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Thursday, February 10, 2000

Shooting Scenes Rigged, Perez Says

  Scandal: Police planted gun while
victim bled to death, according to

Times Staff Writers

     As a 21-year-old man shot by
police lay bleeding to death in the
hallway of a shabby Mid-City
apartment building, Los Angeles
Police Department officers
intentionally delayed calling an
ambulance while they planted a gun
near where he had fallen and
concocted an elaborate story to
justify the shooting, according to
disgraced former officer Rafael Perez.

     "Everything [was] straightened
out, cleaned up, whatever," Perez
said, according to transcripts of
interviews with detectives and
prosecutors obtained by The Times.
"That's what happens."
     The 1996 shooting, from which
Juan Saldana ultimately died, is one
of three in which Perez now says he
or fellow anti-gang CRASH officers
in the LAPD's Rampart Division
unjustly wounded or killed suspects.
     In one case, Perez told
investigators, CRASH officers
opened fire on unsuspecting New
Year's Eve revelers who were
shooting bullets into the air to
celebrate. Perez said one of the
officers involved, Daniel Lujan,
confided to him that the officers
fabricated a story that they were
being fired on to cover their tracks.
     In the Saldana shooting, Perez
said, he was running down the
hallway in an apartment building at
676 S. Shatto Place when he heard
Officer Kulin Patel shoot.
     "Boom. And it's a gang member. . .
. He gets one right in the 10 ring,"
Perez said.
     "In the what?" asked the court
reporter, who was transcribing the
     "In the 10 ring. I'm sorry. It's a
center mass. Or right in the center of
the chest," Perez said, alluding to the
corresponding spot on a firing range
     Perez, who testified that he was
just a few steps behind Patel when
Patel fired, reached the victim in a
matter of seconds. "And I'm looking
at the guy. And I know there's no
gun there. There's--there's no gun."
     Just then, Perez said, fellow
Rampart CRASH Officers Brian
Hewitt and Doyle Stepp appeared at
the bottom of the stairs, where
Saldana had fallen. The two officers
had been chasing the gang member
through the building after they and
other CRASH officers received
information that gang members were
planning a retaliatory attack for a
drive-by shooting that occurred the
day before.
     Perez said the two officers looked
down at the fatally wounded Saldana
and one of them said, "Oh, shit. . . .
We got him."

     Gun Placed Near Victim
     He said the two officers ran back
upstairs and returned within
seconds, Stepp gingerly holding a
gun with the tips of his fingers. Perez
told investigators the officer placed it
on the first step next to Saldana.
     Perez alleged that Hewitt, who
since has been fired from the LAPD
for an unrelated beating, and Stepp,
who has been relieved of duty in
connection with the scandal, later
said "that the guy had dropped the
gun already when they were running
after him."
     At this point, Perez said, Saldana
"seems perfectly fine. He's talking.
He's like, 'Man, what's going on?' "
     But Perez said several minutes
passed as the officers stood nearby
and got their stories straight.
Saldana's condition steadily
deteriorated, and he collapsed at the
door of the apartment building. He
died a short time later at
County-USC Medical Center. An
autopsy revealed that he had
suffered two fatal gunshot wounds,
one in the chest and one in the back.
     Perez told investigators that he
suspects Saldana--if he was armed to
begin with--had dropped his gun
before Stepp and Hewitt shot him,
but that he had no proof of that.
     "I believe that he had already
dropped the gun, just by little talks
we were having," Perez said. "I
remember joking around with Stepp
and Hewitt about how many rounds
they had fired and . . . I remember it
was something that was said, some
little jokes that were being made."
     Perez, who in November led
investigators on a predawn
videotaped walk-through of the
shooting scene, said he did not have
personal knowledge of the wounding
of Jose Perez, a second man shot by
police at Shatto Place. But Rafael
Perez denied the official police story
that Jose Perez pulled a gun before
running into the building.
     "I can tell you emphatically . . . I
was looking right at them [Jose Perez
and other gang members]. No one
pulled a gun."
     Perez told investigators about a
second allegedly unjustified shooting
that occurred early New Year's Day,
1996. According to an LAPD
shooting report, Officers Lujan,
Hewitt and John Collard were
working a so-called
gunfire-suppression detail on New
Year's Eve west of downtown, and
they heard multiple shots about 10
minutes after midnight.
     As they searched for the source of
the gunfire in the 1300 block of
Linwood Avenue, their report on the
incident states, they came under
attack by two men who had been
shooting their weapon into the air
from a second-story porch. The
officers, fearing for their lives,
returned fire, the report alleges.
     But Perez said Lujan told him at
the scene that it was the other way
around: The police staged the
     "When I arrived there, Officer
Lujan began explaining what had
occurred, what had actually
occurred," Perez told investigators.
"They had set up on the location
where they were hearing the shots.
And when the guys came back out
shooting up in the air, they [the
police] stepped out from where they
were hidden and began firing at
     Perez said Lujan told him to start
picking up the shotgun shell casings
from the rounds he had fired, but
that Lujan and the others didn't think
they had hit anyone they were firing
at and they were not going to report
the shooting.
     "Then they decided to go up there
and check and on the porch there was
blood up there," Perez said. "When
we saw blood, we said, 'Let's take
them into custody.' "
     Then-Chief Willie L. Williams
found the shooting "in policy" in
1996, but found that the officers
made a tactical error in trying to
apprehend suspects who were clearly
armed and dangerous without calling
for backup. In reality, Perez said, the
officers knew there was no need for
such precautions.
     "It wasn't one of those things
where, 'Oh, my God, they're shooting
at us, take cover' . . . and now we
need SWAT to come get them out.
We went right in and just took these
people into custody."
     A 51-year-old man and his
18-year-old son were wounded in the
shooting. Charges against the father
were dismissed when a judge found
there was no evidence he had ever
picked up a weapon that night, much
less aimed it at police. The
18-year-old and his 27-year-old
brother pleaded guilty to discharging
a firearm in a grossly negligent
manner and were sentenced to
     A second judge found that there
was no conclusive evidence that
either man had shot at the police. In
an interview with The Times last
month, a lawyer for an LAPD officer
relieved of duty in connection with
the corruption probe described the
New Year's Eve shooting as
"hunting" after being briefed by his

     Failure of Probe Being
     Why LAPD's shooting
investigators did not find problems
with the officers' version of events is
part of the ongoing criminal
corruption probe, sources said. The
physical evidence, or lack thereof,
should have raised serious questions
about the veracity of the officers'
account, they said.
     Perez, on numerous occasions
during about 50 hours of interviews
with a task force of LAPD and
district attorney's investigators,
suggested that shootings involving
officers were not seriously
investigated, and that even if they
were, the deck was stacked against
the investigating detectives.
     As an example, he offered the case
of Javier Francisco Ovando, an
unarmed 19-year-old Perez says he
and his partner, Nino Durden, shot
and then framed for attacking them
by planting a gun on him. Perez said
his sergeant, Edward Ortiz, had no
interest in what really happened, just
in trying to make it come out clean.
Perez said that he didn't think Ortiz
knew they had planted a weapon,
but that the sergeant actively
participated in fabricating a story
surrounding the circumstances.
     "So, you're setting up the shooting
scene, what's favorable to you and
Officer Durden?" one investigator
asked during Perez's interrogation.
     "Right," Perez responded.
     "That's what this is about?" the
investigator asked.
     "That's what the meetings are
usually about," Perez responded.
"When we meet, we discuss how do
we make this look as good as
possible. . . . You know how
everybody thinks that the officers are
split up and you go sit in one room
and you go sit in another room? I've
never seen it happen."
     The standard practice after a
shooting, Perez said, is to "celebrate."
The night Saldana was killed, Perez,
Stepp, Hewitt and other officers
partied "till 6 or 7 a.m." at the
Shortstop bar on Sunset Boulevard, a
popular police hangout near Dodger
     "We were there late," Perez
recalled. "You know, [the bartender]
closes the bar, but he lets us stay in
     As usual, Perez said, the officers
talked about what had just
happened, but in a private code.
     "You talk in sort of riddles, you
know, you kind of just make
innuendoes about what happened,"
Perez told task force investigators.
     For example, at one point, he said,
another officer made a comment
about the fact that the Rampart
CRASH officers had just been in a
     "And Stepp is describing and
Hewitt is describing the shooting . . .
I know for a fact they placed the gun
there. We would look at each other,"
Perez said. "Without saying too
many words, you're telling each
other--or you acknowledge, you
know what really happened."

  Search the archives of the Los
Angeles Times for similar stories
about:  Rafael A Perez, Los Angeles
Police Department, Police
Corruption, Law Enforcement
Officers, Police Brutality, Police
Shootings, Investigations, Police
You will not be charged to look for
stories, only to retrieve one.

Copyright 2000 Los Angeles Times

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