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Ezra Pound joins forces with CASSANDRA CROSSING

History of the CRA, the Community Reinvestment Act; Analysis of Pension
Funds; Examination of longstanding disputes between Treasury and Fed Reserve

Links to the Glass-Steagall Act and its enormous weight on run-away THRIFT
CHARTERS and HOLDING COMPANIES, that are at this moment licking their lips,
for favorable legislation now under negotiation, in the House and Senate and
US Treasury:

 click here for a dead-on and INSIGHTFUL history of the GLASS STEAGALL Act

 click here for Holding Companies in the Thrift Industry Background Paper
from the OTS of the US Treasury!!

 click here for the American Bankers Association perspective on why it is in
their favor to lobby heavily to ELIMINATE the Thrift Charter

from the 1999 THE NEW YORK TIMES


How the Sharks Feed off the CRA!!

exerpted from an article by STEPHEN LABATON

"[...] Mr. Rubin said in an interview last Friday that he had not heard a
single complaint from BANKERS about the costs of the COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT
ACT, and that the civil rights groups were right to make the legislation a
central focus of their agenda. But Democrats say they fear that the
Republicans have found an ideal "wedge issue" for the modern age -- embarking
on what could be a successful political strategy between the POWERFUL and
polticially generous BANKING INDUSTRY, which has spent years pushing for the
adoption of both bills, and the civil rights leaders who oppose them.

[...] Before last fall the COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT had never been an
important issue in the perennial debate over whether to deregulate the
banking system by eliminating the restrictions imposed in the DEPRESSION.
Those restrictions limited the ability of banks, insurance companies and
securities firms to compete with each other. The law has actually proved
HIGHLY PROFITABLE FOR MANY BANKS and savings associations, encouraging them
to lend in areas that had often BEEN REDLINED and NEGLECTED. Some experts
have estimated that the law has helped to direct more than $6 BILLION
annually to distressed communities.

Senator Gramm's proposal would EXEMPT some 4,000 smaller banks and savings
associations from the ACT. He would also make it more difficult for community
groups to challenge the lending records of financial institutions."

Carter GLASS and Henry STEAGALL finally tied to a barrel and tarred and
feathered!!! This means we'll all come to the same GRIEF with our buttocks to
the wind!!!

 from the NEW YORK TIMES, February 11, 1999, by STEPHEN LABATON

"In the annals of American politics, few lawmakers have done more to help
members of Congress raise money, unwitting though they were, than CARTER
GLASS and HENRY STEAGALL, the authors of a DEPRESSION ERA law that sharply
limited the cross-ownership of commercial banks, securities firms and
insurance companies.

Over the last 20 years or so, legislative proposals to break down those
barriers have been an annual rite of Congress, invariably played out in turf
wars between wealthy industries, competing committee chairmen and powerful
regulators, who have fought to Congressional gridlock. The beneficiaries of
the exercise are the political parties and the members of three Congressional
committees; for them, the issue is a stalking horse used to raise millions of
dollars from those business interests that have a stake in the outcome.

During the 1997-98 election cycle, for instance, in a legislative session in
which, for the first time in history, the House of Representatives passed
legislation to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act, the industries that lobbied the
issue gave more than $15 million to the members of the three committees --
House Banking, House Commerce and Senate Banking -- and more than $58 million
to political parties and all candidates for Federal offices, according to the
Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that researches money and

[...] financial conglomerates have tried to get around the restrictions
imposed by the Glass-Steagall and Bank Holding Company Acts with complicated
and expensive legal maneuvers setting up corporate structures to permit
institutions to sell insurance, underwrite securities and offer insured bank

[...] Phill Gramm, the Texas Republican, has compared [that] law, the
Community Reinvestment Act [CRA], to a form of legalized extortion. Democrats
have considered it a central tenet of social fairness for a core constituency

[...] Another, longer-standing aspect of the legislative fight concerns which
regulatory agency should take the lead under any new law. Mr. Greenspan has
endorsed proposals that would require diversified financial companies to be
structured with separate entities under one HOLDING COMPANY. The Federal Reser
ve now regulates BANK HOLDING COMPANIES and would continue to do so under
these proposals ...

[...] The outcome will determine whether the Federal Reserve, an independent
agency, will regulate financial conglomerates or whether they will fall under
the supervision of the TREASURY, which is controlled by political
appointments made by the President.

 [...] Another contentious issue is whether any new law should permit the
emerging financial behemoths to be affiliated with industrial companies, as
such companies [HOLDING COMPANIES] are in some ASIAN and EUROPEAN countries."

from the 1999 The Washington Post [excerpted]

by Kathleen Day

" ... the Community Reinvestment Act. Congress passed the law, known as CRA,
22 years ago to encourage banks to make what now total more than $1 TRILLION
in consumer, small business and mortgage loans to worthy low-income people
who traditionally have been shunned by lenders as poor credit risks.

... President Clinton vowed to veto any bill that weakened CRA. In the past
month, both Vice President Gore and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin have
underscored CRA's importance to the White House by publicly praising it.

The issue pits Gramm, who has just become the chairman of the Banking
Committee, ideologically against Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes of Maryland, the
committee's senior Democrat and a staunch CRA backer. Sarbanes believes
government has a role to play in the private sector's lending policies by
promoting wider access to credit. He and the Clinton administration want to
expand CRA requirements to ANY banklike entities that would be created under
proposed legislation to allow securities firms, insurance companies and banks
to enter each other's businesses more easily than they can now.

Gramm, by contrast, dislikes government intervention in the market. He has
said he opposes including in any new law any expansion of community
reinvestment requirements. Indeed, last year he successfully defeated efforts
to apply CRA rules to credit unions, which increasingly act like consumer
banks and, his critics point out, enjoy subsidies such as tax exemptions and
federal deposit insurance.

[...] Those bankers who aren't wild about the law say they have learned to
live with it and don't wish to hold up bank reform legislation over it.
Proponents of the law, including Clinton and many bankers, say abuses are the
exception and that, overall, the law has succeeded in getting banks to find
ways to make profitable loans in neighborhoods they once avoided as

[...] All this fuss stems from a law just a few sentences long stating that
banks must serve the communities in the areas where they do business.
Regulators have interpreted the law to mean they must review CRA lending
records as part of every bank's ROUTINE FEDERAL EXAMINATIONS to make sure
banks are safe and sound.

CRA loan commitments from all financial institutions since the law was
enacted in 1977 now total $1.053 trillion."

[...] Gramm acknowledges more information is needed before either critics or
proponents of the program can make definitive statements about it. He has
asked the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, which regulates bank HOLDING COMPANIES, to
undertake a study to answer some of the questions. Gramm says he will use the
information to hold hearings in the future to examine the entire issue of

also from the 1999, The Washington Post [excerpted]

by Kathleen Day

"TREASURY, FED Move Closer On Bank Bill: Rubin Offers Compromise On Overhaul
of Services"

"Treasury Secretary Robert E. RUBIN yesterday offered a compromise to the
FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD on legislation to revamp regulation of banking,
securities and insurance, a move that industry officials hailed as a big step
toward removing a key obstacle that helped kill a bank overhaul bill last

The TREASURY and the FED --- the two main federal bank REGULATORS --- have
been at loggerheads over which agency will be the primary federal bank
regulator if reform legislation passes.

[...] Rubin backed language allowing banks to offer customers a variety of
financial services, including securities underwriting through SUBSIDIARIES.
The Treasury would continue to regulate most bank SUBSIDIARIES.

But, in an apparent bow to the FED, the LaFalce provision would not allow
banks to underwrite insurance or sell real estate through a subsidiary.
Instead, the bill requires a bank to conduct those activities through a

[...] Last year TREASURY said it would veto any legislation that didn't
permit banks to engage in any financial activity through a subsidiary.

The FED, by contrast, opposed allowing banks to use subsidiaries to branch
into securities and insurance. Instead it favored a holding company
structure, wherein banks affiliate with SECURITIES and INSURANCE companies by
having a common PARENT or owner."


Standard Federal Bank Senior Vice President Mary M. Fowlie Named to Freddie
Mac's Affordable Housing Advisory Council

excerpted from PRNewswire

"TROY, Mich., May 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Standard Federal Bank, Michigan's
leading home mortgage lender, announced today that Mary M. Fowlie, Senior
Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance/


has been named to the Freddie Mac Affordable Housing Advisory Council. The
Affordable Housing Advisory Council consists of nationally recognized leaders
in the field of home finance; its purpose is to advise Freddie Mac on ways to
promote affordable housing for low- to moderate-income individuals and
families. "Standard Federal Bank has historically been a leader in promoting
affordable housing for persons of all income levels in the various
communities in which we operate," said Ms. Fowlie. "I am very pleased to now
be given the opportunity to use this expertise on the national level in order
to help expand opportunities for those who might not otherwise have access to
affordable housing."

[...] Standard Federal Bank, a subsidiary of ABN AMRO North America, Inc., is
headquartered in Troy, Michigan."

"Is the FHLB Purchasing MORTGAGE LOANS or Selling the BROOKLYN BRIDGE??"

from the Wall Street Journal, March 29, 1999

[excerpted from page B7-A for your reading convenience]

" [...] Chairman Bruce Morrison, of the Federal Housing Finance Board, which
regulates the FHLB Bank System, reacted sharply to Fannie Mae's comments.
"What this boils down to is Fannie Mae says it favors competition but is
somehow worried that low risk MPF loans from Federal Home Loan Banks with
higher capital are somehow unsafe," he said. "If you believe that, I have a
great deal on a BRIDGE in Brooklyn."

[...] Fannie Mae spokesman John Buckley ... said that ... "if the Federal
Home Loan Banks want to expand into wholly new areas, they should have a real
regulator, real capital and real percentage-of-business goals just like
Fannie Mae."

FHLB Sued by an African American!!


from Reuters Wire Services, March 31, 1999

"United States regulators will soon propose rules designed to prevent
securities firms that manage trillions of dollars of PUBLIC PENSION FUNDS
from making campaign contributions to officials that select the firms, the
head of the Securities and Exchange Commission said today.

Arthur Levitt, chairman of the S.E.C., said that his staff had uncovered
possible wrongdoing in at least 17 states that offer PUBLIC PENSIONS to tens
of thousands of bus drivers, firefighters and other workers.

In a speech before a group of large investors in the United States Securities
markets, Mr. Levitt said his staff probably wold have uncovered even more
problems if it had had more time.

It's time we put an end to the culture of "PAY TO PLAY" in the area of

Pay-to-play occurs when public officials select Wall Street and other firms
to manage state or local pension funds on the basis of political contributions

[...] The MUNICIPAL MARKET RULE requires Wall Street bond dealers to refrain
from doing business for two years with local governments whose elected
officials have accepted political contributions from them.

[...] Any S.E.C. proposal is expected to get a chilly response from state and
local government officials who think new rules would be unfair."

from the March 29th, 1999 USA TODAY

"Investigators Question Calculation of Benefits"

"Government investigators say they have identified systemic failures in the
federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.'s [PBGC] ability to calculate accurate
and timely benefits for nearly a half-million Americans.

[...] the pension fund remains fiscally SOUND with a $5 billion surplus ...
Last year, the fund paid $842 million in benefits.

[...] Some pensioners die before knowing what they are entitled to, though
the government pays estimated benefits in the interim.

[...] The SELF-FUNDED federal fund PROTECTS the pensions of 42 million
Americans and actively administers the benefits of 472,000 working and
retired Americans formerly employed by 2,665 DEFUNCT corporations.

PBGC Deputy Executive Director Joseph Grant says "a major overhaul" has
helped the agency overcome many deficiencies identified by investigators. But
Grant says the agency still hasn't calculated benefits for 200,000


from the Sunday New York Times, March 28th, 1999

by David Cay Johnston

"Costs and Safeguards Are at Issue After Lawsuit and Internal Audit"

[excerpted from the original]

"A quarter-century ago, Congress created the PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORP.
to make sure that the 42 million workers with traditional pensions would get
paid even if the EMPLOYER went BANKRUPT. The legislation was hailed at the
time as second only to SOCIAL SECURITY in its significance to working

How well that agency operates is now being questioned in a series of audits
by the Agency's Inspector General, which are to be made public this week, and
by a lawsuit charging that one of the pension agency's contractors [OFFICE
SPECIALISTS Temporary Employment agency] DEFRAUDED it.

[...] Two Republican Senators ... said that hearings would be held by
SEPTEMBER to investigate how well the Agency is run and why ... half of the
472,000 people covered by failed pension plans [due to their employers having
conveniently filed bankruptcy] ... have not been told how much they are due

[...] The audits, the lawsuit and the hearings come as Congressional
Republicans are gearing up for a battle to pass major changes in the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act [ERISA] that have long been sought by major
corporations and business owners.

[...] the Pension Agency, which received five awards from Vice President Al
Gore for improving efficiency and customer service, had reduced the backlog
of people waiting to hear how much they are due [.].

[...] One employee of the Agency, who calls himself Jim Dough, to avoid any
RETRIBUTION, has filed a LAWSUIT on behalf of the Agency against one of its
biggest Contractors, OFFICE SPECIALISTS, of Peabody, Mass. [...] The Dough
lawsuit, unsealed on March 18 by a Federal District Court judge in Baltimore,
says that a senior Pension Agency official, Bennie L. Hagans Jr., steered
business to OFFICE SPECIALISTS, which received a number of contracts WITHOUT
competitive bidding, and ordered PAYMENTS [to the temp agency] to be

The suit also asserts that Mr. Hagans improperly intervened when Myrna Cooks,
the Office Specialists' liaison to the Pension Agency, quit to form her own
company and was sued by Office Specialists for violating her employment
contract. Mr. Hagans, the lawsuit asserts, "threatened Office Specialists"
with a loss of business from the pension agency unless it dropped its suit
against Mrs. Cooks and let her assume an Office Specialists' contract valued
at $13.5 million. Office Specialists then settled with Mrs. Cooks, whose
business, operated out of her home, was awarded the contract.

[...] Jesse P. Schaudies, General Counsel for RANDSTAD North America, a
subsidiary of the DUTCH company that owns OFFICE SPECIALISTS, said "we have
no basis for believing there was anything improper" in its dealing with the
Pension Agency."

... a very unique but convincing view of what happens to all our gold and
national currency, from SAM FARRA, link originally from the Islamic News

click here for more than this little excerpt ... "When I say the US economy
stays on top, I'm not referring to your personal economy or mine, rahter the
Fed's position, control and power, which goes parallel with its
Establishment. It was never meant to regulate banking, but rather gather
power by taking it (the GOLD) out of our hands."

New Flash!!! Read the article from LOUIS UCHITELLE's New York Times
"Viewpoint", February 14, 1999 titled "Sky High Stocks Breed Debt, Sowing the
Seeds of a Slump", in which he says [excerpted]

"Contrary to accepted wisdom, the falling market, by extinguishing
consumption, would definitely weaken the economy. [...] more than ever,
Americans are using the stocks they own to finance the spending that keeps
the economy afloat. The harnessing of stock portfolios to this task, diluting
the market's role as a repository of savings, is taking several forms, one of
them evident in Cincinnati, among many other cities."


from the March 21, 1999 THE NEW YORK TIMES


[excerpted from Louis Uchitelle's editorial feature story]

"The Stronger It Gets, the Sweatier the Palms"

[...] ALAN GREENSPAN, the Federal Reserve chairman ... told Congress last
month that the economy "appears stretched in a number of dimensions." That,
on top of his insistence last September that America CANNOT remain an "oasis
of prosperity". Or hear out Warren E. Buffet, the celebrated stock market
guru, who said on national television not three weeks ago: "The level of
SPECULATION is high by any historic standard. And you know that doesn't go on

Or worry with Robert M. Solow, a Nobel laureate in economics, who said in an
interview last week: "We have had three awfully good years now, and an
incredible fourth quarter. But any SETBACK can start the DOMINOES FALLING.
Who knows what's next?"

The nervousness, in fact, may be appropriate. This is hardly a standard,
predictable boom. Normally, there is a beginning, middle and end ... But the
boom that started in late 1995 broke this pattern.

[...] As stock prices have shot up ... millions of people are putting up
their HOMES AS COLLATERAL, but with the thought, lenders and economists say,
that they can sell stock to repay debt if necessary.

"The stock market has become a way of EXTRACTING equity from housing," said
Wynne Godley, an economist at the Jerome Levy Institute.

Mortgage and HOME EQUITY loans, as a result, are the fastest rising form of
CONSUMER DEBT in recent months.

[...] Macroeconomic Advisers, a forecasting firm in St. Louis ... don't see
stock prices falling sharply enough to halt the ... economy. Average stock
prices would have to fall at least 30 percent and stay down for a least six
months, an unlikely event in the view of most Wall Street economists, and
CERTAINLY in the view of many shareholders.

[...] "Might people ... be taking RISKS that they would NOT HAVE TAKEN were
it not for an exaggerated confidence in the ability of the Fed to cushion the
economy and financial markets against any and all shocks?"

[...] "If so, there conceivably could be greater potential INSTABILITY in the
system than is readily APPARENT at this time."

MORE FROM "SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE" the classic that created a furor
in the 50s!!!

page 41 " ... Each of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks was to elect
a member of the Federal Advisory Council, which would meet with the Federal
Reserve Board of Governors four times a year in Washington, in order to
"advise" the Board on future monetary policy. This seemed to assure absolute
democracy, as each of the twelve "advisors", representing a different region
of the United States, would be expected to speak up for the economic
interests of his area, and each of the twelve members woud have an equal
vote. [...]

In fact, the small banks of the twelve Federal Reserve districts existed only
as satellites of the BIG NEW YORK financial interests, and were completely at
their mercy. Martin Mayer, in THE BANKERS, points out that "J.P. Morgan
maintained correspondent relationships with many small banks all over the

The BIG NEW YORK banks did not confine themselves to multi-million dollar
deals with other great financial interests, but carried on many smaller and
more routine dealings with their "correspondent" banks across the United

[...] ... Paul WARBURG remained the dominant presence at FEDERAL RESERVE
BOARD meetings throughout the 1920s, when the European central banks were
planning the great contraction of credit which PRECIPITATED THE CRASH OF 1929

During the Senate Hearings on Paul Warburg before the Senate Banking and
Currency Committee, August 1, 1914, Senator Bristow asked, "How many of these
partners of (of Kuhn, Loeb Company) are American citizens?"

WARBURG: "They are all American citizens except Mr. Kahn. He is a British

BRISTOW: "He was at one time a candidate for Parliament, was he not?"

WARBURG: ""There was talk about it, it had been suggested and he had it in
his mind."

Paul Warburg also stated to the Committee, "I went to England, where I stayed
for two years, first in the banking and discount firm of Samuel Montague &
Company. After that I went to France, where I stayed in a French bank."

CHAIRMAN: "What French bank was that?"

WARBURG: "It is the Russian bank for foreign trade which has an agency in

BRISTOW: "I understood you to say that you were a Republican, but when Mr.
THEODORE ROOSEVELT came around, you then became a sympathizer with Mr. Wilson
and supported him?"


Thus the three partners of Kuhn, Loeb company were supporting three different
candidates for President of the United States. Paul Warburg was supporting
Wilson, Felix Warburg was supporting Taft, and Otto Kahn was supporting
Theodore Roosevelt. Paul Warburg explained this curious situation by telling
"as finance and politics don't mix."


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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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