erode procedural
protections for those who choose to run the gauntlet of a criminal trial. The
Miranda rule, protecting people against self-incrimination, may not survive the
year. Just last week the Supreme Court, in United States v. Martinez-Salazar,
upheld the conviction of a man even though both sides admitted the trial judge
wrongfully refused to remove an obviously biased prospective juror during the
selection process. In another case, Weeks v. Angelone, the Supreme Court upheld
a death sentence even though the jury admitted it was confused by the jury
instructions and applied the wrong standard.

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