David Hoffman, publisher of the Haight Ashbury Free Press,
  is perhaps the most dedicated anti-authoritarian journalist
  in American today. His exhaustive research on government
  connections to the Oklahoma City bombing and his efforts
  to make his findings known have earned him the scorn of
  authorities and almost resulted in his being jailed
  (http://users.erols.com/igoddard/sanders.htm#15). His
  book on OKC is on-line and is must-reading for those
  interested in the reality exterior to the GovtMedia's
  hoax history: http://www.constitution.org/ocbpt/ocbpt.htm

  Hoffman's next book, Murdergate! -- exposing the murder
  rampage that Federal authorities have been perpetrating
  under the nose of a nation -- is sure to keep his name high
  on the Government's hit list. As the following communication
  from David Hoffman reveals, his new book isn't even out yet
  and the threats and acts of aggression are rolling in. When
  we consider that a TWA Flight 800 researcher disappeared
  shortly after a radio interview and apparent evidentiary
  breakthrough, such terrorism shouldn't be taken lightly


Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 02:30:51 -0600
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Hoffman/Haight Ashbury Free Press)
Subject: *To All* (Threats)

To all, just received this tonight. Have no idea what this guy's talking
about - at all!

However, earlier this evening I told two E-Systems (Raytheon)
whistleblowers who I am working with that I just completed my chapter on
E-Systems for "Murdergate!" You know, the nice folks who harrass, threaten,
and murder people. The ones who slashed all my tires and broke into my
attorney's office twice. These people play all sorts of evil high-tech (and
low-tech) tricks on people.

Wonder if there's any connection.

- David Hoffman

>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 23:04:58 -0800 (PST)
>From: "Sgt. Gromes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>It is just a matter of time before intelligence
>officials have your site shut down, and have the
>publisher, service provider, and anyone caught
>publishing illegal material behind bars! I am already
>making preparations to inform the FBI of some of the
>trespassing on government property done by your
>photographers. The ATF has been alerted as well! The
>department of defense has been contacted regarding the
>air base photos, which were illegally published on
>this site. US intelligence is vigorously seeking the
>identity and whereabouts of the individual who is
>responsible for these photos. I assume a legal warrant
>will be served to have this site shut down, and
>everyone working for you arrested and prosecuted!
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

David Hoffman, Publisher
Haight Ashbury Free Press
Americans for Responsible Media
4668 West Gaylord, Unit C
Oklahoma City, OK 73162
(405) 748-6467 phone/fax
(405) 821-7172 Cell Phone

Author of "The Oklahoma City Bombing and
the Politics of Terror"... Available in most
major book stores, including Barnes & Noble:
<http://www.barnesandnoble.com> or from author.

The full text of "The Oklahoma City Bombing and
the  Politics of Terror" can be read on-line at:

For my photography, satire, poetry, and bio go to:

Did you know that "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics
of Terror" received 23 good reviews, and that the Haight Ashbury
Free Press was featured in Editor & Publisher magazine as their
very first "Cool Site of the Month"? <www.webcom.com/haight>



WACO PROTEST: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/waco-1.htm

   "There are times when you cannot keep your job and
  put alternative explanations for data on the table."
   Former FBI Special Agent Dr. Frederic Whitehurst

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