-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>From www.boston.com/dailyglobe

Time has come once again to indulge yourself
By Alex Beam, Globe Columnist, 2/2/2000
 any of you are aware that this is a Jubilee year in the Roman Catholic calendar, 
which portends much hoopla. The Pope hopes to visit the Holy Land, and next month he 
has scheduled a celebratory Ash Wednesday Mass at the
Circus Maximus in Rome. And, perhaps the best news of all for us sinners, the church 
is back in the indulgence business.
Indulgences, as Pope John Paul II has correctly noted, are ''a sensitive subject, 
which has suffered historical misunderstandings that have had a negative impact on 
communion between Christians.'' The reckless trafficking
 in indulgences - cash-and-carry relief from the sufferings of Purgatory hawked by 
corrupt priests in the 14th and 15th centuries - prompted ''Luther's revolt,'' which 
is Catholicism's genteel euphemism for the creation o
f the Protestant church.
A Dominican friar named Johann Tetzel was trying a too hard to nail his alms quota for 
the construction of St. Peter's basilica, when Luther nailed his famous Ninety-Five 
Theses to the church door in protest. The rest, as
 they say, is history. Geoffrey Chaucer's unsavory Pardoner may be literature's most 
famous purveyor of ''Indulgences of pope and cardinal ... /these I do/Show, and in 
Latin speak some words, a few,/To spice therewith a b
it my sermoning/And stir men to devotion, marvelling.''
The church would want you to understand that today's ''good'' indulgences have little 
to do with the ''bad'' indulgences of yore. Catholicism formally abandoned the sale of 
get-out-of-Purgatory cards in 1567. Strictly spe
aking, it's no longer a cash-on-the-barrelhead transaction. The granting of an 
indulgence, however, is still intended to reduce a soul's suffering in purgatory. And 
it can require a ''significant contribution to religious
 and social works,'' along with the appropriate prayers and confession.
The church has an elaborate, sophistic explanation for the quid-pro-quo
arrangement. ''The Church has a `treasury,' then, which is `dispensed' as it
were through indulgences,'' John Paul explained in a Sept. 29 audience last
year. The Catholic Encylopedia offers a codification of who can and cannot
shell out these treasures. The Pope can grant a plenary, or complete
indulgence, and will grant a great many to Christian pilgrims who visit Rome
this year. That is to be distinguished from a partial indulgence. What's the
difference? The one priest brave enough to discuss this subject with me allowed
that ''only God knows what this doctrine really means.'' According to the book,
an indulgence from Cardinal Law would last 200 days; from an archbishop 100
days, and so on.
I'm a big fan of the present Pope, and generally an admirer of the One True
Church. But let's make one thing clear. Jesus Christ never sold or granted
indulgences. Quite the opposite. They were an invention of the 14th-century
church bureaucracy, which often used the proceeds to build cathedrals,
hospitals - or just to line their pockets. The modern church claims it ''has
received from Christ the power to grant indulgences.'' Communicants must accept
this ''de fide,'' or on faith. This is the equivalent of a child asking
''Why?'' and the parent answering ''Because.''
Enough palaver. Let's get down to a more practical question: How can I get one?
Traditionally, making a pilgrimage to Rome is a good start, and this Jubilee
year is no exception. If you're pressed for time, the Wall Street Journal has
revealed that indulgences are now available in a small chapel at Rome's
Fiumicino airport, to save travelers the hassle of driving in to one of the
city's major basilicas for the remission of sins. Can drive-through be far
But you don't have to hop on Alitalia to get time off from Purgatory. Last
Sunday, the Globe's City Weekly section printed this list of local churches
offering the special sacrament: Our Lady of Victories; St. Clement's
Eucharistic Shrine; the Cathedral of the Holy Cross; Madonna Queen National
Shrine, the Mission Church on Tremont Street, and St. Theresa of Avila in West
So what can I say? Indulge.
Alex Beam's e-dress is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This story ran on page D01 of the Boston Globe on 2/2/2000.
© Copyright 2000 Globe Newspaper Company.


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