-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>Activists are determined to remove all discriminatory legislation that
>treats homosexual activity as morally different or inferior to heterosexual
>liaisons. They even want common law offences of "outraging public decency"
>- which in theory should be non-discriminatory - abolished.

what I find really amusing is that although its likely most self respecting
lovers heterosexual or otherwise would not have a quick one off in a smelly
public lavatory - that the feared potential abuse of normal civil code by
the promiscuous gay minority is already leading to the possibilities of
discrimination against heterosexual sex - for surely if equality of sexual
status and freedoms are to be maintained here - women should have the right
to have sex in any male toilet with a man - and men should have the right
to have sex in any female toilet with any woman.
Further - if sexual liason is to be so liberal - whats the psychological
motivation for an unwashed piss house house anyway - why not a well
equipped hotel room.
What is this drive to degrade the act to a meaningless jerk off amongst
the crap ?? Is this really the will of the sane let alone the minority ??
If these promiscuous clowns want to be taken seriously - why are they
choosing and legislating for inferior localities for their sensitive
exploration of 15 year olds ?? localities that the mothers and fathers of
those 15 year olds would not have dreamed of conceiving in ??

Andrew Hennessey

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