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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.ciadrugs.com/">FBI, CIA and other government
agents document d…</A>


DISCOVER, for instance:

*   The specifics of the extensive corruption in the Central Intelligence
Agency, and the harm inflicted upon millions of innocent people in the United
States and overseas. Massive court-admissible evidence provides support for
this and other statements included in the book, Defrauding America (3rd
edition), and the various documents and other evidence to which reference is

*   The broad extent of the coverups, disinformation, and obstruction of
justice by virtually every government check and balance, and most of the broad
cast and print media. This relationship must be recognized to understand the
complex, bizarre, and arrogant nature of misconduct by government personnel.

*   The criminal and subversive activities implicating government officials,
knowledge of which is kept from the American people.

*   The true heroes in America (no, not the ball players or OJ!), and how
they suffered for exercising courage and responsibilities so tragically
absent in the general population.

*   America's "political" prisoners, including agents and operatives of the
FBI, DEA, INS, and CIA, and concerned citizens, who are victims of
retaliation and who suffer great financial and personal harm, for daring to
expose CIA and other government corruption.

*   The grave harm inflicted upon innocent people, a part of the escalating
corruption inflicted upon innocent Americans.

*   How to start to understand  the complex web of intrigue known only to a
selected few insiders.

*   The knowledge needed to protect yourself and to minimize the personal,
physical and financial harm that are being inflicted upon Americans
throughout the United States.

*   The truth about the drugging of America and the arrogant and corrupt
"war-on-drugs" by corrupt government officials, from government agents who
either discovered the drug trafficking, or were part of it .

*   The felony coverups by one of the most corrupt of all federal agencies,
the U.S. Department of Justice, and its various divisions.

*   The documented criminal of federal judges, and even the Justices of the
U.S. Supreme Court, in coverups, obstruction of justice, retaliation against
government agents and citizens who seek to report the corruption they

*   The significance of these conditions upon the United States, its governmen
t institutions, the American people, and you.

*   These conditions are proven by facts given by dozens of insiders, and the
hard evidence many of them have provided. They are not wild unsupported
statements as so often appears on the Internet or in far-out alternative
publications. Hundreds of years of cumulative insider experience is provided
by the dozens of government agents and former drug traffickers who have
courageously provided the unprecedented accumulation of evidence for books
showing the undermining of a nation by corrupt government personnel in the
three branches of government.

*   Order form.



Please note that the intent of this and related sites, and the books forming
their basis, is to inform the small percentage of people who care enough
about their country, their government, the welfare of others, and then to
motivate the even smaller percentage of people who have the courage and sense
of outrage to help bring an end to the criminal and subversive activities that
 are, like a Trojan Horse, destroying the fabric of America.



The author of Defrauding America first discovered the CIA drug trafficking
while he was an airline captain flying out of Japan and out of Lebanon in the
early 1950s. During pilot-to-pilot discussions, these pilots nonchalantly
revealed to the author the drugs they were hauling for CIA-related
operations. This drug-smuggling practice was later revealed when the author
became friends with, and a confidant to, many former CIA and other deep-cover
operatives. These included:

*   Pilots and deep-cover agents who actually flew the drugs into the United
States, often flying military weapons outbound and drugs inbound.

*   Deep-cover agents who headed covert CIA proprietary airlines or fronts,
and who divulged many aspects of the operation in which they were involved,
including the drugs that were hauled.

*   Deep-cover agents who headed covert CIA proprietary financial institutions
 or fronts, who divulged such operations as secret funding of bank accounts
for high-level personnel.

*   Pilots and deep-cover agents who flew high-level CIA personnel to various
places in Central and South America, coordinating drug sales and shipments
into the United States.

*   Deep-cover agents who helped set up the Modelling and Cali cartels,
making it easier for the CIA to obtain the drugs that were smuggled into the
United States.

*   Deep-cover agents, acting as drug-money launderers, who assisted in the
laundering of drug money into offshore banks.

*   Deep-cover agents who assisted in the sale of drugs to organized crime
families, including the Gotti group as described in secret transcripts of
testimony given to Congress and withheld from the American people.

*   Pilots and deep-cover agents who were present at drug-related operations
that included Oliver North, William Barr (prior to being named attorney
general of the United States).

*   And many others.

*   Order form.



Rodney Stich highlights this evidence in his highly detailed and documented
book, the explosive third edition of Defrauding America. The book provides
evidence of CIA drug trafficking and many other covert activities by CIA and
other government personnel. The book goes far beyond the criminal acts of CIA
drug trafficking and its coverups. Dozens of government insiders (FBI, CIA
and others) reveal the many other areas of criminal activities and coverups
that continue to inflict great harm upon America and upon millions of
individuals. A broad spectrum of government corruption is revealed with
various types of evidence to prove that these criminal acts have occurred and
continue to occur, with great suffering by people in all walks of life.
Order form.


Drugging America--A Trojan Horse

Government insiders provide additional evidence of the corrupt involvement of
federal officials in all forms of criminal activities relating to the drug
problems, including for instance:

*   Fifty years of CIA drug trafficking into the United States, with secret
congressional testimony, letters written by government insiders, information
from major drug traffickers, and much more.

*   Secret relations in drug trafficking between the CIA and organized crime.

*   Justice Department's involvement in the coverups and obstruction of
justice relating to these criminal and subversive activities.

*   Corruption in other government agencies, including U.S. Customs Service,
Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, as
revealed by insiders.

*   Pattern of lying, fraud, perjury by and under the direction of Justice
Department personnel that result in long prison terms, even life, for
innocent people, and the great enlargement of charges against people with
minor offenses. This could be you or a member of your family at any time.

*   Thousands of families destroyed by the direct corrupt acts of Justice
Department personnel, aided by a coalition of judges, other government
agents, members of Congress, and the lap-dog media, all of whom are
criminally linked to the underlying government corruption by their coverups
and other wrongful acts.

*   The grave implications of these documented activities upon American and
individual Americans, and the very slim chance of the people to protect
themselves against the powerful Trojan Horse type of corruption coming from

*   Many government insiders, former drug traffickers, and hard evidence,
fill the 520 pages of this hard-cover book. This book provides evidence
showing CIA personnel, acting with foreign drug lords and domestic organized
crime figures, smuggling tens of tons of drugs into the United States--with
coverups by Justice Department personnel and others--while government
prosecutors simultaneously bring about long-term imprisonment of tens of
thousands of men and women on bogus drug conspiracy charges or for
peanut-quantities of drugs. These are hard-core crimes against America and


The insiders and the evidence described in the book can provide the catalyst

*   Proving the drugging of Americans by people in control of key government
offices, the coverups of such crimes by other government personnel in the thre
e branches of the federal government, and the role played by key members of
the broadcast and print media.

*   Showing the difficulty facing the American people in bringing to justice
those who are guilty, and to reverse the government arrogance and continuing
harm inflicted upon the people.

*   Providing the tools necessary for good people, with courage and character,
 to force repeal of draconian mandatory minimum sentencing, conspiracy, and
forfeiture statutes. This is an unprecedented opportunity to use the
information revealed by dozens of courageous insiders to attack arrogant
people in government who are playing a role in covert practices inflicting
great harm upon many people. Do nothing, and you are part of the problem.



For those who have been close to the drug trafficking area, including pilots
and deep-cover operatives, the question of whether the CIA has engaged in
drug trafficking is like asking pilots whether planes will actually fly. The
answer is "yes" to both questions.



The author of these books has been on a crusade for the past 30 years,
seeking to expose, halt, and bring to justice those responsible for the
criminal acts being inflicted upon the United States and the American people.
His activism started while he was an inspector-investigator for the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), responsible for air safety at several major
airlines. During this time, a major air disaster occurred in his area of
responsibility on an average of every six months, and continued for many



Stich had been gathering information on CIA drug trafficking for decades. He
first encountered these activities while he was an airline captain flying for
Japan Airlines out of Tokyo and also out of Beirut, Baghdad and other Middle
East locations in the early 1950s. While talking to other pilots and in
normal pilot-to-pilot conversations, many pilots described to him that they
were flying for CIA-related operations and airlines and hauling drugs. They
made no big deal out of it; it was simply another job for which pilots were
increasingly involved. These pilots included those who flew for Air America,
Civil Air Transport, and other covert CIA operations.

Over the next four decades Stich continued to receive information about the
CIA drug trafficking from pilots who actually flew the drugs. Some of these
pilots were from covert CIA airlines including Air America, and some of them
came to work for the same airline that he worked for. These pilots had no
agenda or reason to fabricate these comments to their fellow pilots. They
were speaking the truth.

During the past ten years Stich developed many sources in the CIA and DEA who
had direct knowledge of the CIA drug trafficking. He learned that it wasn't
only the CIA involved in these criminal activities. The drug trafficking
included the CIA, DEA, the military, the State Department, the White House's
National Security Council, among others. Thousands of hours of often
deposition-like questioning was involved

These activities are detailed and documented in the third edition, hard cover
book, Defrauding America. Example of his many sources who are listed in the
book are:

*   FBI Special Agent who repeatedly reported CIA drug trafficking to his
supervisors and to FBI Director William Sessions; to Congress.

*   Former head of a CIA proprietary airline for over a decade, who described
in great detail the drugs that he carried for the CIA, how the CIA set up his
airline, how the CIA funded the operation.

*   Former head of a large CIA financial operation based in Hawaii who had
provided me with a great amount of data and documentation.

*   CIA operatives who operated covert CIA financial institutions, describing
the looting of the HUD program, the savings and loans, and other financial

*   Many pilots who flew drugs for the CIA and DEA, who gave me hundreds of
hours of specific details of these operations, including maps.

*   Military personnel who described to me the existence of CIA drug trafficki
ng at the military base at which they were stationed.

*   Vice squad detective who repeatedly reported to his New York City superior
s of the CIA involvement in drug trafficking.

*   And many other inside sources acquired during years of friendship and

*   Order form.



*   Confidential transcripts of testimony given to members of Congress by CIA
operatives of the CIA's dealing in drugs, dealing with organized crime familie
s, laundering of drug money for organized crime families and the CIA itself.

*   Many books have been written by DEA agents and others who described the CI
A drug trafficking that they observed in their area of operations.

*   Iran-Contra hearings that showed the White House's and National Security
Council's involvement in drug smuggling.

*   The massive amount of evidence of Justice Department officials blocking
investigation and prosecution of drug traffickers that are CIA operatives or
working with them.



Fortunately for the high-level government officials implicated in drugging
America, virtually every government check and balance has covered up for
these criminal and subversive activities. These are federal crimes for which
criminal statutes require that they be prosecuted.

The decades of coverups and obstruction of justice by employees of the U.S.
Department of Justice has aided and abetted the great harm inflicted upon the
United States and the American people.



Much of the evidence of CIA drug trafficking has been available to the
mainstream media for decades. This makes them criminal involved in the crimes
against America and Americans. It is their business to keep abreast of
information, reports, rumors, such as existed for decades of CIA drug
trafficking. It was their responsibility to investigate the decades of
reports of these obvious criminal and subversive activities. There was no
absence of reports of CIA drug trafficking during the CIA-originated Vietnam
War. There was no absence of reports of drug trafficking during the White
House's National Security Council's (NSC) war in Nicaragua.



With thousands of people aware of these CIA drug crimes who were CIA and
other deep-cover operatives, there is a pattern of silencing those who seek
to report these crimes. Admittedly, most people are too cowardly to take on
government by exposing these crimes. Those few courageous, or possibly
foolish, people who have tried to expose these criminal activities, are often
falsely charged with a federal crime by the Justice Department officials who
have for decades blocked the reporting of CIA drug trafficking.

As I have repeatedly shown in Defrauding America, Justice Department
prosecutors are then aided by federal judges who deprive the defendant of
required defenses. For instances, judges will frequently prevent those being
falsely charged with testimony by their CIA associates, or CIA documents that
exonerate them will not be admitted. The excuse is that the witnesses or
documents are not relevant, which is a farce.



Evidence of drug trafficking is provided by insiders, including those who
actually flew the drugs, or were in a position to know. No conspiracy



To fight the involvement of high-level government personnel in drug smuggling
it is important that other areas of government corruption be recognized. Any
of these other areas can block an exposure and prosecution of the guilty
parties. These other participants include:

*   Justice Department officials who for decades knew of the CIA-related
drugging of America and who obstructed justice by blocking investigations and
prosecutions, who retaliated against whistleblowers, and who participated in
the drug trafficking.

*   Members of Congress who knew of the drug trafficking for years, and
covered up.

*   Much of the broadcast and print media who knew of the drug trafficking
and engaged in coverups, disinformation, or simply remained quiet. This
includes the widespread reporters and announcers who are paid by the CIA to
keep the public from being informed about these crimes.


*   Coalition of present and former government agents, drug traffickers,
Mafia family members, who are part of a witness list prepared by Rodney
Stich, who can testify about the various criminal activities that Stich
writes about in his three books, and who are willing to testify at a
meaningful and open hearing into these activities.

*   Link to web site describing the book, Drugging America--A Trojan Horse,
that focuses on the government's arrogant and corrupt "war-on-drugs" that
continues to put tens of thousands of men and women in prison on drug-related
charges. Evidence is provided showing the contradiction between government
personnel smuggling tons of drugs into the United States and the Justice
Department coverups, while simultaneously filing false drug-related charges
against many men and women and imprisoning for decades many whose offense is
possessing minor amounts of drugs. The evidence provided in the book could be
the catalyst for the many groups seeking repeal of the draconian mandatory
minimum, conspiracy and forfeiture statutes and release from prison of many
victims of the sham government misconduct.

*   Partial list of issues and questions addressed by the book, Defrauding
America, the author and his coalition of government agents and sources, and
the documents in the book and those to which reference has been made.

*   America's sequestered political prisoners. Federal agents, deep-cover
operatives, and concerned American citizens, who have been sent to prison on
fabricated charges to prevent them from reporting to the Americana people the
corruption within the CIA, DEA, Justice Department, and other federal
offices, including CIA, DEA and military drug smuggling. These are political
prisoners, and many of them are the true American heroes who fought to bring
to justice high-level criminal activities, while America recognizes trivia as
"their" heroes.

*   Links to web site focusing primarily on the government's sham war on

*   Link to web site focusing on government corruption relating to air safety
and a series of fatal airline crashes, as detailed and documented in the
third edition of Unfriendly Skies.

*   Link to book detailing the inner workings of a covert CIA financial
operation based in Hawaii, the first edition of Disavow.

*   Index to letters relating to CIA drug trafficking.

*   Index to legal briefs relating to CIA drug trafficking.

*   "College Course" on government corruption.

*   Order form.


*   Search engine list for your convenience.

*   Other interesting web sites:


Insiders With Hard Evidence Of Government Corruption Wanted

A group of present and former government agents and others with evidence of
government corruption have been brought together into a coalition called
Whistleblowers Against Government Corruption, and welcome anyone who wishes
to provide information and documentation. Your identify will remain
confidential, if you wish, and only made available to a meaningful
congressional evidence (if such an event ever happens). Or, your identify can
remain hidden. At this time, the coalition consists of nearly four dozen
insiders who have provided information used in the books written by Rodney
Stich. These books consist of the third edition of Unfriendly Skies, third
edition of Defrauding America, the first edition of Disavow, and Drugging Amer
ica--A Trojan Horse.
Accurate information about government corruption will help America and
Americans fight against the powerful corruption in the three branches of
government, which must be understood before any single area of corruption can
be attacked.
Information can be sent to Rodney Stich at POB 5, Alamo, CA 94507 or by
e-mail to Stich at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The author's Beech Twin Bonanza at a small airfield north of Reno, Nevada,
before corrupt Justice Department officials and federal judges seized the
aircraft and all of Stich's assets, apparently with the intent of destroying
the assets that funded his exposure of government corruption.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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