From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good question but doesn't quite fit the pattern.

You see Daryl Gates, a NAVY veteran, who joined LAPD out of nowhere had been
the driver for LAPD's legendary Chief - Bill Parker. Parker loved James
Jesus Angleton, hated Hoover and had a speech writer named Sgt. Gene
Roddenberry. That's right, the same Gene Roddenberry who created Star Trek.
Roddenbery and used to run (and drink) with L. Ron Hubbard.

I have held in my hands, and it's a document I don't keep where I live, an
undercover report filed by a Long Beach police detective from 1961 or 1962.

It seems the LBPD guy had infiltrated the ultra right Minutemen. The
Minutemen were out in the So. Cal desert, about a hundred and fifty miles
from LA and they were shooting off small rockets, tossing grenades and
firing machine guns.

Well, up roars LAPD Captain Daryl Francis Gates (of Intelligence Division)
in his unmarked car and starts screaming at them to knock it off. The
Minutemen laughed and said, "Hey Pal you're out of your jurisdiction.
Besides that, the CIA told us it was OK to do this."

"According to the LBPD report gates then screamed, "Fuck you! I'm CIA and I
am telling you to knock this crap off right now!" Gates then (privately)
convinced the leaders that he was CIA and everyone went home - immediately.

Gates' activity reports as Chief throughout the 1980s are public documents.
He was meeting openly with CIA about once every ten days. George Morrison,
his Chief of Staff was a guy who appeared out of nowhere with the rank of
Commander. Several have confirmed that GHWB visited Parker center on several

Consider the following quote from Phil Agee's CIA diary:

"Thousands of policemen all over the world, for instance, are shadowing
people for the CIA without knowing it. They think they're working for their
own police departments, when, in fact, their chief may be a CIA agent who's
sending them out on CIA jobs and turning their information over to his CIA

This is where my life went south 22 years ago when I figured this out.

Mike Ruppert

-----Original Message-----
From:   Brian Downing Quig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, February 06, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject:    Re: [CIA-DRUGS] THE OPAL FILE -Bill Gates

From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow!  Wow! Wow!

What a brilliant description of what are not really individuals but
constellations of individuals all with allegiance to an unseen (by us)
center of
power and decision.

Milken and Bush are in my opinion in a higher social circle than Daryl
Could it be that this driver's rank in the CIA exceeded that of Gates?


Mike Ruppert wrote:

> From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Not to mention Daryl Francis gates of LAPD. Oh boy, that would be too
> BTW, Daryl Francis Gates of LAPD, whose former driver-bodyguard, John Vach
> was convicted of moonlighting for the CIA, was very close friends with
> Mike Miliken and George H.W. Bush.
> Mike Ruppert
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Jamie Shafer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Saturday, February 05, 2000 11:06 PM
> Subject:        Re: [CIA-DRUGS] THE OPAL FILE -Bill Gates
> From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is Bill Gates related to the former (1940s?) Secy of Defense Thomas Gates?
> Thomas Gates was a descendant of Rev Gen. Horatio Gates who was a p____k,
> and
> worse. The Gates family has a long history in this country.
> At 12:35 AM 02/05/2000 +0100, you wrote:
> >From: She Who Remembers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >At 09:02 PM 02-02-00 +0900, you wrote:
> >> I suspect Bill Gates
> >>got the nod - to set up an infrastructure tailor made to be covertly
> >>by the NSA and others for computerised intelligence gathering - but to
> >>this day, I doubt he knows he was 'used'.
> >>
> >>Sigh - I am raving again.... gotta go
> >>
> >>Duncan
> >>
> >
> >Don't be so naiive! Bill, of Harvard is son of powerful Seattle Lawyer.
> >Connected from get go.
> >
> >The guy just gave a $Billion for vaccination programs. Like the one that
> >brought us AIDS, and billions in profits to the pharmo co.'s
> >
> >He couold have given a $Billion to the CIA/Drugs abolition movement. But
> >didn't. He gave it to the Big Boys under the guys of helping 3rd world
> >kids. Give me a break.
> >
> >       -KEV for SWR
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >===
> >-SheWhoRemembers
> >Freedom Justice Peace
> >
> >===
> >
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