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A Trojan Horse

Rodney Stich

Several dozen present and former government agents and operatives, and former
drug traffickers, provide the author, Rodney Stich--also a former federal
investigator--with thousands of hours of secret insider information,
thousands of documents, and other data, revealing the government's arrogant
and sham war-on-drugs. People in key positions in all three branches of the
federal government are implicated in the hoax inflicted upon the American
Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly


*   Description of contents in Drugging America--A Trojan Horse.

*   Table of contents from Drugging America--A Trojan Horse.

*   Value of Drugging America book to its readers.

*   Partial list of deep-cover agents and operatives, former drug traffickers,
 and other insiders, who provided highly sensitive insider information for
Drugging America.

*   Rodney Stich's background qualifications.

*   Intent of this site and the books.

*   America's political prisoners. Federal agents, deep-cover operatives, and
concerned American citizens, who have been sent to prison on fabricated
charges to prevent them from reporting to the American people the corruption
within the CIA, DEA, Justice Department, and other federal offices. These are
political prisoners, and many of them are the true American heroes who fought
to bring to justice high-level criminal activities, and who were fraudulently
charged and sent to prison.

*   What you can do to help bring relief to many men and women who are falsely
 imprisoned, or imprisoned far beyond the length of time justified by the

*   Sample of men, women, and families that were fraudulently charged by
Department of Justice employees, to silence their knowledge of high-level
government corruption.

*   Partial listing of judges involved in obstructing justice, as detailed
and documented in Drugging America, Defrauding America and Unfriendly Skies.

*   Sample of book reviews on Stich's books.

*   College education on corrupt government personnel and secret activities,
as revealed by dozens of government insiders.

*   Sample of comments by readers of Stich's books.

*   Other books by Rodney Stich.

*   Links to other sites, including groups seeking to correct the draconian pr
ison sentences, forfeiture statutes, and conspiracy statutes, that threatens
every man and women in the United States, and to bring about the release of
thousands of men and women who were guilty of none of the charged offenses,
or guilty of offenses justifying a small punishment rather than a literal
death sentence.

*   Search engines for your convenience.

*   Web sites for personal matters.

*   Selection of magazine and newspaper advertisements for Drugging America--A
 Trojan Horse.

*   Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly

*   Insider information wanted on corrupt government personnel and corrupt
government operations.

*   Whistleblower pages of insiders revealing high-level government misconduct

*   Further information on the author and the government corruption that he
and his group of several dozen insiders discovered can be obtained by putting
"Rodney Stich" in certain search engines.

*   People sharing the blame for the escalating corruption in government and
the related human tragedies.

*   Help that any responsible adult can provide to fight the corruption that
is inflicting such great harm upon the United States and its people.

*   Brief comments on related matters that have received recent media attentio


questions and issues that could be discussed during Stich's appearance, based
upon the data in Drugging America, A Trojan Horse.
TELEVISION AND MOVIE PRODUCERS: Consider a television series based upon the
hundreds of episodes arising from the experiences of the author's dozens of
deep-cover sources and upon the author's unusual background and experiences.
Also, numerous movies with various themes could be based upon the books'



*   Years of drug smuggling into the United States by personnel in key positio
ns within the Central Intelligence Agency, and later joined by the U.S.
military and other covert government operatives. Because of their positions
of trust, and their actions undermining the national security, these offenses
are extremely serious and far beyond the offenses charged against
non-government-related people.

*   Years of coverups and obstruction of justice relating to these criminal
activities by people in key positions within the U.S. Department of Justice.
This coverup and obstruction of justice by people in positions of trust makes
their crimes far worse than almost any offense for which people were or are
incarcerated in federal prisons.

*   Coverups and obstruction of justice by members of Congress who for years
have received sworn testimony and hard evidence proving the existence of the
CIA drug trafficking, and who committed criminal acts by covering up these
matters, knowing that enormous and brutal consequences would be suffered by
the American people.

*   Misuse of criminal legislating authority. Simultaneously, these members
of Congress have enhanced their careers by legislating draconian mandatory
minimum prison sentences that have sent and will continue to send tens of
thousands of men and women to prison for years or decades for possession of
peanut quantity of drugs. Many of these same legislatures had themselves used
drugs without undergoing the destruction of their families, the seizure of
their assets, and the years or decades in prison that they have legislated
for others. These are the same members of Congress who were and are
criminally implicated by covering up for the CIA involvement in drugs, the
drug money flowing to members of Congress (as is common in Mexico).

*   Misuse of conspiracy statutes. Simultaneously, these members of Congress
have legislated, and permitted to be perpetrated upon the American people,
the misuse of the conspiracy statutes that has resulted in thousands of
people suffering imprisonment, property seizures, and other harm who had
never been near any drugs or had any connection to them.

*   Misuse of forfeiture statutes. In total disregard of the obviously unconst
itutional and outrageous nature of the forfeiture statutes, members of
Congress have legislated and permitted to be perpetrated upon the American
people the seizure of their assets, often without any charges being filed.
They have made it almost impossible for most people to regain their assets
even though no charges were filed or they were found not guilty.

*   Congressional protection of prosecutorial abuses. Members of Congress
have refused to address the widespread pattern of prosecutorial abuses,
including the standard practice of Justice Department prosecutors filing
false charges against people, demanding and rewarding witnesses to provide
perjured testimony to grand juries and trial juries, and other corrupt

*   Justice Department employees engaging in criminal coverups and obstruction
 of justice relating to the CIA's drug smuggling.

*   Involvement of federal judges in coverups and obstruction of justice
relating to CIA drug smuggling, and misuse of federal courts by federal
judges and Justice Department prosecutors to silence government and other

*   Decades of drug smuggling by the CIA, as told to Stich by drug pilots,
CIA and FBI agents, among others, and as first discovered by Stich while he
was an airline captain for Japan Airlines in the 1950s.

*   Drugs flown by secret CIA airline, the head of which had provided Stich
with considerable data, hard evidence, and affidavits describing in detail
the smuggling of drugs, other CIA airlines with which he inter-reacted, arms
shipments to the IRA, and much more.

*   Covert CIA financial institutions and their involvement in drug money
laundering and other criminal activities. Heavy focus on the secret CIA financ
ial operation based in Hawaii which was headed by a friend of Stich, and
which received world-wide publicity in the mid-1980s.

*   Involvement of a CIA-DEA drug smuggling operation in the downing of Pan
American Airlines flight 103 that blew up over Lockerbie, the actions by
Justice Department employees to shift the blame away from the actual
terrorists, and the Justice Department sham prosecution of people exposing
the truth.

*   Tales of drug pilots involved in gun fights at remote overseas airstrips,
pilots who were house guests of Colombian drug lords, and other forms of

*   United Airlines and Eastern Airlines pilots who became drug traffickers,
and their exciting adventures.

*   Drug smuggling in Arkansas, including the CIA's infamous Mena Airport,
and Governor Clinton's felony coverup of the activities.

*   Drug money going to both political parties.

*   Protection of major drug traffickers by Justice Department employees
while simultaneously filing false charges against government agents obtaining
evidence against the drug cartels.

*   DEA agent operating drug transshipment point in Mexico, and protected by
Justice Department employees.

*   Drug trafficking from Canada into Montana.

*   Massive drug involvement by all levels of government and military in
Mexico, and the close parallel in the United States.

*   Examples of how easy it is for anyone, including 65-year-old widows, to
be set up for drug charges and prison by the thousands of government agents
and informants.

*   How CIA agents orchestrated the consolidation of individual drug trafficke
rs into the Cali and Medellin drug cartels.

*   The tactics used by the army of government agents, government informants,
and Justice Department prosecutors to trap, charge, and imprison thousands of
men and women every year. Many of these victims are often totally innocent,
or innocent of offenses far less than charged. And how you can reduce the
chance of becoming one of the thousands of victims being imprisoned in
America's great growth industry.

*   Sample list of men, women, and families, destroyed by these scams, sometim
es leading to suicide.

*   One of America's great growth industries: incarcerating tens of thousands
of men and women, many of whom are either innocent of any crime, or of
greatly exaggerated offenses.

*   Why your innocence means nothing to government personnel who will lie and
perjure themselves as they seek to imprison their prey. Tomorrow, this could
be you, just as thousands of other men and women thought it could not happen
to them, as they started a long prison sentence or even life in
prison--although they did nothing to justify the sentence.

*   Learn how your "friendly" members of Congress voted for draconian prison
sentences to make themselves look good to a naive public and thereby win
votes at the expense of thousands of destroyed lives.

*   Fifty years of CIA drug trafficking into the United States, proven by the
evidence in Drugging America--A Trojan Horse and Defrauding America.

*   How Justice Department attorneys retaliate against government agents and
others who report high-level government involvement in drug trafficking.

*   The newest and little-publicized drug gateway into the United States, Cana
da to Montana, and the heavy local, state, and federal government involvement
in drugs.

*   How federal judges and even the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court have
become involved in coverups related to government involvement in drug
trafficking and drug money laundering.

*   How local and state government personnel are similarly involved in drug
trafficking and protection.

*   Mexico's utterly corrupt state and federal police, military, and political
 officers who promote Mexico as the preferred drug smuggling conduit to the Un
ited States.

*   Government agents describing drug money going to both political parties,
who have a vested interest in forever keeping the public from discovering the

*   Years of drug crimes inflicted upon people within the United States,
first by the CIA and then the DEA and U.S. military.

*   Mexican government personnel involvement in drugs, duplicating in a less
sophisticated manner, and less publicized, the involvement of U.S. government
personnel in drugs.

*   The broad extent of the coverups, disinformation, and obstruction of
justice by virtually every government check and balance, and most of the broad
cast and print media. This relationship must be recognized to understand the
complex, bizarre, and arrogant nature of misconduct by government personnel.

*   The criminal and subversive activities implicating government officials,
knowledge of which is kept from the American people.

*   The true heroes in America (No, not the ball players or OJ!), and how
they suffered for exercising courage and responsibilities so tragically
absent in the general population.

*   America's "political" prisoners, including agents and operatives of the
FBI, DEA, INS, and CIA, and concerned citizens, who are victims of government
retaliation and who suffer great financial and personal harm, for daring to
expose CIA and other government corruption.

*   Why drug traffickers almost look "saintly" compared to government personne
l occupying key positions in the three branches of the U.S. government.

*   Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly


Value of Drugging America book to its readers

Reading and understanding the contents of Drugging America--A Trojan Horse,
can provide the readers with the following benefits:

*   An understanding of covert government activities, government corruption,
who is involved, media, congressional and other coverups and to think with
some level of intelligence on the subjects.

*   Discover how thousands of men and women are falsely charged with criminal
offenses, their assets seized, and the victims then imprisoned for years--some
times for life.

*   Discover how to recognize when you are about to be set up and fraudulently
 charged with a drug-related crime, and reduce the chance that you will join
the tens of thousands of others who have their lives and their families
shattered by corrupt acts of government agents, government informants, and
Department of Justice prosecutors.

*   Provide insider information to accurately and intelligently understand
the many bizarre and dangerous aspects of misconduct by people in key
positions in government. This information provides an understanding of
activities that continues to inflict great harm upon the nation, the people,
and upon tens of thousands of individual men, women and families.

*   Provide the information necessary to avoid the tragic financial and
personal consequences when targeted by any of the thousands of government
agents, informants and prosecutors, most of whom are looking for victims to
justify their position, their pay, and their forfeiture rewards. Innocence is
no defense.

*   Help to reduce the possibility of you or a loved one being one of the
many thousands of yearly victims of the draconian prison sentences,
forfeiture statutes, and conspiracy statutes, that have already destroyed
tens of thousands of lives and families.

*   Help to FORCE the revocation of draconian mandatory minimum sentencing, fo
rfeiture, and conspiracy statutes.

*   Help to bring about the release of many who are in prison on drug-related
charges or from prosecutorial misconduct.



Coverup Crimes

Federal crimes are committed by those who know of federal crimes and (a) do
not report them to proper authorities; (b) engage in coverups or
disinformation to block their exposure; (c) discredit those who do report the
crimes; (d) retaliate against those people seeking to report them.

It is important to recognize their crimes, including people in government,
people in the broadcast or print media, judges, members of Congress, or
anyone else. Under federal law, they are as guilty as those who commit the
underlying offenses. That includes prosecutors, members of Congress, judges,
members of the broadcast and print media, and citizens.

They have a vested interest in continuing the coverups, the disinformation,
the discrediting of whistleblowers, and the continuation of the criminal

The felony coverups by one of the most corrupt of all federal agencies, the
U.S. Department of Justice and its various divisions.

Federal judges--and even the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court--are involved
in coverups and obstruction of justice, as detailed and documented in the
three books, Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly Skies.


Undercover agents and former drug traffickers contributing to Drugging
America--A Trojan Horse:

Providing fly-on-the-wall insider information about the arrogant and felonious
 misuse of government offices and power are the following:

*   Former FBI agent and highly decorated Vietnam veteran, with 11 years of
FBI undercover experience, discovered CIA-Mafia drug links and Justice
Department coverups, but suffered severe retaliation when he refused to join
the obstruction of justice.

*   Highly decorated veteran agent of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS), chief of the New York City Anti-Smuggling Unit, who uncovered
considerable evidence of Dominican drug trafficking along the northeast
section of the United States and coverups by New York and federal law
enforcement officials. He suffered severe retaliation when he continued his
official duties.

*   Veteran INS agent who reported a drug trafficking operation by a DEA
agent in Mexico and the murder of a Mexican national by that agent, and who
suffered severe retaliation when he persisted in pursuing the matter. These
reported crimes were accompanied by coverup from U.S. officials and coverup
by President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico.

*   Pennsylvania state narcotic agents who discovered vast drug trafficking,
especially among Dominicans, and encountered state coverups and retaliation.

*   Former United Airlines DC-8 flight instructor turned drug trafficker, his
imprisonment in a Mexican jail, his undercover status for U.S. Customs, and
Justice Department retaliation blocking his actions that were about to
disrupt a major Colombian drug cartel operation in the United States.

*   Former contract undercover pilot working for U.S. Customs who was about
to disrupt a major Colombian drug cartel's operation (Pablo Escobar),
suffering Justice Department retaliation that protected the major drug cartel.

*   Former head of a CIA proprietary airline who described in great detail the
 drugs that he carried for the CIA, how the CIA set up his airline, how the
CIA funded the operation, and how Department of Justice officials retaliated
against him when he shut down the airline in protest over CIA drug

*   Former head of a large CIA financial operation based in Hawaii who provide
d details of CIA drug trafficking and funding of secret bank accounts of U.S.
political figures.

*   Key CIA operatives who operated covert CIA financial institutions and othe
r operations throughout the world, describing the looting of the HUD program,
the savings and loans, forged bearer bonds, and other CIA financial scams.
These included the October Surprise operation, European destabilization,
various high-level financial frauds, coordinating organized crime-drug-cartel
negotiations, and much more.

*   Another long-time CIA operative often used for disinformation activities
and coverups, including the coverup of October Surprise activities in Paris.

*   Head of covert death-squad team in Indochina whose function was to destabi
lize the area in order to "justify" U.S. involvement.

*   Military personnel who described to the author the existence of CIA drug
trafficking at military bases where they were stationed.

*   Many pilots who flew drugs for the CIA and DEA, who provided specific
details of these operations.

*   New York City vice-squad detective who repeatedly reported CIA-related
drug trafficking and who suffered retaliation when he continued his reports.

*   Former OSS and CIA operative, drug smuggler, assassin, with undercover
activities in the Near East, Europe, Indochina, Central and South America.

*   Deep-cover CIA agents who helped set up the Medellin and Cali cartels,
making it easier for the CIA to obtain the drugs that were smuggled into the
United States.

*   Deep-cover agents who assisted in the sale of drugs to organized crime
families, including the Gotti group from New York.

*   Pilots and deep-cover agents who described drug-related operations that
included Oliver North and William Barr (prior to Barr being named attorney
general of the United States).

*   Years of Justice Department coverups of CIA drug trafficking and other
criminal activities involving covert acts by government personnel and
agencies, and who retaliated against government agents who reported these matt

*   The author, a former federal investigator, with dozens of deep-cover
sources who provided him insider information and documentation for over the
ten years. His books have twice been considered for television series. He has
appeared as guest and expert on over 3,000 radio and television shows since
1978 in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. European television
stations have three times sent crews to film him during the past five years.



The intent of this and related sites, and the books forming their basis, is
to inform people about government corruption that continues to inflict great
harm upon thousands of men and women and their families. Further, to motivate
those who have the courage and sense of outrage. to help bring an end to the
criminal and subversive activities that are, like a Trojan Horse, destroying
the fabric of America from within.


Other Books by Rodney Stich on Government Corruption

*   The book Defrauding America.

*   The book Unfriendly Skies.


Sampling of full-page ads in various newspapers and magazine for the three

*   Washington Time
s .
*   Insight magazine.
*   National Review magazine
*   The Nation.



Data and Documents Revealing Corruption By Government Personnel and
Government Activities

A group of present and former government agents and others with evidence of
government corruption have been brought together into a coalition called
Whistleblowers Against Government Corruption (WAGC), and welcomes anyone who
wishes to provide creditable and specific information and documentation. Your
identity will remain confidential, if you wish, and only made available to a
meaningful congressional evidence (if such an event ever happens). At this
time, the coalition consists of nearly four dozen insiders who have provided
information used in the books written by Rodney Stich. (Drugging America and
the third editions of Unfriendly Skies and Defrauding America.
Accurate information about government corruption will help America and
Americans fight against the powerful corruption in the three branches of
government, as well as on the local and state levels, which must be
understood before any single area of corruption can be attacked.

Information can be sent to Rodney Stich at POB 5, Alamo, CA 94507 or by
e-mail to Stich at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly


People Sharing The Blame For the Escalating Corruption In Government and the
Related Human Tragedies

Who is to blame for the continuing and escalating criminal and even
subversive activities detailed and documented in the books, Drugging America?

*   The people who hold key positions in government who ordered the criminal
activities, and those who carry them out. These include the people in the
three branches of government, and in some order of priority or greatest blame
would be, in the executive branch: people in control of the Department of
Justice and its various divisions. People who carry out the corrupt

*   People in the legislative branch who have known for years about most of
the criminal activities in the books. One example would be the decades of
testimony given behind closed doors in Congress during which CIA operatives
who carried out the drug trafficking or drug money laundering provided
testimony and evidence.

*   Federal judges who have known of these corrupt activities and who aided
and abetted them by protecting the guilty. Every Justice on the U.S. Supreme
Court was repeatedly made aware of many of the criminal activities, as shown
by court filings described in my books, and became criminally complicit by
their coverups and obstruction of justice.

*   Much of the broadcast and print media for their culpability or cowardice.
The worst would be the media which knew of the crimes by government insiders
and who ridiculed those courageous people who, usually singly, came forward
with the evidence. The next in degree of culpability or cowardice would be
the media who knew of the crimes and withheld this information from the
public. And then the media who crew of the criminal activities but were
afraid of being ridiculed or retaliated against by those in government
capable of misusing government power against them.

*   In drug related crimes, America's drug users who know their money funded
all forms of brutalities, killings, corruption, and depravity. Without their
drug dollars, there would be no basis for the horrific consequences of the
drug problem.

*   The American people as a group who refused to become informed either throu
gh cowardice or laziness, making possible the continuation and escalation of
the crimes detailed in the books.

*   The segment of the American people who had enough knowledge to know that
serious corruption existed in the three branches of government and who did
nothing. Excluded from this group are those people who are too mentally defici
ent to develop their thinking beyond the simplistic doting on their
grandchildren, the ball game fanatics, or other trivia.

*   The people who complain about judgmental or intangible matters arising fro
m government matters, which will never in any way correct the criminal
misconduct in government. They protest the need to return to the
Constitution, or, the income tax is unconstitutional, and matters such as
these. Nothing gets accomplished, and they don't have to face the adversaries
involved in criminal activities.

*   People who complain about far-our or loony matters, who make flat statemen
ts claiming the earth is coming to an end, or the government is going to
incarcerate most of the public within the next two years; or Bill Clinton
will not leave office when his term is up; or those who have a loony theory
all ready for anything that occurs, despite the facts showing otherwise.
These people divert attention from those who have hard facts concerning
corrupt government officials and corrupt government activities.

*   Christian leaders who do nothing about the criminal activities despite
their knowledge of them and the harm being inflicted. Their self-interests
focus on their religion, church funding, and getting people into their group.
They too are cowards.

*   Christians who hold themselves out to be good people, who are too lazy,
too indifferent, to the harm that they make possible by deliberately
remaining ignorant of crimes perpetrated by their government leaders, and
continue to allow their taxes to be spent promoting crimes described within
the pages of the three books.

*   Ball game fanatics who devote their lives to the children's pastimes,
while too cowardly, or too lazy, to address the corruption that continues to
escalate and which has inflicted such great tragedies upon so many people.
Fiddling while Rome burns may be a good parallel.

*   Those people who know of the corrupt government activities and do nothing,
 refusing to recognize their duty under our form of government, uncaring for
the victims made possible by these acts of indifference and cowardice.

If you are part of the tragically small number of Americans who have an
interest and concern about arrogance and corruption in the three branches of
government, here are some of the things that you can do:

*   Read and understand the third edition of Defrauding America, Drugging
America, and the third edition of Unfriendly Skies. These books, really an
encyclopedia of government corruption, details and documents much of the
corruption affecting Americans as discovered by FBI, CIA and other government
agents, and as conveyed to the author, Rodney Stich, himself a former federal
inspector and investigator. No other known books will provide such a broad
and specific insight into the endemic corruption in government and the
pattern of cover ups and disinformation by the broadcast and print media.

*   Defrauding America, for instance, will provide overwhelming court-admissib
le evidence of such crimes as CIA drugging of America and its felony coverup,
America's political prisoners (those government agents who sought to expose
high-level government corruption), a pattern of criminal activities that
have, and are, inflicting great harm upon millions of Americans, documented
assassination of American POWs (despite what CNN retracted), and much more.

*   Unfriendly Skies concentrates primarily upon the ugly politics responsible
 for certain airline crashes and existing safety problems. These matters were
documented by an insider within the FAA, revealing the pattern of air safety
and criminal misconduct within the FAA (and for a 30 year period, at United
Airlines), and how this misconduct brought about a number of tragic air
disasters. It reveals the cover-ups by the FAA, the NTSB, Congress, the
media, and the indifference of the next-of-kin who have repeatedly ignored
the evidence and refused to provide any support to the author's three decades
of exposure activities.

*   Read books that detail and document specific acts of corruption that are
written by insiders. These are seldom carried by your regular book stores. A
partial list of such books are found in the third edition of Defrauding

*   Understand the gravity of the matters, the undermining of the United
States and its institutions, the tragic harm inflicted upon innocent people
throughout the United States and elsewhere, and the consequences for everyone
if the guilty are not exposed.

*   Understand the extent of the corruption so that you realize the difficulty
 of exposing such crimes. For instance, the 50 years of CIA drugging of
America with its tragic consequences could not have continued and escalated
were it not for the criminal cover-up from government personnel, especially
those in the U.S. Department of Justice and Congress, and most of the
broadcast and print media. Recognizing this relationship will help you to
understand how any attempt at exposing any element of these criminal and
subversive activities will be broad-sided by those whose felonious cover-ups
and disinformation made the corruption possible. Expect to be ridiculed and
discredited. Still interested in exercising your civic responsibilities?

*   Make repeated phone calls to radio and television call-in shows, making
reference to the books, and encourage the host to have the author appear as a
guest and expert on any of the many subjects covered in the books.

*   Tell others about the books, encouraging them to read them.

*   Call your local libraries and encourage them to order the books.

*   Provide funds to run hard-hitting ads in mainstsream newspapers and
magazines. In this way, the corruption revealed by courageous insiders can cir
cumvent the media that covers up for these corrupt activities and the media
that fears retaliation if they expose the matters, and circumvent the
coverups by Congress and many others. Sooner or later, the continuation of
these ads will probably pry open the lid on the Pandora's Box of arrogance
and corruption in the three branches of government. Book sales do not cover
the cost of investigations, publishing, promotions, and other expenses,
associated with attempts to expose government misschief described in the
various books. Diablo Western Press is a small company that has never made a
profit, and is devoted to helping the public and many of those men, women and
families victimized as a result of the corruption and the coverups. A
tax-deductible organization will exist shortly for those who want this extra
benefit for contributing to a cause that can help illuminate the
Trojan-Horse-like corruption in government, help many to reduce the dangers,
and bring relief to some of the prior victims.

*   Help the courageous insiders who came forward, and continue to do so, to
reveal and document crimes against men, women and families in the United
States. The information is here, but it will be all for nothing if it is not
made known to enough people who care. This requires a continuing series of
hard-hitting display ads in mainstream newspapers and magazines. These ads
cost $2000 to $3000 each. Book sales do not provide sufficient income to pay
these costs. IF you really want to help, send money marked solely for display
advertising to Diablo Western Press. This company was formed for the sole
purpose of informing the public about corrupt government officials and their
corrupt activities, in an effort to help protect the public.

*   A list of some of those who have contributed sizeable amounts for publiciz
ing these matters.

*   Veterans--your help is needed now! Your prior efforts in helping defend
the United States are being subverted from within. Veterans are being
corruptly charged and imprisoned by people in control of key government
offices. The United States itself is being subverted by the same people. Your
prior sacrifices on behalf of the country are being undone. If you are not
"over the hill" mentally and physically, and have the courage, and concern
for your country, for your fellow veterans, and those being victimized, it's
time for you to help!

*   If you have information about government corruption, send details to the
author at POB 5, Alamo, CA 94507, being as specific as possible, sending any
documentation that you may have, and how you know about these matters.

*   Notify your members of Congress of these matters, remind them of their
responsibilities, expect them to cover up, but keep a record so that in the
future, if any of these criminal matters ever surface, you have a record that
the person had been notified and did nothing about it.

*   Make others aware of the threat from corrupt government personnel. Call
into radio and television talk shows, repeatedly, and describe the books and
the government misconduct described by the insiders named in the book. Make
people aware that they all are at risk, and help them understand the great
human tragedies that have already occurred as a result of them. Encourage
people, or shame them if necessary, into exercising some form of
responsibility in these matters.

*   For those on the Internet, use it to pass information to others about the
books, their contents, and how the corruption is inflicting great harm upon
innocent people

*   Pressure various groups, members of Congress, the media, to help publicize
 or investigate the criminal activities detailed and documented in the books.

Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly


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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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