-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 3:44 PM
Subject: [LeadingEdgeResearch] A considered opinion on gun control

I read this today and thought it fit well with Vals article. We own
several guns and although I dont carry a gun myself, I am usually
around people that do(friends)My husband and I shoot well, as do our
children and we are fortunate enough to live in a rural area where
outdoor education classes at the jr. high level still include hunter
education and gun safety.
knowledge protects, ignorance endangers

Guns Empower Women

The Considered Opinion
By Ava Jones
KeepAndBearArms.org Editorialist
Reprinted from the KeepAndBearArms.org Email Report
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For more Woman-empowering writings, click here.

Sometime in the first half of 1997, I learned what a "considered"
opinion was.  It was a life-changing event for me.  Up until that time,
I had many opinions, but I couldn't tell you anything substantive to
back them up.  In fact, I had picked up many of my opinions from a
1-minute spot on the evening news or from a 500-word article in the
paper.  My opinions were someone else's opinions; I never stopped to
think about the other side of the argument.  Guns are by the far my
best example of this.

I started dating Jim in January 1997.  He was a wonderful man and we
really connected right from the start.  Soon thereafter Jim told me he
carries a gun, all - the - time, and owns several other handguns and
rifles. My initial reaction was that this guy was either a psycho or

But the psycho/paranoid profile did not fit him.  He was a software
developer, loved people, and was very confident in his abilities... I was
confused.  Guns were not part of my background.  I truly knew nothing
about them, but right away I told Jim that in my opinion what he was
doing was "bad and wrong".  I later found out that I did not have a
considered opinion about guns.

Eventually Jim persuaded me to shoot a gun. He set up a very safe and
gentle environment to learn. We went out alone into the woods, he held
my back while I shot and the minute I wanted to stop, we did. He also
continued to ask me how I was feeling and what I thought of it (women
love that).  We would take breaks and he would give me some background
on the mechanics of guns and their history and finally about the
movement in the country to take guns away from its citizens.

Looking back, this environment was essential for me to develop my
"considered opinion"... without it I may not have continued to try
shooting again, and again.  I have since seen many women at the range
or out in the woods with their man acting like a drill Sergeant.  I
understand that being safe is important, but if we are going to make a
difference in the world, women have to be enrolled into owning
guns--and women do learn differently than men.

Eventually I learned about the 2nd Amendment.  At this point I agreed
to go through the CCW class for the education--to increase my
awareness, but I had no intention of ever carrying a gun. After the
class and talking with many people, there was no question in my mind
that I wanted to carry a gun and be able to protect myself.  I was not
going to be a victim, and I wanted to exercise my 2nd amendment
right--The Freedom Right.  What I got was much more than that.

The first day I went out in public with a gun on, I cried from when I
got in Jim's car until we arrived at our destination 25 minutes later.
I was overwhelmed by the power of having the ability to kill someone.
I thought I would not be able to carry a gun again, but then my feeling
changed from the power to kill to the power to protect.  I took a
GunSite training course that continued my education and training. Most
importantly, the GunSite course gave me the confidence I needed to know
that I was not dangerous in public or at home, but rather very safe.
As a woman, I had now leveled the field.

I now firmly believe that many people, especially women, become victims
because they avoid (unconsciously) taking responsibility for their
protection, which comes in many forms, not just guns.  I have a sister
who has 9 police reports for crimes committed against her and yet she
continues to dye her brown hair blonde and act like the stereotypical
blonde.  She has become an easy target. When I have my gun on, I carry
myself differently, I am more alert and more confident... predators can
smell this and stay away from me.  Carrying a gun is an extra layer of
protection I have added to the many other tools I employ.

After 3 years of being around guns and 21/2 years of having a CCW permit,
my considered opinion is this:

The media, in conjunction with the politicians, brainwashed me at a
young age into thinking that citizens with guns are dangerous and that
anyone who owns a gun--especially more than one--is crazy.  I now
believe that if every American was given an opportunity, such as I had,
to shoot a gun, learn gun safety, carry a gun, and read the 2nd
Amendment, that a large percentage of Americans would change their
minds about their current anti-gun stance.  They would have a
"considered" opinion, based on their own experience, not another's.

Proper training and education was essential for me.  I have taken gun
courses, and I train on a regular basis.  Since I now have guns in my
home, I have made sure that everyone else who lives there is trained
and educated in gun safety and use.

To all the men who understand, who have a considered opinion, encourage
your wives, girlfriends and daughters to get educated.  Send them to a
class that will take special care of women.  The gift I have received
from Jim went well beyond gun education; I have become a woman who is
more aware of all aspects of my life and my being.  I now pause to
consider all my opinions, which has increased both my personal power
and wealth.  Wealth? Yes, because a confident person is a person others
trust, promote, respect and pursue to be part of a winning team.

Thank you, Jim, and all the boyfriends, husbands, brothers and dad's
who share the freedom you know with the women you love.

Ava Jones
KeepAndBearArms.org Editorialist
Reprinted from the KeepAndBearArms.org Email Report

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