-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austi Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 2:27 PM
To: CIA Drugs list
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Ted Gunderson Report/Foreign Soldier Activity in US

From: "Catherine Austi Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Note: The attached is a report that Ted Gunderson handed out a speech he
gave in California several weeks ago. I believe it is connected to the
attempted seizure of $4.7BB on HUD loan sales. Our offices were sized in
March of 1998, when they tried to falsify evidence. We dealt with continual
physical harrassment throughout 1998 and attempts to control documentation
in a manner that would allow for fascification sufficient to create a
probable cause case for seizure.

Again, the question is...why did they need $4.7BB of funding on a
non-accountable basis? What was a $4.7BB enforcement slush fund for?

Memorandum Prepared by Ted L. Gunderson
F.B.I. Special Agent in Charge (Retired)

Handwritten Cover Letter

For the benefit of all federal agents, informants, and provocateurs:

In April 1998 I was invited to attend a meeting between the FBI and Texas
Militia.  When the FBI herd I would be there they told the Militia if I
attended they "would walk."  Instead, I wrote them the following letter.

Mark my word, you are as expendable as everyone else.  You will be used and

                                        Good Luck and God Bless

                                         Ted L. Gunderson (signature)

Letter by Ted L. Gunderson

                                                        March 31, 1998
Dear FBI colleagues,

It is unfortunate that your FBI leaders have prohibited me from attending
your meeting with the militia in Texas this weekend. I had no intention of
causing a confrontation but merely wanted to alert you to the fact that in
recent years the FBI has been used as a political pawn to further the goals
of certain international globalists and to document to you that these
actions are not in the best interest of the FBI or our country.

Let me explain.  When I arrived in 1979 I has no knowledge concerning an
organization known as the Illuminati.  I have since learned that on May 1,
1776 (a Communist holiday) Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor who
defected from Christianity, announced 25 Illuminati goals.  He prepared
these goals on instructions from Mayer Rothschild, an English money broker.
The goals were designed to destroy all existing governments and religions
and to take control of the world's wealth.  To accomplish this Weishaupt's
plan required his Illuminati to do the following:

1. Use monetary and sexual bribery to obtain control of people already
occupying positions in high places in the various levels of All governments
and other fields of human endeavor.

2. Illuminati faculty of colleges and universities were to recommend
students who possessed exceptional mental abilities and belonging to
well-bred families for special training in Internationalism.  The training
was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected.  They were to
be educated into accepting the idea that only a one-world government can put
an end to recurring wars and tribulations.

3. Influential people trapped into coming under the control of the
Illuminati and specially trained students were to be used as agenteurs and
placed behind the scenes of All governments as experts and specialists so
they could advise top executives to adopt policies which would in the
long-run serve the secret plans of the "one-worlders" to bring about the
ultimate destruction of the governments and religions they were appointed to

4. The Illuminati were to obtain control of the press.  News and information
were to be slanted so the masses would come to believe a one-world
government to be the only solution to our many and varied problems.  Once
discovered by the Bavarian government, the Illuminati went underground and
operated in secrecy.  It has been active ever since.

Today, the Illuminati is comprised of many of our world leaders including
former President George Bush and Bill Clinton.  In the furtherance of its
cause, it has infiltrated virtually every level of society including the
FBI.   U.S. intelligence agencies, (particularly the CIA) are being used as
pawns by the world leaders, the United Nations, and the world bankers.  Thus
far the Illuminati has accomplished 85% of its goals.  For documentation and
details concerning these goals, I urge you to purchase and read Pawns in the
Game by William Guy Carr.  It is available through my office at cost-$13.00
including S&H.

I am aware of the FBI conference with local and state law enforcement
agencies throughout the U.S. in 1997.  During these conferences the FBI
advised that at the present time the militia, patriots, and fundamentalist
right-wing Christians are the real terrorist threat in the U.S.  The Crypts,
Bloods, and motorcycle gangs were ignored.  By whose standards are the
militia, patriots, and Christians a terrorist threat today?  The answer is
the Illuminati, because these groups stand between the Illuminati and world
domination.  Are you aware of Project Monarch, MK-Ultra, the Phoenix
Project, Operation Paperclip, or Pegasus?  If not, then I am light years
ahead of you in my research and you need to look into these matters

I am furnishing each of you a sampling of my research.  Make copies and
forward it to other agents and friends.  Note particularly the report on
missing children that documents the CIA involved in the international
trafficking of kid-napped children.  I have personally furnished this to the
FBI and asked for an investigation but have been ignored.  How does it feel
to be a member of an organization that refuses to investigate the
kid-napping of children, especially when it is within your jurisdiction?
How would you feel if one of your children or grandchildren were kidnapped?
This is not the only federal violation I have furnished to the FBI-there are
several others.  All my requests have been ignored.

I am sure FBI leaders will continue to ignore me, but those of you who are
street agents (I was on the street 91/2  years before I advanced) can make a
difference.  Educate yourself and pass the information on the others before
it is too late.

May God bestow his blessings on each and everyone of you.

                                        Your friend in the Lord,
                                        Ted L. Gunderson

        Research by Ted L. Gunderson

June 22, 1998


        A reliable, confidential source advised on May 3, 1998 that during the week
of April 13, 1998, 137,000 AK-47 automatic weapons were shipped into Los
Angeles, California.  At or about the same time, eleven semi-truck loads of
AK-47 ammunition were also shipped into Los Angeles area.

        The source does not know the exact destination, the means by which these
items were shipped, the shipper(s) or individual(s) involved or responsible.
Some of these arms were also shipped to unknown locations in Arizona.

        On May 3, 1998, a reliable, confidential second source advised a Los
Angeles based trucking company may have been the company used to transport
these items.  The informant suspects this Company because the Company has
been used in the past to ship Chinese communist merchandise within the
United States of America.  This source has photographed this activity.
According to this informant, the FBI has escorted several of its trucks
transporting these goods.

        After receiving the above information, this author contacted other sources
to confirm these facts and the following information was furnished:

        On May 27, 1998 an Oklahoma state police officer advised he had learned the
following in the Fall of '93 or Spring of '94, from one of his contacts on
the Los Angeles Police Department:

* united States BATF and Customs agents had intercepted a shipment of fully
automatic weapons and explosives being off-loaded from a ship in Long Beach
harbor.  The contact believes the ship was of Chinese origin.

* Contained in that shipment were two or three SeaLift boxes (metal
sem-trailer size boxes used for ocean shipping) full of weapons and
explosives.  Also contained within that shipment were between 6,500 and
7,500 fully automatic AK-47s, several machine guns of communist manufacture
(RPD and RPK belt-fed machine guns) and cases of explosives and detonators.

* A source close to the L.A.P.D. contact said the information on these
shipments came from informants inside street gangs who had inter-related
working relationships with gangs in Chicago, New York, and Florida.  He
speculated the shipments were bound for drug-running street gangs but also
felt it was possible these shipments were intended for previously located
terrorist cells in the united States of America.  These terrorist cells, who
are of mostly middle-Eastern extraction, are controlled out of the
Philippines.  This indicates shipments were coordinated with the Pakistani
ISI, the Internal Security Service, (similar to the CIA of the united States
of America).  The Pakistani ISI is controlled out of Cebu City, P.I.

* At or about the same time, a similar shipment came in and was intercepted
in Dade County, Florida.  Another shipment supposedly came in through
Houston, TX and was not intercepted because no forewarning was issued.

On May 7, 1998, another reliable, confidential informant advised of current
plan by certain members of the New World Order, including President Bill
Clinton, prominent political figures, bureaucrats and members of the united
States of America military, who have formulated a plan for the initial steps
for the actual takeover of the united States of America as follows:

* Guns are being provided to street gangs in major urban areas of America's
largest cities.  Upon receipt of orders, the street gangs will initiate
riots in major metropolitan areas.  These riots will be waged upon citizenry
and resisting police officers and will include house-to-house sweeps,
violence, murder and destruction.

* Thereafter, the president of the united States of America will declare
martial law.

* Foreign troops in this country, including Russian and German military
personnel, will be delegated by New World Order advocates to destroy the
gangs who perpetrated, under New World Order authority, riots, destruction
and murder.

This author has talked with private citizens in Alamagordo, N.M., located
Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands Proving Grounds.  By socializing
with German military personnel, who have their own base at Holloman Air
Force Base, these private citizens have learned of a plan for the German
airman to strafe the streets when the riots begin.

        On March 11, 1998, and April 2, 1998, two separate credible sources, who do
not know each other, advised that members of street gangs in the united
States of America are being bussed to military bases in Louisiana and
Mississippi where they are trained in house-to-house searches and learning
to rappel from helicopters.

        On March 29, 1998, an Indiana state police officer advised that in 1997 the
FBI conducted a series of conferences throughout the united States of
America for local and state law enforcement agencies.  The conference theme
was that the Militia, Patriots, and "Right-Wing Christian Fundamentalists"
are the true terrorists in America.  There was no discussion of threats from
gangs such as the Crips, Bloods, or various motorcycle gangs.

        Federal law enforcement officers, including the FBI, have been involved in
at least 21 united States of America cities in recent months in joint
training with the military for house-to-house searches.  Note: This is in
violation of Posse Comitatus.  As of November 1, 1998, every gun purchased
in the united States of America, including "hunting" rifles, will have to be
registered when purchased with the united States Treasury Department.

        A Los Angeles county employee advised in connection with her employment
with L.A. County, she has noted ( a service provided to the general public -
services not identified in order to protect the source) in recent months
there has been a large influx of young Russian and Albanian youth into the
Los Angeles area.  These young men are very intelligent, respectful of
authority and highly skilled in the use of computers.  These young men speak
excellent English, without an accent, and have lived in the united States
for a short period of time.

        In Fall, 1996, the Fresno, California, school district notified other
California school districts that they needed Russian interpreters because of
the large influx of Russian children into the Fresno school district.

        A former united States service man, currently living on a Native American
reservation in Minnesota, advised the united States government is recruiting
young native American males from the Reservation, sending these young men to
the Middle East for training in terrorist tactics, then confidentially
returning them to the Reservation until they are called upon for an assault.
The source believes the recruiters are CIA and/or Mossad agents and also
believes the young Native Americans are being trained in Israel.  In the
intelligence community, these young men are termed "sleeper."

        On June 2, 4998, another confidential source, a Native American, who lives
on the Reservation, advised drugs are being brought into the united States
from Canada at the Montana border through Fort Peck Assinibourne and Sioux
Indian Reservation.

        The source reported that an FBI agent is involved in this drug network and
this agent has reportedly been indicted by Canadian authorities.  (This
information has not been confirmed.)  The source stated there has been an
unusual number of deaths of young Native Americans on this Reservation and
believes the deaths relate to the drug operation.

        On March 15, 1998, another reliable, confidential informant, within the
united States of America Department of Justice, advised he had read the 600
page PDD 25 Presidential directive (of which only 14 pages were released to
the public).  This presidential directive places all united States of
America law enforcement under direct command of the United Nations in the
event of a "national emergency."
This directive further states communist United Nations troops will be used
to pick up dissident united States of America citizens.

        On May 7, 1998, another reliable, confidential informant within in the
Pentagon advised that President Bill Clinton has signed a directive for
federal law enforcement officials to confiscate all assault rifles and
semi-automatic pistols, including resolvers, from the united States of
America's private sector.  This Pentagon source is furious, and believes
that activating this presidential directive will lead to large-scale

On April 29, 1998, Tom Brokow announced on NBC Television News and on May 3,
1998, united States of America Congressman Dan Burton announced on CNN
Headline News that 92 staff and White House aides abruptly resigned from the
White House.  Some of those employees have reportedly fled the united States
of America to establish a permanent residence in South America.

        On May 6, 1998, another reliable, confidential source advised that 28 Air
Force pilots left the united States of America Air Force during the week of
April 27, 1998.

        On May 8, 1998, another confidential reliable source advised unidentified
real estate companies have purchased more than 300 pieces of property
throughout the united States of America and sold those properties to the
Department of Justice.  These properties will be used as future locations
for prefabricated prisons, cells, or holding units and each property will
accommodate up to 100 cells.  Attached is a copy of Construction Notebook
News, dated 3/23/98, which states ZCON, Inc., Las Vegas, was the lowest
bidder for construction project number NVMD 98-003.  This project is
described as an "enemy prison war camp."  Reportedly, it is to be a 14,000
square foot prison built to military specifications.  It will hold 100

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