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The Threat: The Secret Agenda
by Dr. David Jacobs
A Review by Amy L. Hebert

In Dr. Jacobs' new book, "The Threat: The Secret Agenda: What The Aliens
Really Want...And How They Plan To Get It", he indicates that the alien
agenda is essentially to breed hybrids by mixing human and alien genetic
material and integrate the hybrids into human society until only hybrids,
under complete domination and control of the aliens themselves, are left. He
indicates that the hybridization appears to progress in stages:

STAGE ONE (Hybrid 1) - Starts with in vitro joining of human sperm, eggs,
and alien genetic material. "The result of this union, which is grown
partially in a human female host and partially in a gestation device, is a
hybrid being who is a cross between alien and human.

STAGE TWO (Hybrid 2) - Is the stage in the hybridization process when aliens
join a human egg and sperm and assimilate material from the first-stage
hybrid (Hybrid 1) into the zygote. This process also begins in vitro and
requires both a human female host and a gestation device to mature the fetus
to "birth". The resulting offspring is a cross between Hybrid 1 and human.
Dr. Jacobs indicates that even at this stage, the hybrids still look quite
alien and there is no evidence that Hybrid 2's can reproduce.

STAGE THREE (Hybrid 3) - Involves taking a human egg and sperm and adding
genetic material from Hybrid 2, begins in vitro in a human female host then
to a gestation device. The resulting hybrid looks very human. They could
"pass" as a human although they would seem somewhat "off" in their

STAGE FOUR (Hybrid 4) and STAGE FIVE (Hybrid 5) - Dr. Jacobs indicates that
the hybridization program reaches a critical point in these later-stage
generations. The aliens again splice a human egg and sperm with genetic
material from Hybrid 3 and the resulting hybrid is so close to human they
could easily pass without notice. It is these later-stage hybrids that
humans often call the "Nordics" although they do include a variety of hair
color and eye color.

Each stage of hybridization produces beings with many characteristics of
human beings but retain many invisible alien characteristics including the
ability to use mindscans on humans and maintain complete control of human
abductees. These beings are not human and they are not totally alien... They
are hybrids who THINK like aliens because they were raised by them. These
hybrids may display human emotions but their loyalties belong to their
"creators" - the aliens. The hybrid agenda is the same as the alien agenda.
"They become them."

Dr. Jacobs indicates in his book that what abductees often remember as the
aliens showing us the "error of our ways" and an interest in the earth's
environment, the aliens never show any concern for what may happen to HUMANS
if they destroy this planet, only what will happen to Earth. Dr. Jacobs
speculates, "Is it not possible that the aliens are concerned about the
environment because they want a clean Earth for themselves? The fact that
humans live on a sullied planet does not seem as important to them, but that
THEY might have to live on a despoiled planet may be intolerable."

Dr. Jacobs indicates the evidence suggests the aliens' ultimate goal is
integration into human society and all their efforts and activities appear
geared toward complete control of humans on Earth. Dr. Jacobs outlines four
programs the aliens have put into effect to achieve their goals:

1. The Abduction Program
2. The Breeding Program
3. The Hybridization Program
4. The Integration Program

The Abduction Program involves selectively abducting humans around the
world. The Breeding Program is the process whereby the aliens collect human
sperm and eggs, genetically alter the fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in
human hosts, and make humans mentally and physically interact with the
offspring for proper hybrid development. The Hybridization Program is where
the aliens refine the hybrids by continual alteration and breeding with
humans to become more human while retaining crucial alien characteristics.
And the Integration Program involves the aliens preparing abductees for
future events when eventually the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate
into human society and assume control.

Dr. Jacobs' research correlates the information coming from many researchers
in the abduction field. Some researchers, which Jacobs calls "The
Positives", prefer to believe the aliens are benevolent and here as much for
OUR benefit as their own. According to Jacobs, "Often the New Age Positives
band together into almost cult-like groups to defend themselves from their
detractors - researchers and abductees who have come to different
conclusions about the abduction phenomenon. The Positives reinforce one
another's feelings and insulate themselves from the terror of their lives;
they become angry when "less enlightened" abduction researchers question
their interpretation."

Dr. Jacobs points to several researchers such as John Hunter Gray, Dr. Leo
Sprinkle, Richard Boylan, Jopseph Nyman, and Dr. John Mack as researchers
who prefer to put a more positive twist on the abduction phenomenon. Jacobs
states, "Both Boylan and Mack de-emphasize the effects of the standard
abduction procedures. Boylan believes that gynecological and urological
procedures take place only with a very small number of abductees and he
rarely focuses on them. And although Mack has found nearly the full range of
alien physical, mental, and reproductive procedures, he only mentions them
in passing while emphasizing what he finds to be spiritually uplifting
elements." The view the Positives have of the abduction phenomenon do not
correlate with what most abductees describe as horrifying and traumatic
experiences. According to Jacobs, "The benevolent "spin" that the Positives
(both abductees and researchers) put on the abduction phenomenon is
puzzling, given the way most people describe their abductions: being
unwillingly taken; being subjected to painful physical procedures (sometimes
leaving permanent scars); enduring humiliating and abusive sexual episodes,
including unwanted sexual intercourse; living with the fear and anxiety of
wondering when they will be abducted again."

According to Dr. Jacobs, "The aliens have suggested that the time is not far
off when their programs will end and they will have achieved their goal."
These beings repeatedly warn that something catastrophic will happen and
there will be mass terror and confusion and the aliens will intervene.
Jacobs indicates that the aliens only refer to what will happen in reference
to the abductees but fail to mention or show concern for non-abductees.
Various abductees have been told by the beings that "some" abductees will be
needed for further breeding purposes. But what will become of the rest of
the human population?

In his closing statements, Dr. Jacobs expresses deep concern and fear for
the future. He points to the futility of stimulating the scientific
community to take a serious look at this phenomenon and even many UFO
researchers have ignored or dismissed the abduction phenomenon since the
late 1940's. Jacobs sighs, "It is clear that unless there is a dramatic,
irrefutable, public event, the scientific community is probably not going to
research the UFO phenomenon - regardless of how important the subject is.
And even if scientists now decide to conduct serious research, it may very
well be too late."

In the final stages of the alien agenda, humans will be slowly "phased out"
while the hybrids are "phased in". Memories of loving mothers, fathers,
freedom of choice and religion will be replaced by memories of selective
breeding, single-minded functions geared to serving the aliens' needs,
programs and a hive mentality. If a population has no memories of individual
choice, family bonding, freedom, it will not remember or know what it has
lost. Without stress or the needs of survival - controlled by the aliens -
growth becomes unnecessary. As each generation of human beings is blended
with alien genetic designs and control, memories of freedom, strife and the
liberties we so vehemently seek will become only distant echoes of an
ancient society.

It is clear that the alien agenda depends on secrecy. Evidently they are
concerned that if the human population became aware of what they are doing,
their agenda might be resisted. This suggests that resistance is possible,
and might even be successful.

There is strong evidence that human beings are the product of alien
intervention in our evolution, something that has been going on for perhaps
tens of thousands of years. Nor can we dispute that there is room for
further improvements, improvements that we may soon be making ourselves
using germline genetic engineering. Greater intelligence and the capacity
for telepathic communication could be desirable attributes that we could

But it is one thing to offer us such improvements and allow us to accept or
reject them. We might even welcome having aliens joining us as fellow
inhabitants on our planet, adding their cultural contributions to our own.
But imposing these things on us is something else again, especially if it
comes with alien control. A constitutional order among freely associating
equals has much to recommend it, and we can justifiably contend that it is
ultimately superior to a hierarchical, fascist order in which a ruling caste
dominates lesser castes.

One of the recurrent themes in the reports from the abductees is that in
conversations with hybrids during abduction sessions, the hybrids seem
unhappy with their situation, chafing under alien control and longing for
the free life of normal humans. The aliens may be able to induce a temporary
delusion of love and happiness in their subjects, but eventually the
delusion fades and is replaced with despair.

We must also consider the disturbing possibility that hybrids are already
among us and in control of the key organs of government, industry, and the
academic community. It would explain a great deal, including comments we
sometimes get from insiders, about sometimes tense but very real cooperation
between the elites in government and the aliens. Some may have alien
mentalities, others may have just sold out, perhaps hoping to be rewarded by
being allowed to survive as a part of whatever plans the aliens have for us.
But for whatever reason, it may mean that any resistance may have to be not
only against the aliens but against some of what we think of as our "own

Could this be connected with the world-wide push to eliminate our
constitutional rights, especially our right to keep and bear arms, to be
free of warrantless searches, or forfeitures of our property, or prosecution
for political dissent?

In the meantime, we need more information about this potential threat. If
you or anyone you know may have been abducted, make contact with a reputable
abduction researcher and work with him or her to try to extract as much
information about the experience as possible. The signs are missing time,
seeing a UFO, or feelings of strong discomfort when confronted with images
of grey aliens, which are now all around us. You may be able to provide a
key piece of information. You may even learn how to function as a spy during
future abductions, asking questions and eliciting responses that reveal
something important. A Web search can provide you with information on
contacting groups that are working on this.

You may not want to think about these things, but there may be nothing more
important to our future. If you merely retreat into your business or into
your amusements, you may be helping to seal our fate as a species that
didn't have what it takes to seize control of its own future.



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