From: nexusmagazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Wouldn't it be great if we could find a document like THE
>OPAL FILE and it would be all there ---- you could take
>every word to the bank?  Would it be great not to have to
>worry about the author's motives?  Not to have to worry if
>the author is some twisted Joseph Goebels or Ted Shackley
>with an agenda beyond our imaginings would indeed be great.

I agree - it would be great.  I was given a copy of the document which
came to be known as the Opal File in 1989/1990.  I was given it for
overnight perusal only, and being the cheeky person I was at the time, I
made a copy using the fax machine.  I then typed the copy I had onto my
trusty Macintosh and uploaded it to several discussion groups.  I named
it the Opal File, because to me, it was an Australian equivalent of the
Gemstone File, and what could be a more Aussie gemstone than the opal.
Hence the name.  The person who gave it to me claimed to have helped
compile it.  I have since corresponded with another person, now living in
the UK, who also contributed to the compilation.

Interestingly however I have seen no less than three other versions, all
differing slightly on the later dates (ie the dates going into the

I suspect some versions were damage control by British Intelligence, as
it was through one of their ex-people that I came to see the document.

Which paragraphs were genuine, and which are bullshit could take forever
to solve.  The details are now almost irrelvant as the big picture stays
the same.

Rich powerful families going back centuries have set up business empires
with many fronts in order to deflect suspicion; provide cover and further
expand by involving and corrupting others.  These empires specifically
control banking and currency issuance; pharmaceutical and chemical; media
and very importantly, the aerospace companies (THEY are the ones to keep
the closest eye on!!!).

Drugs, whether illegal or legal are part of their business.  Obviously
they can make more direct profit if the drugs are illegal.  Prohibition
also plays into social population management to further maximise profits.

Yes, many of our Aussie politicians are in their looking the other way
while collecting money in their swiss bank accounts.  If they don't do
it, THEY will find another who will, and will most likely 'deal' with the
recalcitrant who refused.

On a national level we also find puppet bosses on the nipple who suddenly
got too big and confident, two who fit this perfectly were the Shah of
Iran, and President Marcos.

I tried to confirm several bank account details without success.
Basically I have concluded that you do not get to become a 'big boy' on
the field unless you have 'the nod' from the other players.  Mind you,
getting the nod doesn't imply conscious complicity.  I suspect Bill Gates
got the nod - to set up an infrastructure tailor made to be covertly used
by the NSA and others for computerised intelligence gathering - but to
this day, I doubt he knows he was 'used'.

Sigh - I am raving again.... gotta go


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381      ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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