-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Countdown

Today is February 6, 2000.  There are only 349 days remaining in the Clinton

Maybe He’ll Get Coal in His Stocking

“Al Gore seems to be like those kids who believe everything their parents
write about them in the Christmas letter."

- NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, “Meet the Press,” 1/30/00

Cruising to Defeat

“Mr. Bush, in other words, has had it pretty easy. So his crushing defeat to
Senator John McCain in the New Hampshire primary, after what many Republicans
call a halfhearted campaign there, has led many political observers and
Republican officials to wonder how much they really know about the level of
determination, energy and humility that Mr. Bush can bring to this quest.
Can he reach down into his gut and find the passion, inspiration and
invention that a pivotal juncture like this one requires? Can he regroup,
retool, hone a message that apparently did not resonate and find a tone that
is more commanding, and less merrily lackadaisical, than the one he has used
so far?

"... In the days leading up to the (New Hampshire) contest, Mr. Bush clung to
a confidence about the outcome that proved entirely unwarranted, and he
followed a schedule that was sometimes curiously undemanding.  He took midday
breaks. He played in the snow for television cameras. And he gave the
impression of being tired and homesick.  ‘They mailed in the campaign,’
marveled a Republican strategist in Washington. ‘They did an endorsement a
day, and they went sledding.’

"... And even in the wake of New Hampshire, he continued the parade of
endorsements that played directly into Mr. McCain's claim that what was
happening in the Republican primary was a coronation, not an election. On
Wednesday, in Greenville, S.C., Mr. Bush trotted out former Vice President
Dan Quayle. The gesture left some political analysts scratching their heads.”

- New York Times, 2/5/00

McCain Strikes Internet Gold

“Victory in the New Hampshire republican primary has brought a torrent of
online donations for John McCain. The campaign website is averaging $18,000
per hour in the two days following the announcement of his victory, and the
rising tide of donations has not yet slowed. Since the online floodgates
opened on Tuesday evening, the McCain campaign has collected over $1,275,000
in online contributions.  The sudden surge in online fundraising represents a
turning point in the presidential campaign. Bill Bradley, the online
fundraising leader in 1999, took several months to reach the $1 million mark.
Now, the online focus has shifted to John McCain, whose campaign needed only
two days to collect $1 million online.”

- The Weekly Politicker, 2/4/00

What Republican Are (Supposed To Be) For

“Americans love tax cuts - they just don’t want to feel guilty about it.
Show the American people why tax cuts are not only to their benefit but also
to the country’s benefit and I’ll show you a winning message that people
care about.  Republicans are supposed to cut taxes and shrink government -
that's what people elect them for.  If they don't cut taxes, why have them in
office.  If we need to raise taxes we can always elect liberals to do that -
that's what they are for.”

- Rick Tyler, Max Tax News, 2/4/00

Hitting Below the Belt in Mississippi

A couple days ago we told you about a ridiculous proposal in Mississippi by
Republican state Sen. Tom King which would make it a crime for a man who is
sexually aroused - even though fully clothed - to appear in public.  This
ludicrous measure includes a jail sentence of up to one year and a $2,000
fine.  GOP News & Views reader Art Downs has some (tongue-in-cheek) questions
about the proposal:  “In the event of conviction, would the one year be
served as hard time, or would the convict be remanded to a country club-type
penal institution? Is such a stiff penalty needed?  What sort of evidence
would stand up in court? Might most accused of this crime hope for a hung
jury?”  Art, you “raise” some good points.

Anti-Gay Telegram Would Be Cheaper

“A petition designed to head off any effort to legalize gay marriage in
Nevada was filed early last month in Carson City. ... Should other states
legalize gay marriage -- as is already threatened in Vermont -- Nevada might
have to recognize such unions, warns sponsor Richard Ziser, chairman of the
Coalition for the Protection of Marriage in Nevada. Furthermore, Mr. Ziser
proclaims, ‘We need to send a clear and positive message to Nevada children
about the importance of marriage.’  Well, as Jack Warner once famously said,
‘If I wanted to send a message, I'd call Western Union.’

"Nevada law already stipulates that a legally recognized marriage must be
between ‘a man and a woman.’ Shall Nevada taxpayers now be polarized by what
will doubtless become a heated and hate-filled campaign to accomplish nothing
but an assurance that the law will ‘not be changed’? ... This petition drive
to amend the Nevada state constitution to ban gay marriage is redundant and
divisive. Such issues are best discussed and handled in our churches and
temples and families, not through a ‘one-size-fits-all’ application of the
mailed fist of government, whose powers and fields of operation all
freedom-loving Americans should be diligently working to limit -- not to

- Columnist Vin Suprynowicz, The Libertarian, 2/4/00

A Taste of Things to Come

“A buddy sent me your attack on Rev. Phelps and his great web site
(www.godhatesfags.com).  What's wrong with you????  Don't you realize what
faggots are, and what they are doing to our country???  They are sick,
diseased perverts, doing things that no real man would do, and anybody who
defends them can't be a real man either!!!  They are spreading AIDS and other
disease's, they use drugs, they molest and even kidnap and kill children,
they have ruined our armed forces, and they are infesting our whole country
with their filthy, disgusting habits and practices.  These faggot perverts
have chosen to be like this, and they want to force all of us to like their
choice and support it.  And you think we ought to do that???  And you call
yourself a Republican!!!  No real Republican would defend these sickos, which
makes me wonder why you defend them.  Are you a faggot too???  I bet you
are!!! I am sure you don't realize it yet, but Fred Phelps is a great
American, not like you, who wants to make our country as great as it used to
be again.  You should think about what you said about him, and take it back.
He is telling the truth, your (sp) not, and someday you might be able to see
that God really does hate fags. Think about it!!!!”

- E-letter we received yesterday from “[EMAIL PROTECTED]” - a bozo
who apparently fell out of the Stupid Tree and hit every branch on the way

Help Spread the Word

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send their e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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-  John McCain:  www.mccain2000.com
-  Alan Keyes:  www.keyes2000.org
-  Steve Forbes:  www.forbes2000.com
-  George W. Bush:  www.georgewbush.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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