-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Have you measured the -microwave- pollution levels
(harmonics) in your standard "AC household wiring" ?
Is it 'cooking' barefoot people (and animals) who walk
or stand on damp earth, damp grass, wet tile or concrete
floors (swimming pools), and shower floors and bathtubs ?
Not enough human bodies dropping to worry ?  Here's a
news story about animal bodies dropping now - and why:

 Electricity's dirty little secret

 By CHRIS HARDIE Local news editor
 La Crosse Tribune
 Published on Sunday, February 6, 2000
 (Copyright, 2000 La Crosse Tribune}

 ATHENS, Wis. -- James Gumz fell silent as his eyes dropped to his
 calloused, clenched hands.  Outside in the cold fall night, the
 day's final chore waits -- the evening milking.  The chore hasn't
 been the same since the winter four years ago, when 20 dead cattle
 were dragged fromm the barn.  The surviving cows limped on crippled
 legs, with open sores on their body that would not heal.  One day,
 Gumz ran from the barn screaming because he couldn't take it

 "When it first started, we blamed ourselves," Gumz said, lifting
 his face to display a grease-smeared cheek.  "I went through
 depression and had to see a psychiatrist.  I'd come home and just
 shake and cry.  You just can't stand it."

 On the kitchen wall of the modern farmhouse is a wooden plaque with
 the words, "House protected by guardian angels."  But there is no
 protection from what James and Grace Gumz say is an invisible but
 powerful force that has devastated their dairy herd.

 The Gumzes are not alone.  Across Wisconsin and in other states,
 hundreds of dairy farmers struggle with stray voltage, electrical
 current flowing through the earth.  Scientific research suggests
 that stray voltage has extreme physiological effects on cows and
 other animals when it reaches certain levels.

 In the Coulee Region, the stray voltage issue boiled over last
 week, when more than 30 farmers presented a list of 13 demands to
 the Riverland Energy Cooperative board of directors in Arcadia.
 Those demands included the resignation of David Oelkers,
 cooperative general manager, "unless he agrees to represent the
 interests of the cooperative and its members."

 Oelkers has not resigned.  But the controversy over stray voltage
 is not confined to dairy farms.

 There are increasing concerns in industry, business and the
 scientific community that the more than 2.5 million miles of power
 lines that bring us heat, jobs, safety and light have a potential
 dark side.  Some are concerned our increasing appetite for power
 and technology strains the aging power lines.  They worry that in a
 growing number of locations in the Coulee Region, electrical
 current is showing up in streams, on pipelines, in buildings, in
 barns and in homes.


 Arcadia dairy farmer Steve Haines has had stray voltage problems on
 his farm since the 1970s.

 While La Crosse area electrical utilities say their systems are
 both adequate and safe, there is contention about how much
 electricity normally carried on power line neutral wires is
 actually flowing into the earth.

 There also is concern about what effect that current has on animals
 and humans.  Farmers say their cows are crippled and gaunt, with
 flesh burns and open sores that don't heal.  Some cows go blind.
 Others abort their calves and some simply break down, lying down
 and never getting up.  Those that don't die immediately are sold
 for slaughter through rendering plants.  "I should be thrown into
 jail for treating the cows the way they look, but it's not my
 fault," Gumz said.

 Farmers also worry that stray voltage is harming them.  "Common
 sense will tell you, if it happens to a 1,200-pound cow, what's it
 doing to a human being?" said Richard Asher of Independence.

 The effects on both animal and human health is wrapped in a coil of
 controversy, but power quality is not.  Power quality "will get
 worse before we'll be able to mitigate it," Marek Samotyj,
 Electric Power Research Institute manager for power quality, said
 in a July 1999 edition of Fortune magazine.

 Power quality also is a focus of a newly organized state group.
 The Rural Energy Management Council is an 18-member board that will
 look at stray voltage and other energy-related issues facing rural

 Why is power quality getting worse?

 "We have a 19th century distribution system and 21st century
 technology," said Dave Stetzer, an electrical contractor from
 Blair, Wis.

 Stetzer is leading a charge against the utility industry, whom he
 blames for misleading farmers and the public about the problem of
 electrical pollution and ignoring potential solutions.  "It's a
 very simple thing.  We're using the earth as a conductor rather
 than for safety."

 The Electric Power Research Institute says 70 percent of all
 electricity used by 2002 will pass through equipment that produces
 wavelength distortion -- called harmonics -- that puts heavy
 loads on the electrical system, up from 30 percent in 1999.  A
 higher estimate comes from the electrical industry magazine Power
 Quality Assurance, which says 60 percent of the electrical load
 already causes harmonics.


 Haines says he isn't sure if he wants to continue milking his
 registered Brown Swiss dairy herd because of stray voltage problems.

 Duane Dahlberg, a retired physicist who is now a consultant for
 The Electromagnetics Research Foundation in Moorhead, Minn., has
 studied ground currents and stray voltage since 1983.

 "The ground currents have increased mainly because of the lack of
 repair on the lines and because of the fact they have increased the
 loads on the lines without improving them," Dahlberg said.

 "Higher loads force a greater current to go through the ground
 rather than the neutral."

 Both Northern States Power Co. and Riverland Energy Cooperative say
 they have a constant improvement plan to upgrade and repair power
 lines.  Oelkers said Riverland also has a contingency fund to deal
 with emergency repairs.  Mike Herro, an NSP spokesman, said the
 utility has not seen evidence of increased ground currents and said
 harmonics are under control.

 "I've seen most of the concern in places where they have a lot of
 switching power supplies like an industrial plant or a business
 that has lots of computers," Herro said.  And Oelkers said
 harmonics are more of a concern in more industrialized areas.

 A 1995 survey by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission of
 48 utilities found that 59 percent of the conventional electrical
 current flowed into the earth.  The study did not measure
 harmonics, however, and concluded that earth currents were not a
 significant factor in stray voltage.

 But the utilities picture nationwide is not as optimistic when it
 comes to power quality issues.  "Electrical utilities are
 unanimous," Power Quality Assurance said in a recent article.
 "The epidemic has barely begun."

 'Stray voltage' on the farm

 It is a bright, late fall day as a dozen or so farmers gather in
 front of a newer concrete block barn on the farm of Duane and Renee
 Suchla outside of Arcadia.  Pigeons coo in the rafters and a thin
 coat of dust from ground corn covers the dirt.

 There is idle talk of mild weather, but the congregation came
 together to hear about stray voltage.  Giving the sermon is Dave
 Stetzer, who stands in front of the barn with his hands draped over
 a decorative concrete block pulpit.  Standing nearby is Chuck
 Forster, an electrical engineer and stray voltage consultant for
 the state's electrical cooperatives, and other Riverland Energy
 Cooperative employees.  Many of the farmers, like the Suchlas and
 their neighbor Steve Haines, have heard Stetzer's message before.
 They and many other farmers have hired him to diagnose the cause of
 electrical problems on their farms.  They show no surprise when
 Stetzer immediately attacks.

 "I can plainly see this problem isn't going away," said Stetzer,
 who claims he and his partner Martin Graham -- a retired professor
 of electrical engineering and computer sciences at the University
 of California, Berkeley -- have invvested $4.5 million into
 research.  "I don't mince words.  That's the way I am.  I'm going
 to call them paid utility whores because that's what they are,"
 referring to scientists conducting stray voltage research that is
 funded in part by utility companies.

 "I could have sold you the Brooklyn Bridge and it wouldn't do any
 good.  Nothing I can sell to you can fix your problem.  It's a
 utility problem."

 The utilities say it's not always their problem.  "Most problems
 are caused by on-farm sources," Herro said.  "There are ways to
 solve on-farm sources.  Every single farm has stray voltage.
 You can either attack by decreasing the amount of ground current
 generated from the farm sources or the utility sources.  And there
 are documented ways to do both."

 But Haines, who milks a 45-cow registered Brown Swiss herd about
 three miles from the Suchla farm, says he still has his stray
 voltage problem despite working with his utility.

 "I've been dealing with (stray voltage) for many years and no one
 wanted to do anything about it until Dave Stetzer came around,"
 Haines said.  Since taking over the family farm in 1970, Haines
 said he has rewired his farm, put in an electrical grounding system
 and still he has problems with electrical currents flowing through
 his barn, despite numerous visits by Riverland (formerly
 Trempealeau) Cooperative employees.

 "Stetzer's going to set the record straight," Haines said.  "We'll
 share some opinions and see what side (the cooperative) is on.
 Someone's going to be called a liar -- that's what I think."


 Duane Suchla of Arcadia says he's spent $40,000 trying to battle
 stray voltage on his dairy farm.

 Duane Suchla says he doesn't think he has gotten the truth since he
 built the barn and expanded his herd from 100 to 300 cows in
 December 1993.  He saw problems with his cows almost immediately.
 Milk production fell, the cows refused to drink, had trouble
 getting up and were aborting calves at the rate of 20 percent.
 Those are typical symptoms of cows being affected by electrical
 current, or stray voltage, as detailed in numerous stray voltage

 The cooperative was notified almost right away, Suchla said.  "And
 they've been out here many times, but never follow up on it."

 Oelkers said the co-op has done and will continue to do everything
 it can to help Suchla, including an offer to do a complete on-farm
 assessment with the help of the Public Service Commission.  He said
 Suchla turned down the offer.  Renee Suchla said she and her
 husband turned it down because they requested an assessment from a
 group independent from Riverland.

 Oelkers said the cooperative has installed some new wires to serve
 the farm and responds according to Public Service Commission
 guidelines on stray voltage.

 Suchla claims he has spent $40,000 installing new three-phase
 wiring, a "ring of life" system where his farm is surrounded by
 ground rods in an attempt to divert earth current and an isolation
 transformer.  The isolation transformer is designed to keep farms
 from being affected by current coming from off-farm sources by
 isolating the farm electrical system from the distribution line.

 But Suchla said milk production continues to decline, despite
 efforts to improve feeding and nutrition.  "I've been milking cows
 23 years.  In 1978, I had an 18,000- to 19,000-pound herd average.
 Now it's down to 10,000 to 11,000."

 Suchla said he has replaced 200 cattle in the past year.  Of the 64
 he bought last summer, only half are alive.  "I hauled over 50 dead
 cows out, sometimes three or four a day," he said.

 With milk prices at record lows and cows dying with no answers,
 Suchla says, "I just want to fix the problem, whatever it is.
 We just want the problem solved."

 Oelkers said the cooperative is sensitive to Suchla and other
 farmers who have stray voltage problems.  But he said some of the
 electrical measurements found by Stetzer are not part of what the
 state recognizes in its stray voltage protocol, which he says ties
 the hands of the utility by limiting the scope of what it can

 "It begs the question," Oelkers said of Suchla's farm problems.
 "Is it something different than electrical?"

 Widespread problem

 Stetzer said he had no intention of becoming involved with stray
 voltage when a customer contacted him in December 1997.  "You can
 have stray dogs or stray cats, but you can't have stray voltage.
 It's got to come from somewhere."

 Stetzer, who was trained as an electrician in the Air Force, said
 he took an oscilloscope to the farm to check it out.  An
 oscilloscope measures voltage variations and displays the waveform
 of the current.

 "I left the scope there over the weekend and went back Sunday
 morning because I didn't want to spend valuable time chasing
 ghosts," Stetzer said.  What his scope recorded was a series of
 voltage spikes flowing through the barn floor.  By the signatures
 of the spikes, Stetzer said he could track them to off-farm
 sources, including times when a nearby farm was using electrical

 "I figured that would be the end of it," Stetzer said.  "I'd call
 the utility and they'd come out and fix it."

 Instead, Stetzer said utility officials questioned him.  He said
 they denied that the source could be coming through their
 distribution line from another farm.

 "I said I don't care what you want to tell the farmer, but don't
 lie to me," Stetzer said.  "I'm not going to get involved in this.
 This was my first and only case."

 But Stetzer became involved when he asked the farmer's milkman if
 he knew any other farmers with stray voltage.  He was directed to
 the farm of David Quarne near Blair.

 "I went out there and checked and within 20 minutes I knew what his
 problem was," Stetzer said.  "It was an off-farm utility problem."

 Stetzer said he pinpointed the problem to what he calls an
 inadequate neutral wire on the power line between Blair and Taylor.
 On a power system, unused power returns to the substation on the
 neutral line to complete the circuit.  Stetzer said the power line,
 built in 1936, is not big enough to handle today's electrical needs.

 "It's like running four inches of water through a two-inch pipe,"
 he said.  "You have an overflow."

 Herro refutes Stetzer's claim that the NSP line is faulty.  "The
 Blair-Taylor line is more than adequate to meet their needs and
 even for substantial growth," Herro said.  The line may date to
 1936 but has been upgraded with new equipment as needed, he said.

 Stetzer said he discovered more than current overflow.  Based on
 his oscilloscope readings, he found that the current flowing
 through Quarne's and other nearby farms was not regular alternating
 current, or AC, which flows 60 times a second or 60 hertz.  He says
 he saw frequency similar to microwaves.

 All wavelengths fall on the electromagnetic spectrum, where they
 are measured by their frequency.  Power frequency fields fall on
 the low end of the spectrum.  On the upper end of the spectrum are
 ultraviolet and X-rays, which have shorter wavelengths but higher

 When Stetzer measured the frequency of the current flowing into the
 farms, he says he found readings near the middle of the spectrum,
 close to microwaves.  Microwaves are thermal and cause heating,
 hence the microwave oven.

 Utilities investigating stray voltage reports do not test for
 high frequencies, both Oelkers and Herro said.  Public Service
 Commission guidelines established in 1989 said testing should be
 done only on the 60-hertz cycle.

 While in the Air Force, Stetzer said he saw frequency burns on
 humans from exposure to certain radio waves.  He said he saw
 similar burns on some of the cows on farms with stray voltage

 "Every farm that I went to that had these high levels, the cows had
 these sores where they came in contact with the concrete," Stetzer
 said.  He had a biopsy performed on one of the sores and found
 extensive tissue damage.

 "The tissue underneath was dead.  It looked gray, just like your
 roast you would take out of the oven.  But right underneath it was
 OK.  So there was more damage done on the inside than the outside."

 Microwaves cook food from the inside out.

 Human health effects

 If these currents are burning cows, what effect do they have on
 humans?  That depends on whom you ask.  There have been hundreds of
 studies on the effects of electromagnetic forces on humans with
 mixed results.  But according to a 1989 study by the U.S. Office of
 Technology Assessment called "Biological Effects of Power Frequency
 Electric and Magnetic Fields," there are risks.

 "As recently as a few years ago, scientists were making categorical
 statements that on the basis of all available evidence there are no
 health risks from human exposure to power-frequency fields," the
 report said.  "In our view, the emerging evidence no longer allows
 one to categorically assert that there are no risks.  But it does
 not provide a basis for asserting that there is significant risk."

 The government conducted another study through the National
 Institute of Environmental Health Sciences released last year.
 That six-year study concluded that evidence for a risk of cancer
 and other human diseases from electric and magnetic fields around
 power lines is weak.

 A thesis review of peer-reviewed papers and reports by Neil Cherry,
 a New Zealand researcher, shows brain function change, sleep
 disruption, chronic fatigue, immune system impairment and cancers
 associated with above average exposure to radio frequency and
 microwave exposure.

 Stetzer admits he is no doctor.  "I know electricity," he said.
 But after testing hundreds of farms he said he has found a pattern
 of symptoms among farmers and homeowners similar to those disclosed
 by Cherry and found in other research into radio frequency and
 microwave exposure.

 Stetzer said those symptoms include fatigue, muscle stiffness,
 sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, joint pain, skin irritations,
 heart palpitations and others.

 David Jenkins, Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives manager, said
 there is no evidence that harmonics and earth currents described by
 Stetzer and his partner cause cancer or the other ailments detailed
 by the men.

 "We're concerned about those allegations and would like information
 to substantiate that," Jenkins said.  "We have asked Dr. Henry
 Anderson, the state's chief medical officer of environmental
 health, to please look into this.  He's told me the state has no
 evidence to substantiate it, not one.  So we're very
 conscientiously trying to find comparable or peer-reviewed

 Stetzer, who wants his medical information reviewed by an
 epidemiologist, wonders whether the diseases of the '90s like
 fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome could be related to a
 chemical change from electricity.

 One person who agrees with Stetzer is Jim Beal, a former NASA
 engineer specializing in wavelength technologies.  Beal also did
 research with the Miami Heart Institute and Parkinson Foundation
 and said he has collected information on electromagnetic and
 microwave frequencies since 1960.

 Beal said there is more research going on to look at the effects of
 microwave and cellular phones on humans, but since the results are
 long term it doesn't get much attention.

 "This is one of the many consequences of technology," said Beal,
 who believes that the fatigue and stress affects 80 percent women
 and 20 percent men.  "It's interesting how we kind of ignore these
 things.  But there aren't enough human bodies dropping now.  The
 cows and bird migration and the environment may help attract more

 "We need research in-depth with the people who are electronically
 sensitive, mainly women.  Doctors aren't paying attention to them."

 John Beyerl, who has battled stray voltage on his rural Colby farm
 for seven years, believes there is connection between ground
 currents and his health.

 "You go to bed feeling like you're going to get the flu," Beyerl
 said.  "You have the symptoms but you never get it."

 Beyerl has a rash that does not heal, which is scabbed over from
 his constant scratching.  "It's bad today," Beyerl said one day in
 late October.  He said his pelvis and chest hurt and often he has
 heartburn, a headache and achy joints.  Extreme symptoms usually
 correspond to peaks in current that a computer records in his barn.

 Sixty-two-old Leroy Asher of Independence has had many cows die on
 his farm and has had several electrical engineers there to try to
 fix the problem.  He gave up last year and sold his cows.  But he
 says he lost it all when his wife died after a series of ailments.

 An emotional Asher spoke up about his troubles during a Riverland
 Cooperative board meeting last week.

 "I lost nine cows in the last three months," he said.  "My wife
 died in our house four years ago.  If you look at Stetzer's
 readings, you'd know what I live with.  I wished you people would
 start doing something about it and quit lying to us."

 Putting it on the line

 Stetzer, a fast-food hamburger in one hand and the steering wheel
 of his pickup truck in the other, points to the gray, weather-worn
 power poles on the way to the Beyerl farm.  He says he never paid
 much attention to them until he became involved in the stray
 voltage issue.

 "Now I look at them all the time," he said.

 Stetzer knows that his confrontational style and the letters he has
 written to state officials have made him an outcast to some.  Along
 with putting his reputation and 21-employee business on the line,
 he claims he has poured $2.5 million of his own money --  along
 with $2 million from his partner Graham -- in research that
 includes computer monitoring of more than 6,000 cows in several
 states.  Money he says he will never recoup because "I've got
 nothing to sell."

 "If I charged the Beyerls my normal rate of $150 an hour, they'd
 owe me $500,000," Stetzer said.  "This isn't about money.  "I spend
 21 hours a day on this.  The three hours I'm supposed to be
 sleeping I keep a pencil and paper next to my bed.  Yes, it's
 consumed me.  It's obsessed me.  I could lose everything."

 Looking for hope

 Just a few minutes after her husband, James, leaves to milk the
 cows, Grace Gumz arrives home from her job.  She quickly tidies the
 kitchen and puts on a frozen pizza in the pizza oven that was an
 anniversary gift from James.  There's just enough time for a quick
 meal before she needs to leave again to teach her son's religious
 class at church.

 Gumz has asked her pediatrician for medical information about the
 possible effects of high frequency current on her three children.

 "All of the utilities say there is no documentation and my
 pediatrician gave me at least a one-half inch thick packet of
 documentation," Gumz said.  "Either they're doing a real bad job
 or it's all a cover-up."

 Gumz wipes the table with a dish rag and puts down some dinner
 plates.  "I shouldn't be tired in my own home.  My husband
 shouldn't have to come home walking like a 60-year-old man.  He
 shouldn't wake up crying because he's in so much pain.  What's
 this doing to my kids?  I want to be taken care of.  I just get
 so angry..."

 Gumz pauses, her voice choking and eyes watering.  "It's just so

 Reaching for a stack of papers and documents, Gumz shows pictures
 of humped up cows and others with open sores that began to show up
 on the herd in 1997.  "This stuff is real, it's there."

 The pizza is finished.  She calls to her son to get ready.

 "You know, most of us are happy to be living in the country and to
 be called farmers," she said.  "It's gotten to the point that we're
 called stupid..."  Gumz stops and blinks back the tears.  She walks
 past the guardian angel plaque and leaves for church.

 Chris Hardie is the La Crosse Tribune local news editor.  Call
 him at 791-8218 or e-mail him at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Copyright © 1997, 1998 & 1999, The La Crosse Tribune.
 All rights reserved.


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