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 From Wired News, available online at:

The Butler Hacked It!
by Leander Kahney

3:28 a.m. 10.Feb.2000 PST
After all the finger-pointing at hackers following this week's Web
site attacks, the hackers are doing some finger pointing of their own.
And most of them are pointing at the U.S. government.

It proves, once again, that the Internet is fertile breeding ground
for all kinds of conspiracy theories. And when the subject is the Web
itself, it's a veritable conspiracy population explosion.

Hacker Havoc Reveals Risks
Suspicious Email Takes Credit
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In a widely circulated post to an email list, civil rights advocate
Jim Warren floated the theory that the Clinton administration staged
the attacks to bolster proposals to greatly expand government powers
of surveillance.

"What better way to 'prove' the need for massively expanded government
surveillance and create a frenzy of support for it?!" wrote Warren.

The evidence: Clinton designated electronic "law enforcement" a top
priority and allocated $240 million for wiretapping purposes in his
budget this month.

Days later, the National Security Agency's main spy computers
experienced "inexplicable" crashes, followed by attempts to cripple
Internet commerce with attacks on key Web sites by hackers unknown.

Warren also cited massive phone service disruptions in the Midwest
this week and glitches experienced by Concentric Networks' otherwise
"very reliable mail-server."

"Suddenly, crackers seem to have become far better than any have ever
been before. But then again -- what organization has the best computer
and phone-system crackers in the world?! There is No Such Agency,"
Warren wrote, alluding to National Security Agency.

Interviewed on Thursday, Warren said, "It's a disturbing coincidence
that immediately after the Clinton administration declares war on
cyber-terrorism ... suddenly we have a continuous cascade of
denial-of-service attacks on the highest-of-the high on the Internet.

"On the one hand it's ridiculous to think the NSA, or the Clinton
administration, or the FBI would pull something like this. On the
other, it's insane to think Nixon would organize a break-in to wiretap
his political opponents."

Anyone looking for further evidence that the men in black were
involved in the Web site attacks can read a CNN article published

According to the article, which is now making the rounds in conspiracy
circles, the FBI contacted ZDNet before it was hit by any
denial-of-service attacks.

"ZDNet confirmed to CNN that the FBI contacted the company before it
knew it was being hit and has begun to investigate," is the quote most
often included in emails submitted to Wired News' tips hotline.

Unfortunately, most of the emails neglect to include the preceding
sentence, which suggests the FBI was proactively contacting major
sites before they were crippled by an attack.

The rash of emails also included several from panicky Web surfers
suddenly unable to access their favorite sites -- regardless of how
obscure they were -- fearing that they, too, were victims of dastardly
denial-of-service attacks.

More than likely, they were just typical, everyday slowdowns on the
"World Wide Wait."

Meanwhile, the long-time hacker periodical 2600 suggests the attacks
were engineered by "corporate America" to justify a hacker crackdown.

"After all, who would be better served by a further denigration of the
hacker image with more restrictions on individual liberties?" asked an
unsigned editorial.

Other potential culprits include the likes of Senator Orrin Hatch; a
Zionist/Freemason conspiracy; and the CIA.

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