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The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

From: "activist general", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
DATE: 26.01.00 22,17

RE: Ramsey Clark: Report to UN Security Council re: Iraq

    The following letter from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark
    has been sent to each member of the Security Council.  Please help
    circulate this information widely.

    January 26, 2000

    Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations

    Dear H.E. Sir Jeremy Greenstock, KCMG,

    A delegation of U.S. citizens from twenty states has just returned from
    Iraq.  On January 17, we observed in Baghdad the 9th Anniversary of
    the beginning of the January 17 - February 28, 1991. U.S. aircraft
    flew 110,000 aerial sorties against Iraq, averaging one every 30
    seconds, dropping 88,500 tons of explosives, the equivalent of 7 l/2
    Hiroshima bombs.

    This was by far the most intensive bombardment in history.  It killed
    tens of thousands of people, injuring many more.  Medicines and
    medical supplies were exhausted.  It devastated water systems from
    reservoir, pumping station, pipeline, filtration plant to kitchen faucet
    well as urban sewage and sanitation systems nationwide. Food
    production, processing, storage, distribution, and marketing facilities
    were widely destroyed.  Poultry was nearly wiped out by loss of
    electricity and lack of grain.  Animal herds were decimated. Fertilizer
    and insecticide plants and storage structures were destroyed.
    Communications systems, telephone, radio, TV, were shattered.
    Transportation was badly battered.  Vital industries were attacked
    everywhere.  Electric power was knocked out across the nation in the
    first 24 hours of the assault.  Petroleum production, refining, storage
    and distribution from well to service station were attacked across the

    The combined effect of this vast destruction of essential goods,
    services and industries with the most comprehensive economic
    sanctions of modern times, first imposed on Hiroshima Day, August 6,
    1990, has caused more than a million and a half deaths.

    Conditions of Life and Death in Iraq

    I have traveled to and within Iraq ten times since sanctions were
    imposed, once during the bombing in 1991.  Each year, the death rate
    has risen radically.  The numbers of deaths have been reported
    internationally regularly and updated each month since 1991.  In Iraq,
    they are palpable. UN agencies, the World Health Organization, the
    Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Program,
    UNICEF and others have found and confirmed the deaths time and
    time again.  They must shock the conscience of every sentient human
    being.  Comprehensive reports by UN agencies and other sources are
    available to you.  You are charged with this knowledge.  The total
    numbers of deaths in every segment of the society has risen radically in
    each of the past nine years under U.S./U.N. sanctions.

    As a tragic illustration total annual deaths of children in Iraq under
    age of five from respiratory infection, diarrhea and gastroenteritis and
    malnutrition are:

1989:7110 deaths
1999(Jan.- Nov.):  73572

    The annual number of deaths of children under age five grew more
    than tenfold from 1989 to 1999.  Total deaths of children under age
    five from these selected causes alone during 1990 to November 1999
    is 502,492.

    While children under age five are the most vulnerable age group,
    except for the extreme elderly, every age group has suffered radical
    increases in the numbers of deaths.  Members of the population with
    serious chronic illnesses requiring regular medication, or therapy,
    suffer the highest percentages of death of any sectors, approaching
    100% for some illnesses where survival rates were as high as 95%
    before sanctions.

    The sanctions target to kill, or injure infants, children, the elderly,
    the chronically ill.

    The Red Crescent and other knowledgeable professional groups
    believe it will be years after the end of sanctions before the increase
    deaths from most causes stops rising because of the cumulative effect
    of the sanctions on the physical conditions of parents, children, the
    new born and the overall environment.

    Most of those who survive suffer severe physical and mental injury
    from the sanctions.  Indicative of the impact of sanctions is the
    enormous rise in the percentage of registered births under 2.5
    kilograms, a dangerously low birth weight in a nation without adequate
    food, medicine and medical supplies and equipment.  Like death,
    under weight births have risen radically every year:

    Year / % of live births at weights under 2.5 kilograms

1999(Jan. - Nov.):  24.1

    The percentage of live births below 2.5 kg. has increased more than
    fivefold to one in four registered births.  The consequence for the
    of these children is enormous.  Many will have underdeveloped
    organs, mental retardation, remain smaller and weaker than average
    and be more vulnerable to sickness, malnutrition and bad water.  Their
    life expectancy has been reduced by as much as 30%.  Probably 90%
    of all the infants born in Iraq since 1990 have significantly lower
    weights than they would if there were no sanctions.  The effect on lives
    and health of children with higher birth weights is also drastic.  This
    why foreign medical teams for five years have referred to a "stunted
    generation" in Iraq.

    Suggestive of the struggle the children living and dying under
    sanctions in Iraq face are the following increases since 1990 in
    treated cases of nutrition related sicknesses and deficiencies.

    Year  /  Number of cases
    1990:      485 (base)
    1991:  12796  26.3 times
    1994:  20975  42.6   "
    1998:  30232  61.4   "

    Year  /  Number of cases
    1990:      5193  (base)
    1991:    96186  18.5 times
    1994:  192296  37      "
    1998:  264468  50.8   "

    Year  /  Number of cases
    Protein, Calorie, Vitamin deficiency, Malnutrition
    1990:      96809 (base)
    1991:    947974  9.8 times
    1994:  1576194  16.3  "
    1998:  1910309  19.7

    Kwashiorkor is an extremely dangerous end product of malnutrition
    in which the victim wastes and dies without early intensive care.  Few
    doctors in Iraq had ever seen a case before late 1990.  From
    medical school and continuing studies they associated Kwashiorkor
    with starvation in the poorest regions of Africa and south Asia during
    periods of war, drought, pestilence and other calamities.  Marasmus
    inflicts a lower death rate than kwashiorkor, but is extremely
    dangerous, permanently damaging and requires early and extended
    care for survival.  The effects of severe and protracted malnutrition
    are permanent and life shortening.

    Common communicable diseases preventable by vaccination which
    are provided nearly all children in developed countries and were
    standard in Iraq before 1990 have increased by multiples.  While
    rates for these diseases fluctuate unlike the death rates and rates for
    malnutrition related sickness, because of the cyclical nature of their
    communication, they have been regularly higher, increasingly so, and
    have afflicted additional hundreds of thousands of children.  Increases
    in 1998 over 1989 were as follows: whooping cough, 3.4 times;
    measles, 4.5 times (25, 818 cases); mumps, 3.7 times (35,881).
    The Sanctions Committee of the Security Council has failed to
    approve negotiated contracts for Iraq to purchase vaccines for these
    and other diseases.  Poliomyelitis, which had been virtually
    extinguished in Iraq, has increased by a multiple ranging from 2 to
    18.6 times since 1989.   Cholera rose from zero cases in 1989 to
    2560 cases in 1998 and conditions in Iraq threaten an epidemic.
    Amoebic dysentery was 13 times greater in 1998, totaling 264,290
    cases, over 1989 and much higher in several earlier years.  Typhoid
    fever was up 10.9 times to 19825 cases in 1998 over 1989.
    Scabies increased every year from zero cases in 1989 to 43,580 in
    1998.  Every adult knows the misery, suffering and sometimes
    heartbreak these preventable communicable diseases cause.

    Doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, all persons in health care,
    work under tragic conditions.  Doctors and nurses uniformly state
    that patients they could easily save under normal conditions die every
    day.  The hospitals are in wretched condition: dark, cold, dirty,
    stairwells crumbling, walls peeling, beds without sheets, plumbing
    inoperable, electricity erratic, equipment without parts, medicines,
    oxygen, aesthetics, antiseptics, antibiotics, x-ray film, catheters,
    gauze, aspirin, light bulbs, pencils always scarce, often unavailable.
    Common life saving medicines from dehydration tablets to insulin are
    never in adequate supply.

    In plain numbers without measuring the conditions under which they
    were performed, or the availability of important equipment and
    supplies, major surgical operations have declined each year from a
    monthly average of 15,125 in 1989 to 3823 in November 1999 or
    by 74.7%. The monthly average number of laboratory investigations
    has declined from 1,494,050 in 1989 to 454,375 in November
    1999, or by 68.6%.

    Drastic deterioration in the whole environment, the physical plant,
    sanitation and the introduction of some 25,000,000 ounces of
    depleted uranium by U.S. aircraft and missiles have caused enormous
    increases in illnesses from tuberculosis to leukemia and other cancers,
    tumors and malformations in fetuses.  These conditions will take
    many years and billions of dollars to restore to 1989 levels.  The
    hundreds of thousands of lives destroyed and the health of millions
    damaged can never be restored.

    Today unemployment is 60%.  95% of the private sector of the
    economy is shut down.  There are no ambulances.  80% of the
    sanitation trucks from 10 years ago are inoperable.  There are no
    new trucks, cars, tractors, buses, or other vehicles.  Food
    distribution from a comprehensive rationing system controlling staples
    delivers 1100 calories per day for every person throughout the
    country, Kurd, Sunni and Shi'ite Muslim, Christian, Jew, rich, poor,
    alien, with special rations for infants, pregnant women, the severely
    malnourished, and others with special needs.  The poor cannot
    significantly supplement their food rations.  In 1989, daily caloric
    intake in Iraq averaged 3400.

    These brief facts demonstrate the deadly conditions of life
    deliberately inflicted on the entire population of Iraq, but which
    inherently impact on infants, children, the elderly and chronically ill
    first and destroy a vast part of the nation and its overwhelmingly
    Muslim peoples.

    Representative of the attitude of the U.S. government foreign policy
    makers toward Iraq and the sanctions are the considered remarks of
    former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in a syndicated
    newspaper article published in the second week of January 2000 in
    which he referred to the "alleged suffering of the Iraqi people."  Then
    U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright spoke
    more forthrightly, if more cruelly.  She stated in an interview on the
    top-rated CBS national network magazine show 60 Minutes, seen
    by tens of millions of people in the spring of 1997, that she believed
    the deaths from the sanctions of 585,000 Iraqi children under the age
    of five as direct result of sanctions reported by the U.S. Food and
    Agriculture Organization in late 1986 was a price worth paying to
    maintain the sanctions against Iraq.

    The Sanctions Violate the Genocide Convention of 1948

    Genocide is defined in the Genocide Convention, in part, as follows:

         Article II...genocide means any of the following acts committed
    with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical,
    racial or religious group, as such:

    (a)  Killing members of the group;
    (b)  Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the
    (c)  Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
    to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    There can be no doubt that the sanctions against Iraq intentionally
    destroyed in major part members of a national group and a religious
    group, as such, killing members of the groups, causing bodily and
    mental harm to their members and deliberately inflicting conditions of
    life calculated to bring about their physical destruction, at least, in
    part.  If this is not genocide, what is?

    The United States, after decades of resisting, finally ratified the
    Genocide Convention before these sanctions were imposed.  It has
    frequently accused other governments of genocide, sometimes
    assaulting them severely with its massive, high tech military weapons
    against which nearly all nations are defenseless.

    The Food for Oil Program has failed to stop the increased death rates

    The Food for Oil program was approved in December 1996 as a
    means of maintaining the sanctions against Iraq which were meeting
    growing opposition in the Security Council.  After three years of
    operation barely six billion dollars in contracts under the program
    have been received from 19 billion dollars of oil sales.  Despite Iraq's
    desperate needs, more of the funds from sales of its oil have been
    turned over to the U.S., the UN and others making claims against
    Iraq than have been allocated to contracts approved for purchase of
    food, medicine, equipment and equipment parts for the people of
    Iraq.  Five billion in contracts for purchases entered into by Iraq has
    not been approved.

    As has been seen the deaths of children and every other segment of
    the society from the sanctions have continued to rise in 1997, 1998
    and 1999.  To rebuild the health care system, the food production
    processing, storage and distribution system and the water systems
    will cost many billions.  Restoring facilities for health,
    communications, transportation, education, industry and clean up of
    the environment polluted by the U. S. aerial assaults, including the use
    of depleted uranium found in extremely dangerous concentrations in
    parts of Iraq, will cost many tens of billions of dollars.

    Iraq was devoting more than 20 billion annually to public facilities,
    goods and services before 1989.  Income from oil sales for 1997-
    1999 averaged under 2 billion dollars annually, 10% of the amounts
    available before sanctions.  If Iraq devoted all of the funds under the
    Oil for Food Program to food, medicine and water, the deaths
    caused by sanctions would continue to rise and the health of the
    nation decline.  The United States has proceeded to frustrate
    approval of contracts under the program in a systematic way to
    prolong the genocide against Iraq.

    United States military aircraft deliberately destroyed Iraq's water
    storage, distribution and quality control systems during the intensive
    bombing during January and February 1991.  Within two weeks
    there was no running water in any city or town in Iraq.  Many tens of
    thousands of people in Iraq have died as a direct result of drinking
    contaminated water.

    Iraq has entered into contracts totaling $700,000,000 for water and
    sewage projects.  This sum is a very small fraction of current needs.
    Only $65,000,000 has been received, less than 9%.  This is done
    deliberately to continue conditions of life destructive of the
    of Iraq.  Purchase of chlorine for municipal water treatment, a
    standard international usage, has been completely rejected.  People
    continue to die at increasing rates from bad water.

    Oil production for even the very low levels authorized under the
    program, less than 1/3 of the pre-sanctions level, has been difficult to
    achieve and usually below authorized amounts, because of
    deteriorated and destroyed facilities and lack of equipment and parts.
     Still the sanctions committee has approved only 18% of the tendered
    contracts for oil production, refining and transport.  This is done to
    prevent Iraq from restoring its ability to save its people through the
    sales of oil.

    Of the $207 million sought for communications under the program,
    not a penny has been approved.  The sanctions committee fears
    communicated truth will set opinion free and end the sanctions.

    The Oil for Food Program has never been anything more than a
    means for slowly increasing the rate of destruction of the people of
    Iraq.  Security Council Resolution 1284 is simply a means of starting
    the process over again.  During three years under the program from
    1996 to 1999, well over 200,000 children under age five died in
    drastically increasing numbers each year at a rate growing from just
    under 9 to well over 10 times the number who died in 1989.  That
    experience must not be repeated.  The sanctions must be ended now.

    It is criminal to hold the lives of the people of Iraq hostage to
demands of
    the U.S. against their government, whatever those demands may be.  In
war it is
    prohibited to use starvation as a weapon.  Medical aid must be given
    wounded.  Under sanctions an Iraqi is being deliberately killed every
    minutes by conditions of life inflicted by the sanctions.  Sanctions are
    functional equivalent of pointing guns at the heads of Iraq's children
    elderly while saying do what we demand to their government, or we
    will shoot, then pulling a trigger every two minutes, or less.

    To save the United Nations in the judgment of history, the Security
    Council must end the sanctions immediately.  They are genocide.

    To save itself from the judgment of the people of the world, the U.S.
    must immediately act to end the sanctions and account for its acts.

    Ramsey Clark

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
phone: 212 633-6646
fax:   212 633-2889

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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