-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Voice recognition is available according to some where they can pick out
your voice from millions of calls. But I think they have trouble just with
the New Zealand and Aust accents, others OK. Well a few years ago anyway.
The other thing is when certain words are mentioned like UFO they start
recording the conversation. I have heard whirring after mentioning UFO.
Traces of email messages show they go through Virginia in USA.(CIA)

Britain and US monitoring all global messages

By Stephen Castle in Brussels

28 January 2000

Almost every modern form of communication, from satellites to the internet,
is being intercepted by a multi-billion pound global surveillance operation
dominated by the US and Britain, according to a report for the European

The scale of communications monitoring in the cyber age is laid out in a
document, due to be debated next month, which puts the price-tag of the
global snooping operation at 15 to 20bn euros annually.

The report sparked claims yesterday that the UK is aiding American economic
and commercial espionage at the expense of its European partners by
assisting it in surveillance work through a long-standing arrangement.
According to the document, written by the researcher Duncan Campbell, more
than 120 satellite-based systems are working simultaneously to collect

International telephone calls can be monitored with a speaker recognition
system – effectively a voiceprint – which can recognise the speech of a
targeted individual making a call. However, effective "word-spotting"
systems which are activated when key words are spoken are not available
despite 30 years of research.

The document also argues that a previously unknown international
organisation called "Ilets" has "put in place contentious plans to require
manufacturers and operators of new communications systems to build in
monitoring capacity for use by national-security or law-enforcement
organisations." In addition, it says that industrial or economic espionage
is common because there is "wide-ranging evidence indicating that major
governments are routinely utilising communications intelligence to provide
commercial advantage to companies and trade." The paper is one of a series
which has been commissioned by the European Parliament ahead of a set of
public hearings in Brussels next month, against a backdrop of mounting
concern over the erosion of civil liberties.

An earlier document prepared for MEPs in 1997 gave details of a highly
automated Anglo-American system for processing intelligence known as
Echelon, which collates communications, collected at interception points
around the globe, and sends them for evaluation at spy stations. UK-US
cooperation dates back to 1947 but Echelon's monitoring is now routine and
indiscriminate and is now designed for non-military targets such
governments, businesses and other organisations.

The intelligence services seem so far to have kept pace with the explosion
in the quantity of electronic communications through the internet, something
which was thought at one time to pose a significant challenge to the
agencies. Much of the globe's internet capacity is located in the US or
passes through it and, the document argues, "communications from Europe to
and from Asia, Oceania, Africa or South America normally travel via the
United States".

That means that "a large proportion of international communications on the
internet will by the nature of the system pass through the US and thus be
readily accessible to NSA [National Security Agency]" and can be sifted
relatively easily from their origin and destination. The document points
out, however, that the costs and technical difficulties of surveillance are

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