ps-I'm filing this for the record. A.
THE JUPITER-SATURN LINK to Presidential Assassinations

SINCE 1894, A SITTING PRESIDENT HAD DIED or been assassinated
during the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction which occurs every twenty years.
President Ronald Reagan may have broken the pattern when he survived the
assassination attempt on his life. Hopefully, this is true because the next
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs this May/June of 2000 in the sign
of Taurus and involves the presidential term of President Clinton.

      Presidential Terms affected by Conjunction

1840: Aquarius William Henry Harrison---died of pneumonia.
1860: Aquarius Abraham Lincoln---died in office from assassination
1880: Virgo James A Garfield---died in office from assassination
1900: Aquarius William McKinley---died in office from assassination
1920: Scorpio Warren G. Harding---died in office from pneumonia
1940: Aquarius Franklin D. Roosevelt---died of cerebral hemorrhage
1960: Gemini John F. Kennedy---died in office from assassination
1980: Aquarius Ronald Reagan--- "assassination attempt"
2000: Leo William J. Clinton---Impeachment  occurred, often
          considered a "professional" death?

    A BREAK IN THE CHAIN of deadly coincidences appears to have occurred
 during the Reagan administration when the assassination attempt was
 unsuccessful. Some have suggested that Ronald Reagan has never been the
 same since that attempt. Still he survives to this day .The turning point
 coincides with the first time (since 1842) that the conjunction occurred
in an Air Sign instead of an Earth sign.

 When the conjunction changes its element (from earth to air etc.) it has
 traditionally been called The Great Mutation* The conjunction of 2000
 returns to an earth sign (Taurus) affecting President Clinton's
 administration.Then in the year 2020 it will move to Air sign, Aquarius.

   The term of a sitting president can range from four to eight years so
we must
 consider up to an eight-year termwithin which the Jupiter-Saturn
 can fall. Still the synchronicity is formidable and cannot be brushed
aside casually.

  According to noted astrologer Liz Greene:*In medieval and Renaissance
 astrology, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is always considered to herald
a change in rulership-the death of a king and an interregnum of chaos and
the emergence of a new king.
       Grand Mutation
    Signs of the Times :
                       SIGNS OF THE TIMES FOR 2000

 Although there will still be some turbulent shocks and intense
 jolts this year there will be even more stretches of peace and calm
 as well. The massive alignment
 of planets inTaurus this May suggests a possible peak in
 material and earthly abundance. It can also suggest more intense
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and strange earthly disturbances. More
than at any other time the environment will beg for our attention
 and we will feel the urgent need to protect the global atmosphere.
    The computer will take center stage as never before, for better and
  for worse.

The above was Excerpted from,
and look near bottom of page for YOUR SIGN.


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