Part III of III
 I am reprinting here some general background material on the HAARP
 project written by Dr. Richard Williams.

 "HAARP's space-generated ELF(extremely low frequency) waves, coming back
 down to the earth, can be utilized in many different ways, such as
 communicating with submarines or creating harmful biological and mental
 effects upon a specifically targeted population. HAARP can also be
 utilized in a system of earth-penetrating tomography, for locating
 hidden underground bunkers in enemy territory or the buried arms,
 survival supplies, and valuable coins buried by U.S. patriots and militias.

 "The 1/96 'Progressive Magazine' reported that a 1995 article,
 'Non-Lethal Technology and Air power' in the 'Air Command and Staff
 College's Air power Journal', describes how so-called non-lethal
 psychotropic and electromagnetic weapons will be used against civilians:
 'In the very near future, it will become clear that non-lethal methods
 have applicability across the entire spectrum of conflict, including
 crime and terrorism...'

 "In this research paper, the authors reveal for the first time, the U.S.
 military is developing high-powered microwave weapons for use against
 human beings (which is one of the hidden goals of the HAARP
 transmitters). Such 'microwave weapons are almost uniquely intrusive'
 (especially when they are pulsed at ELF frequencies). 'They do not
 simply attack a person's body, they reach all the way into a person's
 mind...They are meant to disorient or upset mental stability.' It is
 thus shocking to see the U.S. military now preparing, with the help of
 the Justice Department, to use such electromagnetic totalitarian zapping
 devices against American civilians.

 "Years before he became House Speaker, Newt Gingrich wrote the foreword
 to an official U.S. Air Force book that described how electromagnetic
 weapons can be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who oppose the policies
 of the Federal government. The publication, titled 'Low Intensity
 Conflict and Modern Technology' (Lt. Col. David J. Dean, USAF, Editor),
 contained a chapter written by Capt. Paul Tyler that deals with
 electromagnetic, (so-called) non-lethal and psychotropic weapons.
 Because of the strong support for using the U.S. military against
 civilians (as clearly demonstrated by recent anti-terrorist
 legislation), this Air Force publication (and its relationship to HAARP)
 is very significant. Capt. Tyler stated: 'The potential applications of
 artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can be used in
 many military or quasi-military situations.

 "...Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups
 (as currently defined by the Clinton administration), crowd control,
 and...antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the
 electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe
 physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation
 (psychotropic weapons application).'

 "In addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded
 to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage
 of electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large
 areas with a single system (disguised reference to projects like HAARP).

 "...One last area where electromagnetic radiation may prove of some
 value is enhancing abilities of individuals for anomalous phenomena",
 which appears to be a veiled reference to the Federal government's use
 of electromagnetic and psychotropic devices to create artificial UFO
 abductions amongst unwitting civilians. Such government-staged UFO
 encounters (not to be confused with the many real UFO events, such as
 the Roswell crash) are now being used a cover for widespread physical
 and psychological experimentation upon U.S. civilians.

 "One internal HAARP document boasts of 'exciting and challenging ...
 potential to control ionospheric processes.' HAARP's goal is to
 'perturb' the ionosphere with powerful blasts of energy to see 'how it
 responds to the disturbance.' Scientists envision using it to burn
 'holes' in the ionosphere and 'create an artificial lens' in the sky
 that could focus large bursts of electromagnetic energy. The Pentagon
 also wants to know if HAARP could be used to disrupt communications,
 destroy enemy missiles or control global weather. Sci-fi freak Newt
 Gingrich was one of its early supporters.

 "Building the HAARP transmitter requires cutting spruce forest and
 filling wetlands. Its six 3,600-horsepower diesel generators would burn
 95 tons of diesel fuel per day, producing over seven tons of air
 pollution. The project's environmental-impact statement notes that the
 site 'lies within the Copper River Basin, which is one of Alaska's more
 important migration corridors' for birds, which could be fried by flying
 through HAARP's 10-megahertz beams. Swans, owls and ducks could also
 crash into its maze of antennas.

 "The HAARP fact sheet states that 'most of the energy of the high-power
 beam would be emitted upward rather than toward the horizon.' But other
 government documents reveal that '80-90 percent of the experiments
 would...refract fundamental radio frequency energy Earthward from the

 "Over the past three decades, human electromagnetic exposure has been
 linked to fatigue, irritability, memory loss, cataracts, leukemia, birth
 defects, cancer and changes in brain chemistry. While a government study
 on the 'bioeffects' of HAARP radiation concluded that 'chronic exposure
 may not necessarily be harmful,' other government documents warn that
 such radiation is powerful enough to explode highway flares in passing
 vehicles a quarter-mile away and disrupt cardiac pacemakers in jet
 passengers flying overhead. The Pentagon has already decided that
 HAARP's radio interference is too intense to allow it to be located near
 any military facilities!"

 (by Dr. Richard Williams)

 It's important to keep in mind particularly in regard to HAARP's power
 output ratings as noted by Dr. Williams that he wrote this during the
 very early phases of HAARP and that the power output levels of HAARP
 transmissions are currently astronomically and exponentially more
 powerful than the figures cited by Williams. Residents of the United
 States, and to some extent residents of other regions of the world, in
 particular areas of the southern Pacific, Australia and New Zealand, are
 at this point being subjected to a literal, all-out war being waged
 against them by clandestine, unconstitutional, fascistic, terroristic
 and literally demonic elements of a vicious and psychotic covert or
 secret government, as implemented by certain branches of intelligence
 and military agencies. One of the more sour ironies in this is that, to
 a greater extent that many covert projects, HAARP is in fact being
 funded largely with OUR money. Congress was given a full-on dog and pony
 show by HAARP lobbyists and directors, who implied that it would be
 mainly used for researching and developing enhanced communications
 systems, and for earth penetrating tomography, to see who else might be
 putting in underground bases--someone like George Bush's old buddy
 Saddam Hussein for example. Congress lapped up the BS and forked over
 the money--our money that is, and now HAARP operatives are thumbing
 their noses at Congress and the people, using HAARP transmitters to
 cause severe weather damage, to implement mind modification/control, as
 a means of inducing physical/ /psychological distress and
 incapacitation, to open interdimensional portals and to carry out other
 covert agendas. Again, it has become clear that HAARP is evolving into
 an all-purpose, kill-many-birds-with-one-stone (and lots of real birds
 too!) command, control and communication systems technology, for use by
 the controllers of what's been termed the New World Order, to ensure
 maximum compliance from the population and maximum technological
 superiority for the rulers in the reign of the New World
 Order--beginning NOW.

 Hopefully, enough people will wake up and DEMAND that whatever
 legitimate remnants still exist of our so-called representative
 government immediately begin to address HAARP's overwhelmingly serious
 threats to our freedom, physical and mental health, privacy, wellbeing;
 threats the human race as a whole and to the planet we call home!

 1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
 All rights reserved.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Big Cal. Quake Day After Fed Warning

 Call us psychic. In light of the ability of HAARP and other EM/RF
 systems to cause "seismic" activity, we advised our recipients that
 warnings issued yesterday by the U.S.G.S. of a significantly higher risk
 of severe earthquakes hitting California in the next 30 years than had
 been previously estimated, should perhaps be taken rather seriously.

 And now, a biggie hits the southern California desert today.

 Coincidence? You decide. Maybe read our articles on HAARP, especially in
 regard to earthquake generation, before deciding.

 NewsHawk® Inc.

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 09:46:00 ET
 Strong Quake Rocks California; Train

 LUDLOW, Calif. (Reuters) - A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0
 on the open-ended Richter scale, centered in the California desert,
 rocked a large portion of the southwestern United States early Saturday,
 derailing a passenger train and knocking out power in parts of the area.

 But no serious injuries were immediately reported and damage appeared to
 be limited by the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake was located
 just north of the California desert community of Joshua Tree, a sparsely
 populated region in the Mojave Desert.

 The earthquake, which came one day before the 10th anniversary of a
 major quake in the San Francisco area, was felt as far away as Las
 Vegas, Tucson, Ariz., and San Diego, near the Mexican border. In Los
 Angeles County, it caused power outages, rock slides and water main ruptures.

 A California Transportation authority spokesman said 20 cars of the
 24-car Southwest Chief, traveling from Chicago to Los Angeles, left the
 rails near the small community of Ludlow in the Mojave desert about 110
 miles northeast of Los Angeles. The train was carrying 155 passengers.

 But spokesman Peter Hidalgo said the carriages were upright and there
 were few injuries.
 A spokesman for the Edison Co. said the quake knocked out power to
 25,000 customers in southern California, including 5,000 to 10,000 in
 Los Angeles.

 Power was expected to be restored to most areas by mid-day.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Was the California Earthquake Man-made?

 Uh... I think NewsHawk has come down squarely on the side of "probably".

 Indeed, here's some hard evidence that in FACT once again, significant
 anomalies have shown up in weather radar images of where the quake hit,
 which had NOTHING to do with any observed weather conditions.

 This phenomenon has been observed a number of times in the past couple
 of years in relation to earthquakes.

 Kent Steadman of CyberSpaceORBIT -- --
 last year posted voluminous data proving this same "radar ring"
 phenomenon persisted for MONTHS in this very same region; while constant,
 though relatively minor, earthquakes plagued the entire area around
 top-secret China Lake Naval Weapons facility.

 HAARP is completely under the control of the US Navy.

 Guess "they're" HAARPing away, once again.

 HEADS UP, y'all!

 NewsHawk® Inc.
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: Was the California Earthquake Man-made?
 Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 02:31:39 -0700
 From: "Deuce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: "Harbinger list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 For the last 5 days we have recorded 4 anomalous radar "rings" over Southern
 Nevada in the same place.  All these rings have been non-weather related
 and have shown up on official radar images.

 Were these rings a precursor to this earthquake? You decide.
 Our opinion is that they are. Take a look:

 Two military bases are conspicuously right smack in the center of it:
 Naval Strategic Weapon FAC PAC, USN
 and Nellis AFB, USAF

 What are they doing there that causes these anomalous rings? Is this some
 form of electronic pulse weapon? Are they deliberately causing earthquakes,
 or is this just a "side effect"? In either case, this is highly suspicious.

 What do you think?

 Rusty and Deuce

 The Harbinger

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 HAARP and Bio/Chem Warfare

 (c) 1999 NewsHawk Inc.

 Of COURSE our articles on HAARP are true! Who the hell could even make
 up this nightmarish stuff, anyway?

 In fact, not only can HAARP be used to control the weather but one of
 the more significant AND terrifying uses of HAARP is to "potentiate" or
 amplify the effects of certain toxic materials--whether chemical OR
 biological--through what is called "cyclotron resonance".

 HAARP transmissions can be fine-tuned to specific frequencies which will
 cause the effective impact of VERY SMALL, minute, even nearly
 undetectable amounts of toxins, poisons and such which for example have
 been added to the water supply of a targeted population to be magnified
 to a TREMENDOUS extent.

 Using HAARP to induce "cyclotron resonance" is one of the most
 fundamental covert uses to which HAARP technology can be put; and this
 capability was recognized and perfected very early on in the development
 of HAARP. This is THOROUGHLY documented in the official HAARP literature
 and in the original patents covering HAARP technology, as developed by
 Bernard Eastlund and ARCO's Advanced Projects division, before the
 system was sold to the military (and intelligence) arms of the federal
 government in the early 1990s.

 Therefore, even if there may be only infinitesimal amounts of certain
 toxins present in air, water, food or whatever, these very tiny amounts
 can STILL cause massive negative impact on the health of targeted
 populations through the implementation of "cyclotron resonance" using
 HAARP transmissions.

 Using HAARP transmissions to induce cyclotron resonance in relation to
 these toxins will induce the same results as if tremendous amounts of
 the toxin had been applied to the targeted area. Another aspect of this
 is that if analytic tests are done on the water, food, air etc., there
 would be such small amounts of the specific toxins present that they may
 not even show up: or if they ARE detected, their effectiveness may
 discounted because the amounts detected are so slight.

 Very diabolical. Your friendly, satanic, hellish federal government hard
 at work as always; devising new and better ways to injure, sicken,
 destroy, maim, oppress and just plain KILL many people.

 What swell guys.

 (c) 1999 NewsHawk Inc.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Solar Flares Equal or Greater Threat Than Y2K Bug in 2000

 Informed sources have told us that solar storms/flares of unprecedented
 intensity in the next months--perhaps lasting for the next couple of
 years--may have serious negative global impacts upon electrical power
 transmission/delivery systems (the electrical grid) and
 electromagnetic/radio-frequency communications--which at this juncture
 means virtually ALL communications.

 This potentially very severe threat was said by one source to be almost
 certainly a greater one than that posed by the Y2K computer bug, though
 they indicated the "bug" was likely to be at least a fair-sized debacle.
 What's more, it's not just a "one-shot deal" with the solar flares and
 storms, but an ongoing period of intense solar activity far beyond
 anything ever previously observed. Peak incidents are expected right
 around January 1, 2000, and also in early May, 2000--probably right
 around May 5, according to the NOAA. Some believe the entire period may
 last until the year 2002. It was suggested to us by a source that many
 potential problems being disinformationally attributed to the effects of
 the Y2K bug will actually be the result of the turmoil on the sun.
 ("They" would rather have us think a computer glitch is causing the
 trouble instead of massive, global-wide bombardment by tremendously
 powerful plumes of energy from the sun.)

 What's also important to note regarding this issue is that for the past
 several years data on solar flare activity and intensity was regularly
 made available to the public and media; in particular on several
 government/military websites, including NOAA's and NASA's (that
 supposedly "CIVILIAN" agency, remember?). Since solar activity really
 began picking up last year, this information has not been made available
 as previously--even to many scientists and institutions. Now what does
 THAT tell you? Nonetheless the information does exist and IS known to a
 number of parties. It's just that the public isn't being advised of this

 It was also said that HAARP technology is currently being deployed from
 a number of locations worldwide, for the purpose of generating an
 electromagnetic shield around the planet to block or attenuate the
 electromagnetic impact of the solar bombardment. Apparently this
 endeavor is achieving some success.

 There is also a threat posed to Earth by a tremendous increase in the
 number of meteors and meteorites near our planet. Reliable reports
 indicate that at least SOME of these rocks have already struck the
 earth--fortunately nothing too large... so far. Once again, it was said
 to us that available technology like particle beams, positron rays and
 other systems have been deployed successfully in counteracting some of
 these threats.

 To sum up: Y2K problems of some severity are almost certain to occur,
 though similar, perhaps more long-lasting effects could occurs a result
 of the intense period of solar activity we are entering into.

 It's critical to plan for these possibilities, and STOCK UP on
 essentials NOW--including, but not only, at least 2 month's supply of
 food, water, fuel--heat/light, and other necessities for each person, as
 well as cash. Plus, whatever else you can think of that you might really
 need if all systems were "NO" for that long a time. Toilet paper, maybe??

 NewsHawk® Inc.

Part III of III
I am reprinting here some general background material on the HAARP
project written by Dr. Richard Williams.

"HAARP's space-generated ELF(extremely low frequency) waves, coming back
down to the earth, can be utilized in many different ways, such as
communicating with submarines or creating harmful biological and mental
effects upon a specifically targeted population. HAARP can also be
utilized in a system of earth-penetrating tomography, for locating
hidden underground bunkers in enemy territory or the buried arms,
survival supplies, and valuable coins buried by U.S. patriots and militias.

"The 1/96 'Progressive Magazine' reported that a 1995 article,
'Non-Lethal Technology and Air power' in the 'Air Command and Staff
College's Air power Journal', describes how so-called non-lethal
psychotropic and electromagnetic weapons will be used against civilians:
'In the very near future, it will become clear that non-lethal methods
have applicability across the entire spectrum of conflict, including
crime and terrorism...'

"In this research paper, the authors reveal for the first time, the U.S.
military is developing high-powered microwave weapons for use against
human beings (which is one of the hidden goals of the HAARP
transmitters). Such 'microwave weapons are almost uniquely intrusive'
(especially when they are pulsed at ELF frequencies). 'They do not
simply attack a person's body, they reach all the way into a person's
mind...They are meant to disorient or upset mental stability.' It is
thus shocking to see the U.S. military now preparing, with the help of
the Justice Department, to use such electromagnetic totalitarian zapping
devices against American civilians.

"Years before he became House Speaker, Newt Gingrich wrote the foreword
to an official U.S. Air Force book that described how electromagnetic
weapons can be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who oppose the policies
of the Federal government. The publication, titled 'Low Intensity
Conflict and Modern Technology' (Lt. Col. David J. Dean, USAF, Editor),
contained a chapter written by Capt. Paul Tyler that deals with
electromagnetic, (so-called) non-lethal and psychotropic weapons.
Because of the strong support for using the U.S. military against
civilians (as clearly demonstrated by recent anti-terrorist
legislation), this Air Force publication (and its relationship to HAARP)
is very significant. Capt. Tyler stated: 'The potential applications of
artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can be used in
many military or quasi-military situations.

"...Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups
(as currently defined by the Clinton administration), crowd control,
and...antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the
electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe
physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation
(psychotropic weapons application).'

"In addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded
to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage
of electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large
areas with a single system (disguised reference to projects like HAARP).

"...One last area where electromagnetic radiation may prove of some
value is enhancing abilities of individuals for anomalous phenomena",
which appears to be a veiled reference to the Federal government's use
of electromagnetic and psychotropic devices to create artificial UFO
abductions amongst unwitting civilians. Such government-staged UFO
encounters (not to be confused with the many real UFO events, such as
the Roswell crash) are now being used a cover for widespread physical
and psychological experimentation upon U.S. civilians.

"One internal HAARP document boasts of 'exciting and challenging ...
potential to control ionospheric processes.' HAARP's goal is to
'perturb' the ionosphere with powerful blasts of energy to see 'how it
responds to the disturbance.' Scientists envision using it to burn
'holes' in the ionosphere and 'create an artificial lens' in the sky
that could focus large bursts of electromagnetic energy. The Pentagon
also wants to know if HAARP could be used to disrupt communications,
destroy enemy missiles or control global weather. Sci-fi freak Newt
Gingrich was one of its early supporters.

"Building the HAARP transmitter requires cutting spruce forest and
filling wetlands. Its six 3,600-horsepower diesel generators would burn
95 tons of diesel fuel per day, producing over seven tons of air
pollution. The project's environmental-impact statement notes that the
site 'lies within the Copper River Basin, which is one of Alaska's more
important migration corridors' for birds, which could be fried by flying
through HAARP's 10-megahertz beams. Swans, owls and ducks could also
crash into its maze of antennas.

"The HAARP fact sheet states that 'most of the energy of the high-power
beam would be emitted upward rather than toward the horizon.' But other
government documents reveal that '80-90 percent of the experiments
would...refract fundamental radio frequency energy Earthward from the

"Over the past three decades, human electromagnetic exposure has been
linked to fatigue, irritability, memory loss, cataracts, leukemia, birth
defects, cancer and changes in brain chemistry. While a government study
on the 'bioeffects' of HAARP radiation concluded that 'chronic exposure
may not necessarily be harmful,' other government documents warn that
such radiation is powerful enough to explode highway flares in passing
vehicles a quarter-mile away and disrupt cardiac pacemakers in jet
passengers flying overhead. The Pentagon has already decided that
HAARP's radio interference is too intense to allow it to be located near
any military facilities!"

(by Dr. Richard Williams)

It's important to keep in mind particularly in regard to HAARP's power
output ratings as noted by Dr. Williams that he wrote this during the
very early phases of HAARP and that the power output levels of HAARP
transmissions are currently astronomically and exponentially more
powerful than the figures cited by Williams. Residents of the United
States, and to some extent residents of other regions of the world, in
particular areas of the southern Pacific, Australia and New Zealand, are
at this point being subjected to a literal, all-out war being waged
against them by clandestine, unconstitutional, fascistic, terroristic
and literally demonic elements of a vicious and psychotic covert or
secret government, as implemented by certain branches of intelligence
and military agencies. One of the more sour ironies in this is that, to
a greater extent that many covert projects, HAARP is in fact being
funded largely with OUR money. Congress was given a full-on dog and pony
show by HAARP lobbyists and directors, who implied that it would be
mainly used for researching and developing enhanced communications
systems, and for earth penetrating tomography, to see who else might be
putting in underground bases--someone like George Bush's old buddy
Saddam Hussein for example. Congress lapped up the BS and forked over
the money--our money that is, and now HAARP operatives are thumbing
their noses at Congress and the people, using HAARP transmitters to
cause severe weather damage, to implement mind modification/control, as
a means of inducing physical/ /psychological distress and
incapacitation, to open interdimensional portals and to carry out other
covert agendas. Again, it has become clear that HAARP is evolving into
an all-purpose, kill-many-birds-with-one-stone (and lots of real birds
too!) command, control and communication systems technology, for use by
the controllers of what's been termed the New World Order, to ensure
maximum compliance from the population and maximum technological
superiority for the rulers in the reign of the New World
Order--beginning NOW.

Hopefully, enough people will wake up and DEMAND that whatever
legitimate remnants still exist of our so-called representative
government immediately begin to address HAARP's overwhelmingly serious
threats to our freedom, physical and mental health, privacy, wellbeing;
threats the human race as a whole and to the planet we call home!

1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
All rights reserved.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Big Cal. Quake Day After Fed Warning

Call us psychic. In light of the ability of HAARP and other EM/RF
systems to cause "seismic" activity, we advised our recipients that
warnings issued yesterday by the U.S.G.S. of a significantly higher risk
of severe earthquakes hitting California in the next 30 years than had
been previously estimated, should perhaps be taken rather seriously.

And now, a biggie hits the southern California desert today.

Coincidence? You decide. Maybe read our articles on HAARP, especially in
regard to earthquake generation, before deciding.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
09:46:00 ET
Strong Quake Rocks California; Train

LUDLOW, Calif. (Reuters) - A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0
on the open-ended Richter scale, centered in the California desert,
rocked a large portion of the southwestern United States early Saturday,
derailing a passenger train and knocking out power in parts of the area.

But no serious injuries were immediately reported and damage appeared to
be limited by the fact that the epicenter of the earthquake was located
just north of the California desert community of Joshua Tree, a sparsely
populated region in the Mojave Desert.

The earthquake, which came one day before the 10th anniversary of a
major quake in the San Francisco area, was felt as far away as Las
Vegas, Tucson, Ariz., and San Diego, near the Mexican border. In Los
Angeles County, it caused power outages, rock slides and water main ruptures.

A California Transportation authority spokesman said 20 cars of the
24-car Southwest Chief, traveling from Chicago to Los Angeles, left the
rails near the small community of Ludlow in the Mojave desert about 110
miles northeast of Los Angeles. The train was carrying 155 passengers.

But spokesman Peter Hidalgo said the carriages were upright and there
were few injuries.
A spokesman for the Edison Co. said the quake knocked out power to
25,000 customers in southern California, including 5,000 to 10,000 in
Los Angeles.

Power was expected to be restored to most areas by mid-day.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Was the California Earthquake Man-made?

Uh... I think NewsHawk has come down squarely on the side of "probably".

Indeed, here's some hard evidence that in FACT once again, significant
anomalies have shown up in weather radar images of where the quake hit,
which had NOTHING to do with any observed weather conditions.

This phenomenon has been observed a number of times in the past couple
of years in relation to earthquakes.

Kent Steadman of CyberSpaceORBIT -- --
last year posted voluminous data proving this same "radar ring"
phenomenon persisted for MONTHS in this very same region; while constant,
though relatively minor, earthquakes plagued the entire area around
top-secret China Lake Naval Weapons facility.

HAARP is completely under the control of the US Navy.

Guess "they're" HAARPing away, once again.

HEADS UP, y'all!

NewsHawk® Inc.
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Was the California Earthquake Man-made?
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 02:31:39 -0700
From: "Deuce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harbinger list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For the last 5 days we have recorded 4 anomalous radar "rings" over Southern
Nevada in the same place.  All these rings have been non-weather related
and have shown up on official radar images.

Were these rings a precursor to this earthquake? You decide.
Our opinion is that they are. Take a look:

Two military bases are conspicuously right smack in the center of it:
Naval Strategic Weapon FAC PAC, USN
and Nellis AFB, USAF

What are they doing there that causes these anomalous rings? Is this some
form of electronic pulse weapon? Are they deliberately causing earthquakes,
or is this just a "side effect"? In either case, this is highly suspicious.

What do you think?

Rusty and Deuce

The Harbinger

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
HAARP and Bio/Chem Warfare

(c) 1999 NewsHawk Inc.

Of COURSE our articles on HAARP are true! Who the hell could even make
up this nightmarish stuff, anyway?

In fact, not only can HAARP be used to control the weather but one of
the more significant AND terrifying uses of HAARP is to "potentiate" or
amplify the effects of certain toxic materials--whether chemical OR
biological--through what is called "cyclotron resonance".

HAARP transmissions can be fine-tuned to specific frequencies which will
cause the effective impact of VERY SMALL, minute, even nearly
undetectable amounts of toxins, poisons and such which for example have
been added to the water supply of a targeted population to be magnified
to a TREMENDOUS extent.

Using HAARP to induce "cyclotron resonance" is one of the most
fundamental covert uses to which HAARP technology can be put; and this
capability was recognized and perfected very early on in the development
of HAARP. This is THOROUGHLY documented in the official HAARP literature
and in the original patents covering HAARP technology, as developed by
Bernard Eastlund and ARCO's Advanced Projects division, before the
system was sold to the military (and intelligence) arms of the federal
government in the early 1990s.

Therefore, even if there may be only infinitesimal amounts of certain
toxins present in air, water, food or whatever, these very tiny amounts
can STILL cause massive negative impact on the health of targeted
populations through the implementation of "cyclotron resonance" using
HAARP transmissions.

Using HAARP transmissions to induce cyclotron resonance in relation to
these toxins will induce the same results as if tremendous amounts of
the toxin had been applied to the targeted area. Another aspect of this
is that if analytic tests are done on the water, food, air etc., there
would be such small amounts of the specific toxins present that they may
not even show up: or if they ARE detected, their effectiveness may
discounted because the amounts detected are so slight.

Very diabolical. Your friendly, satanic, hellish federal government hard
at work as always; devising new and better ways to injure, sicken,
destroy, maim, oppress and just plain KILL many people.

What swell guys.

(c) 1999 NewsHawk Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Solar Flares Equal or Greater Threat Than Y2K Bug in 2000

Informed sources have told us that solar storms/flares of unprecedented
intensity in the next months--perhaps lasting for the next couple of
years--may have serious negative global impacts upon electrical power
transmission/delivery systems (the electrical grid) and
electromagnetic/radio-frequency communications--which at this juncture
means virtually ALL communications.

This potentially very severe threat was said by one source to be almost
certainly a greater one than that posed by the Y2K computer bug, though
they indicated the "bug" was likely to be at least a fair-sized debacle.
What's more, it's not just a "one-shot deal" with the solar flares and
storms, but an ongoing period of intense solar activity far beyond
anything ever previously observed. Peak incidents are expected right
around January 1, 2000, and also in early May, 2000--probably right
around May 5, according to the NOAA. Some believe the entire period may
last until the year 2002. It was suggested to us by a source that many
potential problems being disinformationally attributed to the effects of
the Y2K bug will actually be the result of the turmoil on the sun.
("They" would rather have us think a computer glitch is causing the
trouble instead of massive, global-wide bombardment by tremendously
powerful plumes of energy from the sun.)

What's also important to note regarding this issue is that for the past
several years data on solar flare activity and intensity was regularly
made available to the public and media; in particular on several
government/military websites, including NOAA's and NASA's (that
supposedly "CIVILIAN" agency, remember?). Since solar activity really
began picking up last year, this information has not been made available
as previously--even to many scientists and institutions. Now what does
THAT tell you? Nonetheless the information does exist and IS known to a
number of parties. It's just that the public isn't being advised of this

It was also said that HAARP technology is currently being deployed from
a number of locations worldwide, for the purpose of generating an
electromagnetic shield around the planet to block or attenuate the
electromagnetic impact of the solar bombardment. Apparently this
endeavor is achieving some success.

There is also a threat posed to Earth by a tremendous increase in the
number of meteors and meteorites near our planet. Reliable reports
indicate that at least SOME of these rocks have already struck the
earth--fortunately nothing too large... so far. Once again, it was said
to us that available technology like particle beams, positron rays and
other systems have been deployed successfully in counteracting some of
these threats.

To sum up: Y2K problems of some severity are almost certain to occur,
though similar, perhaps more long-lasting effects could occurs a result
of the intense period of solar activity we are entering into.

It's critical to plan for these possibilities, and STOCK UP on
essentials NOW--including, but not only, at least 2 month's supply of
food, water, fuel--heat/light, and other necessities for each person, as
well as cash. Plus, whatever else you can think of that you might really
need if all systems were "NO" for that long a time. Toilet paper, maybe??

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