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The Next Century Shown By Its Birth Moment

A year to the big calendar switch. The breadth of the concept startles me.
The dawn of a new Thousand years epoch, the THIRD MILLENNIUM. The Turks and
Muslims were invading India at the beginning of this one, Atilla the Hun was
running around Europe…and then all they had was horses. Today, with
airplanes, relative peace. No Huns overrunning anymore, since we put Saddam
in his place. Yes, I sighed happily, contentedly. Evolution was the Master's
Greater Plan and now that the nasty business of four world wars had been put
aside, peace reigned on Earth. God has been doing a TERRIFIC job of it and
we're now entering the Age of Aquarius and angels and aliens are going to
stroll the city streets. Riiiiiiiight. And if you believe that, I've got a
Rolex you'll love for only l0 dollars.

Suddenly, I had an itch to see what the New era's horoscope would look like.
I wondered if an astrologer could get a snapshot of the entire thousand years
to come from its birth moment! It was a novel idea, but why not? As I can catc
h most of the features of any human from their birth horoscope, and centuries
and millenniums aren't a whole lot difference, maybe I could translate my
talents to the realm of Nostradamus.

I puzzled how I'd approach this horoscope. Perhaps the way I approach any
natal chart. I'd just pretend it was a newborn baby. I scrambled for pens and
cast the horoscope, seeing instantly that this newborn child had Libra
rising. So the new millennium will be loving and kind. The ruler of the hour,
or of the chart is VENUS ---planet of socializing, love, art, pleasure. I
began to fill in the planets on this 'birth analysis'.

Chart artwork by Jason Davies - http://www.widgetsworld.co.uk/
My astrologer mother walked by the table where I worked. She's American
Federation of Astrologers, been doing it since l941, and is a real cross your
t's dot your I's NIT picker, gotta warn you.

"The new century will have Libra rising," I said proudly. "Everyone on earth
will be at a New Year's Eve party, socializing."

"Of course, they will, darling" she is a triple Sag so she refrained from
smiling at my idiocy. "Every New Year, Libra rises at midnight ---that is no
big deal. And every year everybody parties."

"You have a point", I frowned, but maybe there's some meaning to it. Venus,
the Millennium ruler, will be in Sagittarius, so in a way people discuss the
future at parties. And the millennium itself is a SAGITTARIAN baby, one that
loves knowledge, studies, literacy, publishing higher mind studies, reverses
its old laws, makes better ones, wise ones…and does a lot of foreign travel."

"As I recall New Years 96/97, Venus was also in Sagittarius at midnight. Was
l997 a year of wisdom and reversal of laws?" YEAH, dammit. That's the year
Clinton outlawed WELFARE, made AFDC mothers pick up trash on city freeways so
they could fire all the city workers at twice the cost, leaving kids under
latchkey all day.

"Now, dear, don't harp. It'll give you wrinkles. I mean Tax laws, laws. I do
believe first time house sellers don't have to pay any taxes on their homes.
That was nice, wasn't it? And as Sagittarius is so good for your chart,
didn't you have a nice time that New Years? Big Beverly Hills party?
Actually, that night I read fortunes at a party and was a big hit. Venus in
Sag was in my 5th house. THE FIFTH HOUSE is recreation, procreation and sheer
creation. "Yeah, that was a good night, mom."

"Well if you react to New Year's that much, what happened on 97/98 New Year,
when Venus was in Aquarius, stationery, conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus?
Now, that was a really volatile romantic placement?"

"I worked at party that year too. Maybe people fell in love with new partners
at that New Year's Eve party and left whomever they were with."

"You should have gone to your old boyfriend's party, then. He might have left
that redhead he ended up marrying."

"Well," I said snappily, "I know how you feel about Venus, Uranus and Mars in
aspect--romantic stews and trouble but the millennium night itself is quite
another story. If we could just stick to world astrology, Mom and not get
personal. Venus is in SAGITTARIUS, very progressive and ethical, Venus right
smack on the 3rd cusp of nearby travel and sextile Neptune in Aquarius so
this Millennium, people will love to join groups, reach out and make friends
in foreign countries, write, teach, share and maybe even make travel to visit
the close friends they meet over the Internet or something.

Have you been talking to foreigners on the ICQ again?

Mom, they consider me an astrologer, not a woman. It's pure Buddhist
friendship. Anyway, I was thinking how great the millennium would be with
that Neptune being so altruistic and lofty in Aquarius. I think this is an
incredible exciting clue… a symbol that people are studying ways to LINK and
save the starving and needy and hungry by internet communications and maybe
even using their pals abroad and doing import export as a way of employing
the poor in third world countries and connecting the merchandise with the
super RICH consumers in Paris, London, L.A. and New york. The INTERNET makes
it possible for people to LINK and work together efficiently and get economic

And look at this: NEPTUNE rules the 6th house where PISCES is. NEPTUNE rules
the 6th and is in the 5th. WOW. The 6th house is healers, work, jobs. Neptune
rules it and is in AQUARIUS, in the 5th of creativity, internet, so we'll be
using the PC and turning the squares in the boon docks on to tofu, raw foods
as a way out of disease. It'll be totally awesome. My mother shrugged. She
has never knowingly tasted tofu in her life. I LIVE to get her in chinese
restaurants and sneak a piece on her plate where she automatically eats it
because she's blind as a fish.

Mom, to me this symbolizes the THE ELECTRONIC WORLD OF THE INTERNET being a
vehicle for holistic healing. Holistic and even spiritual healers will be
very big. And healing studies as the ruler of the HOUR is a 3rd house Venus.
Third house is studies. A Sag planet in a Gemini House. So of course,
learning, teaching, talking and writing is indicated. All kinds of long
distance talking. Pluto in the 3rd house too, so talking to achieve POWER for
the MASSES who are ruled by PLUTO. This new millennium people will talk in
unusual ways. SAGITTARIUS  involves the highest level of teaching. The occult
schools of Plato will be on the gosh durned INTERNET, MOM. It's Ouspensky's

"Well, since you sit there ten hours a day, maybe you could get a PH.D and
somehow earn a living? Since you actually do have Uranus in the money sign
Taurus in the 10th house. Maybe money might one day be indicated?"

Mom sauntered into the kitchen, to refill my teacup. I sighed. My mother's
way of teaching is to talk about one's personal life and social skills as
something that perpetually needs a tune-up.. Her way of chiding me is the
same way she casts horoscopes --- using keywords. Reducing everything to
ENDLESS KEYWORDS. Each house, planet or sign has a set of KEYWORDS. My MOM
collects keywords, too. Has a list a mile long for every sign. Has this book,
RULERSHIPS which I now have custody of… and every time she comes to my house
she makes a big point of begging to read it for a while.

"See, Mom, we have to get you a PC so you can understand this. You just touch
a button and a stored file can go out., to anyone you think has the brains
for it. Venus in Sag could be a INTERNET CLASSROOM, with files whizzing
across time and space and high brow Sagittarian philosophy courses whizzing
across phone lines. ENTIRE books going in ten seconds. Archives of
information contained in a single URL. And you can send dozens of URLS a

" Just make sure you get paid for it, dear. The New Millennium will be very
efficiently delivered. I can see it now. Amish in the hills of PA. getting
aurevedic healing thru their PCs. Just make sure the check is in the mail."
(My Mom has Taurus rising and Saturn opposite Uranus, 1st to 7th house in
Taurus/ Scorpio. Very materialistic but hides it well as they're both

"It'll be insane. Once I get my scanner up and can send yoga exercises, stick
figures. Russians in their Dashas getting YOGA classes." I smiled at my

"Except my dear, you're missing the big picture. The millennium chart has a
major T-square --the most troublesome and volatile of all aspects. And it
involves the MOON which in any chart is co-ruler of every cusp. And this Moon
is opposite Saturn, and square Uranus. The most vicious malefics in finance
houses. Second to eighth. Almost like my own chart and you know how finance
oppositions can't be argued with. (My mother was really an unlucky camper
when it came to cash. At age 90, her propertied dad married a swinging 60
year old who took everything. And my mom's the only divorcee in California
who lost out on alimony.

My mother pointed at the millennium scope. Moon rules the tenth house of
people in POWER. Afflicted. And how is it afflicted? The Moon is in SCORPIO
of debt, other people's money. Scorpio of the oligarchy. What is that word
they use? The plutocracy." (Odd that Scorpio and Pluto all go together in
mythology, astrology and in our very word system. Symbol and wordroots,
linking mysteriously and in agreement is all very odd.

I studied the chart seeing that SCORPIO was in the money house, the 2nd and
held what then became a 'financial double square.' She was right. Well, my
mom is always right. Goes with the turf of being a triple Sag.

"It's a T-square with two malefics. "OK, I guess I see money problems,
crushing debt. Financial problems given by Moon opposite SATURN in Taurus and
Saturn a planet of really bad LACK."

"DEPRESSION is the word one uses with Moon/Saturn linked. And a lasting
depression maybe, as they progress at the same rate, meaning the progressed
Moon will be chased by Saturn as it transits in the skies. You'd have to get
an ephemeris for the next century to see how long Saturn chases the
progressed Moon of this chart. It can last for decades. Meaning it's a
stinking long time."

"Saturn rules the 4th house. The traditional plodding home government.
They're not quick to adapt to this situation. They, in fact, are hurting."

"Which government? I had the English chart along side the USA's."

"All of them. The charts are identical. Don't you know that a New Year's
chart is almost identical at midnight in every country. The chart we have
here is for NYC but in England, Moon will be a degree behind, or 8º Scorpio,
In Los Angeles, a degree ahead, 10º or 11º Scorpio, but very similar degrees
of Libra, 7º or 8º, will rise in every city in the world at midnight. What
country isn't in hock to the world banks for its money supply! All charts on
this planet, cast for midnight are almost identical, so it's everybody's home
the government ruler, Saturn is afflicted. In every place of the world,
Saturn rules the 4th, the home, the roots, the foundation.

And how will they respond? The traditional way. The Saturn way. Every
government will try to get taxes out of unemployed people to pay national
debt. Taxes will be higher. On a microcosm or individual level, of the
individual citizen, home security is not there. There's fear of losing the
home. Saturn of 'not enough' and Taurus of MONEY. Moon is in a crisis degree,
9º fixed. (That old system of counting every 13º degrees as a crisis, Zero,
13º and 26º cardinals, 9º and 22º fixed and so on...) Mom was right. MOON was
in a crisis degree.

"Non payment of taxes is a problem. Nations defaulting on the IMF? Could be a
big issue.
There's a serious T-square, involving a luminary, the Moon, Uranus and
Saturn. / principle is "TENSION". In fixed signs(///), chronic tension. This
isn't something new. It is chronic and lasting. The central part of the
opposition is in money signs Taurus and Scorpio and also in money houses! The
2nd and 8th. But URANUS in Aquarius is the trigger, sudden eruptions of
unexpected conditions that aggravate the fixed opposition. Aquarius ruling
rebellion, electronic inventions, the Internet, the people. Highly
communicative, the Internet Paul Reveres talking to one another, saying
'let's not pay taxes.'

"Or, " my mother pointed to the 5th house Uranus, the focal point of the
nasty T-square under discussion, "Aquarius is the sign of computers --as it's
part of the t-square, maybe a financial problem caused by some kind of
technical thing, maybe a power outage or a massive computer crash."

"You know, Mom, now you're hitting it. I've actually heard there's some
danger of government and all the world banks, utility companies, IRS, SSA,
stock market having outdated computer mainframes fail...something related to
their not functioning because they were all programmed for only two digits
for years --instead of four. A mistake of the programmers in the fifties,
trying to save disk space, not realizing that once all our IRS or SSA and IRS
data had been entered that way, multiplied by fifty years, there was no
retyping it.

"If they didn't want computers to turn over to a double zero, and go back to
1900, and write over their own tracks, they'd have to replace every line of
data in every file written for every bank and government computer for the
last fifty years. If every person on earth typed all day and night for the
next year it couldn't be done."

"Right. Social Security, IRS, Banks, stock market. All of their files
worthless on the stroke of midnight? Forty percent of the populace dependent
on government for their Hughes or GE or SSI pay check?

"There's a word for it, Mom. The hackers call it Year Two K or something. I
ran to my trusty computer, leapt onto the INTERNET and quickly did a search
and came up with Y2K. The symbol tekkies use. The search engine quickly found
fifteen thousand entries, articles, papers, books. Y2k was mentioned
everywhere, computer magazines mostly, Newsweek, too.

My mother politely pretended to read the monitor but didn't come near as she
was eating a cookie. Mom is allergic to technology, having no Aquarius
planets, and loves books, being a triple Sag, while my ruler Sun is in
Aquarius and I prefer reading a monitor and surfing the net for research. I
actually think my complexion has improved after 13 years in front of an EMF
rich screen. I'm in love with search engines, she with trips to the library.

As Mom scanned y2k articles, she admitted, "So OK, a market crash from a
computer crash. It could happen, as the afflicted Uranus is in Aquarius,
right on your Venus, so you won't be getting the old boyfriend back." She
wiped powdered sugar from her chin.

"Mom, the redhead is perfect for him. She's his karma. So what else?" If I
never listened to her advice about NEVER dating an ARIES MAN, I defer to my
mother in the chart interpretation department. She has been doing charts for
over a half century. Never charged. Taught for free.

"Well, from what I see, rocket manufacturers, computer programmers, pilots
and astronauts and semi-conductors are going to do very well in the coming
age." My daughter Paloma, the daytrader is making notes in the back of the
room at this point.

"What else, Mom. Pretend it's a baby's Horoscope." I'm trying to get her to
be Nostradamus. I don't think she's even heard his name.

"Venus conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius, sextile Neptune in Aquarius, money will
be spent on cars and computers, metaphysical training courses, learning,
university educations. Mars rules the 7th, the partner or significant other,
or the country you're in treaty with. Mars is conjunct fixed star Regulus,
the star of Kings, exactly opposite Bacchus in LEO and both relate to the SUN
in CAPRICORN by semisquare, sesquiquads. Always use those. They work! Any
combination of Sun/Bach/Mars means criminal overlords. Bacchus rules very big
money, tycoons, Bill Gates types. So expect a KING to utterly take control of
the planet…. A moneyed man. "I'm scribbling notes. "Bacchus rules the 8th of
the hidden wealth of the planet. It is in LEO which rules Britain, if you
check your book. It rules show biz, and it is conjunct REGULUS, the fixed
star of Kings. So Queen Elizabeth has all the money on one end of the
planet.. Spielberg and Bill Gates have it all on the other end. And they …

They what Mom? Give me a verb."

Well, Bacchus and MARS linked (In my family we use the planet out beyond
PLUTO, called BACCHUS and we use a textbook on it, too, by John Hawkins.
"Spielberg and other tycoons will get political and lead the people out of
the financial disaster. "

"Yeah right. And Little Red Riding Hood will marry them both.

"I don't know. Bill Gates-types who are not in politics will decide to become
active… like even become president. It's the Regalus factor." My mother and I
talk in short hand. Gates has a major conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in 27º
Leo, where fixed star Regulus is. "Well, Bacchus is there, related to MARS,
the 7th house ruler, meaning all the money on the planet has run to the
King's side of the table." So you would have to say the uncrowned King
actually appears in the Horoscope of the Millennium, as a King of some sort!

"How many millionaires have Regalus? Leona Helmsly has Jupiterconjunct

"Well there you go. They called her the Queen of Mean."

I'm just saying men with Regulus in their chart will take control. It's the
age of the Kings. Then we have Mars ruling the 7th, an important angle mind
you, semisquare the Sun. Anytime you have SUN aspecting another planet, that
person ruled by that planet gets huge power. So the Mars becomes powerful and
famous and in Aquarius in the 5th house, very creative and political. Gates
or Spielberg will run for president, maybe but on a new ticket."

"With Leona Helmsly as V.P. Mom, I don't think so."

"Well, our partners will appear to have more wealth and power than we do,
making us nervous."

"I wonder. Can one read this millennium chart as a planetary trend or call
the new thousand years a human being?"

"We could think of it as an event. Try my old Ivy Jacobson horary rules on

I laughed. My mother has a tendency to do all horoscopes the way her teacher
taught her back in the 40's. The rules were easy. What house is ruled by a
malefic? What does each of the malefics rule and what does it afflict?

"Well, Saturn is a malefic, it rules the 4th house of home and foundations.
Saturn is a troubling planet because its nature is to be stodgy, too
traditional, to feel LACK, and the impulse to unduly control. Saturn is in
TAURUS sign of money. Governments fear financial insufficiency and Saturn
quincunx PLUTO, are cruel. Any aspect between Saturn and Pluto is cruelty.
They want our money but have a hard time getting it. Perhaps popular tax
groups start. So they... get tough.

Tougher than tough. Remember, that's not the only malefic planet on Saturn.
Uranus rules the 5th house of speculation, stock market and it is squares all
the planets, endangers Saturn. Did you know that Aquarius is the sign most
allergic to Capricorn and Saturn? Uranus is the planet most allergic to

"Yes, Mom, because it rules its own 12th house."

"Very good. So here you have planets that hate each other at birth… in

"So... the Stock Market endangers governments. Can that happen?"

"What do I know? Mars rules the 7th house of the open enemy. In Aquarius,
that would be an Aquarian country, Russia. There we might see the market
falling, tycoons rising as kings. Now remember, Bacchus is conjunct fixed
star Regulus now in 27º. Bacchus is a star out beyond Pluto that can only be
found by interruptions it makes in Pluto's orbit. No one has seen it yet. It
is the Lord of the Good life, the super rich and he's hidden from view, just
as our own planet oligarchs are totally hidden from view.

Well, they are hidden but they are in control. 27º Leo, they are Kings and in
the millennium, see, they're opposite Mars, -- So Mars/Bacchus rules
gangsters. The tycoons we are talking about would be either Moscow Mafia
---Gangsters, according to the rules of researchers on Bacchus that the
combination of Mars/Bacchus symbolizes gangsters. So in many countries, the
gangster element rules. Or the king himself turns to gangsterism… as his
ruler is in it. SUN rules the l0th. The man in power. Capricorn. For the
first time in thousands of years, the ruler of the l0th, at the beginning of
a millennium, is relating to Bacchus and Mars. Get your Hawkins textbook. "

I shivered, getting the eerie feeling that this was how Nostradamus was able
to predict events thousands of years ahead. Maybe I should put this into
quatrains and publish it as the New Nostradamus. "The Lords of the Dark
domain will rise to power and Kings bow their heads to thieves in the
Millennium Hour." I brought the book from the shelf, opened to MARS/ BACCHUS,
read "professional boxer." Great. Jesse Ventura is going to be president.

"Go on." I read 'brutal, bloody crimes, decapitation, brutal force to obtain
goals, insensitivity, rash determination, the proverbial 'Bull in a China

"Stop going to the minus signs. Read the good things." This book gives plus
or minus. If one is totally abstinent, one never gets the negatives.


Conscious mental powers at breakthru levels to create new ideas, inventions,
unbeaten in challenges, untiring, extraordinary physical and mental energy,
powers, someone who never gives up, break thru abilities, new beginnings,
births, persistence to succeed, working untiringly without giving up
regardless of previous failures or obstacles, persistence.

"SO the people will find it tempting to rebel, find life making them very
angry. but the SUN linked to Bacchus and Mars will prevail."

"Mom, the Sun rules powerful people, kings. Are you saying they prevail?"

"I didn't say that, dear. Why do you put words in my mouth? The Sun rules the
people, the groups, the governments, the friends, the brotherhoods (11th
house) in any New Year's chart. It rules the 11th house, always, the 11th is
the house of the people. The ruler of the PEOPLE is SUN and this year, true,
it takes on the mood of Bacchus and Mars. Regulus. The people want to be
King. They are of a revolutionary mood. Brutal, ready to be the bull in the
china shop, decapitating with brutal bloody crimes. That's the negative. But
if they are balanced, they can be Capricorian, very hard working. They can
create the new world. They build the foundation. Isn't it true, every new
year's, the people make their resolutions, select their new vows and
disciplines, all Capricorn keywords. They vow to fight or survive. I think
the entitlements stop. Those in power are in trouble. They can't afford
welfare and SSI. See, the 10th house ruler is the MOON, that's those in
power, and they are afflicted in the house of MONEY. In turn, the house of
MONEY is ruled by PLUTO which is in SAGITTARIUS, so you'd expect well
intended financial reform legislation. More turnarounds. Emphasis on LAW,
legislation or international treaties that would bring resolution, coming
when Venus progressed to conjunct that Pluto. Nine years into the millennium.

You'd expect treaties with foreign lands, for international trade, new laws,
all the things of Sagittarius. Foreign people. Now, who qualifies? Russians
or Chinese or maybe Aliens? Maybe foreigners from another galaxy? Maybe star
trade, star treaties and travel?

Or astral travel," my mother said. "Pluto and Uranus in a sextile rules
transformational, supernatural and mystical things. Venus in Sag sextile
Neptune in Aquarius is the same. We may all learn to do yoga and travel in
the astral".

"Don't count on it Mom. Look, the chart's money ruler is PLUTO and it's 11 º
of Sag, a degree area ruling vehicles and travel. (According to 'Weymss
Degrees of the Zodiac Analyzed,' an old textbook we use in my family, 12º
SagIttarius/Gemini rules vehicles & travel.) I think travel vehicles will
make tremendous money in the millennium. Smart cars, as Sag is smart. Maybe
we'll use non-polluting cars or cars that find their own way. The hopeful
part is that PLUTO makes two good aspects. First, sextile URANUS in Aquarius
of electronic inventions...Maybe also, the colonization of space. Travel
stocks will be a good source of revenue for another thousand years especially
those related to electric cars or maybe space travel. Second, Pluto
sesquiquad Jupiter in ARIES. (Semisquares and Sesquiquads are hard for the
untrained eye to see, but soon it becomes easy when you realize that if you
add 15 degrees to any planet and jump a sign you'll see the 45º angle quick
enough.) Jupiter in Aries is energetic, active. Pluto shows fame, power. As
Jupiter is in ARIES, you'd think manufacturing companies involved in
non-polluting fuels, or rockets or space travel vehicles would do well." I
made a notation to call my stock broker in 2000 and look for a plug-in car.
Also for rocket airlines.

"But not right away because the money ruler Pluto is quincunx Saturn, a
definite insufficiency planet." I erased my note.

But Pluto is also sesquiquad to that Jupiterin ARIES. / in any combination is
power. High powered money, high powered travel. This chart is like a zebra. A
happy Venus, spiritually bolstered while the realities press in. Saturn
afflicts three planets in this chart, Moon, Uranus and Pluto. Saturn is
favorable only to the SUN in CAPRICORN, which has Bacchus and Mars on it.
Saturn is in the 4th house of the home government. So the home government
favors itself, gets its tax ingresses from the people in a tough way but the
ruler of the 4th house --the home government itself, aggravates a lot of
other conditions, as it hits Uranus of the people and Pluto of tax
money...adversely. If the people slow down on taxes, the gov will take away
entitlements from the people. That's what gets them mad.

Mom, they already have taken away entitlements. How many times do I have to
tell you. There are no more entitlements. Do you see welfare mothers cleaning
freeways in that chart?

"I guess that what I'm imagining is that they may try to add the elderly to
their list of cuts. The SSA and SSI and Med-I-Care folks. Give them their
dole when they hit eighty or something. Make them staff libraries until then.
Fire librarians."

It could happen. Get out your reading glasses, Ma. You'd be great in a
library. The new century will be good for you.. And if there ARE no more SSI
checks with this Y2k thing, don't worry. When your mail box is empty on the
first, I'll let you live with me. You can work for your keep---doing my MATH.
(An allusion to the fact that I can't do a logarithim .)

"It will probably be ok. This chart has Jupiter and the money ruler, Pluto ,
linked which gives the good side of Pluto, a powerful new financial rebirth--a
lways a Pluto keyword. And these two progress at the same speed for decades
after. My finger traced through January 2000 well into February which would
be 30 years.

"Well, rebirth will certainly be the operative word and it will be required
if all the computers crash."
As I looked at the birth chart of the third millennium, I could I get a feel
of what was coming our way.

There were challenges and there were solutions. There were new avenues and
opportunities coming. There were shake-ups and maybe they'd shake the fruit
off the tree into our laps or maybe they'd shake it onto our heads.

As an old Chinese curse went, "may you live in interesting times." From the
Millennium horoscope, I got the feeling we already did.
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