-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.aidaparker.org/bh/Slaves_Unawares.html">Slaves
 Unaware... Americans R those</A>
By Bobby Christian



David Rockefeller said. " freedom- is the absence of the awareness of
restraint". in other words, if you don't realize that you are a slave, you
are free.

Now that we know the new world order's definition of liberty, we can better
understand why our media is so controlled. The socialist globalists are
taking away our freedom bit by bit and the media is there to keep our people
from becoming aware of it. In truth, we are already slaves unaware on the
Global Plantation.

During the days of slavery, the slave was allowed to keep 75% of his
production. today, most people are unaware that over 80% of their paycheck
goes to federal, state, and local government in the form of taxes, hidden
taxes, penalties, fines, license fees, permit fees, and use taxes. 25% was
taken from the slaves of old- over 80% is taken from the new "slaves unaware".

Slaves of old could not own property. do you think you own your property
today? try not paying your taxes for a couple of years and you will find that
the property that you think you own is gone. Do you really own something if
someone can take it away from you without fair reimbursement? no!
Think you own your property? Let the government find a rare species of insect
on your land or let the government find a wet spot on your land and you will
find your land under the governments control without one penny paid to you
for the land you can no longer use.

Slaves could not protest against their condition without feeling the rod on
their backs. Can you protest your condition? ask the peaceful protesters at
Seattle. They tried to protest against the global plantation and they not
only felt night sticks on their backs, they were beaten, gassed, shot point
blank in the face with rubber bullets and stomped by the jack boots of the
new world order.

If a slave voted, his vote didn't count. You think your vote counts? How can
your vote count when "the Council on Foreign Relations" owns both parties and
will allow no candidate to run for office if he disagrees with the socialist
global agenda. David Rockefeller has openly bragged that he and his globalist
partners in treason "own every horse in the political race". You think your
vote counts? did you know that most electronic voting machines have cellular
modems built into their electronic circuitry right in the factory and that
the electronic voting machines can be accessed by cellular telephone and the
vote changed during the election? Do you think your vote counts? DO you know
that millions of illegal aliens are allowed to vote as long as they promise
to vote for the Socialist global agenda?

Slaves could not travel without a permit. Think you can travel without a
permit? Try taking the license plate off your car and throwing away your
drivers license then driving across our free nation. You will be arrested and
your car impounded even though the constitution and the supreme court says
that you have the "absolute right of unrestricted travel". The global masters
don't let a little thing like that stand in the way of putting restrictions
on your travel.

Slaves could not talk back to their masters without getting beaten. Think you
can talk back to your global masters without getting beaten? Ask the little
group of people protesting and calling Bill Clinton names. Bill Clinton's
body guards beat the pulp out of them and arrested them. Also read "The
Beating of Joe 6pk by the Gestapo."

Think you can talk back to the Global Masters?
        Next time you are stopped by a policeman call him a name. The number
of the charges against you will multiply exponentially if you are lucky, if
you are unlucky, the officer will call in his friends and you will be
"violently subdued for resisting arrest" i.e. you will be beaten and
arrested. Yackety yack- don't talk back.

Slaves had to carry id on them and usually were given a slave number. Do you
have a slave number? What about that social security number that you have to
have in order to get a job, or to cash a check, or to go into the hospital,
or to drive a car , or just about anything that requires filling out forms?
Well, you don't have to carry ID you say. Oh yeah? Try traveling across the
country without ID. See how far you get.

Slaves had no say in the rules that governed their lives. How much say do you
really have in the rules that govern your life? Have you ever had the
opportunity to vote for any leader in the un? Have you ever got to vote for
anyone in the WTO? Yet today these people are controlling part of your life.
Soon, if the globalists get their way, they will be controlling all of your
life from the time your are born to the time you die.

Slaves were experimented on. Oh you are not experimented on you say. Then
what about our fighting men in the gulf war that were given experimental
drugs and are now dying of "Gulf War Syndrome". Tell them they weren't
experimented on. Or tell the black folks that were purposely infected by
syphilis so as to study its potential use as a biological weapon, or tell it
to the GI's who had to stand near a nuclear blast so that the affects of
radiation on the human body could be studied. Or tell it to the residents of
the western towns that were sprayed by air with chemicals to test them for
use as chemical weapons.

Slaves couldn't speak their mind about politics. You can? Try calling your
"main stream" talk show and say something "politically incorrect". See how
long you stay on the air. Try supporting a political candidate not approved
by "the Council on Foreign Relations". you will be called every bad name in
the book. You will be the victim of every dirty trick imaginable. You will
not be allowed to get your candidate on the ballot in many places. You will
be investigated and audited by all the governmental agencies. and you may
even get arrested on trumped up charges.

Slaves don't own guns. Only the free own guns. What is it that the globalists
are wanting to take from you right now?

Slaves are not allowed to defend themselves can you? Try shooting a big mean
burglar and see who it is that goes to jail. It won't be the burglar.

My friends the only reason that you are free is because you are a slave
unaware. You are free only in your mind for you have been told by the
controlled media that you are free and you have believed a lie.

My father who was born in 1897 once told me, " son you say you are free
because you have been brainwashed into thinking you are free. You are not
free. In the America I grew up in, I was free. in the America you grew up in,
none of us are free."

We must put our nation back on the track intended by our founding fathers. We
must hang the traitors that have enslaved us.

The battle to be fought is for freedom. The battle cry is liberty.

Bobby Christian

     Copyright © 1999 BlackHelicopter Newsletter
Internet Pages by The Blackhelicopter Wake-up Campaign
Page created on: Sun Jan 2 14:19:24 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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